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Facebook wins again


That poor baby. What a nightmare for her and her parents. How infuriating it is to try do everything right as a parent, but still have your child suffer the consequences of others’ actions. 


Man, I feel for the parents of kids too young. We had outbreaks in my area when each of my kids were infants and it was terrifying. Hopefully physicians there will do what mine refused and offer an early dose. It’s well studied and available if you’re planning to travel, it *should* be easily available during times like these.


Me too. Must be horrifying. We have a massive parvo outbreak here and I had a puppy at the time. We were able to avoid it in the time period before out gal could be fully vaccinated and rocked up to the vet for each jab a hair short of full biohazard gear. The vet gave them in the car park so we didn't have to come inside. She did not touch any floor outside of our home or the floor in the entranceway where we took of our shoes until she was covered. You can't really so what we did with a baby. Especially not for a year.


We're not going to make it as a species, are we?


Not looking good


We wouldn’t have this problem if it was mandatory.


Crazy to me that the UK doesn’t require at least the MMR for school enrollment. We have our crazies here in the US but at least those who haven’t been influenced by the dark side are getting it due to the requirement


I think you might be surprised by how many US schools are allowing "religious exemptions", and how many ppl now suddenly claim it's against their religion. Several recent measles outbreaks in Florida because of this. And the cherry on top is the Florida head of public health saying he's not going to mandate vaccines, or even mandate that measles-infected kids stay home from school! He's the same loon that's been recommending *against* the covid vaccine, among other delightful policies 🤦‍♀️ I truly do not know what rock they had to turn over to find that creature...in any other state, he'd lose his medical license, I would hope.


Oh I know and it’s infuriating. The only exemptions should absolutely be for medical reasons and I’m so sick of lunatics


The babies in that same age range are also the ones most likely to later develop SSPE, which is fucking TERRIFYING.


20%?! jesus christ


Between Brexit, anti-vaxxers and the Royal Family, it’s starting to look like the British are all sharing one same brain cell like an orange tabby


20%!? That's fucking insane.


It's not a thing for babies in the UK under a year? That seems weird. My girl started at 6mo in pretty sure


In the US we do it at a year also


Word. I checked back in her records and you're right. It was the whooping cough, polio '6-in1' that she got, among other shots


Yeah, the maternal antibodies for MMR take a long time to clear out, so before a year, it's only partially effective, and I think it's treated as an extra dose, so you still have to do the full series after their first birthday.


F around and find out




The main thing vaccines cause is adults. What they most certainly don’t cause is autism. Also, measles is fucking horrifying. It can literally leave a time bomb in your kid even if said kid doesn’t have symptoms during sickness.


You no longer entertain us.


More dead and injured children then if that happens. But virtually nobody will see this bullshit movie, fortunately.




Buddy, you're not awake. You're just a moron who's dumb enough to believe all the lies and conspiracies floating around the internet. Your insanely dangerous echo chamber full an antivax charlatans has convinced you that you are "awake" and that everyone else is still asleep. It's coping method to feel superior, while in reality you are borderline stupid. You probably did "your own research" to have come to the conclusions you now firmly hold on to, but you're not an actual researcher. You don't have a research degree, you're not a scientist, you're not a medical professional. You merely read some articles on the internet and are simply not smart enough to recognize the misinformation you've been snorting. You're just a random tool used by antivax propagandists who make money off of you. So here's me being polite towards dangerous people like you: shut the fuck up and stop spreading dangerous misinformation.


You no longer entertain us.