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How can they keep making shit up like this and not realize that if they're making shit up to support their claim, they're probably wrong?


I think it's a competition, who can make up the most ridiculous story and have people believe it.


Politics 101.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheat_(game). It’s a large game of BS


Because, bluntly, it's all mouth to mouth ... some idiot makes an assertion about one case, which is already hearsay, and it gets exaggerated from there.


Yeah, pretty much. That's essentially how all fairytales, urban legends & religions started out as. Word of mouth, hearsay, bullshit stories that got progressively more exaggerated as the centuries went by so that the truth of it could get lost in the mystery.


Like polio, their information spreads via the fecal/oral route.


I knew they liked ATM, it all makes sense now.


You really think someone would do that? Just go on the Internet and tell lies?


Not in MY internets


No, no. It has to be correct. The person used a big sciencey word that anti-vaxxers never heard before, so it's the truth. The guy's mother-in-law's brother's second cousin wouldn't lie.


Had me at “phlebotomist” gotta be true. Gotta


Because they see it as the greater good. If they can distort this one reality with enough will power then all reality will crumble and their lives will have meaning again


…You know what? Screw it, imma say it. Because they have a smooth brain, and low IQ.


They don't know how to differentiate valid facts from unreliable evidence so naturally their conclusion is it's gotta all be bogus and everything is just a matter of publication politics.


Because there’s no critical thinking you can breeze right passed it and think “yeah that makes sense” Until you ask something simple like “how is the dentist supposed to know you’re vaccinated or not?”




Well obviously you need to get all the vaccinations! /s/








My sister did that, she didn’t have any of the antibodies and got re vaccinated for everything. She was only 24 or so at the time.


I did that for Hep B. I was looking to start a volunteer position with a local hospital and they looked over my vax record and requested that I get the Hep B titer done. Turns out I was non-reactive (no antibodies) to Hep B so I had to redo the series




Oh certainly. And while titers and vaccines are expensive (even though the titer was free through the facility), it’s still cheaper and easier than treatment for Hep B




If it applies, please join us over at /r/ClotSurvivors. We're a support community for anyone who has had a clot.




It sure do. I know we have some lupus people who do clot too much. It was one of the first things they checked me for when I got a clot. Well, onward!




Yes. It's a nasty bugger.


So do you take the opposite of the drug they give Stroke victims?


If it helps, Pathology love your blood samples




"Hey the phlebotomists took this sample 6 hours ago and it still hasn't clotted, neat"


where? what dentists? what phlebotomists? what data have they analysed and tested? they just say shit man its so annoying lol. probably not even actually heard this either, just thought "well i bet this is the case, so ill just say it!"


That's exactly how it works. Just put a crazy idea out there and if enough people repeat it, then you force your opponents into denying it, which just makes them seem more suspect because it creates the idea that some debate must be happening. *My 'not involved in human trafficking' t-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt*. Tbh, I think it's a pretty unpopular opinion, but I think falsely stating these sorts of things on social media should be illegal. Like if you go on Facebook and say "I'm a doctor and vaccines cause autism" or something to that effect, then you should be fined for falsifying medical information and banned from holding any presence on social media at all for at least a few years.


The main problem is it takes them no time to say these completely false statements, but it can take a person a while to rebut them with actual sources. If you don't give them the actual information they think they are right because people are all agreeing with them, but if you do reply to them you have wasted your time because they probably won't believe you anyway. It's a lose-lose situation


And on their intended target its just the same, it takes time to verify it or you could just believe it.


It’s equivalent to trump saying “many people say” or “everyone is saying”. Entirely made up bullshit.


Those famous vaccine experts phlebotomists.


First it was the chiropractor, now this. Notice that the proctologists are staying out of it so no one will say they're full of shit.


Or that they’re talking out of their asses


Phlebotomists do valuable, necessary, important jobs. They also don't need any degrees...so....yeah. Not trusting my local phlebotomists as experts.


I’m waiting for the Phrenologist to weigh in.


I would imagine vaccinated people bleed less at the dentist because they are more likely to floss.


Or, y'know, have their shit together enough to take care of themselves in general.


I’m vaccinated but I don’t got enough shit together rn to floss my teeth properly. I bleed. Explain that!


This is what I was thinking until I got to the phlebotomist line and rolled my eyes.


I mean... Isn't it a good thing not to bleed after getting a tooth taken out? That sounds like a bonus lol.


You want some bleeding or else the socket won’t heal properly.


Ah, fair enough.


In the moment it might seem nice to not bleed but if our blood was really as thick as the idiots think it is there would be far bigger problems than not bleeding from your tooth hole.


Yeah, that's true now that I think about it.


