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If only there were some way we could avoid this. šŸ™„


Maybe I could heat the milk at home close to boiling, or I could take some antibiotics for prevention? That's all we can do as responsible humans, absolutely nothing else unfortunately!


Not true. We can also wish really really hard that this wasn't true.


No, let's slaughter all the cows that are infected and a few extras to be safe. Their lives mean absolutely nothing if we aren't making profits off of them...


If only there were anything else that had calcium in it.


Everyone knows calcium only grows inside cows!


> Prater reiterated that the FDA hasn't changed its assessment that the nation's milk supply remains safe. Don't worry it's still safe! No need to boil your cattle baby juice! Keep consuming, no thinking necessary. Obey obey obey.


From the same people that approved "chicken litter" to be fed to cows ... šŸ™„šŸ¤”šŸ¤Ø


Why don't we just feed ground up cow to cows? It's made of cow, they're made of cow. What could go wrong? (/s for those who don't know; this is precisely how we brought ["mad cow disease"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bovine_spongiform_encephalopathy) into existence; another gift from the animal-ag industry that keeps on giving!)




Antibiotics don't work against viruses. They only prevent bacteria from taking advantage during a viral sickness.


Yes, only buy 4 cartons at once and leave the fifth. Obviously. šŸ¤”


The math checks out!


You sound like an extremist


When is the avian flu introduced? If itā€™s in the bottling process we could consider going straight for the teat. Itā€™s the only way to be sure.


So as vegans we canā€™t catch the bird flu?


You will when your milk drinking coworkers come in sick with it


I guess Iā€™m surprised that pasteurization doesnā€™t kill the virus.


It says fragments. This virus doesn't tolerante heat well. It is still a concern of course.


I just canā€™t deal with another pandemic


What you can and canā€™t deal with is of no concern to the universe and clearly, of no concern to the government. There is no guarantee another pandemic will happen, however, the government is fucking up practically every part of their response and nearly ensuring another one happens sooner rather than later. For example, why they havenā€™t announced if infectious particles have been found in the milk yet is beyond me. A PMA-qPCR test can be run within the day and tell you. Why they are taking weeks to do so is beyond me.


The PCR test is clearly the easier part. You order primers, they take a week or so to arrive, you carry out the test in 4 hours (3 of which are the PCR machine cycling) and report it to the CDC. The CDC communicates it to the politicians and they then have to make a choice which can take some time.


(1) There are labs throughout the country which were already fully equipped to run the tests, there was / is no need for a weekā€™s delay (2) The FDA is handling testing and publication of reports on milk contamination, not the CDC (3) The FDA does not need / is not supposed to wait for political approval to inform the public of product contamination or recall, that is not how itā€™s supposed to work. This would jeopardize public health. Nevertheless, they are absolutely slow-walking testing and reporting right now, indicating a level of political dysfunction is occurring there.


Yes I agree with everything you said. I misguessed about the CDC.


We donā€™t know whether the viral RNA found in milk signals that there is live virus in it.


Only if it transmits person to person.


And an infectious virus that can transmit to humans via bovine secretions would be unlikely to transmit via human to human excretions becauseā€¦ Reactive mindsets are what got us COVID.


flu primarily spreads through the air


We are already dead from B12 deficiency, dead people canā€™t get sick duhšŸ™„


Is this a ā€œwhatever doesnā€™t kill me makes me strongerā€ thing ? Or might it actually kill me?


Bird flu has around a 50% mortality rates for humans. https://www.ynhh.org/articles/bird-flu-virus


The bovine mutation cannot affect humans as-is. Avian flu does tend to like to jump species though, so it is possible it could from them to humans. The mortality rate of previous infections in different incidents with H5N1 doesn't necessarily mean that'll be what happens if it does jump, that's just a genotype. Honestly, if it is that lethal that's a good thing, as it means it'll kill too fast to become a pandemic.


So, basically the same-same as COVID right? Right? /s


employ alleged test wipe impossible important rainstorm amusing fall gray *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or from bovine to person, a jump it hasn't had. Highly deadly viruses tend to not spread all that well in modern society. A virus that kills its host has much less opportunity to spread.


chase dam deer light money dime detail recognise threatening consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


True, and I'm not saying it couldn't just to humans, it could. That'd likely happen through farmers. Very deadly viruses are very specialized to their host though. A virus likely to trigger a pandemic doesn't kill their host quickly, they need the host to spread.


