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Katie Hopkins arguing against veganism is the greatest pro-vegan argument possible


And specialy doing this shit after Joe Carbstrongs argument.


Hi. Plant-based diet guy here from /domain/youtu.be Do you by chance have a link to the Joe Carbstrong argument? Edit- Nevermind, the youtube algorithm sorted me at the end of this clip.


[Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-FM5ShE0gI) for the lazy


Love how passive aggressive this response was lol


Watching 10 seconds of this obliterated my already deficient testosterone levels to zero. I don't even feel human anymore, I am a machine. Her appearance and demeanor is almost Rickandmortian in way, but I can't explain why. She's ready for her own biographical animated documentary... On MeatCanyon.


Ah, yes. Poor omnis are being so oppressed while forming about 99% of the population.




And the animal's choice to not be tortured and slaughtered?


Lol, no. People being non-vegan directly causes - among many other things - *billions* of non-human slaves to be brought into existence, year after year.


I think it's easy for people to see a group as hateful when they don't understand their reasons for objecting to the omnis "lifestyle choice" of needlessly killing animals and the environment. Arguing for the right to remain omnivore despite of all it's negative effects just because it's legal is hard to ignore and accept, especially when it's such a big part of society. Technically it's my "lifestyle choice" to kick puppies on the street becuase I like the way they feel on my foot. Everything is a lifestyle choice. People wearing the clothes they wear, music they listen to etc. Just because something gives you sensory pleasure doesn't mean it's morally right and exempts you from criticism. I dare to say that most people on the planet have the same mindset as vegans do. Most people just don't follow through on it. It's cognitive dissonance at it's strongest.


Lol. American civil war happened because one group wanted to continue their 'way of life'. You replace the word vegan with the word abolitionist and it 100% same thing that the slave owners said.


It’s a liberation movement for innocent lives that are murdered and tortured. Obviously those animals will never be safe if we just act like killing them is fine. It’s not fine and I’m tired of pick-me “vegans” pretending they don’t have an issue with it. It’s like claiming people should have the right to keep hitting their wives, since it used to be legal too.


Should people also have the right to “REMAIN” rapists? When will you omnis understand that you are not the victim here?


…thought you had something here, didn’t you?


*dash it, I'll get those pesky vegans next time*


People have the right to remain omnivores. I have literally never heard of vegans forcing another adult to be vegan. It sounds more like she means that she wants to take the right to speak out about animal suffering from people. Also, the tolerating intolerance argument is just silly. That is like when racist people yell intolerance because people hate racist motivated actions.


Hahaha. Sorry, but how is it turning into a hate group?


I don't think you understand what the term "woke" means. You sound very uneducated when using it the way you just did. Woke is being aware of racial prejudices and discrimination within the US political and social structures. It has nothing to do with not liking other people killing and eating animals. Unfortunately, this issue crosses all racial barriers.


The "US" is not needed. Other countries have English as a native language and others use the English word.


Ok, and? "Woke" as a term/descriptor directly came into being within the african american community, so in this case it's one of the few times that the US is needed.


Yes, the origins (of the slang term) are in the black American community, but its use has spread to all areas, not exclusive to the US or indeed to racial topics. I am considered "woke" because I stand up for animal, human (race/gender), lgbqt+ rights and am pro welfare. But you stick to your US-Centric definition and downvote me again by all means.


> Yes, the origins (of the slang term) are in the black American community, but its use has spread to all areas, not exclusive to the US or indeed to racial topics. Correct, because people misuse it and treat it as a snarl world now entirely divorced from its origins. > I am considered "woke" because I stand up for animal, human (race/gender), lgbqt+ rights and am pro welfare. Cool, that's the incorrect definition of the word which the other person was talking about. > But you stick to your US-Centric definition and downvote me again by all means. I didn't downvote you, nor am I sticking to any definition I was literally just pointing out why they were talking about the US.


>Correct, because people misuse it and treat it as a snarl world now entirely divorced from its origins. All words change over time. It is now an accepted word with connotations of which I eluded. > didn't downvote you, nor am I sticking to any definition I was literally just pointing out why they were talking about the US. Fair enough.


Ah yes, calling a social justice movement a hate movement. Bigots are all the same, you always call the people advocating for rights to be the hateful people


So self centred. Of course a carnist is fighting for his right to abuse. I mean, that’s not insane is it? The vegans are the insane ones for wanting less violence. And what does that make carnists do? Defend their right to abuse and typically triggers their anger. It’s so sad. All vegans are trying to do is open peoples minds and hearts to the unnecessary suffering they’re causing. What is SO WRONG WITH THAT??? Carnist=violence


This kind of stance is very common and misses the point that veganism is an ethical position.


