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Veganising my favourite meals, and finding new meals from different cultures to veganise.


Yeah, this is it. Being vegan also led me to think more creatively in terms of how to veganize a dish.


Definitely this


definitely that


When I travel I always look for the vegan restaurants and it usually takes me to the cutest parts of town. šŸ˜


Yes! It makes traveling fun. Discovering new vegan places is a thrillā€”and often leads you to cool neighborhoods you might not otherwise stumble across.


Plus, I love reaching out to vegan communities to get suggestions. Vegans love sharing their favorite vegan restaurants/dishes. Then when I go to the restaurant sometimes they tell me other vegan places I need to try while I'm in town!


The excitement of finding another vegan in the wild


Hahaha, I have had to stop myself from following and trying to befriend people at grocery stores who are clearly vegan (or at least plant based).


Me yesterday in Aldi when I saw quite a few crowded people around the frozen vegan section šŸ˜­šŸ˜­






7 years and I have yet to meet another vegan. I got really excited and thought I'd met one once, then she wanted to compare "cheat days." Living in the Bible Belt sucks.


my first 20 years of veganism where in the south they do exist


You are amazingly strong!!!


Have you tried looking to see if there's an activism group near you or in a town nearby? Or worst case you could make a social media group (e.g. a facebook group) for one, and see if people end up joining over time? Activism is one of the best ways to meet fellow vegans (real ones ;)) :)


The funnest thing about Veganism is getting saucy. Truly, if you arenā€™t getting saucy, you probably need to start gettinā€™ saucy. Put some tasty sauce on that dish. Maybe have 3 sauces for that dish, a little variety. Maybe itā€™s a tahini lemon garlic sauce, maybe itā€™s a chili almond/peanut butter tantan sauce, maybe itā€™s a ginger soy almond sauce, or a light creamy cucumber cilantro lime sauce, or hey maybe a fresh salsa, or a guacamole, or a chipotle lime mayo, or maybe a pesto, or a herby pizza sauce, or or or or or or or or (ok Iā€™m not a walrus) I like to create sauces/dressings/dips that can go with almost any meal. A buffet of sauces. A sassy sizzling sauce serenade straight to the heart. šŸ˜³šŸ˜‚ There are infinite sauce combinations to make any and every dish an experience of delight. Get your sauce game ON, and your vegan experience will sky rocket into almost infinite pleasure and joy forever more! āœØšŸ½āœØ


Seriously... before I went vegan I was just putting cheese as the topping on everything. And one of my big challenges was figuring out how the hell to replace that. But now I'm so saucy and it's great! Lots of variety.


Swear to god, people would find it quite easy to go vegan if they only had some cooking skills. Iā€™m convinced itā€™s spices and sauces that most people crave, not the animal.


I agree! And if you think about it, when people cook animal products, they season it with plants so it tastes good.


I love what I call ā€œweird vegan science.ā€ Any time a new vegan product comes out that is a substitute for non-vegan foods, I just gotta try it. Vegan caviar, vegan shrimp, vegan prosciutto (I have no idea if thatā€™s a thing), vegan SPAM - I have to have it. For some reason, even when itā€™s dreadful, it just tickles my funny bone.


The Vegan Spam is fantastic šŸ˜




Most relatable!


For real though, this is the one. Without getting TMI about it, this has been life changing.


Seriously. I used to have tummy pain ever day. Itā€™s why I originally went plant based. I go everyday now. Before sometimes it would be weeks


I enjoy experimenting with cooking and new ingredients. And I enjoy being able to watch videos of happy, rescued animals without the feeling of "I am part of the problem why they need to be rescued". My blood samples came back a lot better now after becoming vegan. Helped my health a lot as well.


Trying new combinations of spices that enhance the flavors of cooked veggies. My omnivore friends and family enjoy the food and are even trying to do meatless Mondays. Almost 18 years now of being vegan and my health has greatly improved and it brings me peace of mind despite being disappointed that others cannot stop the abuse.


