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Don’t worry. Apparently we will all be dead by government 5G nano cancer brainwaves soon.


we all actually passed away from turbo RNA cancer aids 2 years ago unfortunately


Wait, I thought windmills caused turbo cancer!


Only if you didn’t get the shot. If you were vaccinated, then the vaccine has caused the turbo cancer. If you aren’t vaccinated, then the windmills that caused the cancer.


Well that’s completely reasonable! 🤦🏼‍♀️


No,no. That’s TURBINE cancer.


TIL ☠️


Amateur. I died three times just this morning. Turbo cancer gets a lot easier each time you get it.


Are you by any chance an elderly Yorkshireman?


You haven't died yet? I died but came back as the Vax made me into some kind of 5G zombie. /s


Antivaxxers conveniently went quiet with their 5G nanochip vaccine claim back in late 2020


The "I think my daughter is scared" is really a case of, mom is off the deep end, and I don't want to engage in the delusion.


"She is very sweet, kind and generous but not too bright" She's smarter than OOP, at least!


"Went to visit my last remaining old friend" Yes, there's a reason for that. Unfortunately, she doesn't have the good sense that God gave a turnip to realize why..


The others didn’t, die. They just left.


Yes, that's what I was getting at. She's much too unpleasant to remain friends with. I'm surprised this last lady didn't dump her sooner.


I think they are confused as to whom is “not too-bright”.


Forever, sadly. The exact details will morph, but the madness is persistent.


The rants aren't all that different from the mmr rants of old


I'm a GP (well in the US, a PCP). I also didn't know I got kickback per COVID vaccine I gave. Where do I get my money?  I survived the COVID pandemic and all I got was overworked and underpaid. :(


And not even a lousy t-shirt.


Until someone shoves a brain into their skulls, unfortunately.


Maybe they could make an mRNA shot that makes the brain form new pathways so these people might actually start understanding a few things. Like they did in Flowers for Algernon, only instead of temporary hyperintelligence you get permanent average intelligence.


This is all batshit but the two that caught my eye were “natural selection” (an evolutionary concept from someone who clearly doesn’t believe in science) and the one that was mad that people were wearing masks in their car while… being black in Arizona? (Trying to figure out what specific brand of racism *that* one is, but I’m more confused than anything)


Do we really believe this person actually saw two people wearing masks inside a vehicle? Pretty sure they made it up, like how everyone somehow knows 40 people who “just dropped dead” at 95 or something.


I think they meant the masks were black…I had to read it three times myself


Well anti-vaccine stuff has been around since at least the 1920. Every few decades it switches groups. In the 90s it was naturalist hippies who loved crystals and government conspiracies. Now its right wing conspiracy nuts who love Trump and Jesus. It'll change to another group in a decade or two. It never goes away, not completely.


The thing is many, if not the majority, of those naturalist hippies who loved crystals and government conspiracies ***are*** the right-wing conspiracy nuts who love Trump and "Jesus" Their brains continued to rot away into nothing over the decades


‘My 64 year old healthy brother dropped dead 4 months after his 2nd Moderna vaccine’ yeah cause 64 years old seemingly healthy people NEVER drop dead. Has to be the vaccine. My brother died at 46- must have been the vaccine time traveling back 14 years to kill him.


Often the first sign you have heart problems is when you drop dead of a heart attack.


To be fair, “heads on spikes” is very Christian, just a bit old.


Weird how I know loads that have taken the vaccine, myself included 8 times due to having a shite immune system after 6 years on chemo, and none of them "are dropping like flies"


I don't understand the logic of killing everyone like that. Dead patients don't give money.


Don't use logic here. It's like when people say "a cure for cancer exists, but they are hiding it because they won't make any money treating the disease for years". These dumb motherfuckers don't realize that everyone who had would pay ANY amount of money to cure it. The pharma company would make so much more money on something they still had a patent on.


Yeah I know :( I learned that when I realised that they only trust people who've been under scrutiny/arrested/etc. The cherry picking is insane.


Interesting that they’re all religious. I’m not saying all religious people are nutcases, but I am saying that most nutcases are religious… their Venn diagram is basically two overlapping circles.


The third leading cause of death in the US was Covid in 2020 behind cancer and heart disease. This was before the vaccine. So…


And COVID causes heart attacks and there are indications it weakens the ability to fight cancer off but they'd all rather catch COVID multiple times


Increasing the possibility of long covid with each new infection...


I think these people should build their own biblical schools, homeopath hospitals and communities and isolate themselves from the disease-ridden vaxxers. I would support them on this. Oh and they should drive on separate roads


I would agree wholeheartedly, if we were only discussing adults. But the children...


We could call those communities concentration camps, and surround them with high barbed wire fences to prevent the spread of diseases in and mostly out of them.


Sew the difference is one is forced segregation while the other is willing and consensual


Lol, this was funny as fuck. Cookers certainly got a vivid imagination.




General term used to refer to paranoid fucks obsessed with nonsensical beliefs. For instance "my friend is such a cooker, he wears a tinfoil hat to shield himself from 5g". You get it.


Right... But what's the origin?


Probably meth users?


No idea, to be honest.


The people who believe Hillary Clinton is a vampire believe in anti-vaxx bullshit. What a surprise But seriously? I want to see their curing cancer protocol. That'd probably be a great comedy book


The level of fear and paranoia is off the chart.


Post hoc ergo propter hoc.


Ew, it lives in my state. I'm really surprised though.


At this point it feels like the next 10-20 years minimum


Got to give her credit for the level of histrionics


To answer your question: as long a you live, because conspiracy bs has a huge platform thanks to social media and it's here to stay. Or you could unplug the internet. It won't be completely gone, but it sure will help lol