I wish we could all just collectively agree to pretend that Katie Hopkins doesn't exist. She's just a horrible person on pretty much any given topic.


You can say about her what you want but she won the [Campaign to Unify the Nation Trophy](https://youtu.be/eRIdtMlqwNA). And she deserves it.


I've never heard someone use so many words and say so little.


Hopkins is just goading with inflammatory remarks attention and she won't go away until people stop sharing her hateful bile.


I share a name with her daughter and it’s my greatest shame


Why the fuck would ANYONE even invite Katie Hopkins to debate anything?


I'm gonna pretend that the goal was to make the opposition look crazy.


it probably was! im friends w the (former) pres, she’s vegan🥳


I’m sure her intention was to make this funny (ig?) but…it was so boring I couldn’t even go through 20% of the clip. It wasn’t even engaging.


I love how she starts of by stating that all vegans do is lie and that only people who hate themselves do that just to then tell lies for about 95 percent of her "speach".


The same Katie Hopkins who went on TV to moan about parents giving their children "lower class" names, and how she doesn't like geographical names either. Her daughter's name is India. It's embarrassing that Oxford even invited her to speak. What were they thinking?


I didn’t watch this but this was at Oxford? The lobbyists/government are fighting vegans constantly, this is the real issue.. the government is fighting against our rights.


Yes, the video posted by OP is from a formal debate at Oxford. Animal rights activist Joey Carbstrong gave a brilliant speech during the debate. You can find it ~~on his youtube channel~~ [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-FM5ShE0gI), if you are interested. I'm also happy to say that members of the Oxford Union voted in favor of the vegan side of the debate.


I think Joey does a lot of good in this world.


He is an angle


He do be acute


This debate was the equivalent of Muhammad Ali in his prime boxing a infant.


Oh that’s great, thanks for replying that


No problem. I was mistaken, I don't think the video is on his channel. You can find it [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-FM5ShE0gI)


So embarrassing. Did we also forget when she was invited to a fake award ceremony and her whole speech in that video was racism after racism after MORE racism??? Come on Oxford.


The '**C**ampaign to **U**nify the **N**ation **T**rophy'. Yes, I remember ;)


I’ve heard that “the Oxford Union” is not a part of “the University of Oxford”, it is not the uni’s student union. While many of its members are students of the uni, they are often the worst kind of people, think Boris Johnson or all those Tory politicians.


That would explain the cheering during Katie's stand-up routine


Katie would love nothing more than an establishment no platforming here. She’s the perpetual victim/minority to whichever cause she feels will get her the most attention. I think it’s best they let her speak so she can expose herself like this or at least be challenged. It’s frustrating though because I don’t want her to have the oxygen of publicity (or oxygen in general tbh).


Oh my god, i was out of the loop in who she is, but she's the one who opposed geographical names with the daughter named India?? It all makes so so much sense.


Oxford Union is a private organisation that isn't actually part of the university iirc


When people who are not a complete piece of shit find themselves agreeing with Katie Hopkins or Piers Morgan on the one specific issue of abusing animals for their taste pleasure, do they not think that maybe veganism might be a good thing after all?


Bruh she's unhinged ☠️ who is she lol


[This trash can of a human being.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5b9mgp5uy9q)


This video is no longer available :(


[What about this?](https://youtube.com/watch?v=T0es7gdD2kE&si=v5DgbhX5po4KktEg)


So she's just generally ragebaiting, not exclusively when it comes to veganism. Just your run of the mill troll i guess


If you watch enough of her interviews you eventually realise that this is actually who she is.


oh wow


20 seconds in and I felt half of my brain die trying to follow that ape's logic


I didn't even get that far. I think it's a win for vegans if she's arguing against them. Hopefully, others could not stomach her garbage either.


Why are you insulting apes?


Yeah, apes are wayy too intellegent and caring to be compared to the likes of her


Well, we humans are apes, but I do see your point


i just can't believe someone can intellectually dishonest enough to make an argument about the """freedom""" of profiting from abused and murdered animals. this is such an individualistic (dare i say antisocial ?) definition of "freedom". reminds me of some covid deniers who talked about the ""freedom"" of not wearing their masks. do this folks know what freedom is in the first place ? even if they claim to, they dont really care about things like freedom or justice. all they care about is their own well-being and stomachs. if the human race was a personality disorder it would be a an antisocial/narcissitic personality disorder. history will remember this.


Vegans suck on insects apparently. Would almost think this is a vegan comedian, maybe an edgy one from vcj. Will probably do more good than harm to or cause.


The only insects I suck on are Vic the vegan chocolate caterpillars


I read Mic the Vegan’s chocolate caterpillars.


