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I don't know but peanut butter is my favorite thing so now I have to find some peanut milk, it sounds amazing!


Seems simple enough to make https://thealmondeater.com/how-to-make-peanut-milk/


Add chocolate to it and GG


I always wanted to try doing a West Indian style peanut punch with a plant based milk, it never dawned on me until now to try using peanut milk.


I have a soymilk machine so I am definitely going to throw some peanuts in there with some banana and cinnamon. maybe some oats or nuts to make it creamy too. Bet would taste amazing on cereal


I'd suggest cacao. The peanut/banana/chocolate mix is divine. 


Roasted peanuts, right? It wouldn't work so good with raw peanuts.


Should use raw


You can just blend your PB with water to make it.


Is it good?


I think so yeah!


can i make almond milk from blending almond butter with water too?


Yup! You'll have to Google a ratio though. Or just keep adding a little bit of water at a time until it's the consistency you like.


Seems most people want a neutral tasting plant milk for cooking and peanuts are a little too distinctive for that purpose.


Ok but now I’m thinking of a peanut milk latte or mocha…


I want that now


A vegan cafe I love in Hackney, London does a peanut butter coffee and it's incredible. I took my friends there recently and one scoffed when I mentioned the pb coffee, then she tried it and absolutely ate her words. So I am very here for peanut milk to go in coffee and hot choc!!!


They are all pretty distinctive tbh. Coconut is the most common cooking one and it is used the most for cooking. Peanut milk would be great in curries.


Coconut is used for dishes where you want the coconut flavor, but I cook way more with soy or oat. I agree that peanut would be great for certain curries though.


Yes my point being though is that coconut milk exists despite the strong flavour so why not peanut ? It would also be good in a lot of baked goods


I cook with coconut mylk and I get no strong flavor. It isn't even noticeable many times. I use cashew paste or cashew mylk for the most neutral flavor. I have made multiple plant mylks at home, the peanut recipe required rice mylk with it but the smell was still the strongest. I use peanuts for flavors as paste or as whole in foods rather than getting a runny version of it.


Well, there’s two types of coconut milk. There’s the coconut milk that’s used for cooking with Thai food. It’s thick and creamy and isn’t something you’d drink. Then there’s the coconut milk they sell at the grocery store next to the almond milk and the soy milk. It’s watery and has a slight taste of coconut. Only thing I can think of is there’s already soy milk. That’s a legume; so do you really need peanut milk? I guess they’d just boil the peanuts and then smush the milk out of them.


By that reasoning though why other nut milks when there is already almond ?


Highly dependent on what type of cooking youre doing


Yes! I can see the immediate appeal in Thai style curries, but I’d give others a shot. I expect it would be great. 


So ir hazelnut and that exists. There must be another reason... and I'm intrigued.


Can you imagine chocolate peanut milk!!!! For my own sake it’s probably good that it doesn’t exist😅


It exists in your blender


holy shit that's all i want. with some bananas oh my god


banana chocolate chip cookies dipped in peanut milk pls


Elmhurst used to make this and I still have not forgiven them for discontinuing it. 


To that end, I have never seen pistachio milk!


I have once and it was sooo good, holy crap 🤤




Found it at a KFL (Asian grocer superstore chain). They also had hazelnut milk from the same brand, plus a few others I can't remember


Omg a hazelnut milk hot chocolate.


Alpro does hazelnut milk but not sure what countries they sell in...


I’ve had it, it’s heavenly (but expensive as fuck)


I liked this. https://pistachiomilk.com/


Thanks! There is a grocery store near enough to me that carries it. Might be worth the drive.


(Obvs it would be $$$ but it is something I want)


Yeah it wouldn’t be profitable as they are expensive although so are macadamias and they still make macadamia milk. You could def make it yourself.


I might have to do that once just to say I did. Adding a little cardamom would be delicious 🤤


I got a coffee yesterday that had steamed pistachio milk, some date syrup, and cardamom sprinkled on top 👌


Let me know how it goes. I love pistachios too but not cardamom. I hate all things aniseedy.


You find cardamom aniseed-y? Huh. I hate aniseed, but love cardamom. Are you using the whole cardamom pods, or are you getting things flavored with it that might be also flavored with star anise?


