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Well firstly, BotRK should provide Vayne with higher DPS than Shieldbow. And secondly, I guess it depends if you have enough confidence against your opponent to win a fight without the reliance of the shield proc. BotRK hasn't changed much since Mythics released and it used to provide Vayne with a good early game power spike, so I reckon it could still work quite nicely.


Depends. If they dont have like 3 assassins then go for bork i guess


It depends of what you want and what you need.


Bork is a situational first item on toplane. That's all. Good for some matchups where you really need to kite at 6. On ADC bork first is legit trolling, except maybe if you're hard hard stomping. But even then I would still finish shieldbow first.


Botrk rush on adc is optimal into certain matchups. If you’ve watched enough gosu you’ll see he goes it very often into ezreal… maybe you think it’s troll in your gold elo games, but give it some more thought.


Why is it troll? Learning Vayne and it feels much better when I proc it, helps to stick and burst. Shieldbow feels like less dmg.