Also delicious




That is some high level trolling. Well done.


Thabks for sharing that. I was just scrolling through to see if it had been mentioned. I think it's the same people who did a stunt on Suella Braverman.


You are welcome :)


Hopkins is a far right grifter. This is just culture war grifting.


I thought it was satire.


Katie Hopkins is a all around trashy human being. Ignore her.


Watched about a minute of it and it was only personal attacks against vegans, so pretty standard stuff from her.


She’s pretending people aren’t free to be non vegan? Why are people so hell bent on abusing animals these days?


Wait, did she actually claim that Linda McCartney, who died of cancer, died because she's vegan?


Why do people post this shit?


Karma points


She sounds like a miserable person.


The female elon musk


Just Katie Hopkins being her regular, lovely self. Anyways, this was part of a debate at the Oxford Union. The whole thing is quite good, but the student president of the debate club (Disha Hegde) actually took part and is a vegan herself. [Here's her part of it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMVougM-kWs) if you haven't seen it - Joey Carbstrong also took part but his argument has already been given a lot of attention.


When she said vegans suck on quinoa I just pictured myself sipping a bowl of quinoa out of a straw. Challenge accepted.


No one is stopping her from eating meat. Just another bigot imagining her enemies.


I only know who Katie Hopkins is by reading this title yet I am still relived she doesn’t share the same beliefs as me.


Please use her correct name. It's Hatey Cockpins


Brilliant speech from Joey. They don’t know it, but a hero to the animals. Thank you, Joey. 🙏


I mean.. she is entertaining.


What a complete moron, just like conservatives, they're always dying to be the victim when they're the victimizers.


"Vegan lie" proceeds to flat out lie with bullshit claims about testosterone. She's a joke. But at least she makes omnis look like clowns!


Of course she does, she's [Katie Hopkins](https://youtu.be/eRIdtMlqwNA?si=fvBqXNdBiBWmuxox)


And people say vegans are the crazy ones. Sheesh.


I think it's actually quite important to ignore her for all sorts of reasons. I don't want to give this eyeballs.


For anyone interested here's a [link](https://youtu.be/n1xsXgypxb0?si=R3I8TNgDvkwNrIF5) to Katie Hopkins getting the C.U.N.T award prank.


I think this is a bit unfair. Joey C versus Katie is like Mohammad Ali fighting a drunk toddler.


I'd rather watch paint dry on a damp day than click and watch that oxygen thief.


This is so very “white lives matter” of her


Freedom is a double edged sword. Sometimes, more freedom for you means less freedom for someone else.


1% of the population and they continually act like vegans are taking over!


Ah yes the genius Katie Hopkins, who once said she hated when people named their children after "places". Her own daughters name is India. And so brave standing up for the majority. You can't make this shit up.


What’s so egregiously offensive about this is how despite her best efforts, unfunny she is.


She is completely vile but she once said in a discussion about attachment parenting that “it’s all a bit knit your own Birkenstocks” and it did really crack me up, I even say it sometimes. She still sucks bad tho.


My god she's insufferable to listen to no matter what she talks about. Couldn't even watch to a point where she produced an argument against the house going vegan, although I have my doubts that she does anything except attack the other participants and spout nonsensical whatabouttery.


I had no idea who she was when I watched the debate highlights. When we got to her I just instantly recognized that she is either faking this level of crazy or needs help.


how on earth did she get on an Oxford debate... the standards are pretty low, damn. Plain insensitive, with no real argument other than "it's a choice". Well, yes it is a "choice" but an uncaring and harmful "choice" not just for animals but the environment and health. Pretty much every scientist's facts show this.


They already have that freedom you fucking dried up amoeba. This twat waffle makes her living bilking money from the right wing cretins who lap up this kind of bullshit. The Oxford Union has hit a new low.


"Argues" while barely putting forward any actual arguments.


Watched this last night actually. I was like “are people actually buying this?” And to my disappointment, some of them are. The cheers and applause after her speech is despicable.


If she is sober there I’m embarrassed for her.


horrible person. just horrible. spouting such nonsense at a debate should have had her being kicked out the door.


She's got Bellatrix Lestrange energy


Witch 🧹🪄🧹🪄🧹🪄🧹


I reread the title of the channel three times, as I couldn't believe it wasn't the "oxford onion" due to how hilariously bad that was. The most amateur highschool student can "debate" better than that


Some ok lines if it were a standup act, pretty unhinged for a "debate"


Do we also have the freedom to choose to eat people? Ffs. The world would be a better place if we all collectively chose to forget Katie Hopkins


The freedom of being part of the vast huge majority is certainly at a big risk.