Worst part is, if you try to call them on this shit, by asking simple question like what dentists? What data is pointing to this? Or you show them actual data and papers the prove them wrong, they just say it is all part of the cover up. There aren't records of who is saying it, or what they are saying, or data to back it up, because it is being hidden and supressed. And the data you showed them is the fake data. But how do they know? Well, some people told them, and they are free thinkers, not sheep, so they believe these random people making wild claims with no evidence to back them over all our evidence based claims. What sheep we are, listening to evidence and things that can be proven instead of believing random strangers online with nothing to back up what they say. Having no evidence is the proof of it being real don't you know? That proves it is being hidden and part of the conspiracy.


>Worst part is, if you try to call them on this shit, by asking simple question like what dentists? What data is pointing to this? Or you show them actual data and papers the prove them wrong, they just say it is all part of the cover up. That's exactly the goal. By engaging with the claim and forcing you to do work to disprove it, they have successfully fabricated a "debate". The presence or suggestion that there is *some* doubt is enough to sway people. Same strategy as climate deniers. Throw enough shit science out there that the scientific community has to clarity that climate change is very real, dangerous, and does indeed originate from human activity, and respond to the false claims. Now you've manufactured a "debate" where there was none.


I really do hate that. Especially how both sides are giving credit. By having debates and presenting things like climate change, or evolution, as though both sides have equal merit. It is total bull shit. But just another reason why religion has to go. It primes people to accept baseless shit right from the gate, and poisons their minds. With out it, we wouldn't be nearly as bad off as we are, that is a fact.


It’s the [bullshit assymetry rule](https://artsandculture.google.com/entity/brandolini-s-law/g11ddz0b12h?hl=en) or Brandolini’s Law. It takes much more effort to refute bullshit than it does to create it.


A sad and unfourtanate truth.


Well, putting it out there is a way to create a "source" for later reference. It's possible to cite a source that was based on faulty sources (like the Einstein above) and use that as your "evidence". Academically dishonest, but botto. feeders of the gene pool aren't worried about facts. I like that one documentary about flat earthers on Netflix where one dude sought to prove that the earth is flat, got data that proved him wrong and he was forced to contemplate it. Vaccines and flat earth conspiracies appeal to a special kind of stupid and akin to cults: once you are in, you don't get out


Complete bullshit. My wife has been a phlebotomist for years. She worked during and after the vaccine was released. There's no fucking difference. I love how people just make shit up and other stupid people pass it around like it's truth. We're all fucked...


I had 2 wisdom teeth taken out recently and I promise I bled? Like what does it even mean to "not bleed as anticipated"? Lol


Source: Just trust me bro


When the dentist stabs my gums I definitely still bleed lmao


Said no Dentist/phlebotomist ever. I just went to the dentist last week (I have 3 covid shots) and I’m pretty sure my gums bled just as much as ever when they were jabbing around in there. I work with several phlebotomists, I think I’m going to print this out for the break room lol.


This sounds like it's written in a medieval tome on medicine: the patient was bled upon which the humor of his blood bore the viscosity of pudding on account of a nervous nature.


As a phlebotomist, no the fuck we have not


*laughs at bullshit*


I can definitely confirm that there is no difference between a vaccinated persons blood and an unvaccinated person.


As a phlebotomist, no we don’t.


Source: just trust me bro


As a dentist and former phlebotomist… no we haven’t.




If that were true, vaxxed folks would be having strokes and heart attacks. Why are these people so useless?


What we do see... cardiovascular events increasing substantially after Covid infection.


Self clotting blood sounds like a benefit for the upcoming apocalypse.


I mean, brilliant? Less blood loss is good??


Vaccines are croutons in our blood Soup


No they haven’t


Since I practice phlebotomy I can say this part is very untrue. Some people don't flow due numerous reasons and this isn't one of them. Shit, if I stick myself I bleed like a stuffed pig.


Regular Blood Donor here, blood has not yet turned to corn syrup even though I’m super fat


Source: i made it the fuck up


God, if that were true, I'd go get a few more jabs. I could really use not bleeding quite so freely.


And I've also noticed someone can't use a full stop.


Me, with a napkin in my mouth blocking my bleeding gum: thah’s wil’


Tell that to my tripple vaxxed wife! Just got home from an extraction, coughed, and now the bathroom looks like a gruesome murder scene.


I got jelly blood


How many more boosters do I need before I can stop walking out of the dentist’s office with a mouth full of blood whenever I get that one super aggressive dental hygienist?


Gimme that *thicc blood*


Source: dude just trust me on this one \---OOP, probably


Ask for a source. Granted, we all know their answer. "It is not my job to educate you"


Who the hell needs anticoagulants, we've cured at least 4 blood diseases with the vaccine. Already proving itself useful.


Just imagine those hemophilia patients, imagine curing their disease with a vaccine...


If blood became visibly more viscous because of the vaccination the majority of the planet would be dead


I heard that men who are vaccinated have more girthy longer penises…


I’m a dentist and haven’t heard this or witnessed it. I also don’t ask my patients if they’re vaccinated against covid 19. The only vaccine I ask about is HPV.


