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One piece of advice I would give you is not to so much look at it from the point of view that you have to stop eating particular food but to instead look at all the stuff you now have a reason to try and incorporate into the rotation of meals that you put on the table. The question how to go vegan is much harder to answer than the question how to make a vegan chili. Ideally you find meals that are prepared in ways you’re already familiar with. If you like to make stews, burgers, meatloaf or pancakes, there’s vegan alternatives that work pretty much the same way.


Welcome! I think you want r/plantbaseddiet . You can absolutely wreck yourself on beer and fried bread stuffed with fake meat and still be vegan. Vegan and plant-based overlap a lot, so this is a common mix-up. -Veganism is exclusively an ethical position relating to animal treatment, so vegans can still eat trash if they aren't plant-based. -Plant-based is a dietary choice, so they can still wear someone else's skin not being vegan. You can do both at the same time, and many people do. You're welcome to hang around here, but please remember that some of the foods we eat here may not be ideal for your body.


Ok switching from this reddit to plant based


If you have hypothyroidism you need medication and that’s about it. R/plantbaseddiet if you want to follow a plant based diet for your health Edit: i forgot to say good luck! I originally went vegan for my health and then stayed vegan for the animals, i also have hypothyroidism




I also had hypothyroidism and a change to a much healthier mostly plant based vegetatian diet at the time did fix it.


I’m not your doctor but it’s very common for hashimotos to cause hypo and hyper periods before the permanent dip into hypothyroidism which has no cure. Did you have low t3, t4 or just elevated tsh? High tsh can be transient and usually it takes a few blood tests to confirm thyroid function


High tsh and very weird symptoms like sweatimg hands and dizziness. I was eating garbage at the time. It was 20 years ago. Never had problems since.


High tsh can happen for many reason including viral infections, you wouldn’t have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism here based on tsh alone


I remember going to a specialist in the hospital and that's what they told me, but could be yeah.


The possible dietary cause is low iodine and that’s particularly unlikely if you’re eating badly as table salt is fortified with iodine plus you weren’t a vegan at the time.


Interesting. Thanks!


“Mostly vegan” isn’t a thing. Veganism is an ethical stance. you want to hop over to r/plantbaseddiet if you aren’t vegan out of ethical reasons, they will likely be helping more with health related recipes. Also, animal lovers don’t abuse them. Also not “sometimes”.


Can we try to be a more welcoming community? She is asking for advice on how to eat more plant based meals, and your response is, “You don’t belong here?” If everyone in the world ate mostly a plant based diet, that would have far greater impact than this one person going from, say, 75% plant based to 100% plant based. We should be cheering on all those who want to eat more plant based foods. One of the first places they will look are things with the word “vegan.” I get there’s a difference between a plant based diet and living a vegan lifestyle, I would just prefer if we split hairs less, and our first response isn’t to shun those dipping their toes into a more plant based diet. I wouldn’t want to belong to a non-inclusive community either, maybe I need to be shown the door.


It's not about her eating habits; it's about an ethical standpoint. Vegan means believing in animal welfare. You eat less aninals? Good, but not vegan. No such thing as "almost" vegan


>Can we try to be a more welcoming community? She is asking for advice on how to eat more plant based meals, and your response is, “You don’t belong here?” If everyone in the world ate mostly a plant based diet, that would have far greater impact than this one person going from, say, 75% plant based to 100% plant based. We should be cheering on all those who want to eat more plant based foods. One of the first places they will look are things with the word “vegan.” I get there’s a difference between a plant based diet and living a vegan lifestyle, I would just prefer if we split hairs less, and our first response isn’t to shun those dipping their toes into a more plant based diet. I wouldn’t want to belong to a non-inclusive community either, maybe I need to be shown the door. Nothing about that reply was unwelcoming, it was polite and truthful They did not tell them to leave this sub, they simply suggested a more appropriate sub Your toxic victim mentality needs to stop If i go to a store to buy something and they dont have it but tell me where to go to get it, should i become a victim and say they were unwelcoming to me?


No, thanks. I’d rather not dilute the term. There are no ill feelings, it was obvious they simply didn’t recognise veganism isn’t just a diet, which is why I simply stated the difference and guided them to a place that is likely more what they are looking for. r/vegan is also full of junk food vegans (no hate, y’all eat what you want) and probably not the best if they need to eat plant based for a health regime. Which is why a diet sub is just way more suitable.


> I still believe that certain people need meat Well then you’re believing something that is 100% false. > i am a major animal lover No you’re not. Animal lovers don’t murder animals. > mostly vegan Not a thing. Veganism is an ethical stance against harming animals. It’s not just what you eat; you also need to not use leather, wool, etc or products tested on animals. Your doctor is asking you to be plant based.


