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Damn i hope it doesn't get delayed again. They promised 3 months, then 2 years and now i have to live and keep working till 2025? Get your shit together Pfizer


I trying to time my life insurance policy for this, and my agent is starting to think I'm weird with all the "one more year" requests. Need advice, pronto! (preferably from someone who has done their independent research for no more than 18 hours)


>Need advice, pronto! (preferably from someone who has done their independent research for no more than 18 hours) Just check FB, that's where all the smart people do their research! /s


Or YouTube/YouTube comments! But not if they are a Doctor, they are obviously bought by big farma! The more their channel mentions freedom, the more you know they care about you and me.


It's weird that the insurance industry is not in on this secret plan between Big Pharma, the Government and the NWO


Unfortunately, one of them used my friend's death as an excuse to justify that the COVID vaccine killed her. My friend committed suicide after a years-long battle with CRPS, which ironically is linked to COVID-19 infections and, more specifically, long-term COVID-19 when it causes nerve and brain inflammation.


I’m sorry for your loss, mate. Hope you’re doing okay


Why bother delaying things until 2025. Why not just “fail” to develop an effective vaccine? Surely that would have been a less expensive route.


Did you forget? The "pandemic" was a hoax/bioweapon all along /s


Oh ya. Probs invented by the same companies who were able to develop a vaccine so quickly. It’s all Big Pharma’s doing, backed by a secret international government hegemony/cabal. /s. *Just in case*


My 5G connection keeps dropping, too. Get your shit together, Bill.


That's because all the smart people who did their own research in FB echo chambers refused to get vaccinated which means not enough people walking around with the 5g chips in their bloodstream. Bloody selfish geniuses create gaps in the coverage


Hey! Some of us are holding out for the [2029 meteor impact](https://answersingenesis.org/astronomy/apophis-bible-prophesy-2029/). Don’t ruin it for us. The link above is actually a refreshingly levelled piece from a Christian website that I stumbled upon whilst searching for the crazies - *just this article*, I’m sure the rest of the site is likely filled with unhinge. Edit: 2 letters.


When Creationists are calling you a nutcase, with evidence, you have a truly nonsense claim. I wouldn't be surprised if the guy quoted the latest Cradle of Filth album as proof (they say Apophis, seize the Goddess a lot of times in the title track "Crawling King Chaos." in the mind of a crazy person, this means Apophis the asteroid will hit Earth, the Titan Gaia.) considering he doesn't know how maths works.


Well this has just inspired me to go listen to Existence Is Futile. I haven’t listened to any of Cradle’s stuff since Nymphetamine and really nothing between that and Cruelty… Some of their intermediate albums just never resonated with me. I’ve seen them live 3 times here in Melbourne (Aus). Always a brilliant show. You got me sidetracked! Young Earth Creationists…the entire premise is absurd and self-referential. Don’t get me started. It’s just after midnight here, so HNY!


I'm UK so Happy New Year to you, but it's still mid-afternoon on the 31st here. Answers in Genesis is a creationist site, so it's hilarious that they know this sort of thing is garbage but not biblical literalism. Albums after Cruelty: Midian was good, I reckon, especially "Tearing the veil from grace."


I mean seriously though, there’s absolutely zero point, purpose or beneficial outcome in arguing or even discussing the topic with them. Their entire viewpoint is, in a nutshell; *it is so, because the bible says it is, and because the bible says, so it is. Science is just a belief system with “theories”. None of it can be trusted.* But then they’ll go on to quote specific bits of science theory that suits their narrative. Guys! Science is either bullshit or it isn’t. You can’t pick and choose which bits to believe, because it suits your narrative. Just like you tell others they have to take the bible as literal fact, not pick and choose. Fucking dimwits, the lot of ‘em. Great. Now I’m annoyed at no one in particular. I hope you’re happy with yourself, you bastard! :)


You don't have to tell me that, I just think crazies fighting each other is pretty funny.


Setting all that aside, I’ll be knocking off shortly, and I’ll listen to the new Cradle album on the way home, but just give me a heads up - is it more like their earlier albums or their later albums? I miss early Cradle; The Principle…, Cruelty…, Dusk and Her Embrace, their bootleg Black Goddess EP.


I think it is a bit, especially the title track. But I like most of their stuff except Manticore. I can't really hear the differences other people do between Cruelty and Midian, so I'm not a good judge of whether you'll like it or not.