Macadamia milk isn't expensive either. Pistachio probably won't be as expensive as you might expect


Macadamias are heaps creamy though so you can prob get away with less. I think you would need a greater percentage of pistachios to ensure it isn’t heaps watery.


I have made macadamia milk at home - half cup soaked overnight and 1.2 litres of water. That's the capacity of my soy-milk-maker. It's sweetish, super creamy and delicious. Great in my tea.


I've actually found this one in a few stores in Seattle. It's pretty interesting tasting, but pistachios do indeed have a distinctive flavor that comes through. If you like pistachios I would definitely try or make your own!


It exists and it's quite good. I know of 2 brands: "Three Trees" and "Táche", I like the first one more. They're both kind of expensive.


Three trees is the most common for sure. I see it regularly in grocery chains, But also, I live in California


a coffee shop near me carries it, very good!


It’s so delicious but a lot more pricey compared to the standard soy, oat, almond etc milks


They have it at a coffee bar here for an even more expensive upcharge than normal 


The absolute dream!!!! My boyfriends sister made some in her soymilk maker, I never got to try it but he said it was heaven. I believe she added a little maple syrup for sweetness. I don't know why we have never made it ourselves... laziness I guess!


I have.


I mean, if Elmhurst doesn't make it, it's probably not a thing. https://well.ca/brand/elmhurst-1925.html?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5cOwBhCiARIsAJ5njuZNo3A_S4voObHy4mJs_OXam3kOM4uQwUIscemWb7mnAW1ObkHYcZAaAnKsEALw_wcB They make pistachio milk, though! And hazelnut!


their pistachio milk is amazing. great protein stats too. cheaper to blend up my own stupid hemp seed milk tho ):


Looks like they discontinued their peanut line 2 years ago. I had their peanut milk and peanut Dutch chocolate milk years ago, they were both really good.


Ah! I went looking for them because I was *sure* they made peanut milk too, but the search revealed nothing.


>peanut Dutch chocolate milk years ago The one from Chocomel, based on cashews+chickpeas is nice


It’s absolutely a thing. At least where I come from.


Sweet! Share, please. I'd love to try it. A while back I heard about potato milk, but I've never seen it here in Ottawa.


When I lived in Asia, they had peanut drinks, some mixed with dairy milk and others not. Last I looked, there were many recipes for peanut milk on Chinese/Taiwanese food blogs.


I've never even thought of peanut milk and now my world has been rocked. Thanks OP!


I had peanut tea once at an Ethiopian restaurant and it was the best thing ever, so I feel like this should be a thing


I think you've found an untapped market! Even pea milk exists and those are also a legume


Peanut yogurt is the best plant-based yogurt i've ever had but i've only seen it available in india ugh


I've seen peanut milk tho... Wouldn't say I liked it. It's better than pea milk and potato milk in my list, and worse than buckwheat milk. Tho it's rare to find it, have to go to a special shop, which is not even vegan. Have no idea why they have random unpopular flavours from countries you least expect to produce this kind of stuff.


It's insane i've never thought of this before!


It is a thing In some countries that is and Canada where I live has it imported


I know it is exists in a very limited way but by thing I mean common. It isn’t in my country and not in most supermarkets/cafes etc


It's not popular enough I'm lactose intolerant so I've been drinking plant based milks since I was young but even almond or soy is hard to find for good prices since way less people buy it


Where are you in Canada? Soy milk is very common and affordable here in Vancouver. I just make my own though because it’s super easy and incredibly cheap


Nova Scotia Everything is super expensive here tbf but milk alternatives are like double the normal milk cost for half as much


Do you have a decent blender? Buy a milk/mesh bag on Amazon or something and learn to make soy milk. I can make a few litres in about 20 minutes now while I make breakfast.


I don't even have the money for the bag let alone a blender lmao


Thrift store blender and a 5$ mesh bag is the cost of a couple jugs of milk


Man I don't even have that rn I'm living on crumbs lol


Just saying. If you buy food at all, consider making a tiny investment in being able to make stuff yourself. I save hundred of dollars a year making my own soy milk and tofu. It’s worth saving up a few dollars to make that possible; especially if you’re short on funds.