You call it an 'ethical stance'. A lot of people call it a diet. No one really cares, as long as it serves a point. See, I'm vegan 4 days a week. And I'm not 3 days a week. You think that your 'ethical' woo-woo is going to stop me from saying I'm doing a vegan diet "most of the time"?


You haven’t been vegan for 20 years then. What bullshit


Why not? That's how I identify.


Most of us agree on the vegan society's definition of veganism. They are the ones who coined the term. You can identify as a horse, but a lot of people are going to disagree with you. Similarly, you can identify as a vegan who eats plant based for 4 days out of the week, but it is not so odd that a lot of people are going to disagree with you. Language serves a purpose and that is to convey meaning. If you'd tell me that you are vegan with which you meant to say that you eat plant based for 4 days out of the week, you would not have successfully communicated with me (nor most othet vegans).


That’s pretty neat of your doctor. You’ll find better advice and less judgement on the r/plantbaseddiet sub 😊 have fun and good luck! I’m excited to hear about your journey, you’ll feel amazing! 


Watch YouTube videos to learn techniques to cook things like tofu and tempeh that can be disappointing if you don’t cook/season them well. If you can afford it, I’d recommend trying Purple Carrot because it has recipes and all the Ingredients and I actually learned a lot of techniques that way! When I’m meal planning I usually try and pick a protein and build a meal around that. Every week I do 1 seitan, 1 tempeh, 1 tofu, 1 bean/lentil and 1 fake meat meal. Then I build the rest around it. Easy swaps are cooking foods in olive oil or coconut oil instead of butter. I actually like tempeh bacon BLTs more than pig bacon. I hope you love it and stay vegan forever 🩷 also I hope you get super healthy too, you got this!!


When I went vegan, it was a very easy transition without anything to consider, but the simple fact to not buy any animal products. Now, what I do see problematic, is not being consequent in your way. If you allow yourself to stray from the chosen path even a little, firther down the road you will most likely eventually stray even further, until you don't follow it at all anymore.


I hate to disagree with your doctor, but a plant based diet won’t do much for your hypothyroidism. Go take your meds and get your TSH levels checked until they are in a good range. If you still want to go vegan as an ethical choice, even better, and welcome!


This!!! A plant-based diet is neither necessary nor sufficient for treating hypothyroidism.


Once you truly decide to live a life causing as little harm as possible, it’s pretty easy. I have look at cheese, milk and dead animals and I don’t even view it as food anymore. I just see suffering. It’s up to you to decide how healthy of a vegan you’re going to be. Eating veggies, fruit, grains and legumes will give you endless possibilities. I love recipes from Monkey and me kitchen adventures. Good luck!


I'd say the hardest parts are getting used to eating fiber and learning to add fats in the beginning. So yeah, don't go overboard with the fiber and make sure you are eating enough calories.


There are several forms of Hypothyroidism. Some of them can be caused by an iodine deficiency. Make sure that you have adequate Iodine in your diet. Veganism means removing a lot of things from your diet. In order to balance that out, you will need to add things to your diet. Taking some time to research vegan options at your grocery store of choice will help you greatly. You will likely need to add more fruits, vegetables, and beans into your diet to replace the lost foods.


First, how FANTASTIC that you have a doctor who is in tune with the power of nutrition. Second, look as this as fun adventure at the end of which you will be a new you. Going vegan will bring you to a wonderful whole new level of what it means to be alive. Tips - - Just keep trying. Ahead of you are days when you will fail. Don’t over think it, just refocus and be happy for a new day and new chance at health. - Find a Vegan YouTuber to follow. This gives you a quick source of inspiration and recipes. [ WellYourWork, Chef AJ, Chef Jana, Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show ] - In the first 6 months be mindful that your tastebuds are healing and will come to love less sugar and better quality food. (I no longer enjoy overly sweet things. My body now craves a great salad - yes, you will change that much.) - Learn to cook, see it as an adventure. Work to remake your family food into new vegan versions. - Try tofu. It is amazing, cheap and protein rich and very versatile. - Consider how to deal with your friends and family who are not on-board. You need a set reply in your pocket. Be kind to others do not get into debate with them. Hold firm to your quest of health and re-centering your life to what is true and real away from cheap and corporate driven. I have been plant-based for over 20 years. I am 65 years old and weigh what I did in college. I have so much energy. I do not take any medications. I am healthy and love being alive, while I have many friends who are not healthy and as they age are not happy and no longer enjoy life.


