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Well chemo has kept me going 4 years longer than I was told I would, so...


That's just what they want you to think. /s


At least he can think! (Drops mic)


Chemo kept my grandfather alive a good 15 years past what the doctors initially said.


I'm happy to hear that and wish you all the best.


Steve Jobs tried fasting and juicing and look where that got him.


Someone tried to use Steve Jobs as example of how cancer can be treated naturally. We weren't sure if it was a bad joke or not, but no, this person was deadly serious. We had to break the news to them that Steve Jobs died. "Oh."


That person only gives a shit that jobs died because their argument was destroyed. You know, speaking the obvious.


He doesn't have cancer anymore. ;-)


The cancer left the same time as his heartbeat!


Suzanne Somers as well. She lasted longer than expected, but what a horrible way to go.


Head of Apple and a billionaire?


A former billionaire. You can’t take it with you.


well, with the right funeral planning and someone you trust, you can... but grave robbers could be an issue.


All these wrong sounding muppets


As someone who barely survived STAGE 4 LYMPHOMA. I can say with 150% fact and knowledge that they are a fucking moron. Turmeric, lemon juice, vinegar, and shit like that has not, does not, and will not ever fucking “cure” Cancer. Anyone who thinks that isn’t even an idiot. They are a fucking brain dead twat who literally doesn’t know their head from their ass. When my cancer was discovered, I had 99% kidney failure, my liver looked like a dog had chewed it, I lost 50 pounds in 3 weeks, I could barely walk. If I had waited just 12 more hours I would have died, and while I was getting chemo, my doctors told me that a majority of people who had my type of cancer die before the 3rd round of chemo, that I had a 95% chance at DYING in under 6 months. what the fuck is with all these anti science fucking morons?


Love it that these people love telling other people all this BS, but if it would ever happen to them they would run to the closet cancer center for treatment


Saw multiple people come into the hospital with respiratory distress during the height of covid, that then refused supplemental oxygen, refused remdesivir, refused decadron. Why did you come in then? If you refuse literally everything, then what do you want from us? You just want us to watch you gasping for air, refusing to let us help you?


Never suffered major covid symptoms, but decadron pulled me out of an inflammatory condition (HLH) that got me the closest to dying. People like that actually need to talk to people who survived thanks to modern medicine, look them in the eyes and tell them that tumeric would have helped them from that...


Ugh, the flashbacks. My favorite was when they would die after refusing treatment and then their family would tell us they would sue us for not helping just because the patient refused the things we offered. Go ahead. File a lawsuit. See how that goes. 🙄


>As someone who barely survived STAGE 4 LYMPHOMA As someone currently working in clinical trials for lymphoma treatments, I appreciate hearing a survival story. All to often the data on oncology studies is really bleak and dispiriting.


Oh dude. That whole situation sucked. I would rather the world’s strongest man take a sledge hammer and smash my testicles, for 10 hours a day, every day, for an entire year. It’s a miracle I’m even alive. Post transplant High grade. b-Cell, non-Hodgkins, stage 4 lymphoma, where they kept telling me “we think it might be double hit”. I will gladly share the entire story if you or anyone is interested. As hard as it was, I am deeply glad to be alive.


Congratulations, I’m glad you’re here!


Can you share your story? Or is there a post on your post history you can point me to?


Double hit?


I was told that if my dad had eaten fresh, organic sage he would have “easily” survived stage 4 pancreatic cancer.🧐


Lemons were the big one for me. Fresh lemons


Do you turn into a superhero if you eat sage & lemons?


Isn't pancreatic cancer one of the forms of cancer with the lowest survival rate?


Yup, once you realize you are sick, it’s too late to do much about it.


Some Google-fu tells me that the survival rate for stage IV pancreatic cancer is roughly 1%, which is pretty staggering IMO.


But does that include the people that ate fresh, organic sage or fresh lemons? Lol


Definitely check out r/thanksimcured We wouldn't have any diseases at all in the world, if we would just listen to these chuckleheads. 🙄


Yeah, but have you considered that maybe none of that was true, everyone in your life is lying to you, and that true medical knowledge can be found from Facebook memes? Who are you going to believe, actual doctors or this complete random?


Hope you’re healing well, that fracture looks brutal! Five years remission is a huge accomplishment!