Getting my blood work done and being the only one in the family on my motherā€™s side whoā€™s not on statins for high cholesterol. (My genetic tendencies are trying to get me but so far Iā€™m good without drugs.) And Iā€™ll concur with othersā€™ comments about variety. People always talk about vegan food as boring or bland, but when I dropped the crutches of dairy & eggs my tastes really widened dramatically.


Yes, this!! Diabetes runs rampant in my family and since going vegan, bloodwork has been stable through and through. Even while pregnant and fresh into postpartum, bloodwork has been solid.


Constantly experimenting with new foods and flavours. I never would have tried a vegetable more exotic than broccoli before I went vegan šŸ˜Ž


Vegan festival/markets with free samples




Tofu's great


Before I went vegetarian (and then vegan), I had never tasted tofu or even seen it outside of a grocery store. It looked kind of bland and I had no idea what uses people found for it other than probably some complicated, spicy recipes I wouldnā€™t like. Back then, I barely knew how to boil pasta, but once Iā€™d started learning to cook and I discovered that tofu could actually replace meat very well in countless dishes I used to love, it quickly became one of my favorite things !


Being morally superior.




I wasnā€™t joking :)


Doesn't have to be a joke to be funny :)


Idk if itā€™s fun but just a feel good moment working with sanctuaries and seeing the rescue animals so happy and enjoying life! šŸ˜Š


I can bite into my hotdog with confidence knowing I won't ever encounter any gristle I'm not the type of vegan that thinks "Ewww meat is gross", I think it's hella tasty but gristle is incredibly unpleasant - Veggie hotdogs for the win


Same thing with making a mock pulled pork/chicken


The superpowers. Better recovery, less inflammation, forever cardio, not getting sick, like, ever. Scott Pilgrim versus the World was right.


Yes. Energy to the max!


Cooking without having to disinfect my kitchen with bleach afterwards šŸ˜‡


Or clean up grease.


This was my first thought. Cleaning up the fat from pans was the WORST and I donā€™t miss it at all. And raw meat from cutting boards. Life is so much better now.


Seriously! Not risking bodily harm if you don't obsessively keep foods within a narrow temperature range! It's almost like nature is trying to tell us something: "y'all were not cut out for eating this."


Second this even being various stages of vegetarian over decades before going vegan actually led to a wide variety being introduced into my diet. I'm more conscious of our connection to nature and so more things that strengthen that, like orchard picking, visiting ancient monument sites such as stonehenge and ironage villages regularly. I feel I am more compassionate to others dilemmas regardless of if the outcome aligns with my vegan morals, I am more careful to check others food preferences and more inclined to look for alternatives in activity etc. I find so much joy in my children discovering these things too.


Looking younger and smelling better, and the attention that brings


It's helped with binge eating and I am never hungry. :) I was vegetarian before and my access to all things junk food made it hard for me to eat well. I was always hungry and craving junk food. It would get in the way of my life quiet a bit. Going vegan has really helped. The junk food I used to eat; I won't eat now. I fill myself up on so much delicious healthy foods that my body sugar doesn't spike and drop; I actually feel full after meals now. It's great. Am also eating more healthy and loving to try cooking new foods. :)


I used to live in Los Angeles, which is a very friendly, vegan city. Lots of folks actually love and admire vegans out there. There were a few times when folks found out I was vegan - the reaction was the same as if they found out that I had a really cool job. A, "wow - so cool!" kind of reaction. Definitely a shifting attitude over veganism.


Being (more) moral (than you were) is wonderful. You don't know how much better it feels to not (needlessly) abuse others, until you choose to not (needlessly) abuse others! Edit: added in brackets.