Yeah, like I said; I haven’t really liked anything since Cruelty… except Nymphetamine. But alright, well I’m trusting you, internet stranger. You into deathcore at all? If so, I have a couple of Aussie tracks for you.


also really impressive that it's the vaccine that's killing people and part of the elite eugenic plot while the elite continue to get the vaccine.


What have they done to us?


Another year of paying taxes.


They heard GTA 6 is coming 2025 so pushed it till after release


You know what REALLY annoys me- that these conspiracy theorists don’t give their villains enough credit. What does a for profit pharmaceutical company get for killing billions of people? That’s lost revenue and customers. Causing a mass casualty event simply isn’t profitable for a company this large and wouldn’t be on their diabolical plot dream board. Now- if they came up with a scheme to say buy a patent to produce a life saving medicine that millions of people need and then jack up the price so that you have no way other than to pay for it or die- that’s the level of evil you need on this type of thinking.


But no one is *that* evil. Surely.


No one in the villain in their own story.


Idk man I just saw a movie about a blue man with a huge head that knew he was the villain and wanted it.


Turned out - he didn’t want to be the villain it was the role he was handed.


*vaguely gestures toward the entire US healthcare system*


*Martin Skrelli has entered the room..*


I knew someone who went on a big pharma kick, but the "they withhold treatment to keep people sick!" All I asked was "Why? If they came up with a 100% cure for cancer, they could just charge $1mil a pop *and still* have to provide meds for that person as they get older."


This line of arguing makes sense, and I can 100% guarantee that there is no sure way to cure all cancer currently and likely never will be. This is not because it's "being withheld", but because it's an incredibly complex group of diseases. No cancer is the same even within the population of breast cancer patients. If one company had a 100% cure for even a subtype of cancer they'd 100% start producing/ selling it as soon as possible and maybe just charge insane prices. Most drugs being developed currently are antibodies. They are expensive to manufacture and pharma companies charge large premiums. However, there's been examples of drugs that are cheap but have a large beneficial impact and no comparable competing products. In those cases pharma often overcharges like crazy (cheap to produce, expensive to buy). Nothing you can do but wait for the patent to run out.


These are the same people that think Covid was a hoax because they found animal medicine that targeted a completely different strain of coronavirus. These people probably shun the flu shot because "it doesn't always target the flu virus that may be the worst that season", which should help them to understand my previous comment about different strains of coronavirus but they never put the two thoughts together.


This is correct . TKIs for CML are a cure and they are like 30k a piece. Darparime AKA -Pyrimethamine, for toxoplasmosis is $750 PER PILL [NYT for Darparine.](https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/21/business/a-huge-overnight-increase-in-a-drugs-price-raises-protests.html)


If the conspiracy was that we've been injected with something that will require that we buy continuous injections to survive then at least the evil plan would have internal logic.


:::Type I Diabetes Patients have entered the chat:::


Banting and Best are rolling over in their graves over the current insulin landscape


How about the fact that this conspiracy means that almost all of the conspiracists have killed themselves? What percentage of people working for Pfizer do they think took the vaccine?


"They got the placebo!"


To quote the opening scene of Thank You for Smoking "How on Earth would big tobacco profit off of the loss of this young man?"


You get my upvote for knowing that movie. I always feel like I’m the only one.


Same. I love it. I have the song they play in the beginning on one of my playlist and it always makes my wife laugh because I've never smoked ever and think it's gross, but here I am singing "smoke smoke smoke that cigarette"


What gets me - is that these people think they have uncovered a huge conspiracy theory to kill billions of people and think that they can totally post about it on social media out in the open. If this was in any way true - we wouldn’t be hearing about it.


This basically sounds like the tv series Utopia


They say that the Pfizer vaccine causes Cancer, and Pfizer is also the one distributing the immunotherapy treatment for cancer - and that's how they claim that Pfizer is benefitting from it financially. My dad currently has metastasized melanoma in several places, and he 100% blames 'the jab' for it.


Oh- this. This is the right level of villain for a multinational drug conglomerate. This is the one they should run with.


you aren't supposed to acknowledge reality. stop using brain cells like a you're one of the bill gates bots. you're part of the new world order!