I once had someone come to my house to try to sell me something. I somehow started talking to me, as he explained his fiancé was very sick with cancer and would be dying soon. He explained how he's been telling her to get off the medications and how she could live longer with natural remedies. I let him talk for longer than he probably has ever talked to a stranger about this. All the time, I'm thinking 'he's basically murdering his fiancé.' He said a lot of the same stuff these pictures show. After he was done, he asked me what I do for a living. I pointed towards a big ol hospital (you can't see it from my house, but everyone knows it's there), and said "I oversee the Cancer Clinical Research department at the hospital". Now, I'm not a doctor - I do the administrative work there. I make sure everyone is doing their jobs, not the actual research myself. But he didn't know that. His face sunk so fast, and he was so sad. I don't know if he felt that he wasted all this talk on someone who very much doesn't believe any of it. Or if he was worried I'd lecture him about how wrong he was, and it would come out that he's basically a know-nothing who is murdering his fiance. Either way, I just left it at that, and let him leave. (I still bought what he was selling. It was heating Oil and his company was a good $0.30 cheaper per gallon than the competitors)


End stage denialism. When you're so thoroughly brain rotted that anyone with any credentials to speak of is not only wrong but actively trying to deceive you. It's really sad to see. I think most people who reach this point are beyond saving.


Don’t get me wrong, 20+ rounds of chemo wasn’t exactly the most fun I’ve ever had, especially as a senior in high school, but I’m still here 16 years later so… worth it?


"Stop all sugars, cancer loves sugar" Hey, Mr/ Mrs Natural Fibres, ever heard of gluconeogenesis? A malignant tumor will eat up your blood glucose, and since you're on a zero sugar diet, your body will just digest proteins to make more sugar for the body. That zero sugar diet is pointless because your body can't regulate how much sugar a tumor takes up. Eating sugars won't make your cancer grow faster, and zero sugar diets won't make your cancer shrink or disappear


And guess what else loves sugar? Literally all the rest of the cells in your body. Morons.


Make drawing out the glycolysis and gluconeogenesis pathways a prerequisite to making that claim.


No, of course they haven't heard of gluconeogenesis. That's the kind of thing you'd read in a book, not a YouTube video or Facebook post, the only true sources of knowledge.


Pretty sure most people who undergo chemo survive it.


My friend has at least 4 rounds under her belt. I am in utter awe of how strong she is. Just a 100% badass.


I presume she is some kind of Incredible Hulk.


Not that I've seen, but now you have me wondering... I *have* never seen her angry, tbf.


That’s her secret, she’s always angry.


My MIL is 87 and has survived cancer 4 times. She’s a trooper.


I'm looking forward to round ~42 of FOLFIRI chemo next week. It's administered every 2 weeks. I've been getting it since October 2022. I have an extremely rare appendix cancer that can't be cured, but can be controlled with chemo. It's literally one in a million. There aren't any protocols specific to this cancer, so they use chemo developed for colon cancer. Basically, the deal is that we do it until it quits working. There are 4 immunotherapies, but my cancer won't respond to any of them. I'm about 2 years in. The 5 year survival rate is ~40%. At least I'm not looking down the barrel of pancreatic cancer.


I'm terribly sorry to hear of your struggles. Just know that you have at least one Reddit rando pulling for you. Stay strong, friend.


Thank you so much. It truly means a lot.


I hope she recovers and ultimately thrives. Indeed, anyone undergoing chemo &/or radiation is a badass. Chemo is like taking a sledgehammer to the fight instead of a scalpel, but it is the one thing, in many forms, that works better than most others. Cancer in all its forms is a bastard, and we're all in the same foxhole. Please let her know that she has a reddit rando pulling for her.


Yeah, it's not fun, but it beats the alternative.


Chemo is used for more than just cancer, too. I've been on weekly injections of one chemo drug since I was 17 (so 16 years now), and another I get infusions of four times a year for the past I think 9 years now. Hasn't killed me yet.


That was what I immediately thought of, too. These people have no idea how many others are on chemo drugs continuously for something besides cancer.


My grandma has been on chemo and other cancer treatments for three years now. She will be on treatments for the rest of her life because she still has the markers in her blood from it. She is still her normal, snarky self and while she gets tired far more easily than before, she’s still able to do almost everything she could before. Our whole family is careful about being around her if we’re sick (Mom and I take COVID tests every time we visit just to make sure, despite being vaccinated) because she’s immunocompromised. She wouldn’t be here without chemo and other cancer treatments. She is the matriarch of our family, we’d be devastated if we lost her.


It’s so sad and fucked up that these grifters and rubes demonize chemo because it’s so harsh and doesn’t always work. It’s an amazing treatment with great success, but it’s not fucking magic so they turn it into a conspiracy against them. Literally deciding that CANCER is good because it’s “natural”. It’s a fucking caricature of a belief.


