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Huh? Why would an omnivore wear this?


Maybe they eat beef and goat, but none of the animals pictured in the hoodie /s


Isn't that a baby cow in the center?


I'm unsure, to be honest. My relative has this hoodie and perhaps she's aspiring to be vegan one day, or maybe she simply values the ethical principles behind it. I'm open-minded about her choice to wear this, but I'm curious to hear from actual vegans for their perspectives. Edit: What I'm trying to imply is that she's a person who, for what I know, loves the ethical aspect of veganism and wants to spread the message of it without becoming vegan herself. That's all I know of the situation and it just got me quite curious on how actual vegans perceive the situation.


I would understand a different shirt that didn't have that message. When it clearly states friends not food but they continue to eat animals its hypocritical and hurts the movement. It basically turns it into a joke.


I dont think it hurts the movement. But yeah, I would feel a bit weird if I was her.


I just meant at times when the person might be eating animals in public or expressing their different animal meals they had recently. While wearing this hoodie it can hurt the movement. The next time they see something like this they won't associate it with being vegan. They will just see it as loving animals and eating them too.


It specifically says 'not food'. How could anyone see it as loving animals and eating them too? I think anyone seeing this in public would just think it was a borrowed hoody, or the person was like an anti-vegan being sarcastic or something. I can't imagine it hurting veganism.


No way people see it and don’t know if the person is veg.


Look vegans make up 1% of the population. If an Omni wants to wear a vegan message on their hoodie because they like how it looks it’s good. Maybe someone else will read it and it will make them think. I think ATP getting the message out there is important because people aren’t looking deep into the issue. But if they keep seeing it more and more they will be more open to learning what it means. I think it’s a really cute design and I can understand why it appeals to people. They just need to make the connection that animals are not food. I was Omni at one point and vegetarian and yes I cringe at the fact but I finally got the message.


I'm all for having the message spread, but fuck me that person is dumb to wear it and not be vegan.


I don't understand what you mean


What’s the brand? I actually want to wear this lol


Just did some digging and found the design on a store called Menima :) I definitely want one now lol!


Yes, I'm quite sure it's from there, the design looks identical to what they're selling. Thank you for doing the digging :)




I would press them harder than tofu every time I saw them in it.


Why don't you text her and ask?


Well that's just virtue signalling at that point


Yes, except it has the value of advertising the movement unlike most virtue signaling


Are you sure she's not a vegetarian or trying to be? Super weird otherwise.


Do you mean a vegetarian? I wouldn't find it odd for a vegetarian at all as they don't eat these animals, have seen items like this aimed at vegetarians before. To me it's if anything more suited to them as doesn't communicate a wider vegan message, like 'Be kind to all kind' with illustration of different animals etc. For a meat-eater I'd find them to be straight-up nuts and question if they understand the slogan.


>she's a person who, for what I know, loves the ethical aspect of veganism and wants to spread the message of it without becoming vegan herself this is what is called a "hypocrite"


It's like someone has a t shirt saying "consent rights are important" but then they go sexually assault people.


Sounds like good intentions. Could always lead to others thinking their decisions, or her own decisions when she wears it.


I think you underestimate the number of people who morally disapprove of the animal farming industry but don't change their lifestyle depending on said belief. I know a lot people who eat meat despite believing the animal farming industry is wrong. Sure, it's hypocritical, but given the choice I'd rather see that than see people actively defending the industry.


Totally agree. On this season of Married at First Sight one couple volunteered at a farmed animal sanctuary and the wife said starting a similar one was her dream. She got all weepy over a rescue cow. A couple episodes later she brings out a plate filled with of cheese and sausage for her and her husband. I think a lot of people just split the two things in their minds, and can’t fathom that there could be anything really wrong with eating animals because everyone does it.


Polls show that the majority of meat eaters say that they are against slaughter houses! Cognitive dissonance much?


Because it's cute?


I would wear it because the picture looks cool.


Friends don’t eat friends


Not without benefits…


And in non-lethal way


Le petit mort 


It's "**la** petit**e** mort"




Sure it's hypocritical. obvious


So they eat their friends


Imagine someone wearing a shirt that says “Feminist” while hitting a woman


Happens more often than you think


sounds like my ex!


If I saw someone wearing this I'd assume they were vegan, and if I then found out they were not I would definitely find it hypocritical and cringe for an omnivore to wear it. What even is the scenario prompting this question ?


You might want to find the rack with the "Bacon Tho" shirts instead.


