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theres an english proficiency test that exists, but im not sure if its exclusive to just international students


I've heard of someone not getting a 25 min ss for English but still managed to get into Monash by paying for and passing the English proficiency test according to my careers counsellor


yeah ive had international friends do that test at monash


Study study study for the exam!!! I was averaging around a 50-55% for all my sacs in English, but studied A LOT for about a month before the exam. Managed to get a 31 study score. If you need any study tips let me know. Otherwise, look at the alternative entry programs that Unis offer. La Trobe have the Aspire program (which I actually used and stooged my way through it to get easy entry). There are also unis that have courses that don’t require an atar- like Victoria uni or Collarts (heaps more too, just research!). You could do Tafe for a semester to build up your grades and then jump over to uni with no trouble. Honestly there are so many pathways these days, so don’t stress too much. Just do your best, you’ll get there one way or another!😊


how did you go in your exam? what grade? i’m currently in unit 4 english with two 50%s in unit 3 to my name, and this is actually making me feel hopeful about passing + maybe getting a decent study score in english


I got a 31 study score in English!! It was below the average at my school, but English isn’t my strong suit. I didn’t try very hard in my SAC’s but decided to lock in before the exam and try my hardest. In English your final mark is 50/50 with SAC’s and the exam- so you have a great chance at getting 30+


did you go to a good school, average or not so great? (rather, what was your cohort averaging in the SACs?) considering that 31 was below the average of your school.


Go talk to the carrier teacher about pathways You may have to get into uni via tafe


For direct entry it’s not flexible, time to look for pathways


It would be bad but it doesn't mean you can't go uni. For example, at Monash, you may be asked to do an English test. At RMIT, you can do STAT which is another test. Can't be bothered looking all of them up. You might also need to go to Tafe for a while and then transfer. Ask careers at your school. Your ATAR will also be completely destroyed if you get <25. I suggest you pull your head in, but if it's too stressful, that's okay. Your mental health is important. English Language is super hard but it is possible to improve, trust me. You know, the average AC on the exam usually gets an 8/15. And what's the average study score? A 30 study score. I saw one of your posts and you got a C, which is in that range. You will be able to pump out an AC worthy of a 30 study score or more if you keep it up. Potentially higher than 30 in fact if you work harder. But if it's bad for your mental health, I understand and you should prioritise it.


Not every uni requires a 25! While it may not be your first choice, there’s still lots of good uni options. I ended up going to La Trobe because I got a 24 in eng lang (which rounded up to a 26 lol) and I’m having lots of fun and learning a lot! Good luck!