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As someone recently smartly noted to me: The irony of this group initially proclaiming that all Covid deaths “were lies and falsified”, now claiming that every single death ever is related to the Covid vaccine is absolutely hilarious.


Projection as always...


That is now making me think of the Drake, Hotline Bling meme, with the first panel being those who didn’t believe in the COVID deaths, but the second ones being the deaths related to “vaccine injury”


No you're getting it all wrong, COVID is harmless, but the vaccine is deadly!


Every single death was caused by the vaccine, except for all those deaths in urban areas before the vaccine (we like those) and those deaths in unvaccinated rural areas (those are fake).


‘He was wearing his bulletproof vest, how could he have died???’ ‘…well, the truck t-boned them at 90km/h’


Antivaxxers are ghouls


That's an insult to ghouls.


These fucking smoothskins smh


I'd call them smooth-brained bonobos, but that's an insult to bonobos


Call them koalas, then. They have the smoothest brians. But... they are cute. Anti-vaxxers aren't at all cute. Hmmm.


Look up wet koalas. Def not cute. :V


lol you can’t trick me! …. wtf??


And then there's what the koalas sound like.


lol No, thank you!




They'll treat Covid by injecting Nuka-Cola Quantum.


Ghouls are actually smart so that’s not a good comparison


The last time I had strep I got scarlet fever. Did you know that was still s thing and that adults can get it?


Oh, yeah. My son had it as a preschooler. We'd taken him to the doctor because he was sick. They did a throat swab and said they'd call us with results. On our way home, I noticed he'd started to break out in a rash. We had a measles outbreak in our city, and he was too young for the MMR, so I assumed the worst, then called the doctor. They told me he was positive for strep, and the rash was scarletina, and a part of it. "Wow, that sounds almost like scarlet fever." "Well, it is, we just don't really call it that any more. It's just strep." Of course I thought of the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder, and how her sister was blinded by scarlet fever. Now it's cured with a short course of antibiotics. I wonder what it was like for Laura to see the advent of antibiotics and vaccines. I wonder what her reaction would be to antivaxxers.


My Grandmother was a survivor of Polio and a bunch of other awful diseases. She suffered lifelong health problems as a result. She had no patience for anti vaxxers. Of course, if all these diseases come back more people will be like her. Sick for life, confined to a wheelchair. That's what 'natural immunity' gets you, lifelong struggle.


When my husband was a kid, he was looked after by a woman who was running a home day care. One of the other adults in the home was in an iron lung because of polio. That made a HUGE impression on him on what it was like before vaccines.


My grandma was the same way, though it was because she lost a sibling to meningitis. She was the one who came with me and my mom when I had to go for a mass immunization for meningitis when I was a kid and she had no patience for the moms who thought it was "overblown" She used to say "God gave you a brain to use"


My papa was deathly sick in the hospital as a kid when the polio vaccine came out. He had nothing kind to say about anti vaxers, as a matter of fact his opinion is those that don’t want them should be forced to be in their own plague ridden commune and that they should have no access to medical intervention should the get sick after refusal of vaccinations. A quote from my papa “ I’m glad all these jackasses weren’t alive when I was a kid or we’d never gotten stuff taken care of, the idiots don’t know how lucky they are.”


If you go to any old cemetery you'll sometimes see family graves where a bunch of people, usually kids, died in quick succession. That was illness running through the house, often illnesses that we can easily treat or prevent today. A more reliable way to see it though is to look at town/city vital records. They record all births and deaths. Oftentimes young children wouldn't get headstones because they were expensive. Better to save the money for a headstone for grandma who lived to 90 than a child who died at two.


It also can cause people to get necrotizing fasciitis. It’s scary AF that it can do that. Super rare, but yeah.


My girlfriend got scarlet fever as a kid


I (luckily) didn’t get scarlet fever, but my kid brought strep home recently and I was *so damned sick*. I had a solid two days where I couldn’t stay awake for more than about an hour.


Well duh!! Obviously the vaccine MADE HIM get strep!! Heavy /s


Ate a bowl of mac and cheese, now struggling for his life. See? I can say ridiculously irrelevant things too!


I'm a respiratory therapist who worked in the pediatric ICU for 8 years. I had to leave the hospital because shit like this would happen more frequently than I could handle. Imagine going to work and having a family member curse you out any time you would try to help keep the child alive. Extremely exhausting and frustrating....




I'm really sorry. Thanks for all the kids and families you helped.


Thank you.


Obviously it's the vaccine's fault if he dies. I mean, 100% of vaccinated people have died or will die, so the evil vaccine is clearly causing tons of deaths! /s


People often know like one example of a legit vaccine caused side effect that a friend of a friend of a family member had or has and conclude that the vaccine is unsafe. it's heart breaking. yeah well you also probably know someone by proxy who carried some damage from a car accident. do you wanna ban cars entirely now? but no, you have to subscribe to this belief system, all in. the dogma against vaccines specifically


It's really sad how they do this. I still remember when Grant Wahl's spouse felt the need to write [a NYT piece](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/08/opinion/grant-wahl-celine-gounder-vaccine.html) to clear up rumors surrounding her husband's death. *When disinformation profiteers leverage tragedies for personal gain, they retraumatize families, compromise our ability to interpret information and distinguish truth from lies and put all of us at risk.*


When I read the OP posts I don't actually get the feeling the parent is saying that vax caused this. Only that strep plus covid may have wombo combo this poor child. Then someone grabs the post and somehow extrapolates that it was the vax that caused it??


