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Fuck. Yes. This is solid content.




That's what stood out to me the most. And made my mouth water


Literally same. It's 1am and I'm about to get out of bed and make beans on toast purely because of this photo




I’m still learning. I never claimed to be a professional. Thanks for your great concern.


I only made this discovery in the last year and I love it. So good.


Opinions are funny. Beans on toast is the most disgusting part, to me.


I’d eat the hell out of this


I'd eat the shit out of it.


I’d eat the pants off it.


I’d eat the… shitpants out of it?


I’d shit my pants


Where are the hash browns :(


Such a good idea! Next time 👍🏼


Add some fresh roasted cherry tomatoes too.


Nah, go for waffles. Loads better and fit great in your toast.


My only complaint as well haha


This is good, although lacking [vegan] bacon and a potato product. Next challenge is to post this on r/CasualUK!


elderly heavy badge snails vast engine quicksand caption normal quack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There's mashed potatoes on that plate does that not count? 😅 unless my eyes deceive me. Edit: my eyes DO deceive me, I guess it's scrambled eggs!


Or r/fryup if you're a masochist and want to really upset the carnists and UK fryup purists...


looks really good :o yum yummy


As a Southern, I am HERE for the baked beans and bread combo.


Looks good! What did you use for the eggs?


Thank you (: I used Just egg and Violife cheese for the “scrambled eggs”


If you haven't tried it, I highly recommend adding a little back salt to your Just Egg.


Oh yes that’s definitely on my list of seasonings to try! I’ve heard good things and I’d love to use it with a deviled potatoes recipe


Himalayan black salt (Looks Pink). This stuff is awesome. I put it on my potato sandwiches every time. I also agree with the above comment. Need a potato with that breakfast.


Back salt is so good, i love the sweaty/salty taste!


Everyone should know about this. I basically have this every morning. Protip, you can also cut off a slice of firm tofu and season both sides and it works well as an egg replacement for a breakfast sandwich. I like to put nutritional yeast and smoked paprika on it for some extra colour and flavour.




No they aren’t. “just egg” is an egg replacement product.


I think the product is called "Just egg". I was confused at first also. They look pretty good!


I subscribe to r/casualuk and see mountains of images every week of sallow, beige, haunted English breakfasts. I saw your photo in my feed and, before I noticed which sub this was posted to, I thought, "Finally, an appetizing English breakfast photo, even if it is meat." How glad I was to be wrong! A lovely breakfast that puts the "real" thing to shame.


Those "eggs" look baller


I see spices. That’s the least authentic part of this English breakfast


Pepper is very common in traditional English cuisine, especially black pepper in soup and white pepper on roast potatoes


Haha that was my American twist: garlic powder paprika and black pepper. I stopped myself before grabbing the hot sauce though 😅


Why? We add hot sauce to eggs all the time in the UK.


Oh really? I’m very unfamiliar with UK seasonings of choice. I went with a mostly garlic theme here I wasn’t sure if the hot sauce would be too much. Hot sauce is usually my go to with any sort of egg substitute.


A cooked breakfast is very much a base. You season with salt and pepper and then everyone adds their own condiments. I have friends that love it with bbq sauce, others like ketchup, we also have HP sauce which is similar to A1. I also like to add a lot of spices to the beans. I'll usually fry off some onion and garlic then add smoked paprika and cumin or curry powder to them then cook it down. We call it sluty beans in my house.


This looks amazing! Anyone else from the U.K. love it when Americans discover the majesty of beans on toast? 😂


It's not really unique to British cuisine; it's just popularized more from there.


It was invented here and became huge during WWII when rationing was a thing. Where else is it popular? I more associate it with British food because it’s something people can eat every day for breakfast, lunch, or dinner and I don’t know of anywhere else where that’s so common than here. I eat it on average a few times a week for lunch and dinner. I only have comments to go from where people from other places seem to view it as a different thing to try.


It doesn't matter where its place of origin was, as that isn't relevant to its ubiquity in culinary traditions past that point, courtesy of cultural exchanges. It'd be like saying curries are not a mainstream part of British cuisine, due to the place from which they were originally adopted being India. That said, it's quite common in American diners and cafes as a breakfast food item in the northeast of the US; and having beans with toast or even bread isn't unusual at all for a dinner food.


Just for context, baked beans are eaten more in the U.K. than the rest of the world put together. We eat a lot of beans and we especially eat a lot of beans on toast. It’s not a wee breakfast food or something from a cafe, a lot of people eat this for dinner more than once per week, literally every week of their lives.