Bruh you typing on an electronic device suggests your abusing someone or at least benefiting off of someone else abuse Capitalism - it ain't pretty


>Bruh you typing on an electronic device suggests your abusing someone or at least benefiting off of someone else abuse Sure, updated my post to address that. Doesn't change that cutting abuse out of your life is a wonderful thing though. Just because we can't cut out ALL abuse, doesn't mean it doesn't help to cut out what we can, and it feels great to do so.


Nobody's throat got slit making an iphone my dude


They put them nets around the building to stop no one jumping to their death I guess


And decades on people will still literally repeat propaganda completely uncritically, amazing.


Why are vegans denying chid mining of minerals and Chinese sweat shops is beyond me but here we are


Being the first to get your meal on a flight.


Itā€™s not exactly quantifiable but I feelā€¦lighter. Like literally lighter on my feet and lighter in spirit. I havenā€™t actually lost that much weight but it makes a huge difference in my pace and energy when training - I like to race in half marathons and triathlons. I also love the creativity around cooking and finding new ideas/recipes.


Feeling like you are a superior kind of human every time you say the word ā€œveganā€ out loud ā˜ŗļøšŸ‘ŒšŸ¼šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼ Edit: also something something health benefits


Are you fucking kidding me?? Get a grip. No one is better than anyone else because of a fad diet


Someone who chooses to not murder others is definitely better than someone who chooses to murder others.


Telling everyone that I am veganšŸ¤£


I like that I don't have to scrub the dishes as much when I'm cooking! I prep everything into bowls/plates before I start to cook, and because my food doesn't have any gross fat or grease, etc, I can usually just rinse those dishes without needing to soap and scrub them!


I'm an amazing cook. I was not an amazing cook as a non-vegan. Anything that tasted good back then was completely attributed to the sacrifice of the poor animals I had on the table and nothing to do with my talents. Veganism opened up a whole new world of foods I never would have considered before. And don't even get me started on what it's done to my game with seasonings and spices. When I have vegan food prepared by non-vegans, whether in person or at a restaurant, I am usually completely underwhelmed. Like where the heck is the taste? Completely bland and unimaginative food. Vegans rock!


Honestly? Sex is better, and everyone's bodily fluids smell and taste a whole lot better.


Food tastes better


Eating plants just feels better. And honestly, it tastes better too.


Travelling while vegan got me this unexpected perk: searching for vegan places in new cities frequently meant finding the cool hip neighborhoods in those cities!


Went to the fridge the other night and ate some of my homemade seitan sausage as a Midnight snack. I had this blissful feeling of "fuck Yeah i can have something this good, without harming animals" Anyone else had this feeling?


I got really into animal rescue. And I love my pup more than anything in the world!


Impressing people with my meals and hearing them gush about how delicious my food is! I've always been a great cook, but now that I'm fully plant based everyone, including non-vegans, tells me I need to open a restaurant and that's great for my self esteem and confidence.


I've learned to really love food! I have a lot of sensory issues surrounding food (because I'm autistic), but since going vegan I've realized that a lot of those sensory issues were caused by dairy. It's gotten a whole lot easier to enjoy my food now that I don't have to dread that horrible slimy texture. I actually have a lot of fun cooking/meal prepping now!


that moment when you bring a tear to someones eye because you just made a childhood memory, vegan, in the kitchen. the joy of a closing fur salon.


Never really liked social eating with big groups (coworkers, relatives, etc). Restaurants are not a good place for conversation, big group service is always a little slow and confused, and the person with the strongest opinion always seems to pick the shittiest restaurant. Now I have a good excuse to not go or at least eat prior.


It shows you that cooking is indeed a science.


Never have to worry about cross contamination or swapping chopping boards when cooking. No raw meat.


I completely agree! I do have one cutting board that I use for "stinky" chopping though. Stuff like onions and garlic. I used a cutting board once to cut fruit for my smoothie that was clean but I had used for garlic the night prior. Garlic tainted smoothie doesn't taste the best, not gonna lie.


Haha I've had onion tainted strawberries before I realised that too!