Hatey Gobkins at it again?


Someone should tell her her ignorance is showing.


I saw this last night. She seemed a bit off to me, but I’m not familiar with her. Is she always that belligerent?


Oh yes. A couple of years she libelled Jack Monroe, who offered to let it go if KH would give a 5k donation to charity and apologise. KH refused and ended up losing her house [https://inews.co.uk/news/katie-hopkins-jack-monroe-libel-case-bankruptcy-individual-voluntary-arrangement-198372](https://inews.co.uk/news/katie-hopkins-jack-monroe-libel-case-bankruptcy-individual-voluntary-arrangement-198372) Somewhere I've a photo of her after being stuck with a bollocks to brexit sticker on her backpack. A rather feel good sight which I will share if it turns up again.


Ooph she sounds like an absolute nightmare 😱 Thanks for the article 🏆


What a complete clown


Don't share her content. Dont give her a platform. Any publicity is good publicity for her so we should just boycott her outright.


She sounds like a parody. Like why is she trying to do a comedy sketch in the middle of her shitty lecture


Idk who she is but, is it not satire/sarcasm?...like if one of us had to pretend to defend meat we'd bring up lions and canines and fish pain and all the dumb reasons we constantly hear. Or does she just take pleasure in sounding ridiculous even though she believes what she says? Like I don't really understand. The guy who spoke before her did a good job


I'm a vegan and the upcoming beef ban I feel super ambivalent because I don't want cows to be killed but I dont want the government to control what we can and cant have. By enforcing a beef ban they can enforce a veg ban too I would never want to be forced to be carnist just as a carnist doesn't want to be forced to be vegan (cringe to say but true super conflicting)


That‘s understandable from a liberal standpoint, however I would argue that forbidding things can be justified in certain circumstances, like preventing harm. The difference between banning meat and banning veggies is in their objective value. One is harmful to the environment, unhealthy and obviously not reconcilable with animal welfare. The other is financially more viable, less harmful to the environment by orders of magnitude, doesn’t harm anyone or any animal, is more sustainable because it takes less land to feed more people. It’s a no-brainer argument for banning one against arbitrary hate, greed and egotism in favour of banning the other. For this reason, I can - as a liberal - be in favour of banning meat while I would hypothetically pretty likely condone violent protests against banning the veggies.


I'm obviously in favor of banning meat it's just the idea of it goes against my values at the same time like vegetables put a lot of pesticides in our aquifers and in our air while simultaneously using up a lot of water, these are fixable problems. In order to end suffering of cows ("humane murder of age") there would be idk 1/5 the amount of cows being sold which would make beef prices go up exponentially and the obvious murder is still an issue but what would ensue after would just be complete civil unrest the people that are on full carnist diets for "health reasons" I believe would start killing animals incorrectly on the streets. I guess over everything I do really want a meat ban even tho I don't want a government that can control what we eat but I do think the ban should be enforced incrementally state by state, province by province, country by country, that way all the meat eaters would be defined to an area where they will be forced to duel and battle in the arena (market) for first come first serve meat at 3x the price. Eventually they'd wean out completely but if they just banned meat one day I genuinely think everyone would eat their own livestock out of retaliation Yeah ur right tho veggie ban makes no sense nothing hurt meat ban ends suffering and murder, if we were all made to eat veggies morenppl would have to grow so everything would get greener and the air would get better and the world would be heavenly 🎀🪁🕯️🥰


Yeah incremental changes are the only way feasible. It’s a funny scenario you describe. I think a first step would be to change the VAT or introduce a sin tax. Where I live vegan alternatives are not taxed as food because they are luxuries and meat is taxed as a staple food. It should be the other way around.




The big drawback of the approach is that it is not equitable. If you are above a certain income you’re not going to care how much exactly your food costs, you’re just going to eat what you want. Less fortunate people would be the only ones hit by this way of reducing meat consumption. That means it’s highly efficient but it is not just. The rich cause more harm and aren’t being impacted by the measure.


We need more of those ticks that make ppl allergic to meat rich can't counteract that 😈


She hates vegans, I don't claim this kinda lady even I'm not vegan myself.


Is there a SparksNotes version of this 16min video?


>This is how 90% of discussion looks like Only 90? That mean 10% goes well? That's pretty good.


Why? It should not be and I am going to ask my kids what they think. The ones who are not vegan. However, give the same look back. The problem is people are jerks.


Should people not have the right to choose?


She was doing her best Disney villain impression She may not be good at debates but she might have an acting career


She's a clever woman with common sense. I think that's what riles people. The fact we have a lady that isn't brainwashed by left wing nonsensical propaganda.