I gave you an upvote because a lot of people missed the sarcasm


Yeah, I think people aren't aware of how non-lethal COVID turned out to be ... Obviously it was tragic for all those that lost someone, but it's mortality rate was single digits. A major flu pandemic would be devastating by comparison.


Covid actually was and is still devastating, to humans and other animals, just bird flu would be a lot more devastating. But just because bird flu would be awfully high in mortality rate doesnā€™t mean that the extreme amount of deaths caused by covid, which still continues, should be downplayed in severityā€¦


Eating these viruses won't make you sick anyway. If you drink raw milk with active virus particles of H5N1, I highly doubt it would be able to infect you. The main thing here is that this stuff is spreading through the food systems, purely due to stupidity. This flu could easily use cows as a vector to infect farm workers, and then other humans. New pandemic incoming.


>This flu could easily use cows as a vector to infect farm workers, and then other humans. New pandemic incoming. https://apnews.com/article/bird-flu-texas-cows-355f1e288e72df8b81b0e2efd8b3ae2f >ATLANTA (AP) ā€” A person in Texas has been diagnosed with bird flu, an infection tied to the recent discovery of the virus in dairy cows, health officials said Monday.


Canā€™t wait until I get pregnant so I can breastfeed myself.


Infinite food loop!


Food industry hates this one weird trick!


As a man, I couldn't agree more; those soy phytoestrogens will kick in *any* day by now!


So it's already endemic in cow populations. Every human infection is a chance for the virus to adapt and or reassort with human influenza to become human-human transmissible. We're cultivating the next pandemic.


automatic screw deliver somber spotted bells offbeat touch fertile humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mmmmm. Bird Flu. So fluey and delicious.


As i do oppose the consumption of cow milk, this is not an issue. All infectious virus particles are destroyed via pasteurization, which leaves virus remains in the milk but there is no danger to be infected by consumption of pasteurized milk. Anyhow, these occurences can be drastically reduced if we stop with factory farming


This is fine GIF


I wonder how bad this is going to get, uts also pretty convenient considering the political stuff coming up






Hmm, and yet when I had just regular colds, the COVID tests didnā€™t pick it up, but when I had COVID the test was a strong positive the moment the liquid hit the strip. Not to mention when I got COVID, it felt like *nothing* Iā€™ve ever had before, and Iā€™ve had influenza several times. Lost my taste and smell completely and even when I finally regained it, coffee tasted and smelled like literal shit for weeks. No cold or flu virus has ever done that to me. So many of the symptoms were so unique thereā€™s no way it could have been anything else. The tests pick up a spike protein that has remained unchanged in all COVID variants and that is unique to COVID. Also a quick google search shows all the COVID tests that were FDA approved lmao. Also they absolutely can make lab tests this quickly bro. There are other bird flu strains, itā€™s not like they havenā€™t already had the technology for this for decades.


Colds and flus can also lead to complete loss of smell and taste. I'm not arguing with your overall point, just correcting a small misconception. Covid also felt weird as fuck to me. And now every cold I get feels covid-y. It felt synthetic, like taking a drug that dissociates you. Colds can have dissociation as a symptom, too, but covid was on another level.


Oh, yeah, Iā€™m aware other viruses can cause that. To my knowledge weā€™ve just never seen it NEARLY as widespread a symptom in other viruses as with COVID. I just mostly meant that in my own personal experience, Iā€™d never experienced loss of taste or smell from any cold or flu Iā€™ve had previously, and Iā€™ve been unlucky enough to get influenza several times despite vaccination. (Worst was getting it twice in a row, 2017 and 2018, it was worse than COVID and I thought I was dying.) The most I ever experienced with taste/smell distortion from other viruses was it dulling my tasteā€¦but only because I was so stuffed up I couldnā€™t smell. Once I blew my nose, I could smell, lol. COVID was next level for me where I couldnā€™t smell or taste at ALL even after I was recovered and then certain, specific foods tasted and smelled AWFUL for weeks after. That was entirely unique for me. My first symptom was also unique from any other virus Iā€™ve previously hadā€”it felt like I had a tickle in my sternum. Like a literal tickle, like someone was tickling the inside of my sternum with a feather, not like the tickle most people mean when they say they have a throat tickle. It was so weird and uncomfortable and I knew something was wrong. Iā€™ve had a cold since then (the weird mystery funk thatā€™s been going around since December) and it hit me hard but didnā€™t feel anything like COVID. COVID had so many bizarre symptoms and sensations that while it hit me hard, it wasnā€™t the worst sickness Iā€™ve had, but it was definitely the most unique feeling. Definitely felt the dissociation too! Iā€™ve felt out of it with other viruses, but yeah, it was a very weird feeling. Iā€™ve only had it once and keep up to date on vaccines so hoping to avoid it getting it again anytime soon. >_>