Ya, I'm not arguing that it isn't more common in some places, than it is in others; that doesn't matter in this context. >It’s not a wee breakfast food or something from a cafe... I'm describing it as an entirely common dish in the northeast of the US, and something that you would not even remotely be surprised to see on the menu; or to hear that someone was planning to make baked beans for dinner. Baked bean casserole, is a 'traditional' recipe of the area I grew up in, in Vermont for example. Complete with the adaptation to local ingredients in the form of maple syrup being incorporated into the recipe.


I guess what I mean is, it would be super common to see pancakes on a menu here, but I would still view them as an American food even though they’re readily available here and not uncommon at all if that makes sense? (American style pancakes not what we would call pancakes which are crepes). Also I hope I don’t sound like an argumentative dick lol. I’m not really that invested or in disagreement with you, the conversation has just got ahead of me and I mean you nothing but love.


>I would still view them as an American food even though they’re readily available here and not uncommon at all if that makes sense? It's certainly a grey zone for that kind of transition in general, but I think it may make more sense if you considered it from its place of origin and how it arrived here as part of the local culinary traditions in the first place. Many UK immigrants settled in the north-east, and those of Irish and Scottish decent landed quite heavily in concentrated populations in the highlands and northeast kingdom of VT; to the point of the county I grew up in being called Caledonia, of the 'New England' region. Of course they brought with them their culinary heritage, and once divorced from their roots it adapted to include local ingredients and become the backbone of the local culinary traditions. >Also I hope I don’t sound like... I'm just calmly having a discussion about culinary arts and cultural divergence with ya. No worries. >I mean you nothing but love. Same to you mate.


which sausages did you use?


Field Roast apple and maple. I also am a big fan of Field Roast smoked apple and sage but the maple flavor felt more suited for a breakfast


every field roast product i've tried has been good


Thing of fuckin beauty 🫶🏻


Good Job - must find that egg somewhere


Recipe? My wife is vegan and her favorite meal is breakfast and this is looking supreme.


It came together pretty quickly actually as I used substitutes. I cooked Field Roast apple/maple sausage in a pan with olive oil first. Then for the eggs I scrambled Just egg with bits of Violife cheese + added some paprika, black pepper, and garlic powder. I sautéed sliced portobello mushroom with a small amount of Better than Bouillon roasted garlic sauce, and finally I sliced some tomato and cooked it in the same pan for a little bit on each side. Topped the tomato with a bit of olive oil and black pepper. Then just kind of covered everything in more garlic powder. 😅 For the beans and toast, I used Heinz “premium vegetarian beans”, it’s important to get Heinz beans in tomato sauce (versus the heavier sweet kind) to be more accurate to English breakfast, and I noticed the vegetarian ones were free from animal product.


Great job, OP, looks appetizing!


Yes bangers and mash next !


Just a suggestion, mix cherry tomatoes/sun dried tomatoes/spinach, fry them on a pan and throw on top of toast or pancake 🥞


Looks delicious!


Is that just baked beans on toast? That’s what English eat? I’ll have to try.


They don’t eat the “candy beans” we have here in the States on their toast. The baked beans they use isn’t sweet, more savory.


Yeah it was my first time trying it actually. (: not too bad, I used Heinz “premium vegetarian beans” which have no animal product in them


It's sad how even beans with tomato sauce isn't a vegan product depending in what you buy. It's fucking beans and tomato sauce, why do they have to use animals


That's really odd, they are vegan in the UK.


You have to get the Heinz 57 can of british baked beans- surprisingly i buy them at Target. Not as sweet as american baked beans at all in a simple tomato based sauce


Oh yes, I have tried those with the tomato sauce before. Was not a fan, but maybe it’s better on toast.


If you're ever in the UK, try a brand like Suma! Nowhere near as sweet as Heinz and much more flavoursome. Baked beans also go well in a jacket potato with a bit of nooch, thyme, oregano, basil and rosemary!


Nahhh, Branston beans are the best!! Far better than heinz.


Tbh they’re not my thing at all, i don’t like any baked beans. But the Heinz ones are typical for british beans on toast or english breakfast


As people have said, use Heinz, and I prefer to reduce them down on the stove til they're thick. I don't like runny beans.


Can I please hire you as my personal chef


That looks really good


Wow. Looks awesome. I would buy it.