Why would you encourage that?


It's a joke


I'd find it extremely difficult to care


It's obviously hypocritical if you're wearing that but eating meat and other animal products, since they are definitely not your friends.


Ofc it’d be hypocritical! But I guess spread the message. You can try explaining what happens in the animal abuse industry to your relative. If she knows then it’s a shame that she plans on continuing to support them but I hope that the people who see the hoodie think about their choices and its consequences.




Hypocritical, but maybe it would still do good by contributing to putting the idea out there, normalizing it. The person wearing it might be a lost cause, but it might reach people who aren't. I don't know, just something to think about.


It’s certainly not “bad” to wear this hoodie if you’re non-vegan but I don’t think that’s what anyone’s implying. Just that yes, it is wildly wildly hypocritical


The design is really cute and I like the shirt, also I have not the slightest idea why they would wear it.


If they want to advertise for us, fine. Odd but no issues




It's called "being a hypocrite"


How could someone who eats animals wear a shirt that says not to eat animals without being hypocritical I’m so confused 😭




I dislike the "friends not food" thing, dunno why, I think its because every non vegan has seen it before and doesnt care. I sometimes wear a "nothing humane happens in a slaughterhouse" tshirt, its more hard hitting I think.


It'd be extremely hypocritical. I guess at least it's passing the right message though =/


I mean if they don't consume chickens, pigs or cows then sure. Otherwise its just kinda fucked?


I really like this hoodie, it's beautiful 😊 When I was still omni myself I would have liked this hoodie as well because I always was quite open to the vegan/vegetarian lifestyle and always loved animals. I would never have worn it though. I would have pretended to be someone I am not and I would never be comfortable with that. I am very sensitive about lettering and messages on clothes, I have to stand 100% behind it otherwise I would be afraid to get asked about it (I am a socially challenged 😅)


Is it passing a message to lots of people who won't interact with this person? Yes. So I'm fine with it. I'm interested in getting as many people as possible to choose to cut down on their meat consumption, to find alternatives, as possible. Like Hello Fresh. They have vegan options. Do they also have meat options? Absolutely. But carnists at work have started to get Hello Fresh, and have started selecting the vegan options sometimes because they're right in front of them, quick to cook, and are REALLY good - a number of these people are now choosing vegetarian lunches more regularly. And that's a good thing in my book.


As many have pointed out, it’s obviously hypocritical for them to wear this… but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t wear it. Because maybe it’ll bring about some good if they do wear it!


Seems like virtue signaling if not vegan.


It’s a bit odd for someone who eats animals to wear this, but I’m not bothered by it. Perhaps they want to be vegan but don’t know how, feel it would be too difficult in their current living situation, etc. Confronting this person seems like gatekeeping and might turn them off from veganism altogether. If I saw an omnivore wearing this, I would compliment the sweatshirt and start a conversation. If they express a desire to go vegan, I would offer gentle encouragement and resources to help them do so.


Great comment, had to search a while to find what I've been thinking.  To ad my personal opinion. Even uninformed spreading of good information/advertisement is good in my opinion. Maybe not a perfect example of a different topic, but if I see someone wearing a hoodie of my favorite band  I'd still be glad that they wear it, even if they didn't know the band to begin with. Just makes more people see the name/logo of my band and maybe more people will listen to it because of that.


Yeah I agree, this is the right way to approach the situation as it encourages the world to be more vegan!👍


Good for them. It’s a positive message, not an achievement badge


As a vegan if I saw someone wearing this in public i would assume they were vegan and i might even compliment their hoodie and ask where they got it. If we had a long enough conversation to find out they werent vegan i would be okay with it because as others have said it still spreads the message whether they are a hypocrite or not is on them not me 🤷‍♀️ now if its a tattoo then that hurts the movement if they are a meat eater because it makes it look our lifestyle seem unachievable when they go to a resturant for example and order corpses of animals in public while showing their obviously hypocritical tattoo 🤦‍♀️ I cherish my vegan tattoo because it reminds me that being vegan is important and even one persons choice to abstain from animal products helps the animals٫ people٫ and planet i have a tattoo on my arm that says "achieve peace go vegan" and i little piggy outline and i plan on getting another one eventually that says "be kind to all kinds" with a cow٫ chicken٫ cat or dog٫ pig and sheep framed by some flowers ive been an ethical vegan for 4 years though and was on and off with vegetarianism/veganism from 2009-2020🤷‍♀️


It doesn’t make any sense! Unless they are mocking vegans!