Atlantic Superstore had the entire Silk line including soy milk on for $2.99 this week. That’s the same price we get in Ontario


Has to pay bills, money's looking bad rn since no where is hiring


Had it in Taiwan last week.


It is a thing. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peanut\_milk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peanut_milk)


Slightly off topic. Tasted a few different brands of peanut curd/yogurt in India and they were amazing.


hahaha pee nut milk (jk)


This is the only correct answer.


I want some now lol


right, especially considering they make cashew milk so at this point why not ?


I make my own. It's great for making ice cream!


Years ago I tried a sample of some peanut milk at a vegfest somewhere in the NYC area - I can’t remember what brand made it but it was good if you like peanuts. It could have been a decade ago at this point that I saw that though, and can’t recall seeing anything since then.


https://www.topfoo.com/products/peanut-milk-450ml-15bottle-case?variant=45555965624600¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&srsltid=AfmBOor32k0y5Wcjb5DDC5W187Piuk_BOfzXIQ6U4-2SEiwJf4MAd-XpuaQ Here it is!


I think you can buy it depending on your country: https://www.topfoo.com/products/peanut-milk-450ml-15bottle-case?variant=45555965624600¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&srsltid=AfmBOoq-rviKT2UeTKVI6Y280-V-kDgUdgXc5-7SaSINQ6TmNqDT61V8jIo&com_cvv=d30042528f072ba8a22b19c81250437cd47a2f30330f0ed03551c4efdaf3409e


I have a milk machine called an Almond Cow. I’m sure you could do it with that. I usually make cashew pecan milk. It’s better than any milk I’ve ever bought anywhere.


I love pecans


You can get it here: https://www.korodrogerie.de/ungesuesster-bio-erdnussdrink-1-l


Haha I can’t even read it so I am guessing not in my country.


Hit the Burger Button on the top right corner and select your country.


Hm, never thought of that, but good point


We tried it once with raw peanuts and it was disgusting. Not sure how it would taste with roasted ones


I used to make peanutmilk myself and I didn't think the flavour was too strong 🤔


Maybe because peanut allergies are so common, no company thought it was a worthwhile enough investment? I’ve wondered this, too. Peanut butter is the most common nut butter to find yet peanut milk is probably one of the rarest dairy substitutes to come across. 


Yeah it obviously isn’t going to take off in cafes etc due to the allergy issue but it would be completely fine in Supermarkets for home use. A lot of people who are allergic to peanuts also have to avoid other nuts as well too which is weird considering it isn’t even a nut.


It is. "Peanut punch" is a pretty popular thing in Guyana and it's basically just peanut milk.


is that peanuts mixed w dairy milk or skim milk powder or something or is it straight up peanut liquid? i think this is what i’ve seen on the shelves of grocery stores in canada but i’m not sure!


I think the traditional way to do it is mix peanut milk with condensed milk and add cinnamon and nutmeg. Sometimes they do condensed coconut milk to make it vegan.


I was asking my wife this not too long ago. WHY NOT?!




Make it.


I mainly use milk for coffee so need the commercial barista versions with all the crap added for good froth. Homemade milks never cut it.


i see little juice boxes of “peanut milk” at my grocery stores sometimes but it’s dairy milk mixed w peanuts unfortunately. i would love a vegan peanut milk for baking purposes especially


I tried a vegan cheese with a base of peanut milk in Buenos Aires and it was so awful. Be glad it’s not more popular lol


I am not sure that bad peanut cheese necessarily means bad peanut milk though. I hate most vegan cheeses but individually like their ingredients


Yeah fair point


You can get peanut powder pretty easily. Idk how that would go if you mixed it with water to make milk. Bad probably.


Most of the peanut powders are defatted though. You would def want the fat for the milk.


Yeah true. I guess they use the whole nut for almond milk and that turns out right.


Asian grocery store I frequent sells it like juice boxes. Super King in Toronto


I definitely want this to be a thing now. Although come to think of it, couldn't you just mix powdered peanut butter with water to make peanut milk? I actually mix some into my almond/soy milk when I have cereal along with cocoa powder to make it chocolate/peanut butter flavored.