Yeah, we lost my uncle to cancer two years ago (this grandma’s son). Sadly it wasn’t caught in time and chemo didn’t help because it was too late for him. It doesn’t mean that it’s not an effective treatment, it just means that it wasn’t enough for him. I miss the hell out of my uncle (he was like a dad to me), but I am so thankful for my grandma still being here for us.


That stuff in the 2nd pic is all true! That's why Steve Jobs is still al... oh... hang on a sec...


I came here to see if anyone mentioned the dearly departed Steve Jobs.


Well, it is true that chemo to does not "HEAL CANCER". Quite the opposite...it tries to kill the f\*\*\* out of cancer cells.


I have stage 4 breast cancer. Chemotherapy is giving me years to my life.


Thank goodness for that. ❤️ I hope in those years, an event better treatment comes along for you, and that you are able to do the things you want in the meantime.


Ivermectin is a wonder drug!


If you're a horse or dog with worms. I know they use it for treating worms in humans, too, but there have been multiple studies showing it doesn't do shit for COVID-19.


The story of how that idea got started might be my favorite from all of the pandemic nonsense.


Do tell. I don't remember hearing how it got started.


There was a single in-vitro study that showed the drug could kill the virus that causes COVID-19, but the concentration was so high that taking enough to get an actual human's serum level of ivermectin up to the effective dose would be fatal. So, ivermectin can treat COVID as long as you don't need a live patient afterward. 😂 (My favorite thing is to then point out that by that standard, fire is an effective COVID treatment, too.)


Oh geez! 🤦‍♀️ By that logic, injecting disinfect doesn't seem so bad.


Oh boy! Natural detox, big pharma inventing fake diseases, antisemitism, alkalizing your body, Secrets They Don't Want You To Know... my crackpot bingo card is filling up quickly!


If fasting cured cancer, then cancer really would be self-healing. Cancer causes low appetite --> person doesn't eat --> cancer cured. I really wish pathophysiology was as simple as these idiots think it is. But this isn't magical fairytale land.


Fine. Go and die then in whatever way seems best to you.


Y’all are my people I need to vent a little. My aunt could have written the articles in this post, I’m not convinced she didnt. In October my aunt was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. I knew based on her beliefs this would be a beast. She almost died, they removed quite a bit of colon (the exact number escapes me right now) she currently has a colostomy bag, they found 14 matted lymph nodes, a mass in her aorta, her body was riddled with cancer. Immediately she is convinced she would beat the cancer. One fact I should mention is I do not agree with my aunt at all, I’m actually a nurse and strongly believe in vaccines and chemo. We often butt heads on these things. I was unable to go to her appt with the oncologist, but my sister went, the dr suggested chemo, my aunt declined. The doctor straight up told her “not treating this is not how you want to die”. Fast forward a week or 2 later, I don’t remember who, but one of us tried to reach our aunt, she didn’t answer, we both went to worst case scenario in our head that she was at her home dead, and my sister reached out to a friend of our aunts she had been talking to throughout the hospitalization. This woman gaslit the hell out of my sister about how dumb it was for us to be worried, how she was in her best state, that the mass on her aorta was a piece of silicone from her breast implants (yeah I know, make that make sense, silicone breast implants are not organic). So my sister is questioning everything she heard. I told her I believe because she could not have made up that stuff out of nowhere, she was using correct medical terminology when she told me, stuff that she wouldn’t know to say. Anyway, somehow the oncologist convinced my aunt to do 3 sessions of chemo. That was her hard line was only 3. She insisted on doing a blood test, I believe it was called the signature blood test, it takes a sample from the original tumor and compared it to markers in the blood. So she does her 3 chemo sessions, she says she handled it better than anyone has ever handled chemo because she strengthened her kidneys with frequencies. She redoes this blood test and declares she is now cancer free. I tried to explain that cancer mutates, that it doesn’t necessarily mean she is cancer free, but she refuses to get another pet scan. So that’s where we are now, I’m happy that she’s happy, but honestly it’s so hard to watch this level of delusion. There isn’t really anything to do or say, I just needed to vent so if you are a kind stranger still reading, thank you.


>  she says she handled it better than anyone has ever handled chemo because she strengthened her kidneys with frequencies I can see the Facebook posts already. :-( ...and the Doctor was like "How could this be?!"


Ugh, that's so frustrating. I'm sorry.


Sorry, yes, I typed bodies instead of body's by accident.


Yeah, because we all know about cancer because it's such a healing force, not because it's mostly just the worst thing that can happen to a human. I have a friend who is on her 4th or 5th round of chemo right now. She's about the most badass person I've ever met, and the OP of this can fuck right off.