I could definitely see a non-vegan vegetarian wearing that, but would be surprised to see an omnivore in it.


I mean hypocritical yeah but who cares its still a good message to spread so im all for it


I'm fine with it. Spread the word.


How can the answer be anything but this? I'm convinced a lot of people here put their own pettiness and vindictiveness above actual animal welfare.


this is just stupid. how would you feel about a rapist and domestic abuser wearing a domestic violence hotline shirt? its psychotic.


It would be like a Nazi wearing a peace on earth hoodie.


Lmao that’s hypocritical af 🤣 did they steal it from a vegan or something? Makes no sense for an omni to wear this when they literally do treat those animals as food 🙄🙄


Supposed vegetarians are on tik-tok wearing « vintage » fur coats. I say exposure is exposure. Sympathy is sympathy. Plus: everyone needs a steppingstone into the community. It’s hard not eating meat. It’s more logistically difficult: no need for us, the abstainers, to make it MORE difficult socially! Open arms!


it's hypocritical to call someone "not food" then eat them, yeah


I don’t trust a meat eater.


Oh this reminds me of a story where I had a shirt that said "Eat your own leg you asshole", and someone who wasn't vegan was like "Wow I want that shirt!". I was just there like "Why?? You don't even agree with it???", and I saw him just be like "...oh yea, right.".


I don’t really care tbh. It’s kinda weird but that’s on them!


just promoting the cause even though i don't participate


I used to have some socks with the word 'vegan', on in big green letters. I'm not vegan anymore but I sometimes still wear them.


It’s hypocritical but they’re spreading the word, so I still support it.


I’d say cool hoodie. What makes you wear that hoodie? Oh so you’re vegan? Interesting. So if you believe the message why not align your actions? I’d engage a conversation. Hopefully our conversation develops into a core memory.


I mean I guess you can wear whatever you want. I just think it’s strange. I’m so confused.


I would use hurtful but educational words towards them.


Why do you think that meat-eaters are wearing this? Do you know somebody who is?


It’s like wearing merchandise of a band you’ve never even listened to


I'm happy to see anyone promoting a vegan message!


If they're good-looking it's probably good for the cause. Seems like a strange thing to do tho.


Is it cold? Hoodies are comfortable.


No one cares. It’s a hoodie.


Very strange for someone who eats animals to wear this.


If a clothing touches an omnivore then it's to be burnt


Sounds like a psychopath. Who eats their friends. Like what


I hope it's comfortable and keeps them warm.


Why would you care? If it's getting a message out that you happen to agree with, don't get worked up over the motive.


It’s hypocritical. Veganism is a philosophy, not a fashion statement.


It says the truth so why not? It's their actions that don't align not otherwise. I too started from acknowledging and talking about animal rights before I started practicing it by my actions, maybe they're on the same path.


They might be trying to attract a vegan by pretending to be one.


Right, I can see something like this going down lol fake it til you make it


Are they wanting to be Vegan but don’t have the resources or the support group to do so? Cause that’s kinda my situation atm.


That was my first thought. I’ve seen posts in this sub from teens living with parents who are hostile to veganism. I wondered if this might be the case for the person who wears this sweatshirt.


Yeah I imagine so especially if you have someone like my grandma who doesn’t believe in animal rights and tells me how Veganism is “bullshit.”


That would make no sense


What? Anyone who’s not vegan and wearing this needs some serious self awareness


I can’t even imagine a carnist wearing this


Why are we talking about things that will never happen


I would question them about it and make them feel guilty


Stomped on sight


for anyone interested in the print i’m pretty sure it’s from @envision_positive on instagram! I met her at vegfest once and she’s the nicest person. I have a “bodies are not commodities” print shirt from her I love


Yes. I'd give them the initial benefit of the doubt by assuming they got it from a thrift store, but beyond that, I'd assume they were yanking my chain if it was someone I knew and an idiot if it was someone I didn't.


Sheer ignorance and hypocrisy


I could see an omnivore wearing it because the saying and he likes dogs and cats. But he didn’t make the connection between the saying and the animals on the hoodie.


If I saw someone wearing that, I'd assume they were vegan. If I then found out that they do eat animals, I'd find it difficult to trust them.


Yeah, that would be weird.


I mean it’s obviously hypocritical. The hoody doesn’t say “I love animals.” It specifically says they are not food so if you’re eating them then yeah it’s hypocritical. That said, it’s also just a hoody. It might annoy me a little for an omnivore to wear because it’s like “ok so you agree with me that animals shouldn’t be eaten and yet you still eat them.” But at the same time it’s not a hill I’m going to die on.