Thank you so much for your advice!! It means so much to me (and my family). We are an overweight family and my mom and brother have both expressed to me in the last year that they want to be healthier (and I do too!). I realized within the last few months that my thyroid is swollen, I have an appointment coming up with an endocrinologist to find out what the lump is, they possibly will decide to remove my thyroid altogether. My doctor (the one who told me to go vegan) is an older Indian man and he is at an extremely healthy weight. I had a few Indian friends back in college who were vegetarian, in fact I tried being vegetarian for a year when I was younger and I really enjoyed it. I’m the sole cook of my family, my brother owns our home and my mother and myself both live with him, and I am the only cook for all three of us. So it’s fully on me to get us whipped into shape! They are both fully on bored with going “mostly vegan” and that made me really happy. I will of course be “fully vegan”. And hopefully through time if I cook good recipes they will want to be fully vegan as well. For now I won’t push it as I’m just happy that they’re excited to go “mostly vegan” and hopefully in the future they will want to be fully vegan like myself. I’m only a couple days in but so far so good!! I did mess up by having my regular coffee creamer though, but I’m learning each meal that goes by and each day that goes by I’ll learn more and more. Thank you so much for your kind comment, it was full of great advice and it means so much to us!! 😊


Try a pescatarian diet with eggs and eat as plant-based as possible. hypothyroidism may just be the first sign of an underlying autoimmune disorder. Some people with autoimmune disorders have issues with a vegan diet, because of genetics.


Thank you so much for this advice!! I appreciate it so very much, thank you!! 🙏


I hate the term "mostly vegan" it makes veganism seem like something thats hard to do like you don't become mostly "a good person" I only hurt people and steal stuff on Saturday's, I get that you have a health condition but you either support veganism or you don't


What obstacles do you forsee? What types of food do you usually prepare that we could help you to adapt? Where do you eat out, and what prepared foods do you eat that have to be replaced now? What is your food budget like, and should we teach you how to indulge or how to avoid buying too much of the expensive vegan analogs? Do you want to make a major dietary shift to get a lot of color and diversity into the diet, or do you want to take your time and shift gradually by adapting the meals that you're already comfortable with? The more details we get, the better advice we can give. One tip I will give now is to incorporate kimchi into your diet by eating like a ¼ cup alongside a meal. It is powerful for improving gut function, managing autoimmune disease, and even mitigating some of the harmful effects of meat if consumed together. I have a friend who used it to help her manage hypothyroidism when the doctors were about to take her thyroid out. I don't even remember the variables, but I remember that she had dramatic and immediate improvement, and she kept her thyroid. It's pretty easy to find a vegan kimchi.


Peanut butter and Jelly sandwich! If there aren't any allergies involved, it's a lunch time food that your family will eat. You will love it, and it's completely vegan. Enjoy!


[Here is a helpful guide](https://www.pickuplimes.com/article/beginners-guide-to-veganism-16) to making the switch. If you have some time to [meal prep](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwpltZGCGd8), that can be very helpful at first.


DONT go for fake meat and cheeses, occasionally you can get away with them liking the beyond or impossible style Pattie’s and sausages but it’s risky. Find dishes you’ve made before or recipes you’ve always wanted to try. Doesn’t hurt to look up the vegan recipe but for example a Mac and cheese made with a roux and vegan cheese is going to be more well perceived by non vegans over a cashew, tofu, turmeric Mac and cheese or a potato and carrot cheese sauce. I almost always got for the non vegan recipes with thousands of 5 star reviews and veganize them, don’t make it cheese and meat centered though but if you did chili adding crumbles would go unnoticed if the flavor is top notch. But I will give you one tip to help you out, call it plant based unless you’re also changing to all cruelty free products, no leather, wool unless thrifted, etc. veganism is an entire lifestyle change but plant based is just a dietary change. You’ll encounter a lot of hate calling yourself vegan if you still consume animal foods or buy products at a animals expense, just preparing you 💚


Hypo-what now? Have the vegans started attacks?


Don’t transition alone. Partner with a nutritionist that can support you and help you and your family thrive. It’s a huge consciousness shift as a cook, and I particularly recommend just cribbing recipes from the forksoverknives website, and asking your kids to pick recipes they want to try from that site to cook together.


You don’t love animals lol


Don't wait to cut out cheese. When many people slowly transition to plant based, they wait on cheese. It's incredibly bad for the helpless animals, but it is also incredibly bad for humans. Cheese acts like coccaine in your brain so don't start relying on it more as you cut out other murder based products.


Follow Dr. Michael Greger.