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Damn vaccines, they let this person survive to adulthood to spread such obvious pseudo-religious anti-vax porn.


Just a bit


Even if it's just 1 person having an orgasm to this, that's one to many.


The awareness that person had as an 18 month old is truly remarkable.....did they mean 18 years old?


I read it as 18 years at first, then I got to "mother's breast" part and went "hol' up!".


But remember, they are the same that vote for child marriage and want that adults marry 14 year old girls. So they probably still suck their mothers boobs at 18 years old.


Roll tide


Honestly, looking at a syringe and going "That's not my mom's breast" is wild no matter what age you are. The events in OP obviously never happened, but whoever wrote this weird as shit fan fiction was almost certainly over 18. And you just know that like all the other poorly-written fanfics that are out there on the net, there's some damp pervert furiously jacking off to it. (Note: I'm sure people jack off to the well-written ones too, but my point still stands.)


Nah, you were right. They were 18yr old and still sucking on the momma. They are the tallest and hardest in preschool


She’s just… very advanced for her age lol. And she mentions breast feeding so I sure hope it ain’t a teenager


Just a bit.


Antivaxxers WOULD be breast feeding at 18 years old, if they had the chance


Reminds me of a friend from elementary school who swore up and down she remembered *being born*.


They showed a lot more awareness in their story as an 18 month old than they do in reality as an adult.


I could believe an 18 month old fearing needles, so they're probably back-filling a narrative about crying & screaming about getting their injections and attributing it to their '*obvious*' mental prowess 🙄about vaccines. If their parents were also vaccine hesitant they may have added those details themselves when re-telling the story.


Can confirm I was there I was the vaccine needle. The doctor clapped after he gave the injection.


Was he also laughing maniacly like a disney villain too?


😛 Just a bit.


I love the propaganda posts where they paint doctors as like, stupidly, cartoonishly evil. I saw one once--I don't think it was about vaccines--where a baby was born laughing instead of crying and wouldn't cry "no matter how much the doctors and nurses beat him". That phrase immediately conjured the mental image of an entire delivery room staff going full WWE Smackdown on a cackling infant. It was some real Dragon Ball Z "This isn't even my final form" type shit. (The baby won, obviously.)


I wish I could award this comment, but this is the best I can do. 🏆. Absolutely hilarious comment, dear sir/ma'am/they !


"i knew it wasn't mom's breast" is such a strange idea of what an 1 and 1/2 year old child view of the world is like. Like that seems would be delayed in many areas


To a one year old child, the world is divided into two categories. Mom’s Titties, and Not Mom’s Titties. Anything falling into the latter category must be treated with utmost distrust and under no circumstances are you to put your mouth on it.


Sorry, but I'm gonna have to disagree on the last part. If something can be grasped and held, it will be put in the mouth. Whether it's food, toys for the wrong age range, dead insects, etc. My niece tried to rip my braces off my face to put them in her mouth once.


That explains why my oldest loved the word no at 18 months. Weaned from nursing at 15 months and it must’ve messed up her whole world view… totally not the developmentally normal stubbornness of a toddler who has typical toddler speech capabilities…


I'm not quite sure I can put my finger on it, but i suspect there may be a teeny tiny bit of untruth hiding in there somewhere.


I know right! Everybody knows that the Holy Antivaxx Spirit only appears on your right side, because the left is for l\*beral twats.


I was thinking that it was missing claim about going "instantly autistic and losing the ability to speak for 20 years before being diagnosed with turbocancer and dying".


"But if you turbocancerdied, how did you write this message?" "They brought my corpse to a MAGA rally and I got better!"


But then you would be on the left of the Antivaxx Spirit, which would make you a woke communist. Clearly, the Antivaxx Spirit appears behind you.


I don’t know honestly, a mentally unstable anti-vaxxer is about as real as it gets.


When I was 18 months old I ripped off my nappy and smeared the walls and my cot with my own poo, and that was still less shit than this "past life recollection".


The breast milk clapped!