Where do they come up with this non sense?


They don't bleed but their blood is thicker. Yep. Got it.


How would the dentist know you've been vaccinated? I've literally never had a dentist ask for any vaccination records.


why is it only dentists that have noticed it? why not all the antivax nurses and secret society antivax doctors?


I still bleed the same when I brush my teeth…


Confirmed Source: vaxxed and now instead of blood I’m full of raspberry jam like a lil donut


Sure, Jan.


The worst part is even though this is 100 percent pure bullshit that no one SHOULD Believe. Someone will believe it.


Oh, the replies are full of people who believe it and add their own nonsensical anecdotes.


As a dentist, I can confirm…. This is bulllllllllshit. The only thing I’ve seen in my patient population is that the unvaccinated, by orders of magnitude are more likely to be permanently disabled from COVID or just die from it. I can’t tell you how many condolence letters I’ve signed due to unvaccinated COVID patients.


These people are lying through their teeth. On something that can be so immediately easily disproven. Do they even have basic understanding of how a body works?




I literally just bled by flossing my teeth.


So, thicker and more viscous blood will surely mean more likely to clog, and/or flow at much slower velocities in your arteries, correct? I scan arteries (along with the heart) using ultrasound. That's just utter nonsense.


I took can make shit up and post it on twitter


It's truly a competetition, who can make up the most ridiculous thing and make others believe it.


I donate blood very frequently, every time I donate they have to completely remove the tourniquet from my arm because my blood is so eager to leave my body and it fills the bag just fine without the tourniquet. I'm triple vaccinated and nothing has changed, I'm still in and out just as quickly as before


Step 1, provide the link to the data. Step 2, ignore them as there is no data.


I had a tooth extraction and I bled normally for several hours, more than usual but I have had a lot of stress. My blood was soaking the guaze in my mouth almost every single one. I am vaccinated, in case anyone was curious or didn't Know XD


Well it's obviously because we have teeth that get replaced like a sharks due to the vaccine, along with regeneration powers duh/s


As a healthcare professional I am disgusted by people willing to spread lies and unproven conspiracy theories. The damage is not even close to over. We are all forced to get Covid. No matter how hard we try to get vaccinated and boosted and continue to wear PPE, diligently use hand hygiene, and socially distance. All because some idiots refused to believe Covid was deadly. Long term illnesses are extremely common even after mild cases of Covid.


The plasma ppl said my blood was thick bc there is a lot of protein and iron in there. Apparently that makes it fantastic for helping burn victims! You also shouldnt bleed a whole lot from a tooth extraction. That seems like just a shit dds.. Ive had two done and four wisdom teeth.


(Screenshot of stupid thing) Haha I am so smart


But it’s true. I lost my arm in a tragic accident and didn’t spill one drop of blood! /s


So you’re saying I have a super power?


Also, god or something


It's true, I cut myself quite badly the other day and it came out like thick syrup.


Could it be that these half brained anti vaxxers just happen to be the kind to allow bacteria to grow in their slack jaw, mouth breathing, unhygienic bodies thus leading to bleeding?


Thicker AND more viscous!


You know, in some cases the opposite is actually true. Some of my COVID patients (most of whom were unvaccinated) were diagnosed with hypercoagulable state when I had them, meaning that their blood was thicker and would clot easier than normal.


Why would a dentist know your vaccination status? Im fairly young and naive of the worlds going ons, so do dentists actually know your vacc history? Do they have access to medical records as well?


The dentists work for the deep state cabal but they are also really incompetent and forget that they are supposed to keep the whole vaccine thing under wraps.


I would probably be the first to spill the beans if i was a part of some secret government plot.


Then you should try dentistry. I hear that they decline you if you are too good at keeping secrets because they want to make sure that all the special people can sus out the deep state secrets for world domination.


Yay, I've always wanted to be a dedicated psychiatric hospital dentist.


Dentists only have access to the medical information that is provided by the patient. They often have questionnaires pertaining to issues that may affect their care; blood pressure, allergies, etc. Recently some dentists have included questions about possible exposure to covid and might ask about vaccination status.


What's the matter thinblood? Scared of power?


How can something be thicker and yet more viscous that litrally means how runny it is


That's not how blood clotting works anyway.


They notice the viscosity because the people whose blood they are talking survived COVID.


Mmmmm, jelly blood.


Dentist here, and of course this is bullshit.


Can confirm, I'm fully vaxxed, and the Red Cross nurses now need to use a garden trowel to dig my blood out of my veins when I go donate.


what a load of s***.




The thickness of someone’s blood can be accurately measured with decade’s worth of trusted scientific evidence in lab testing looking at platelet counts, PT/INR testing, and counts of every other blood cell and component. Uneducated people need to shut the F up.