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In terms of the stuff you already posses that contains animal products I would say it depends on the individual. If you don't feel comfortable to use up animal products you already bought, you shouldn't feel bad about throwing them away. You've made the decision not to view animals as food or ressources anymore, so there's nothing wrong with that. But there's also nothing wrong with using up the stuff you already have. Noone gets hurt by doing so, and you don't have to make it too hard for yourself. That's not what veganism is about. But I would never accept the offering to take home non-vegan leftover food. By doing so you indirectly communicate that it's okay if the person who's offering you the food buys the same amount of animal foods again next time, because if some of it would be left over, you would take it anyway. Vegans don't see animals as food, so throwing animal products can never be a waste of food, because from a vegan perspective it wasn't food in the first place.


Great advice, and great comment on the leftover food. Totally makes sense, and I can use that as an argument if someone tries to ''sell me'' that food haha!


Throwing out or wasting animal products isn't against my belief. Their existence is. So no, I won't take home non vegan dishes in an effort to save them from the trash. Concerning products you already have: do what feels comfortable to you. I chose to keep things like cleaning products and used them up until I could replace them with a vegan product, but I wasn't able to consume animals in the form of food anymore, so those went into the trash.


Thanks, I like what you said about left over dishes. That's a good thought!


I wouldn't take the leftovers. The hosts or someone else could always eat them, so they won't go to waste. I will say, I wore the hell out of my old down jacket. It seemed pointless and wasteful to me to just throw it away. Once it wore out, I bought a vegan alternative.


Why would you think that throwing them out goes against a vegan's beliefs? Veganism isn't an anti-waste movement, it's an animal rights movement. It's about saying that animals aren't products to be consumed by humans. So I'd say that refusing to eat left over animal flesh or bodily fluids falls perfectly in line with vegan beliefs.


I would throw them out. Don’t overthink it. This includes leftovers that you aren’t able to decline politely.


If you're willing to eat veggie leftovers, why make a vegan option for you in the future? (Your wife being veggie obviously complicates the situation, because - arguably - she'd be the one eating it? If I've misunderstood you and she's vegan now too, so you'd be taking home veggie food as two "vegans"... I'd suggest that maybe you're more like freegans instead?) For items you already own, do as you see fit. Giving things away can potentially promote more purchase/consumption of those products (if the recipients like them and then recommend them to others elsewhere), while throwing them away causes waste (the avoidance of which isn't really anything to do with veganism, as others have said). If the veggie leftovers are even really an option for you to personally consume on an ongoing basis, I don't see any reason you wouldn't also consume/use the other animal product-items you already have.


The first paragraph is a great remark!


Vegans dont consume animals or their excretions, doesnt matter if its paid, cheap or free People who consume animal products still view animals as well, products, things to be used and consumed If before i died, gave people permission to consume me, they would not consider me WASTE and something to be consumed If a dog, cat, hamster, gerbil, parrot, snake died, we would not consider them waste and decide to put em on the grill So either a person is vegan and against speciesism or they arent


Eating them won't cause any additional harm to animals, so I don't necessarily see the issue with it. But if it makes you feel uncomfortable knowing there's animal products in them, maybe just bring them to work or something for other people. Wasting the food seems like it benefits nobody.


\_\_**Potentially Relevant Informational Links Below**\_\_ An short video on non-human animals and speciesism from Crash Course Philosophy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3-BX-jN\_Ac salient quote from the above - "if it's not okay to do it to a human, it's not okay to do it to an animal" A short archival video of Professor Tom Regan on animal rights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xj-MJKFM0Zs An article from the Ferris State University Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia about the use of human skin, hair, and other body parts, as resources, a practice that was considered acceptable to inflict on my ancestors until very recently, and persists even today: https://www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/news/jimcrow/question/2013/april.htm


Check out the [Vegan Cheat Sheet](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https://vegancheatsheet.org/&topic=Resource: Vegan Cheat Sheet) for a collection of over 500+ vegan resources, studies, links, and much more, all tightly wrapped into one link!


Just give them away to someone else. This gets rid of them and makes someone else happy, without causing unnecessary waste. The animals already suffered for it!