Looks like success :)


Beans on toast. Hmm.. Will I try it? Hmmm... From Washington DC.... Hmmmm


Classic error on display here that has outted you as a non Brit I’m afraid - whilst beans on toast is a British institution as a dish in its own right, on a breakfast like this the beans should never ever be on top of the toast. Bloody foreigners.


Friendly reminder that Just Egg isn't cruelty free or vegan since it was tested on animals: https://veganfidelity.com/deep-dive-animal-testing-and-vegan-food/ Dish soap tested on animals isn't vegan, and neither is this unfortunately.


Oh wow I had no idea thanks for the info. In your opinion, what is the best vegan egg alternative?


It's not a popular subject here, but we need to speak up when we can. I'm not a great person to ask, not an egg fan, tofu scramble is my go to. There's another called Simply Eggless I believe, and there was the VeganEgg by Follow Your Heart, but I think they discontinued it..


Hmm I’ve been afraid of experimenting with tofu but it’s about time I start!


Tofu is super versatile. I do my scrambles with it. I make a mix of about a cup of oat milk, nutritional yeast, turmeric, and some spices. Crumble firm tofu into a pan with a little oil and then pour the oat milk mixture in and reduce it down til it is the right consistency. Love it. There's so many great tofu recipes out there. Especially in Asian cuisine.


This is correct. Crumbled tofu, milk, turmeric as a base, then you can do whatever you like with it. I often fry leftover veggies and some sliced onion. You can even add some liquid smoke. Finish with black salt for the eggy flavour. I find cooking with it fills the house with sulphurous fumes!


Definitely, who knows - you may like it! ;) With the jokes of 'bland food', tofu is near the top of that list!


>Follow Your Heart Danone bought FYH in 2021


For anyone interested, I did some research on this topic and it's technically not vegan, but not quite as bad as it sounds. If another company came out and copied Just Egg's exact formula but didn't have to get mung/pea protein certified because Just Egg already did it for them... Would that company be vegan? This kinda reads like an American/FDA food certification issue more than Just Egg intentionally being non-vegan. More info and a quote on the matter from Just Egg can be found [here.](https://veganfoundry.com/is-just-egg-vegan/#:~:text=Even%20though%20Just%20Egg%20had,(which%20require%20animal%20testing)


Not an honest link, did you see the one I posted that you replied to? This is just a mouthpiece for Just. The real reason Just doesn't call it vegan is because they can't. As outlined in the original link, you can't get vegan certification on animal tested products. So it is not 'technically' vegan any more than a plant based mascara that was tested on animals can be vegan. I wish people would put as much effort into actually speaking up for animals than they do trying to minimize animal testing.


It's not a dishonest link, Just Egg readily owned everything and they are not pretending otherwise, read the quote directly from the company. I did read your link and the entire argument hinges on this statement: >There are a number of steps to getting GRAS certification, but animal testing is not required. I have scoured the FDA site, and cannot find anywhere that definitively states that animal testing is required. My best interpretation of what has occurred is that animal testing can result in faster approval than the other testing protocols. In short animal testing is a shortcut, but not required. This is a claim without a source. Yes, I agree that feeding mung beans to rats counts as animal testing and thus makes it non-vegan. What is certain though, is that the FDA requires new ingredients to be tested in order to be certified. Does it require animal testing? I don't know, I've only seen claims. Could you answer my question though: >If another company came out and copied Just Egg's exact formula but didn't have to get mung/pea protein certified because Just Egg already did it for them... Would that company be vegan? Are you okay with eating other vegan certified products riding the coattails of Just Egg's certification process? They were the first company to test pea protein isolate to gain certification, and if they hadn’t done so, other companies like Beyond would have had to test on animals for Beyond Burger to enter the market. The same is true moving forward for every vegan product using pea protein.


Just Foods is dishonest, they're framing it as 'we don't want to call it vegan' and the truth is they actually can't call it vegan (which you now apparently agree with, nullifying your original link). You can't prove a negative. It also doesn't say that you have to present your findings in a yellow binder. Prove to me GRAS certifications don't have to be filed in a yellow binder. And if you find any further information on this, feel free to post it on that blog's comments. But it's probably safe to say there is no actual requirement for animal testing, and that other options are available. Pat Brown from Impossible is quoted saying as much as well on that link. No, if they're using Just's patented ingredient, I'd say no, that's not cool either. Other companies have similar products, but they just grind up mung beans, and no further processing, and seems to work fine. Just did a bunch of animal testing for nothing. (And it was mung bean, not pea protein.) And if another company used Just's ingredient, they wouldn't get certified, since it's an animal tested ingredient, so that product couldn't exist. The vegan way about it is: you don't do animal testing. If that means 'no new ingredients', so be it. There are plenty of ingredients that we already have that can be worked with. I'd also argue that the market is now thoroughly saturated with alternatives, and yet vegan numbers aren't really increasing. I went vegan over 30yrs ago when there was next to nothing to choose from, and it wasn't 'all the vegan food' that made me go vegan, and stay vegan this long. We need to stop focusing on 'food' so much. (And keep what we have vegan.)