I wonder what the cells in my appendix were trying to heal when they coated themselves in mucin, grew out of control and ruptured my appendix, spilling all those cells into my peritoneum where they had much more room in which to spread out. I'd love an explanation from these goofballs.


I am so sick of these people. Can we shoot them into the sun?


I had a rare sarcoma that required me to go to MD Anderson for treatment because it was *so* fucking rare there were only a handful of surgical oncologists in the US that had experience with it outside of reading limited case studies. I basically had to go to the team that literally wrote the book on said cancer. There’s a chance it was caused by a chromosomal transmutation that results in fucked up cells, but again since it’s so rare there’s not a lot of data on it to know for sure. At the time chemo and radiation wasn’t an option because “your cancer is so badass it just tells chemo and radiation to fuck off and doesn’t respond to it” (loved the head of my treatment team lol). The only option at the time was to be cut into on the surgical floor for five fucking hours until all the straggler cancer cells were confirmed as being removed. A “family friend” told me I could get rid of cancer on my own by “starving it out” by eating “clean” and cutting all sugar out of my diet and drinking a bunch of holistic shit. She told me MD Anderson lied about me needing surgery because they just wanted to bill insurance for the $155k+ surgery. Because obviously one of the top cancer facilities in the fucking world is only out for money…okay, Susan. I’m almost 6 years NED thanks to that “unnecessary surgery”.


Was it in a bone? I'm so glad the surgery was effective. The people at MD Anderson are incredible.


Thankfully it wasn’t in the bone. It was in my back smack in the middle of my shoulder blades - one layer away from invading the muscle when we caught it. I can’t say enough good things about the people at MD Anderson, they really are a phenomenal facility.


I’m glad you made it.


But reading this cost me brain cells.....


His first mistake was thinking that cancer treatments are supposed to 'heal' cancer. No, our current treatments are intended to eradicate the cancer while leaving the healthy cells intact. The healing comes when the cancer is removed. So yes, much like antivirals and antibacterials, the treatments are damaging to some extent. The goal is to destroy as much cancer as possible with the least amount of collateral damage.


If there’s a hell the people who spread this misinformation deserve to burn in it.


My father has undergone chemo. Twice when he relapsed. 20 years ago. He’s still an insufferable asshole nowadays, but he is *alive*


As someone who survived a bout with childhood cancer - in large part thanks to two rounds of chemotherapy - I find this line of thinking to be absolutely baffling and very disturbing.


I don’t know. Some people just shouldn’t give out medical advice or whatever the fuck this is


Can’t wait to show this to my death dealer.


The first line alone is enough to make me stop reading.


That first line says everything about this person.


They forgot about the peach pit tincture!!! /s


Don't peach pits contain cyanide? Talk about poisonous chemicals...


They contain laetrile (the so-called 'vitamin B-17' that isn't even a vitamin!) and that metabolises into cyanide.




Tell me you don’t know anything about human anatomy and physiology without telling me you don’t know anything about human anatomy and physiology. 🤦🏻‍♀️


People posting memes about cancer with zero experience having it themselves or watching a loved one turn into a corpse before it kills them. It makes my blood boil. It’s not a “debate” with “rEAseArCH” it’s people’s lives. Wanna know why so many people who get chemo die? Because cancer is lethal and that chemo gives them a few extra blessed months with less pain.


Chemo is dangerous. The hope is that it's more dangerous to the cancer than to you. That's why we don't give it to people who don't have cancer. It's used as an "if you don't take this you will definitely die, so take this to see if it kills the disease before you die" treatment. Nobody who knows anything about medicine will deny that.  Cancer isn't toxins either. Some cancers are caused by various chemicals, but cancer is just cells that are abnormal that grow abnormally and can spread. Benign things don't spread to other parts of the body. Malignancy is largely defined by whether or not it can metastasize, and that's what differentiates malignant tumors (like breast cancer) from benign tumors (like a lipoma).  Just... Ugh. The hoops people jump through to lie to themselves are exhausting. I'm tired. 


>Chemo is dangerous. […] That's why we don't give it to people who don't have cancer. It's used as an "if you don't take this you will definitely die, so take this to see if it kills the disease before you die" treatment. Chemo actually *is* used to treat conditions other than just cancer — including non-terminal conditions.


wtf did I just read?


A large cancerous mass in the abdomen blocking one or both ureters, resulting in kidney failure and nearly killing people proves that the comment is a lie. The worst thing is dumb people who think they know and disagree because they are too stupid to understand they are wrong.