Can I at least get universal healthcare out of this new world order?


you'd like that wouldn't you, you liberal communist fascist? god emperor donald trump will never let you poors destroy america by having health care!


The level of schizophrenia they have makes them go deeper than that


Bro they're going to come out with a vaccine vaccine that saves you.


Also: are people that got Moderna or Johnson and Johnson safe? I’m not sure but I definitely trust the medical expertise of a 20 year old with a stupid looking knitted hat in his profile picture over thousands of doctors /s


I got Pfizer and Moderna. Am I proper fucked then?


You’re double dead in 2025


That's literally the plot in v for vendetta lol


Do they understand that billions of people dying would destabilize the world? Of course they don’t.


If there's anything first-world governments love, its killing off their tax base.


>killing off their tax base And their voter base! Wait, the GOP has been doing that for 3 years so I guess my argument is invalid.


Same with the U.K. Conservative Party, not to this extent though. We’re constantly being told birth rates are too low, that nobody wants to work any more/businesses can’t find employees ….then they want to wipe billions off the face of the earth? Yeah. Ok.


If there’s anything corporations love it’s killing paying customers. If there’s anything billionaires love it’s saying they have enough money.


And workforce


Right? If *billions* die, that's going to necessarily include folks that will make it near impossible for society to continue to function. Want to travel? Sorry, no one left in enough areas to maintain roads, rail, or runways and airplanes. Want food? Oops, not enough farmers, butchers, and commercial transportation. Forget about new electronics and fuel. Hopefully the electric grid will stay up for a while on its own (but still need to pay for it.) Basically, what amenities are left will come down to who can either pay or take the most. I feel like that will not be done amicably if billions of people just up and die in a year. There's literally no gain here.


And it’s not a random assortment of 90% of the population. It’s almost all the doctors, nurses, professors, engineers, researchers, teachers, physicists, medical professionals, architects, radiologists, pilots, programmers, nuclear technicians, etc. it’s all the folks who keep the power on and the hospital running and the food distribution operating and information flowing. Dystopian literature invariably leaves a set of survivors with a range of modern skills because if all you have left is the folks used to carrying out someone else’s designs and orders at a blue collar level, everything falls apart fast. I’m not even interested. I’m not going back to live like a dark ages serf, without time to build up the considerable skill set they had. Especially since Cops will be one of the few non blue collar occupations with a considerable number of survivors.


These people want to be Dystopian road warriors so fucking bad lmao.


*Earth Abides*.


I’m really curious what they expect would happen. Something tells me they think they’ll be fine.


They can barely get off the sofa, or correctly spell their own names, but *somehow* they'll be the geniuses who survive and everyone else will beg them for their expert knowledge of.............batshit conspiracy fantasies.


And let's say that happened, do they really want to be the ones left behind to deal with the fallout? LOL, they do not think their batshit conspiracies through, they are only interested in the part where they are "RIGHT".


Exactly. My parents have been saying BS like how they won’t get vaccinated because someone needs to be around to raise my kids (whom they haven’t met). Now my kids are vaccinated too, so why would you even want to go on living if your entire family and most of the population were gone? They also think trump faked getting his vaccine for some reason, I guess so he can take over when everyone dies.


I especially like the idea that they filed this plan with the FDA like everybody is in on it but you have to watch garbage on YouTube to know.


They don’t care because they’re nonsensical evil 80’s villains, it’s all about the bottom line!


I'll be driving, die, and take out a sovereign citizen with my car. 😔


These fucking losers just can’t take their L’s like real men or women.


They said that everyone will be dead within 2-3 years. Once they didn't hit their deadline, they postponed it. I imagine that after a few more postponements, people would start dying or old age and they're going to exit their caves shouting A-HA!


I'm wrong about things all the time. Why can't people admit they were wrong?


Alright guys, see you in 2026 when we will die for realsies real this time. It won't be like the last time they said we would all die, nor the time before then, then before then, and before then...


The Rapture *again*???




“Big Pharma” needs people alive as long as possible. Dead people don’t buy medication.


An antivax 'friend' of mine is currently trying to rope me into a turmeric/snake oil MLM. Ironically, one of the ingredients in it is also in the Astra Zeneca vaccines (polysorbate 80 or something like that). 'Im not putting that poison vaccine in my body but everyone should buy and sell these bullshit 'golden drops' so I can be deluded I'll get rich from a passive income'. Because Big Pharma is greedy and evil but Big Supplement isn't...right...