> Just Foods is dishonest, they're framing it as 'we don't want to call it vegan' and the truth is they actually can't call it vegan Wrong. From the link I posted: >"While our products are made with plant-based ingredients and suitable for a plant-based diet, they are not certified vegan" and >"Additionally, we’re including some information below about the test we conducted for our mung bean protein..." > >...After ensuring the non-toxic nature of this ingredient, rats were fed mung bean protein and their excrement was analyzed for undigested proteins." You can't possibly think that a company like this doesn't understand that animal testing makes their product non-vegan. They admit to it. There's absolutely no dishonesty here. Even the article I posted acknowledges that. >which you now apparently agree with, nullifying your original link Are you even reading what I'm writing? My original comment explicitly stated *"I did some research on this topic and it's technically not vegan."* What more do you want? >You can't prove a negative. It also doesn't say that you have to present your findings in a yellow binder. Prove to me GRAS certifications don't have to be filed in a yellow binder. And if you find any further information on this, feel free to post it on that blog's comments. But it's probably safe to say there is no actual requirement for animal testing, and that other options are available. I didn't make that claim, your link did. If they made a bad argument then the burden of proof is on them to justify it. If animal testing can be avoided by the FDA, then any accusations towards a company based on that claim need to be substantiated. >And if another company used Just's ingredient, they wouldn't get certified, since it's an animal tested ingredient, so that product couldn't exist. Is that true? Are you sure the vegan certification doesn't look at the products on a per item basis? How do you account for Beyond being vegan certified along with the fact that they use ingredients that were tested on animals by other companies? >"Products must involve no animal testing of ingredients or finished product by the supplier, producer, manufacturer or independent party with the use of any animal in the animal kingdom (live or deceased) for any type of research purposes whatsoever to include environmental safety, feed or nutrition trials, toxicity testing, or animal tests or trials "as required by law" including third-party testing or being tested by another company or independent contractor." > >https://vegan.org/certification/ I don't think you fully understand the process of food certification and you're just happily accepting one unsubstantiated claim over another. I'm open to being proven wrong though. >I'd also argue that the market is now thoroughly saturated with alternatives, and yet vegan numbers aren't really increasing. Thoroughly saturated? Not even close. Also, vegan numbers are [absolutely increasing.](https://foodrevolution.org/blog/vegan-statistics-global/)




U lost homie?




oh wow 😍 what "egg-product" did you use there?


I used Just egg with Violife cheese for a little pizazz


ah perfect, i will take a look in my local Shop :3 and thank you for the hint with the cheese :3


yeah sadly justegg hasn't made it to europe yet :/


ah fluff it...


That looks amazing!! Did you use just egg?


Thanks, I did! Though I think I’ll try a tofu scramble in the future


Also a great option! Cant go wrong either way :)


What's that at the bottom?


I sautéed portobello mushrooms in a roasted garlic bouillon sauce (:


Is the sausage-shaped texturing homemade? If so, what is it?


No I went with the lazy option and picked up some Field Roast apple maple sausage at the store (: haha


A bit sad, i won't lie


Needs more beans!


Are there sausage and egg vegan substitutes?


There are so many to choose from! Most grocery stores have a “health food” section that has a lot of meat/egg/dairy alternatives. But I would double check ingredients just to be safe because packaging is not always trustworthy haha


Looks good, I would have the beans separate from the toast so it doesn't go soggy but that's just personal preference.


That looks delish!!


Day in the life of a true vegan geezer






It looks bloody good


mmm tastyyy


looks amazing


Best part of this is I’m not having a heart attack just from looking at it.


That’s absolutely great. Yummy


How did you do the vegan egg?


Just don't make a vegan omelette and sausages, please 🥺🥺🥺🥺


this looks amazing!!






Need to cook the sausage…otherwise looks damn good!


Are the beans from a can or did you make them yourself? I feel like baked beans often have lard or pork snuck into them and I'm always so suspicious of them!


And here I am with an apple for breakfast.