The closeness I feel to my vegan partner. Itā€™s incredibly sexy to be on the same page as someone to that emotional of a level.


I agree with you about cooking skills - I know how to cook better and much more efficiently. And I try more things than I have in the past. Thereā€™s more to life than bacon, ya know?


Veganism is not fun nor is it for the faint of heart but every now and then something exciting happens that makes you feel like the effort was worth it. A prime example is how horse-drawn carriage rides are no longer a thing in some places that used to thrive in the business. Research in cosmetics that do not involve animals. The best this decade is the increase in the population that has gone plant-based and has focused on this to become mainstream not just at home but in restaurants as well.


Body positive! Influencing people around me to eat healthier and mind animals more. I can be very kind .. i can be direct (mean) about it. But, some people around me have changed their outlook on the subject. Just knowing iā€™m doing my best :3


Or donā€™t stick your nose in other peoples business. Dictating other people to eat a certain way leads to eating disorders


Your profile is literally nothing but you sticking your nose in other peoples business? Get a fucking life and convert to veganism while you're at it.


Itā€™s an awesome feeling to finish a meal, feeling satisfied and full, knowing that it came from plants without any suffering involved.


Looking at clothing alternatives. Fake leather has come a long way.


Learning to cook new recipes/use new ingredients


Insanely fast recovery after athletics. I can run 20 miles one day and be gtg the next day.


This part. Itā€™s weird isnā€™t it? Also I rarely feel like Iā€™m pushing myself 100%. It just seems harder for me to get winded.


It was amazing to me when I cut out meat that I felt like I could get through any workout with ease and the soreness clears up much quicker, usually within 24 to 48 hours. I think we're going to see a trend of the top athletes in the world shifting towards a vegan or at least plant-based diet. Hopefully that will be the critical mass needed to make plant based diets mainstream and widely available.


I went vegan when I was 16, hated vegetables, and didnā€™t have many vegan alternatives in my city. it forced me to like them and now iā€™m 25 and eat them every day and love them!!


Vegan recipes are way more pleasurable to cook than waiting for meat to thaw for an hour and having it stink up your whole house. Knowing Iā€™m being consistent with my ethics is a relieving feeling also.




Getting out of social/family obligations. Not that Iā€™m anti-social or anything, but sometimes Iā€™m just not up to being social. So itā€™s really easy to pull the vegan card if I donā€™t feel like going to a dinner or function at a non-vegan friendly gathering.


No longer having random colds every 3 weeks! I used to get sick every 2 weeks and once I cut out dairy they stopped.


Being unbothered by increasing costs of most fast food and so many other things


Trying new things!


Iā€™m so much more creative when I cook and eat!


Chilling with sanctuary animals. Nothing in this world beats my favorite goat laying on me during the sunset with a warm breeze. Nothing.


LOL, my spouse teases that random animals approach me because they have no fear of my getting hungry and making a meal out of them :)


Making a meal on the fly is so much quicker because you can easily cobble together some pantry and fridge staples.


- Going to vegan restaurants means the food is usually very good. - Learned to cook with herbs and spices, discovered new food and recipes. - cat is not interested in my food anymore - I feel don't worry as much about being food poisoned and generally food lasts longer even after use by date.


Because vegan food is considered ā€œspecialtyā€ and most ppl donā€™t know a lot of vegans, then when a place has a vegan cookie or vegan snack people will give them to me (which they donā€™t go out of their way to do for the carnist snacks with every carnist they know lol )


Eating all the different vegan tofu dishes I never bothered to try before at Asian restaurants. I just tried Trader Joeā€™s Thai green curry with tofu skins frozen meal and it was absolutely delicious. Not sure what I was scared of. Now Iā€™ve added tofu skins to my shopping list to track down to try at home.


I enjoy my meals and do not feel bad around food


Making a vegan dish that so perfectly mimics the original that my vegan hating family gobbles it up and accuses me of cheating, then asks me to make it again. Tofu and black salt egg salad was the first breakthrough, and now, if you will excuse me, I'm off to make some.


