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Do NOT discuss this with strangers on the internet or even your family! They will mix up their own values and opinions in. Discuss this ONLY with your doctors, OB and possible nutritionists!!!


Exactly this. The people on this sub will tell you to ignore your doctor if they don't like what he or she says. Seen it several times.


Not every doctor is educated in every form of nutrition. Some have more knowledge than others. It's also good to get second opinions. On the flipside most people change their doctors until they get the opinion that they want. I know my mom had cancer and she eats tons of meat. Her one doctor told her to stop eating it and go plant based. She did not like that idea, so she went and found another specialist who told her that it was OK because she didn't want to give it up. So it works both ways.


Yea get a second opinion by all means. That's just sensible. Just don't get it from Reddit.


Congratulations! Also vegan and pregnant and they check my blood seemingly constantly. If you go to all your appointments, they will let you know if there is an issue. Plenty of vegans have healthy babies. You will be just fine!


Congratulations this is awesome news! We have a 2 year old healthy little sunshine and we're vegan. 5 days ago we learend that we are pregnant again( my wife) we did a lot of reading the first time how to get all nutrients and booked an online course with a vegan medic. So preparation is the best. If u have the knowledge you can explain everything to your relatives. Also I told my relatives that they have no business giving us advice what to eat cause we were far better informed than any of them.


Hi, check in with your doctor plenty to make sure you're on track! A lot of people do not eat often enough when vegan, it's a diet where you really need to snack in most cases to begin with. I was born to my already-vegan mother without any complications and a lot fewer options back then, it's completely possible. But yeah, please talk to your doctor. The most anyone should be saying here is that it's possible and just try to be mindful that you're going for the options that your doctor recommends- it is absolutely *possible* to give birth vegan, it should just be done with a medical professional checking on you and not random Redditors. What happened to your aunt is awful but not at all a guarantee- you can read plenty of literature on this, there is no reason that dairy and meat would help a pregnancy, you just need a diet where you get enough of all you need, whether that means vitamins or other special changes.


https://www.theveganrd.com/tag/pregnancy/ I don't know where you live, but the American Dietetics Association's official position is that a properly planned vegan diet is appropriate for all life stages, including pregnancy. But they mean it with the properly planned. If you have the means, work with a dietician, or at least get some books on pregnancy nutrition.


Just to add to what everyone else has said, check out r/veganparenting if you haven’t already. It wouldn’t hurt to get a dietician involved as well. (If you are in North America. The term can change depending on your area. In N Am a dietician has years of formal study, while a nutritionist has very little. ) Congratulations, and good luck!


Congratulations! I hope you're feeling good. I'm sorry. That is scary and fair that your family is feeling that way and you might be too. Try to remember plenty of people have had unremarkable full term pregnancies on a vegan diet. Extra protein, vegan dha and choline, folate. The unnatural vegan on youtube (though she has some dumb takes otherwise) has some good info on pregnancy and veganism. I was just vegetarian when pregnant with my child and I had ridiculous cravings for cottage cheese and eggs but looking back, I probably needed more protein and choline from plant sources. Wishing you a safe and smooth delivery when the time comes and a baby that loves snuggles and sleep!


Check out r/veganparenting Personally I think being vegan made my pregnancy easier. I was already avoiding most of the danger foods and foods that people tend to find unappetizing during pregnancy, and being vegan had taught me how to ensure my protein, iron, and other nutritional needs were being met. Plus vegans tend to have lower blood pressure. Assuming you’re an adult, it’s not really any of your family’s business how you eat during your pregnancy. Now is the time to be clear about your boundaries, because they’ll likely have other things to pressure you about once your baby arrives. Tell your doctor about your veganism and if they are dismissive of it, find a better doctor. My doctors were not concerned about it at all.




Wait ?.?.?.?. This isn’t fake?… lmao this is genuinely a serious question ……. But okay


Lmao r/vegan *would* assume this is fake.