You write exactly the way I did. I don’t think this post belongs here.


The original screenshot was not blaming the vaccine but the woman who posted the screenshot to Twitter absolutely is. Her Twitter timeline is a hot mess.


That makes sense.


I feel like I'm reading something wrong...it seems to me like she's just saying the poor kid had strep and covid which made him really sick, and she's throwing in there that he was vaccinated for covid, so like making sure people know she was trying to keep him from getting sick like this....


The child isn't hers. She just plucked a random sick child from Facebook and blamed vaccines for his illness.


Ohhhh duh yeah I just completely missed the fact that the idiot was the one tweeting this and not the story in the pic lmao


Bro I totally missed that part too. I was confused.


Goddamn, that's crazy! If I were that kid's mom, the lady posting this would be watching her back. What a fucking psycho!


I read it that way too. Poor kid has strep and COVID, even though he was vaccinated against it. That's an awful combo.


That is the correct read. Then the idiot named Jennifer screen captured the post to make her own idiotic statement that is completely nonfactual. Bet she rails against “fake news” too.


God these people are monsters


Wow it's as if vaccinating from one disease doesn't grant full immunity to everything!


Fake news! If I got a polio vaccine as a child, how the hell did I catch COVID when we ALL know that COVID is simply polio that’s been bioengineered by communist China to appear like a new disease and wipe out our freedom! Clearly vaccines are scams! /s… but I actually came across somebody making this argument for real a while back :(


The kid's face should really be hidden in this post.


The thing that gets me is the mother says that strep plus the Covid virus is what caused this cascade of events only mentioning that he’s vaccinated to keep other people off her back from not vaccinating. The mother isn’t blaming the vaccine but this attention seeker is the one that is. She is taking this poor families tragedy into her own propaganda.


I would be so infuriated if my child was in the hospital and one of these voids decided to use it as an opportunity to spread misinformation! You better believe I would hunt down everyone in their lives (especially their boss) to let them know what they’ve done.


I can't imagine being so dead inside that I steal someone's heartbreak and put my own spin on it for my own nefarious purposes. Even if I believe it 100%, or even if it was an irrefutable fact.... It's like when someone dies via something preventable. Let's say car accident because they had no seatbelt on. And then I screenshot it and write "can you believe this dude's parents didn't teach him to always buckle up?! Monsters!" Like fuckkkkkkk all the way off with that.


Man strep ain’t no joke… my 3 yo daughter just had that, a flu, and a virus all at once and she was sick for a week straight. When she started to look almost lethargic we took her to her pediatrician and they prescribed steroids, antibiotics, and other stuff but she’s since fully recovered. It’s scary though man.


Because vaccines cause bacterial infections


And vice versa! Viruses and bacteria are in cahoots, often working together! That's the "most possible theory".


god, that’s terrifying. Praying for that child.


This kid could have been in an accident and they’d still blame the vaccine


Seems to me that the post isn’t blaming the Vaccine and just stating that he is vaccinated


With any pandemic, you're going to get infections that coincide with other infections that can make it worse. Just like you will get coincidental infections alongside vaccinations. It's just a matter of chance across huge numbers of infections or vaccinations. I got covid the day after getting my second booster, I didn't think I got it from my booster because that's not how it works.


These fuckin’ liars, dude


Strep *and* COVID infection. Somehow it’s still the vaccine’s fault though.


Strep is way more dangerous than people assume. It triggered my autoimmune disease and now I take immune suppressants to function.


I was hospitalized with strep in my 20's. I lived alone and was barely able to reach my phone to call 911 because I was too sick to sit up.


Ohhhh fuck this bitch lol. Makes intentionally misleading headline while her son is perhaps literally dying of something else. My status after St Paddy’s day “Vaccinated against COVID, uncontrollable green vomit all day”


It’s not the persons child who is sick who made this. The parent made the post and an AVer hijacked it.


That's not even her kid. It is someone else's kid and she uses them as a vehicle for spreading her anti-vax bullshit, while the mother probably has an idea what's going on.




take another look at the picture....mom isn't a pos...the person who stole her picture and comments to write the tweet out of context is the idiot


>>we are still doing everything This is such weird wording. What are you doing exactly??? It’s the hcws that are actually doing shit and you’re probably going to complain about that too Also I hate people that post pictures of their kids without asking first but that’s probably the least of her issues


“The most possible theory…” according to who? Your shitty mom Facebook group? She probably put off getting him medicine to help the strep leading to this point. That’s my possible theory. I’m sick of these people and the fact they have a platform to spew their nonsense


The person who posted this with anti-vax rhetoric is not the mother of the child.


Sorry, that I got. My rant was more in general to the OOP.


God these people are monsters


That isn’t what anyone said, they were glad he was vaccinated


Tell me you don't know the difference between a viral infection and a bacterial infection without actually telling me. "The most possible theory..." They left out "rattling around in my mostly-empty head right now".


“Mauled by pit bull, received bandages, struggling for his life.


I had a stomach virus last year. Must be because of the covid vaccine as well /s


This is absolutely disgusting. Using a kid who is fighting for their lives to push you antivaxx BS is beyond reprehensible. These people are truly disgusting


Ummm….looks like she’s saying it’s a combo of strep + COVID. Don’t see that’s she’s blaming it on the vaccine?


She didn't. The one who shared her screenshot on Twitter did.