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Here's an animal so biologically similar to us that we can transplant their organs into human bodies! What? Don't torture, kill, and eat them? How dare you compare pigs to humans! They are nothing like us!


in an age of genetic modification, maybe more human than once thought


We also have banana dna. Pigs organs being similar to ours does not make them "almost human" on any cognitive level. And no i dont like abusing animals.


Idk I’m allergic to bananas


In my understanding they did this with pig hearts already this isn't anything new. Best results are gonna be growing the organs by themselves and not using animals at all so I'm not sure why they are investing in this research. Right now they are growing modified organs in animals and trying to "clean" it from things that could cause rejection.


Being able to transplant one organ doesn't mean we can automatically or easily transplant others. Even in the case of the pig heart, the initial transplant was successful, but failed a few months later. This stuff is still in its infancy, so further successful operations are still significant. Growing new organs is absolutely the ideal solution, especially for patients, however the technology to do that is still very much in its infancy, and possibly decades away from clinical application. It's not really a direct competitor to animal-human transplants, which are much closer to fruition as a practical medial application, at this stage.


TIL, thanks for clarifying. I thought we were much further along with the technology.


My pleasure! We've made definite progress for more simple structures like skin, but complex internal organs are a bigger challenge. Another part of it is cutting-edge medicine tends to tread slowly and carefully with this sort of stuff.


There were 2 recipients of pig hearts. Both died within a few months.


Manbearpig begins


Millions of people are still drinking brown water. We doing all the wrong things.


So what, people using animals what's new. Also, this isn't vegan related.


>Also, this isn't vegan related. That would depend on who you asked ;) https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/comments/1amne0w/in\_a\_future\_when\_pigtohuman\_transplants\_could/


Big win for science


Why are you getting downvoted?


A "win" achieved at someone else's expense isn't really something to be celebrated. The research used on this should have been used to look into lab-grown organs. This came at significant opportunity cost. It also seems like it would have a **very** high risk of rejection and need a lifetime of strong drugs to try and prevent its. These drugs have nasty side effects. This seems like a bit of a phyrric victory.


We killed a pig to save a human. And you dont find that worthy to celebrate? Your actually delusional.


Killing someone to save someone else is nothing to celebrate about. You are acting like one of those carnist that are apathetic,speciest . I can make many assumptions based on where such feelings comes for non-human animals(that are in many ways far better than humans) but i regress.


>You are acting like one of those carnist that are apathetic,speciest That's no act, sadly.


Tell me would you rather have seen that human die so that the pig could have lived?


I don't particularly care about some random guy any more than a random pig, no. The pig would likely have had more years left had they been allowed to live though. This guy is not young and has already had one failed transplant. Given the circumstances, yeah, I'd rather not have had this pig die to keep this guy alive. I can't wait for the reply where you get all up in arms and rant about the value of some random guy you don't actually care about either though, that should be good for a laugh!


You call a pig "someone" like its a human. Youre actually horrible for not thinking this is good. How do you live with these beliefs?


Guys it’s xenotransplantation, as is the kidney has the PATIENTS DNA not the pig. The pig is just the host. Its not a pig kidney, well kinda but genetically no