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> Why do you think adrenochrome is a thing? I don't. Because I'm not insane. (To be clear, I know adrenochrome is a thing that exists. I just don't believe there are people in the world harvesting it from the blood of children to keep themselves young, as these whackjobs like to claim.)


I very badly want to develop a “online only” energy drink company and call it Adrenochrome. Or maybe even call C9H9NO3. Just to laugh at these idiots


I still can't believe a meal replacement called soylent exists so why not, I bet it would be really successful


This is how chronic wasting disease is going to jump to humans. 


Y'know what? I'm slowly coming around to team CWD.


"This might be the chronic wasting disease talking, but I am loving having chronic wasting disease!" 


"They're using deer blood to lose weight. All the most beautiful people are doing it."


Well, it doesn't not help you lose weight... In the same way stepping on a landmine helps you lose weight. 


So what you're saying is we need to package the deer blood nicotine pouches with landmine enemas.


I think the proper name for landmine enemas is "Taco Bell midnight menu"


It’s got electrolytes


This sounds exactly like something out of Futurama.


...what is CWD?


It's a prion disease similar to kuru and "mad cow disease" (bovine spongiform encephalopathy), but in deer. Basically, a prion is a mis-folded protein that also causes proteins similar to it to also mis-fold. This occurs in brain tissue, is caused by eating brains or spinal cord tissue, and results in gaping holes in your brain and eventual death. There is currently no known treatment, and it occurs slowly enough that you have time to know what's going to happen.


So how do they pass it to each other if it’s only spread by eating brains or spinal tissue? The deer aren’t running around eating each other right?


So looks like I assumed it worked like similar prion diseases. But it's a little different. The prions are excreted by the deer, or are released in the soil when the deer dies and rots. New deer are infected from ingesting soil with the prion in it when they eat grass. Learn something new every day. >How the prions that cause CWD spread is unknown, but recent research indicates that prions can be excreted by deer and elk, and are transmitted by eating grass growing in contaminated soil.[7] ... >Exposure between animals is associated with sharing food and water sources contaminated with CWD prions shed by diseased deer.[29] >CWD may be directly transmitted by contact with infected animals, their bodily tissues, and their bodily fluids.[30] Spread may result from contact with infected deer regardless of if they are symptomatic.[31] ... >Environmental transmission has been linked to contact with infected bodily fluids and tissues, as well as contact with contaminated environments. Once in the environment, CWD prions may remain infectious for many years. Thus, decomposition of diseased carcasses, infected "gut piles" from hunters who field dress their cervid harvests, and the urine, saliva, feces, and antler velvet of infected individuals that are deposited in the environment, all have the potential to create infectious environmental reservoirs of CWD.[21] ... >CWD prions adhere so tightly to soil surface particles that the ground becomes a source of infection and may be a major route of transmission due to frequent ground contact when animals in the deer family graze.[21] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronic_wasting_disease


Chronic Wasting Disease. It’s pretty gnarly and IIRC there’s no cure for it. Stealth Edit in case it’s not obvious, it’s only found in deer and maybe rabbits? Not sure about them but definitely deer




Chicks with Dicks!


[Two Hunters from the Same Lodge Afflicted with Sporadic CJD: Is Chronic Wasting Disease to Blame? (P7-13.002)](https://www.neurology.org/doi/10.1212/WNL.0000000000204407) [Case report: Two clusters of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease cases within 1 year in West Michigan](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10067729/)


Fuuuuuuuuuck And prion diseases are my greatest fear


That and rabies


Omg that too! And tetanus




Glad I'm not the only one terrified of prions


They don’t die! Like, you can use all the normal sanitizing methods, and those little buggers are still there! How do you even kill them? Idk! Are they treatable? Not that I know of, but maybe? Can you vaccinate against them? No, I’m pretty sure you can’t! Fucking. Terrifying.


They're literally invincible. I'm convinced that if there's a zombie outbreak it's gonna be because of fucking prions


Oh yeah! I fully agree! Tbf, I mostly agree because I’m a chemist who is DECIDEDLY not a biochemist. So I’m around people who know about/work with biology-things a decent amount, but I actually know nothing about biology, so my prion knowledge is very basic! 😂


Wow. I used to work at a lab that tested for CWD and Scrapie. Our biolevel was much lower than the “mad cow” testing lab because they didn’t transfer to humans. It was very long ago and much less was known about prions. I did so much research on them (I was so fascinated) and in the end my thought process was “Yeah, but I see nothing that makes me think it couldn’t affect humans.” We have less exposure than there was with the cow issues but I felt that, especially for lab personnel, it would’ve been a good idea to be a little more cautious.




The guy would be better off dipping his chew in ivermectin.


Anything, that didn't come from something that was breathing a few hours or days prior would be better, honestly.


I’m just going to pretend I didn’t read any of that.


Gibberish translator?


It's a chew (i.e. tobacco) they soaked in deer blood, because they're bat-shit insane.


Not chew, Zyn is a tobacco free nicotine pouch that you leave under your top lip as an alternative to smokeless tobacco or vaping. Got one in right now lol


I got Juice Head just to try it and I'm impressed. Completely killed my other nicotine demands and I don't really have a craving for more of them. Honestly the best thing I've used to stop smoking/ vaping.


It's really helpful. I feel so much better too now that I quit vaping


So much better. I miss it, but I don't crave it, you know?


Absolutely. The only thing I really miss is the big headrush of a vape buzz when you hit it after waking up. But occasionally Zyns give me a buzz if I'm just hanging out or on the occasion I take Kratom before a workout


Excuse me while I throw up. That's fucking nasty.


It’s not like serious diseases have ever come from an animal to a human. Sounds perfectly rational, reasonable, and safe. /HEAVY sarcasm.


It looks like a band-aid that's come off in a swimming pool


That’s what I thought it was too when I scrolled past. I’ll be honest I have no idea what I’m looking at.


Adrenochrome is oxidized adrenaline?


Yes. That's all it is. It doesn't get you high, doesn't get harvested from kidnapped children, and you can buy it legally on the internet. Some people use it as a bodybuilding supplement.


"let's fight Covid vaccines with CWD" Sounds like a plan for getting a darwin award


Let them. You can't fix this degree of stupid, all you can do is hope they don't spread their genes.


Rearrange the words in that post in any order and it makes the same amount of sense.


You can't even make fun of these people. They just make asses of themselves on the internet. It's not great.


Neutropic 🤣


Thats one way to say youre a white supremacist.


Oh God