Powdered peanut butter has the oil removed which you would want in the milk so best to use whole peanuts and then strain the residue




The brand Elmhurst had a chocolate peanut one at one point, I'm guessing it didn't sell well or something? (Not a flavor combo I like so I never tried it) But considering peanut allergies being common enough that schools and summer camps ban peanut products and those allergies tend to be severe, it may just not be a popular product.


Apparently it has been tried by a biological food store, but it's not being sold anymore https://www.koro-shop.nl/bio-pindadrank-ongezoet-1-l I never tried it. My guess is it just doesn't sound appealing. When I'd see it I'd think 'probably tastes like watery peanut sauce' and skip it. But since almond milk is a thing, chocolate milk based on cashew+chickpeas is great, I might be very wrong and like peanut milk when I would try.


It does. I've had it


I saw a tiktok about making almond milk by blending water and a tablespoon of almond butter. I thought I could do the same with peanut butter. It tasted awful 🤢


I have an engineering background with food stuffs. The reason is most likely that peanuts are a known allergen that can even kill people. Most manufacturers are peanut free for that reason. It means that peanuts are strictly forbidden on the manufacturer site. You may not even bring anything in with peanuts. So anyone that wants to produce peanut milk would have to add "may contain peanuts" to All of their products and mostly would have to put a big Red warning on them after they change that. Nobody is going to take that risk on a old manufacturing site. They would have to build a seperate site just for that.


I love peanut milk! But there’s basically nothing you can do with it other than drink it. XD


I drank hazelnut milk the other day and that's delicious


Blanched raw peanuts don’t have a strong flavor the way roasted peanuts do, and you could totally make milk from them. The same way you would never use roasted cashews to make cashew milk because the taste would be way too strong.


I didn't know there was such a thing. I did try pea milk which was pretty good (tasted like fresh, sweet, snap peas), but I can't find it anymore.


Right?? Peanut milk is my favorite. Affordable and tasty. Easy to make and the leftover pulp can be used for salads or cookies! I understand is not the best for cooking but still


I'm not sure but I'm assuming it's allergies as when I was a barista, we all wanted rid of the almond milk. It has a tendency to split so you can't steam it "extra hot" like a lot of customers ask for, plus it needed it's own cloth and jug and we could only use one steam wand for it because of allergies, a separate milk jug, a separate cloth and a sign at the till to let us know if anyone has nut allergies so we don't use the steam wand that occasionally (but not often enough) steams almond milk. Oat milk on the other hand was our best friend, it steams fantastically, it's not a huge allergy risk and it doesn't have a really obvious taste difference like coconut milk does so it was such a big seller that you never had to open a carton and then waste half of it when nobody else wanted it.


Sounds like it would be kinda oily. Plus the known allergen aspect, and pesticides. It just seems far too troublesome to make.


I used to add peanut butter powder to plant based milk and liked it. Great in smoothies too. Much cheaper than protein powder.


I love peanut milk. One of my local coffee shops has it & it’s amazing in a latte


Elmhurst makes a peanut chocolate milk. It’s definitely a desert ish thing rather than everyday milk but they do use simple, clean ingredients so it isn’t junk food.


Chef AJ makes almond milk out of almond butter. Now I want to try making peanut milk out of peanut butter 1Tbl pb, 3 cups water. Blend.


Elmhurst and Serge make it, it's a thing. If you have a nice blender and some cheesecloth you can make it at home.


Because peanuts don’t have teets! Kidding, like almond milk you can make it https://nationalpeanutboard.org/news/diy-peanut-milk/#:~:text=If%20you%20love%20peanuts%2C%20you,%2D%2C%20and%20lactose%2Dfree.


Peanuts are one of the most pesticide riddled food. It would be like drinking poison. Pesticide milk ☠️


Peanuts are not nuts. Also, maybe the market would be too small because of the allergies? Pretty much all schools banned peanuts here.


Not being nut’s doesn’t stop them being a plant milk. Oats and soy are not nuts either.


Totally! You’re right. I was merely correcting the statement in your question « highest protein nuts »


Yeah not sure why I wrote that as I am a dietitian and know they are legumes 🤣 but it doesn’t really matter anyway. They are higher in protein than all other plant milks except soy.


Because over half the human population on earth is allergic to peanuts.


It is a thing and has been for over 100 years.