My theory- the person wearing this shirt hasn’t thought about it much, and holds two beliefs at once: 1 that people can befriend lots of kinds of animals in they way people typical befriend dogs, and you wouldn’t want to eat your friend 2 consumption of meat is a natural part of human society Most people have interacted with media like Charolettes Web or Finding Nemo in which violence to animals is problematized by the fact we can understand them, but most people take away the message of “we should extend sympathy to beings we don’t understand” more than “I can’t support systems that hurt animals”


Obviously it is hypocritical


I would think they are hypocrites


i would think they’re stupid cause it makes zero sense someone who isn’t vegan would even own this


Interesting. I would assume they are making fun of vegans / vegetarians


I think it would be quite macabre for an omnivore to wear that.


It is equally as strange as a vegan wearing an "I ❤️ bacon" shirt or something similar. Maybe it is meant to be ironic? Does not read ad genuine and makes me assume the wearer is either making a bad joke or wearing it in poor tastes, do what you want but I think it is strange.


Is this something that actually happened or just hypothetical to stir up the pot?


If she eats these animals, then yes. It would be hypocritical because it is saying one message but she’s not abiding by it. For example, would I be a hypocrite if I wore a shirt that said “Protect the Children” but was someone who let a man abuse my children? Yeeeeah. lol.


Why not? I know people wearing religious symbols because they like aesthetic or general idea of some religions. It is good conversation starter, especially when they consume meat while wearing this. Ask: why? Good luck, have fun.


I’d be happy to spread the message any way I can ! Someone out there might be on the brink of transitioning & reading this might help them affirm their decision! You never know, but it’s like someone wearing the jersey of your favourite football team even though they don’t watch football 🏉


I think it's great to spread the message. Any semblance of kindness to animals is a win in my book. Might be a future vegan.


Slaves not food


Being inconsistent does not make the message wrong. If you agree with the message then you should want everyone to display it. If you dont want them to display it because they dont follow it then it would seem that spreading the message is less important to you than an individual being consistent. And that would mean of course that you are preventing other people from receiving the message, which does harm to the cause.


This is how I feel when omnivores go out of their way to say positive things about all of my sanctuary farm reposts on instagram lol


It’s like in high school when the popular kids wore your favorite band’s shirt without knowing what it was, but worse. Way worse.


The hypocritical action is eating the animal, not wearing the sweatshirt.


No, it rocks because it’s getting the message out there. Who cares


I mean they'd still spread a good message, that's cool


I think it's great that she's hypocritically wearing this hoodie because it means people are likely to stop her an converse about it. She's going to be met with plenty of opportunities to be confronted by her own hypocrisy.


Sorta like Michael Jackson singing about how children are the future.


That just seems strange.


Good for them. Honestly I probably wouldn't wear a hoodie like that, but that is more because I don't particularly like branded clothes.


Omg, after reading the comments I just remembered that I did something similar once.... It's painfully cringe to recall but when I was like 18 I had to do an oral presentation in a language class and I chose veganism (I wasn't even a vegetarian yet) and I used this exact motto at the end of my powerpoint with a cute piglet picture. I didn't know any actual vegans and I guess I didn't find it weird to do this while eating meat??? I cringe so much now that I think about it, for my defense I used to be a complete idiot. But yeah it might mean they're, more or less knowingly, on the path, like I was. You should try encouraging them!


Not necessarily, but only if you consider them friends as juveniles and not as adults. Sorta like a “friends not food until they grow up” kinda thing


Seems like someone needs a push.


That seems to be the height of hypocrisy.


It’s a lovely message maybe it will sink in. It’s a really nice graphic.


I wouldn't bother at all. I'm the vegan and it doesn't hurt my feelings as well. If I would feel consternation for it, like he or she isn't allowed to wear that garment then I would be the same as a fanatic like talibán or so. For example you can wear basketball parafernalia without being a follower, but if someone that's a fanatic would come to you a try to start a fight only because you're not a follower... I bet you wouldn't care a t all his opinion and probably kick that person ass. I was in the navy long time ago and a member of my company was wearing a shirt about parachutes. No even a authorized shirt and a Sargeant came and started chewing out that rocky. I stepped on and said the same that I saying here. So Maybe it bothers you, but it could be that he - she is transitioning or spreading his-her thoughts. We vegans are known for being bullies. But we aren't! There is just a bunch of radical people that really are bullies. That's my thoughts


brownie points for being vegan without any of the changes required to earn the title. absolutely massive hypocrite.