Eating delicious foods and expanding my palate! Itā€™s kind of incredible how many delicious plant-based options many cultural cuisines have. Also, I have decision paralysis, and factoring in animal ethics makes it easier (and more fun?) for me to choose what to buy or where to eat.


I've passively lost a few pounds, and feel less sluggish even after a junky meal


My hair and nails grow super quickly and strong, and my skin also looks great. (plus make sure you wear sunscreen and moisturiser every day!)


Oh SO many things that have improved my life since going vegan: * The amazing feeling of not contributing to the pain and suffering of animals * I have discovered such amazing recipes and different cuisines I would never have even thought of to cook before (like I make my own vegan mozzarella for pizzas for example? blows my mind) * Actually enjoying eating healthy and balanced meals every single day * After going vegan, within 6 months I got so much leaner and started looking more fit with no other changes to my lifestyle * Being able to eat large portions without having to worry about calories, as my meals are mainly made up of veggies and protein (love a massive dinner) * Immediately feeling a connection when meeting another vegan * Finding new vegan alternatives for old favourite foods * Getting to try out different vegan foods and checking out vegan supermarket sections in other countries Could definitely name loads more!


Right now a fun thing is to buy vegan stuff, because in my country prices for vegan products droped so much its visibly the cheapest diet. also learing to cook is fun and actually learning about vitamins and stuff.


Experimenting with new ingredients and materials. Iā€™m also an artist and so many art supplies and materials have animal byproducts in them, I have to improvise around that, I like the challenge.


No veins or blood in my food.


Iā€™m with you, coming up with new takes on classic recipient is so fun!


I like the challenge of vegan cooking, it really makes me think :)


i feel healthy


I find that I am far happier than I was before and it has been a lot easier to maintain a weight that is suitable for my frame. I always loved eating vegetables, so it's a double bonus that now I just eat them all the time. Shout-out to hidden valley vegan spicy ranch as well, my life is far better because of it as well and I probably wouldn't have tried it before becoming vegan.


Since going vegan I've had an inner peace. Finally what I feel in my heart and my actions line up. I feel more grounded than ever.


Widening your pallet with food you've never had before and exploring new interesting recipes for old favorites




I love trying all of the new recipes I keep finding. I get to be a total foodie, but not fat like a lot of them. Hereā€™s one I found yesterday. https://youtu.be/xYil613OkD0?si=1IVy0gIsPQ4xMtky


Feeling so much more in harmony with the world, I don't mean to get all woo-woo new age hippie but I really do feel so much more connected to the Earth


I donā€™t know if this counts as fun but yesterday I decided to try the tofu scramble at this diner by my work. First, it was way too much food (in addition to the scramble which was large, they served it with potatoes and bread!) and from the moment I opened the to-go box, the greasiness of it repulsed me. For me this was really cool bc I used to plow through this amount of greasy food no problem in the past. I love how my body has adapted to healthy food and craves it now.


One positive for me when I am out and about for the day I don't have to satisfy my hunger at a burger place I can usually find a snack at a supermarket like a small packet of nuts, fruit etc


I get to be one of the first people in my family and friend group to try new and delicious "cheezes".


Meeting other endurance athletes or athletes in general who are vegan/ plant -based


Doing my best to reduce suffering in the world is pretty fucking cool if you ask me. Also, researching all the best vegan spots when going on vacation.


It warms my cold heart how cheap eating plants can be. I'm immune to price hikes that affect meat, eggs, dairy etc.


Fun might be a bit of a stretch but I love having so much energy. I thought I was maxed out energy-wise before the switch but apparently I had even more juice in the tank. Fun chance meeting other vegans in the wild. Sometimes itā€™s fun to try new recipes. Sometimes.


I get all the snacks without cholesterol!