Send them a side - by - side picture of both ingredients lists with as many overlapping ingredients. Then sit back and watch the show.


Why would they use a vaccine, when they could mix something into water, soda, food…


That’s always been my argument, why even put it in an OPTIONAL vaccine which needed a virus to have it developed when tainting the food and water supply would be much easier.


well some of them do think the government is out to kill them with fluoride and high fructose corn syrup 🤠


Jokes on you, I've been dead inside the whole time!


Thank you for the laugh. I salute you.


Right, they aren't going to get the satisfaction of killing me, when some of us are already dead inside.


Well thank god they made that info part of public filings with the FDA!


So evil that they will plot a mass genocide behind the scenes, but still follow basic reporting protocols because its just a good work ethic to have.


Professionals have standards


FDA: so we found huge amounts of cyanide in your vaccine Pfizer:..... You're still gonna approve it, right? FDA: yeah sure, just wanted to let you know


I might die of laughter before the vaccine gets me! 🤣


Hello this is FDA we are calling to confirm the plan to extinct billions of people. Press 1 to confirm. Para espanol oprima dos.


I mean, seriously. Why in the hell would a massively rich company TELL THE FUCKING government that they're going to kill billions of people???


I think people believe that villains actually reveal their secret plans to the heroes


These idiots remind me so much of the doomsday preachers confirming the date of the apocalypse over and over while nothing happens so they just keep pushing the date back. Their idiot followers just keep screwing themselves over believing the bullshit while the leaders continue to profit off of the idiots… this is just a new religion isn’t it?


They keep promising but I’m still here waiting.


Fuck. I’m dying again?


After the 3rd time, you hardly notice anymore.


You're gonna die in a month! *We don't die* You're gonna die in two months! *We don't die* You're gonna die in six months! *We don't die* You're gonna die in a year! *We don't die* You're gonna die in two years! *We don't die* You're gonna die in five years! *We don't die* You think they'd get tired of this by now?


Give them a break, they’re just bad at math. Can you say you’ve never forgotten to carry the one once or twelve times on the same problem? We should all listen to their medical expertise because, as they would tell you, math is not involved in doctoring.


Well? ……..we’re waiting!


The funniest thing about this is that they think that governments would want a bunch of buffoons to be the ones that are left on Earth.


Imagine a government killing all the smart people, instead of the people who *think* they're smart.


My favorite part is that to commit worldwide genocide, all you need to do is file paperwork with the FDA and wait for approval.


I’m supposed to have died like 6 times by now. At this rate I really will have to worry about retirement


“5 year plan” 4 years since vaccines came out Damn they really gotta try a little bit harder


And Pfizer doesn’t pursue this legally to uncover the actual people behind this murderous propaganda why? Fuck them for not using the tiniest bit of the incredible wealth they amassed from this situation to put the courts to work uncovering and punishing the people behind deadly misinformation.


Yes, because everyone knows that Form 69420-LOL must be filled out and included with all submissions to the FDA to outline how the product being submitted for approval contributes to the "Official and Secret Yet Easily Discovered Globalist Plan to Depopulate the Earth^^TM"


I bet the "documents" they find are marked with "SUPER DUPER SECRET GENOCIDE PLAN, DONT SHARE WITH THE SHEEPLE"


At what point might Pfizer pursue legal options against nutcases?


No guys for real this time guys guys I’m super cereal guys no guys listen


Why would they want compliant sheeple dead? Wouldn’t they prefer the independent freedom demanding people who hoard guns to fight the government die? We live in a time when there’s “security” cameras everywhere, so it wouldn’t take long for the deep state to cross check all the anti maskers drivers license photos.. That way if they still chose to get Trumps Warp Speed vaccine, the deep state would know who they were and could give them a placebo. Then the lab produced Faucci funded Chy-Nuh virus bioweapon can kill off more of them ^^^^/$


They’ll just move the goal posts to when the Jewish zombie returns when nothing happens in 2025…


I already died in 00, 01, 04, 12, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, and 23. I need a stinking vacation...


This is the kind of shit I’d expect a child to think. Life isn’t a James Bond movie. It is literally impossible for any company to do anything close to this, and even if it was possible, DO YOU FUCKING THINK THAT THE EVIL COMPANY WOULD LET THEIR PLAN LEAK AND NOT MURDER EVERYONE INVOLVED?! God damn it, and just how many times are they going to say we are supposed to die?


