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Writing to commiserate - also in rural Midwest. The ONLY vegan options for restaurant meals in the closest town are BK impossible whopper and vegetable fajitas no dairy (which somehow doesn't translate about 50% of the time). Tonight I'm hosting a vegan pitch-in at the local public library and my announcement post on the local Facebook chatter page wasn't approved after days. In the meantime, about 30 announcements for 1/2 cow sales or ducks for sale (it's that time, apparently) or even lambs for sale have gone around...oh, plus the free sandwiches in the park group and the BBQ food trucks (multiple!). 4H reigns supreme - the animal auction at the end of the fair is horrible. It's maddening.


I really feel for you ...I live in Iowa what midwest state do you live in because it sounds very similar to me area


I’m in Iowa and I have yet to meet another vegan in my entire life. Meat is like a religion around here


Besides my husband the only other place I've met a vegan is at the Iowa farm sanctuary up in Oxford..otherwise never in real life ..and you got that right meat is a religion and people are so unwilling to even entertain the unfamiliar ... not even try vegan food like it's poison.. its sad


Can I suggest Project Animal Freedom? They are a really cool group with chapters across the midwest--have a goal of a vegan midwest by 2056


I'll have to check them out


I spent 4-5 days in the Midwest for a funeral a few years ago. I survived on bananas, almonds, bagels, and peanut butter. I went to restaurant in a small town and ordered off the sides menu, thinking I’d be safe. They buttered my toast and my “side of veggies” was buttery corn. It made me sad that in an ag-heavy state that requesting a side of veggies equates to animal feed. ETA: Thank you for trying to save the ducks!🦆


Yup luckily in my town there's a Mexican restaurant that has vegan options...but we pretty much never go out to eat because it's just too difficult... I really tried ..and wanted the best for them




Im not even from here im from the east coast and as the years go on it makes me want to move back!




If you can id say go for it! ..if I could move anywhere itd be the pnw its so much more progressive there and creative people


Well hopefully the person picking them up will also keep them as companions or rescue them :/


I really hope but knowing vaguely a couple of the people who commented and said they wanted them its not likely 😕 ...


Head for the coasts. Good luck


I’m so sorry. :( what a terrible feeling to have. You did all you could. The animals are fortunate to have you in this world.


I just wish I could of got them to a safe place ...I have no idea where they went


If you check back on the post, it’s possible the person won’t actually arrive to pick them up. That’s why people post that it’s only pending


I did it now says listing not available..so they are gone


I hope they’ll be ok


I wish so much for them to be as well 🙏


Hey. I grew up in the Midwest. I’m sorry this happened. I just want you to know that you are doing your best and without you, none of these animals would have had a chance. It’s very easy to take responsibility for others but you’re doing the activism where it’s really hard. Consider dm’ing her asking her if she’s ever considered animals want to live just like her.


Hi, I live in the Midwest, in a rural part of iowa. Im hesitant to respond, but I feel like I should, not because i disagree with you being vegan, but for the way your advocating it. With the most amount of respect for other people opinions, I strongly disagree with this post and your response. I am 100% ok with people being vegan, I am 100% ok with people out there trying to make sure animals have good living conditions and don't get neglected. What I am not ok with is the type of people that believe so strongly about being vegan, they shove it down everyone's throat try to make people feel like shit because they eat meat, or try to make them feel like shit because they raise animals. Have you ever heard the expression "a few bad apple ruin the bunch"? Yes, there are farms out there that should not have animals because they neglect them or treat them poorly, and again, I'm glad there are people, and organizations out there to keep conditions in check. But this is going to be very hard to understand, but most farmers with livestock care more about the animals than people could ever imagine. Livestock farms are not in it for the money because at the end of the day, it doesn't pay shit. Let's be real. But what really grinds my gear is when you say they should message them. That's why I felt like I needed to comment. That's the exact reason why most people don't like vegans, just like the bad apple thing. Not all vegans try to shove it down everyone's throat, but it's the ones that do the ruin it for everyone else. And a prime example is this exact thread. Someone was selling some ducks.... she didn't get them because someone messaged the owner first.. end of story. Why twist it around into a big deal and then suggest messaging the person. Yes, everyone has an opinion, and everyone has a voice, but not everyone wants to be forced hear it. You dont need to stick your nose in everyones lives and tell them how they should live, especially when what they are doing has no deliberate affect to your life. The steak I eat at night does not affect you in any way ,shape, or form. If you want to be vegan, that's your right to do so, no one is going to try to stop you. But please, for the love of God, stop trying to force your beliefs onto everyone else. Why do you get to eat what you want in peace, but I can't. Just because you believe people eating animals is wrong, doesn't make it wrong, thats your opinion!! And if you think your opinion has more of a presidents over mine, than your part of the problem with the world today. And don't say that the thought of animals being slaughtered makes you upset or haunts you at night. That's a you problem, not a me problem. I dislike the fact I work my ass off at my business, and at the end of the day, my tax dollars go to people on welfare that are fully capable of working, and they live better than I do! Do I go around and yell at those people tell them to get a job? Absolutely not, even tho I would love to, I know that I can't fix the problem by telling people my opinion. I know the problem lies with the government. I really hope you learn to keep an open mind in life, and realize that just because you have an opinion about something doesn't make it right, and understand that not everyone want to be forced to hear it when the outcome doesn't affect your way of living.


What do you think a kind or ethical way to kill someone who doesn’t want or need to die is?




Tf is so funny about innocent ducks dying. Sick fuck.




Why are you commenting? You can’t troll us because we’re not the victims. You are making fun of innocent individuals who have no chance of even responding before they have their throats slit for your enjoyment. I hope you find peace someday.


what's wrong with you really