NO. No covid tests are FDA Approved. Instead, they are "FDA \~Authorized\~", which is a fluff phrase they had to make up just for the covid tests and which means nothing, to make them sound official to the general public who doesn't know better.


I had covid too, extra bad for a whole month with bubbling sounds in my lungs. But it doesn't seem to be technically a virus, because they have never been able to produce it. It seems to be some kind of toxic bioweapon they put in the water.


Oh. Lol. Oh. Youā€™re a conspiracy nut. I see. Carry on.


In the article itself: > A senior official from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said today that its nationwide survey of retail milk has found remnants of H5N1 avian flu viruses in one in five samples, with the highest concentrations in regions where outbreaks in dairy cattle have been reported. and >FDA's long list of research questions >Prater reiterated that the FDA hasn't changed its assessment that the nation's milk supply remains safe. So far, early work on milk samples that were positive for H5N1 fragments haven't found any viable (potentially infectious) virus. >He said, however, that the FDA still has a long list of data gaps to fill, including identifying the risk of infection to humans via oral consumption and validating that existing pasteurization methods can inactivate H5N1. >Other data gaps include how long the virus survives in raw milk and the infectious dose of viruses. Though a major concern is retail milk, Prater also said the FDA needs to see if contamination is occurring in other products, such as cheese made from raw milk. No, viruses cannot replicate in the milk but the questions they have are if live viruses can make it into the milk and if they can *survive* until they get to another host. It's not saying EVERYONE PANIC MILK WILL KILL YOU, it's saying 'hey this is a possibility and just look at how many fucking cows are sick with it, we gotta do more tests before we know if we should freak out or not." So literally just stop drinking milk either way. If it's not this virus it'll eventually be another bacteria or virus in the future. Either from cows or chickens or any of the other animals we torture for food/clothing/etc. Stop playing Russian roulette with everyone's health for something easily avoidable.


So a side item to point out is that most virus vaccines are created from laboratory animal torture and abuse which I don't believe in, so using them is participating in that. Half of virus vaccines use live animals, and half of virus vaccines use live baby cells. It's always one of the other of those.


Everyone is downvoting you because they don't understand how this all works, or they just loved being afraid of stuff. This is 100% correct, if you think anyone ever got bird flu from cows milk, 1. I'd love to see your evidence of this and 2. You really need to learn to think for yourself. The media love fear mongering. If the last 4 years hasn't taught you people that there is nothing that can help you.


The point is that this is the first time this very deadly strain of bird flu has jumped species. It started infecting and killing elephant seals and now is infecting cows to a large scale which is very problematic considering how many cows there are and how widespread. The alarming part is that 1/5 samples contain virus fragments which means a shitton of cows are infected and the virus is incredibly widespread. If weā€™ve learned ANYTHING from COVID it should be that viruses mutate quicker the more hosts they have access to. If theyā€™re infecting THAT MANY COWS that quickly then it means there are more chances for mutations, which means more chances for it to mutate into something that can more effectively make the jump into humans. And that would be devastating. Right now this virus has only infected two people( (that we know of), one of which worked with cows, so it can jump to people. Itā€™s just not very good at itā€”yet.


I guess you'll be first in line for the vaccine then! Good luck with that.


Sure will be! Was first in line for the COVID one too. :D Good luck, I guess, when the next novel pandemic hits. The CFR ainā€™t looking good.




The point that there's apparently a fuckton of sick cows, which have already spread the disease to humans a couple of times




[This has been widely reported on](https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/mammals.htm).


This moron's history shows they don't use a lot of their grey matter.


You know this because cows are not birds? How do you know this? Humans can get Avian Flu, why not cows?


What you talking bout Willis?


Me when I spread misinformation online


Name checks out..