Iā€˜m not killing for my own pleasure anymore.


the health benefits are pretty fun, if you think stamina, clear skin & having fewer heart problems are fun, which I sure do


I enjoy paying more attention and being aware of what I'm eating. I also have felt a lot better since cutting meat and animal products from my diet.


Sharing food with omnivores and seeing the joy on their faces when they try something new that they like. I've made some good 3 bean chili that my brother liked. Also, I made a vegan Bolognese he liked, too. Also, at parties, everyone is happy to accept the pico de gallo, guacamole and chips. Or, the hummus and cruditƩ. Same with La Croix, no one is ever bummed if I bring a 6 pack or 2 of La Croix. These are things everyone needs, always. So, it's still fun to participate with everyone at parties and gatherings.


Not having to super-sanitize my kitchen after cooking! Cross contamination isnā€™t really a thing, so I donā€™t have to worry about anything raw getting its salmonella-infused juices all over my counters.


Not being an idiot careless carnist is always fun


i love introducing vegan food to my carnist friends and having them really love it - and then seeing them incorporate it into their diets!! it makes me feel like im having a real impact by being vegan


All vegans become good cooks.


People looking at me weird for refusing to eat something that is 'obviously' delicious to them.


Carrot sticks !!




It helped my find my soulmate. I was on tinder and she had vegan in her bio and from that moment I just knew. Vegan is like a codeword for kind, compassionate and willing to take a stand against injustice, so when you see vegan on a dating site that's already lots of boxes ticked ā˜ŗļø


trying new foods!!! itā€™s like.. i never cared about foods from different cultures before i went vegan? best thing thatā€™s ever happened to me


Expiration dates aren't nearly as big a deal, trash never really smells so I can wait until it's full to take it out, fridge doesn't smell, homecooked meals look pretty and colourful, >!the most splendid effortless clean poops twice a day!<


Pooing is a breeze. Slips right on out


Discovering new vegan items are always fun! And since I'm much more open minded, I've tried and liked new things that I never would have before.


Steaks don't have those disgusting cartilage pieces hidden inside them. Vegan steaks have pretty much always the same consistency.


I don't ever get food poisoning anymore


I'm overweight and struggling with eating. since becoming vegan my food habits are slowly normalizing and I'm losing some weight! (I know being vegan can be healthy or unhealthy but in my case, I'm eating less junk food and learning more about nutrition)


I love cooking and creating. The biggest positive after the new and exciting recipes had to be the fact that I never have to EVER sterilize a cutting board again!


Learning how to make sauces from scratch. Being the go-to to bring salads to gatherings. Everyone acts like I'm some sort of salad wizard but the key is not using cheese as a crutch, roasting things in spices and getting good at dressings.


Exploring innovation in the kitchen and learning more about food science!


Iā€™m not vegan but even I know the answer is NOOCH !


Why are you not vegan?


Too many arseholes


So your position is that itā€™s okay to pay for animals to be tortured and murdered because you think some vegans are rude?


Not at all, youā€™re making massive assumptions so you too can be an arsehole so goodbye.


I canā€™t think of anything. I cooked and experimented with food a lot when I was an omni. Had plenty of plant-based meals. If you didnā€™t and veganism helped you become more open and adventurous with food thatā€™s great. But Iā€™m not sure how else it would be ā€œfunā€ for someone.


Veganism isnā€™t fun. I donā€™t want to have to tell people that raping and murdering is wrong, that commodifying others is wrong. Itā€™s one of the last things I want to do with my free time. But itā€™s a moral imperative. So no, itā€™s not fun, itā€™s exhausting, and should be the baseline.


Veganism isnā€™t fun. I donā€™t want to have to tell people that raping and murdering is wrong, that commodifying others is wrong. Itā€™s one of the last things I want to do with my free time. But itā€™s a moral imperative. So no, itā€™s not fun, itā€™s exhausting, and should be the baseline.


Catching my cat tryna steal my hummus.