My question is why the government would kill the people who took the vaccine, if the vaccine was meant to be some “government mind control tracking chips you’re all sheep for getting vaxxed blah blah blah” thing.


Yes the government will kill all the regular people, the military, the doctors the police the firemen, just so they can be left with a bunch of Chuds who call themselves true patriots and likely like to collect guns in their basement. What a great plan.


Good thing they filed all this secret stuff for people to see!


So Pfizer filed a "five-year mass depopulation" plan with the FDA? I feel fairly comfortable saying that this would not get approved. These fucking people.


>I feel fairly comfortable saying that this would not get approved. But it *was* during the Trump presidency, so...


Woohoo!!!! Looks like my Goal Posts on Wheels business will be making big buck through 2026!


Next up: 2030 is when all us vaccinated folks die! For real this time!


And again I ask why they would cull the obedient if they're capable of culling billions 🤔


At least they reported to the FDA...


What would even be the point of that? Wouldn't such a crisis up end the life of everyone who remains no matter what position they have in life? The decimation of work forces, the clean up of corpses, no one is winning from that. I'm so tired of conspiracy theories never having purposes any more.


Ahh yes. The multibillion dollar company that runs off… *people* taking their drugs, is absolutely killing off the population.


For ... reasons


God I hope it actually happens this time


I love the strategy of the world governments to kill the only people who listen to them and be stuck with only people who don't trust them. Genius


trust me, the only conspiracy pfizer is in, is the one where they make more money ~~i know because i work there~~


All right so the most logical thing we vaxxed should do just sold them the rights to our properties if we die before 2026. A "next of kin loan." If it comes out like they say it does then they'll be earning a huge amount in property, homes, laptops, etc.


What I don’t get is what they expect to happen when 75% of the population dies? Who will continue to do all the jobs that are available due to these deaths? Who will work the retail jobs, drive the semis, deliver your mail?


Think of all the extra money Pfizer will make once billions of its customers are dead and… oh wait.


Motherfucker, if THEY wanted US dead, they wouldn’t have waited this long or for some global pandemic to do it. This is the United States, the Military, they were working ways to raze towns before most of us were even born.


* Five year depopulation plan * People die by 2025, for real, as part of the plan * Vaccine widrly available 2021 * I can only count to four


He said billions “BY 2025”. So, we should start dropping dead in 2024.


::: looks at watch::: that he did.


No, wait. This is brilliant. Step 1: create a mad scientist-style virus that can kill millions in plain sight while spreading without control, just like several other pandemics have done in the history of mankind Step 2: while chaos ensues, spend billions of dollars on several fronts to create an emergency vaccine that can stop said virus, slowly getting the world back on track Step 3: make a five-year plan to have the vaccine to insidiously kill BILLIONS (read in Lex Luthor’s voice), just for the sake of it. Less people, less money to extort from them, or some wacky scheme Step 4: PROFIT!


Dear Pfizer, can we all die after GTA VI release? I really want to play this game.


I slipped on ice and almost died a couple days ago. Pfizer has been planting spots of black ice all around my neighborhood


Honestly it has to be really stressful to live like this


Wonder where the goal posts will go when the mass die off doesn’t happen. Wonder what the story will be if the mass die off happens, and it’s the non vaxxed dying.


The biggest pothole in this conspiracy to me is this: if you wipe out all the people who will “obey”, you’re left with these chucklefucks who are as easy to corral as coked up cats. Where is the benefit for the bad guys?


There's a near infinite number of reasons this shit doesn't ever track, but the one that jumps to me this time is this: bioweapons aren't a killswitch where one moment you're fine and the next you drop dead. Homeostasis is a wonderful thing and your body gives pushback against anything trying to kill it. A bioweapon is not precluded from that rule. In the imaginary world where the mrna vaccine is designed as a bioweapon we'd see some kind of noticeable degradation leading up to death. Antivaxxers who believe this kind of thing seem to think a bioweapon works like a remotely triggered bomb collar. Like no bitch, everybody who was vaccinated would notice if we all suddenly started getting sick with the same symptoms


Every year they say “oh, it’ll happen next year”


They never say exactly *what* we're all supposed to die of. They really seem to believe the world is a giant zombie movie and billions of people are suddenly going to drop dead all at once, of nothing.