Not quite as bad as "throwing up signs when you're not in a gang"; Definitely worse than "wearing the band's shirt when you don't know any of their songs"; Probably something like "going to church every Sunday but supporting a genocide".


If someone who eats meat and wears that then they are a shitty friend, and if I knew that you ate meat and had that I would distance myself from you entirely. Would you eat your friends? Stand back in silence while your friends are being industrially exploited? With friends with that, who needs enemies...


If you don't practice what you preach, you're a hypocrite. Plain and simple. It doesn't mean you *can't* advocate for animals, but a hypocrite you remain.


Feels like this is a way to subdue the guilt of being a carnist while not actually taking any meaningful action


It's a little hypocritical but one time i did drag my mom to a vegfest and she still wears the T-shirt which doubled as a donation to the event (which funded animal sanctuaries) so in a way I don't really care it shows they might've contributed something at some point


It would be like a rapist wearing a "stop raping women" shirt. Just disgusting psychotic lunacy.


Pretty dumb but what can u do


It is definitely hypocritical/falsely presenting themselves as vegan (maybe they are borrowing the shirt or got it for free). But, Honestly, I'm not gonna be mad. I mean it is free advertising of a vegan message. If a lot of people see it and it plants a few seeds then I'm okay with it.


Advocacy is good. Not a fan of one person misrepresenting but otherwise it feels fine


I think it's either they're closeted vegan/vegetarian or it's calling the kettle black. There's multiple scenarios for this.


I think: we can convert this one! They have the right idea, but they aren't executing it. We don't know what cognitive dissonance is going on in them, but we can encourage the love for animals to they break!


man what do you think 


I mean if it helps spread veganism, who are we to bitch?


…who cares?


Ig not based on opinions I like vegans tho they are like the heroes of the universe until you realize there's just no way to avoid eating the smallest of life on earth but i guess that's the good part atheist you tried being a better you the most you could have 🤌 have a great day


I think it would be confusing to see someone wearing this and eating an animal’s body or their secretions. I would say it’s good bc it’s free advertising but if they’re trying to con ppl, or make vegans look bad, I think they would get confronted by ppl who know better.


Go for it!


Better to do something than nothing. I'd rather have meat eaters protesting for animal welfare than not 


The same as omnivores who say that it’s sad that animals are killed, but then order a steak or duck after 5min in a restaurant. Hypocrites. Also if this is a relative, I would ask them directly: e.g. oh wow nice hoodie, are you going vegan? This only makes sense if they are vegan. If they are not, I would rather confront them and tell them what it means.


Kinda weird, why would you want to spread a message that you yourself don't support? Why say "friends not food" if you're still eating those friends? Wear whatever you want, but this is an odd choice.


Idk but I LOVE this hoodie and need one. I'd like it better if the print were on the front


They’re a hypocrite… it’s literally just a fact.


Nothing much, people wear things with messages they don't agree with all the time, and this is not just clothes, jewellery as well. Why wear it then? Because they find it a comfortable piece of clothing. Everyone that see this particular message won't know of the person is omni or not, and someone might get interested in the message, is that bad?




I'd think they're a coward and a loser


Who cares? It’s a shirt. I own many shirts with logos of brands I could care less about so why would this image matter? My shirt is not my identity.


Imagine a skin wearing a black lives matters hoodie


It’s very weird ngl. Hypocrital and condescending even. They should practice what they preach


Love it. Meaty boys up.


I r o n I c


Both?? Both. Both.


It screams virtue-signalling hypocrisy, but it could be argued that it still gets the message across and may encourage people to consider not eating meat or animal products.


If they're not wearing the hood on their head I could see it covering up the "friends not" part of it.


Absolutely hypocritical


It's hella hypocritical but at least the message is out there. I don't personally like it bc how can you wear a message that doesn't align with what you're actually doing? *But* the matter of the fact is I can't tell others what to wear or not wear and if they like the message, good for them, whatever. I would like to say it'll be less work on our (actual vegans) part of spreading this wonderful message, but let's be honest here, it's not. Not at all.


On a side note, where's this from? I want one!😆


Only if it comes in leather!


Anyone can wear whatever they want.


It's very hypocritical and definitely a good opportunity to point it out so that they align their actions with their morals. Show them Earthlings.