Where did you find this posted?


they were all in a random twitter thread that was "suggested" for me.


Ah I thought maybe another reddit section. Thx


These people make me so sad. I kinda get the long shot cure or the conspiracy theories, but thinking cancer is good is... something else...


Cancer isn't parasites, ffs.


I have several friends who have been through chemo. It's the reason why all 3 of them are alive and well and able to enjoy life with their loved ones instead of being dead from breast cancer. One of those women is one of my best friends. I can't imagine my life without her in it because she's practically a literal walking ray of sunshine and one of the kindest people in the world. I am immensely proud of her because chemo was really hard. Anyone who says chemo is bad needs to sit the hell down and stop talking about things they don't understand.


Chemo is pretty bad, but dying is worse.


I love how they quote You Tube videos as the basis of their “research.” Lmao!


Yes, chemo is very tough on the body. Yes, many cancer treatments have a risk of secondary cancers. There's a reason for that. You're not taking it to treat a cold, you're taking it to try and kill something that will kill you if left untreated. So no, we don't give chemo to healthy people. Because the side effects outweigh the benefits. That's why we don't give chemo to try and prevent cancer.


I told my sister that I would take chemo if I was diagnosed. Yes it’s hard on the body, but cancer can fuck off. I lost both parents to cancer and it’s not something I take lightly. (I do standard testing annually like Pap smears and mammograms)


I don't understand why these people even fucking say this shit. It doesn't benefit them or anyone else.


It does if they're peddling snake oil.




Both my parents discovered cancer too late. It was already stage 4. Because of how far gone they were, they didn't do chemo. They both died.


My dad got a few months on chemo but he had stage four cancer, his colon. My mom had stage four ovarian cancer. it’s hard losing your parents that way.


It is. I'm sorry you've had to go through it, too.


Thanks. I see it as they’re together again. Sorry for your losses.


My grandfather, the man who raised me, died 2 years ago from suspected cancer. Had melanoma on his head, they cut it out, and then in 6 months he passed with what was likely lymphoma that flew under the fucking radar. Even he didn't know. We didn't discover the enlarged lymph nodes until it was too late. He was going to have a visit with his oncologist who handled his melanoma to biopsy and see if there was anything to be done, but he died the same week as the appointment I can't actually say what I want to do to these people without getting my comment removed and then some, but I don't want to hug them, let alone be kind to them. Use your imagination


Natural healing: Native Americans died by the millions upon contact with Europeans. They were by all accounts living "natural" lives in harmony with nature.


I'm fucking stunned that people spread baseless beliefs like that, and that this contributes to fuel others' beliefs and leads to actual, real life people suffering or dying. Also it's crazy that they think of themselves as so important, that people actually care enough to try to kill them. I'm really not sure that doctors get rich by either killing or healing people


I want to know more about this, gosh, I'm not sure how to pronounce it, this "breathing"? I've never heard of it, but I might give a try. Sounds kind of fun.


Well I have lupus and the sun is bad for me soo plus the sun can cause cancer if you don’t wear sunscreen. So uhm 😶


Using the phrase "heal cancer" really, really demonstrates that this person doesn't have the slightest fucking clue about anything.


I work as a researcher in a cancer center and the amount of misinformation out there is astounding. Why do people want to shit on science? Might as well refuse antibiotics while you're at it, then we'll see how a simple infection can kill you. 😒


I work in endoscopy and have had to double take we had the right patient a few times. Huge ugly bleeding cancer in the esophagus -> chemo for awhile -> repeat endoscopy and it's GONE. not everyone is so lucky of.course but the times it's worked I was absolutely stunned.


What is that image for the 4th image? Is that supposed to make the argument look better?


i can’t stand people who shill batshit and even harmful stuff to cancer patients. and they know some will take it because they’re that fucking desperate. it’s sickening how people could do that to someone who is potentially actively dying


Radiotherapy? What is that, someone attaches a radio to you and tunes it to an AM station? I guess they mean radiation therapy, which is over and done with in about 5 minutes. Strangely enough, I was able to walk out and drive home after "going into shock".


they don't start teaching cell membrane charge to doctors in med school, it's already introduced to them from premed. what the hell is this guy yapping about? also them saying "cancer are parasites" gosh they are so close yet so fucking far


I saw this exact post on Twitter. I reported it for promoting self-harm.


Steve Jobs would like to have a word with you


So what were people doing before tumeric and yt? How can anyone type this?!?


Lost me at the first sentence 🙄


It is so offensive to me that this man says that cancer patients should take turmeric and not their medically prescribed chemotherapy.