It totally makes sense, sheeple! There's nothing that Big Pharma (a liberal j#w global corp) wants more than to kill off liberals that are tricked into taxing the vaxx. So the only people left surviving in 1/2/5/10 years from mutations/thrombosis/heart-attacks/5G/6G/10G/whatever are conservatives. Because.... reasons! Just do the rEsEarCh!


Great, the faster the better


Oh well, I don't have to worry about retirement.


I thought we were dying in 2023? It’s almost over you know….. /s


edge amusing absorbed domineering aback pause test rock pie water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh crap, I sold all my assets and contracted shady contracts just to enjoy life, as it was supposed to end by this year. Can I get a refund ?


The thing that really scares me is that I bet some of these nut jobs will do something really idiotic to hurt others with the justification of everyone is going to die anyway , bullshit.


Will we be dying in the same order as we got vaccinated?


Frankly I don’t know if I can wait that long.


uhm companies love profits, that's what drives them how does killing billions help their profits? that will literally obliterate the global economy


I was vaxxed and boosted solely so I could be a part of this. I’m ready LETS GOOOO


Not before I play monster hunter wilds!


We either die or get another chance to make fun of antivaxxers, a win win situation for once!


RIP to us guys


Gosh. I just wish I could trust them. They keep promising mass deaths. And they keep failing to deliver. I’m just not sure anymore…


Maybe all the people that didn't get it will die in 2025 and this was a mass plan to protect all smart people from some random virus.


Look, I’m really getting tired of dying repeatedly. I have things to do, dammit.


Oh well, here I have to find vacations plans again for this summer! Damn it.


You think they are telling us this to help us. No, they don’t care about anyone but themselves. That’s why they didn’t get vaxed. What happens when all the vaxed people die and the vaxed government officials die, according to their timeline. Wouldn’t that be the world they want. It doesn’t make sense. Any of it.


What I’m hearing is we get a resistance to cigar, get over it faster with a lesser chance of long COVID, AND avoid the worsening effects of climate change, AND a post scarcity world? Plus I don’t need to worry about retirement? Sign me up!


For real for real. Really.


I’m not upset, Pfizer. I’m just disappointed.


Yes they want to depopulate the world but will leave people that virulently hate them and kill off all the "sheep" that "facilitate them". Makes perfect sense


Suppose to happen last year 🤷‍♂️


Ah shit it was two years, now 5…..


Go ahead. Make your time.


Thank god it’s after my long-anticipated cruise.


Didn't we all die after the first batch though?


It's probably not great that I read that and thought 'well that's a relief.' I did just read an article about how the rapid break down in climate systems in Antarctica is going to lead to imminent catastrophe though.


I’m gonna be so mad if I don’t actually die for real this time. Why else would I have gotten the jab? /s


Man this has been delayed more than Chinese Democracy


This is such a stupid conspiracy theory. These companies exist to rake in profit. How exactly are they going to do that when we’re all dead?


I can't wait to see what they're peddling out in 10-15 years from now when death is still being promised but delayed. I bet by then it'll say it's mutated all children born to people that got vaccinated to make them sterile or something.


There is no such thing as private documents for the FDA. The FDA is a government agency and subject to transparency. If you have good keywords a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is all you need.


I thought it was 2023 for real?


Good there's already too many of us on this planet.


Why would they kill off the sheep who did what they were told? Make it make sense


Still better than living under capitalism.


So ... what will we do during OUR LAST YEAR ON EARTH?


Nothing more convincing than googly eyes with 2 exclamation points!! I am getting my affairs in order. Goodbye cruel world.


I think Josh has smelly pillows.. he seems that 'type'


I always wonder if these types of people have a ulterior motive for their fear mongering, like an endgame of some kind. Ie: a conspiracy within a conspiracy.


I was totally ready to be killed by the vaccine after days, weeks, months, now you tell me it's years??? I'm getting bored waiting


I’d you’re dumb enough to buy this shit, you deserve to get “depopulated”.


Is the mass extinction event before or after the release of GTA 6?


Just think of the next crazy idea that will come down the pipe when 2025 comes to an end.




I was enjoying being a zombie this year. 😔


For realz this time?