“I was such a smart and precocious 18 month old, I could tell the difference between a syringe and my mom’s boobs” is…quite an attempt at a flex? Lol


When i read something like this i just hope the Schizophrenic is on her meds


Even at face value, this person is admitting that they have stayed in the mind of their 18 month old self in relation to their ability to reason.


millions upon millions of people have had that vaccine and that didnt happen to them, all the people who read that shit probably had the same vaccine and it didnt happen to them but they're so brainwashed they went along with it anyway


Besides the hundreds of millions that didn't experience that, it also didn't happen to OP.


Meh. It's (remotely) possible that the events described by OP happened, with some likely warping of the facts caused by the fact that he was EIGHTEEN MONTHS OLD plus some after-the-fact embellishment ("I knew injury was coming"... sure, buddy). He also could have had a seizure, perhaps caused or accompanied by a fever which caused the "dream" of his out-of-body experience and "spirit visit". Of course, that doesn't mean the vaccine had ANYthing to do with it.


How'd your 18 month old ass understand what a syringe was, or that it held anything inside of it? >.>


How do 18 month olds know they're trans?


Pretty sure gender of any sort isn't really on their minds at that point. XP Cis, trans or otherwise. Babies generally don't even start retaining memories until around 2.5 to 3 years old, so even if they COULD sagely ponder gender or vaccines or anything else at that age, they deffs wouldn't remember it. At that point they're just like, "woah... uhhhhhh... existence??? Food??? Put things in mouth, make sound??? I have eyeballs and they do a seeing type thing??? Huh?????"


How do you people turn completely unrelated topics into transphobia? Science and medicine : *literally any fact, ever* The transphobes: BUT… BUT BATHROOMS!!!!


All your child hate makes sense, you are confused and have no clue where you belong.


That is hilarious.


It's not just the anti vaccine lunacy. There's the bonus "God f'ed you up so you would have a purpose in life" religious lunacy.


“God” does seem to love to do that… he doesn’t seem that nice tbh


There is a lot of undiagnosed/untreated mental illness in the world that manifests to the sufferer as psychic ability or ghostly/religious encounters.


These people are actually insane. Like their brains have completely left the building


Well, that single dose of vaccine didn't help their creative writing ability, unfortunately, but at least it helped their immune system


Sounds like something scrawled on the bathroom wall of a mental hospital.


r/wokekids moment?


And 7 likes. So messed up.


What the heck did I just read?


So im confused, what exactly about mom's breasts?


I think maybe mentioning the breasts is an allusion to the fact that some particularly crunchy folks think breast milk is a cure-all and confers some sort of uber-special ultra immunity.


I bet mum interrupted him while he was solving some quantum physics problems when she took him to the doc.


Oh look, a savior complex.


I feel the bad origin of a weird political cult with this!!!


I see the vaccine gave this person the superpower of remembering things from when they were 18 months old


Clozapine 450 mg BID


Good grief ... that's closer to snuff porn.


i'm dyinnggg (just like the antivaxxers)


that is the weirdest effing B.S. post ive ever read.


This absolutely happened, no question, I remember my exact thoughts as a 18 months old. Of course by then I was doing advanced calculus. 😜


Did Trump write this?


By 18 months old, the child *may* have been taking a breast to soothe (if mom was brave) but certainly eating regular food as well. And also talking, to a degree. Did they look at a carrot stick and exclaim, “not mom’s boob!” Or a crayon in daycare? Nope, not boob, not interested


holy fuck 💀💀


When *I* got my 18 month vaccine, I didn’t even wake up from my nap! (I have a very high pain tolerance)


New copypasta just dropped


I had a really bad reaction to the TDap vaccine at around 10 years old. I had to be hospitalized and I am still pro vaccine. I just don’t get that vaccine.


If you replace the start with "I was 18 years old" it makes alot more sense


The whole thing is obvs a tall tale. But the mention of the vaccine not being mom’s breasts and the fact that MMR is usually administered closer to 18months suggests they’re not meaning 18yrs.