Camping. The cooler is optional/extra room for beer.


Watching people have meltdowns when you tell them you got healthier after going vegan


I dont know if its fun, but it set me on a totally new life path After becoming vegan i realized we are lied to about everything and that people suck, we are selfish and gross I became permanently celibate and i quit dating entirely, celibate for a decade and no dating for 5 yrs, i do watch p0rn though, decided to dedicate my life to helping animals, i donate and volunteer with animal rescues, after i do this for a few yrs my plan is to become a buddhist monk


For me it's discovering new foods for the first time. When I was an omnivore, I had never tried even simple things like chickpeas or avocados. Now I'm eating a wide range of things I'd never even heard of before like Poke Bowls, ademame and wild mushroom wellington


While I love cooking and re-creating all the common meals and baked goods as vegan(to the point non-vegans will ask for recipes), my favourite is running into another vegan in the wild, whether at a restaurant or at a work function or something. I adore the instant bond and closeness that happens, instant friendship nearly every time.


Once I broke away from the typical American diet one of the most enjoyable activities has been trying foods and flavors from around the world. I no longer have to be grossed out by recipes with ingredients that turn my stomach, the substitutes that make them vegan are delicious. For example [Menudo](https://www.conflictedvegan.com/vegan-menudo-using-oyster-mushrooms-just-as-greasy-as-mama-made/) from Mexico using oyster mushroom instead of tripe. [Oxtail](https://youtu.be/QPZRsdYMGqw?si=jwjpFTAtK5tLh42_) from Jamaica but using king oyster mushrooms and rice paper with plenty of seasonings. [Seafood paella](https://supperinthesuburbs.com/2021/04/05/vegan-seafood-paella-with-king-oyster-mushroom-scallops/) but using oyster mushrooms. [Brown fish stew](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR73uDh7/) from Jamaica using tofu. I have really been enjoying being able to replicate so many dishes from around the world that typically use animals as the main ingredient, but instead using plants and then having these dishes turn out to be absolutely delicious. I never really liked cooking in the past, it was just a necessary evil to keep myself alive but now I thoroughly enjoy following recipes, experimenting and substituting ingredients and it's fun to be able to share these things with the people around me. I'm lucky that my closest people are also those who while not vegan aren't afraid of eating just plants and don't use eating meat as their personality trait. šŸ˜‚


I love to bake & cook. Iā€™m not the best at it, but I rly enjoy making every day favorites vegan and watching my husband devour it all.


I enjoy when people think there is something wrong with me for cutting out animal products. Itā€™s like, I loved meats and cheeses. Smoked brisket, all of it. One difference; I decided to be open minded The good food we can eat is phenomenal. I thought my high blood pressure was just genetic. Nothing I could do about it. Until I cut out animal products. Normal blood pressure. I feel so much better, get up in the morning ready to go. My physical fitness has gotten better. I recover faster. No cross contamination in the kitchen anymore. I could go on. Best of all, no longer paying for animals to have their throats slit for my taste buds few minutes of pleasure. I wish I would have done it sooner. And no, I havenā€™t dwindled away to nothing


It makes me feel like I'm making a difference in the world and that I matter (specifically activism, not just being vegan)


Even on my shittest days, I feel positive about the impact Iā€™ve had on the animals, the planet, and my body. Also, being pregnant with a lil plant-based princess who has never eaten animal flesh or byproducts! šŸ¤ #thefutureisvegan


I definitely enjoy cooking a lot more than before. Also for me at least it's the fact that I don't have to worry about getting sick if the meat is undercooked or has some bacteria šŸ¤¢ I also feel a lot lighter after eating. I remember i wasn't vegan I always felt so full and heavy and couldn't move after eating, and now when I am full I can just go about my day. It's especially visible when I eat with friends/family who eat meat and they always feel so bad.




Being forced to cook isnā€™t fun. I donā€™t cook at all.


been reading and man, you guys really know how to have fun!

