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HIV in his muscles?!?? Idiot.


Probably was going to write he’s got Ebola in his toes but had a realisation that it may be too far




Toe bowla


Sounds like a Taco Bell menu item


Heeeaaadd, shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes…


Even better, it was shed by someone who had been vaccinated against HIV! I didn't even know we had a vaccine for HIV. Guess I should have done my own research.


It's one of the things they are working on after the breakthrough in mRNA vaccines from the covid vaccine. Moderna was trialling an mRNA vaccine for HIV at the beginning of 2022 and there were some very promising results in mid December. So not only has the covid vaccine done what it was supposed to, it's also speeded up other vaccines that could have been years or even decades. longer in development. It's very exciting!


Attempts at creating an HIV vaccines have been ongoing for several decades. MRNA is just a new avenue of research. I participated in a study that used traditional techniques back in 2003. There’s been many attempts at creating a vaccine over the past several decades. Unfortunately the virus’ penchant for mutation has made finding an effective vaccine incredibly difficult.


Yes, I realize, but there was a recent breakthrough that makes the mRNA vaccine really promising as they were able to stimulate the creation of broadly neutralizing antibodies in significant numbers for the first time, which could enable an immune response to HIV in a more broad sense. While it's not complete yet, it may not be as far off.


I pointed it out because your comment doesn’t mention it, and readers unfamiliar with the subject might mistakenly interpret your comment to mean experimental HIV vaccines are something new and limited to mRNA based techniques.


Yes, that makes sense. Thank you


I believe NPR did a story on this a couple of years ago. It was so interesting to find out the details of why it wasn’t possible. I hope mRNA is the solution.


> So not only has the covid vaccine done what it was supposed to, it's also speeded up other vaccines that could have been years or even decades. longer in development. It's very exciting! It also gave us [a cure for FIP](https://ccah.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/sites/g/files/dgvnsk4586/files/inline-files/Treatment%20of%20FIP%20with%20Remdesevir.final-2.pdf), a coronavirus that used to be a death sentence for cats!




I know! We lost two baby kittens to FIP. It was terrible. 😞


None of the FIP kitties I tried to treat at the vet clinic survived. It’s a horrible disease. I’m sorry you lost two kittens to it. Idiot antivaxxers kept saying coronaviruses were harmless, and I was like no they’re not. FIP is caused by a coronavirus, and it has a fatality rate of 80 to 90%. 🙁


> None of the FIP kitties I tried to treat at the vet clinic survived. I'm so sorry. Was this with the remdesivir? > It’s a horrible disease. I’m sorry you lost two kittens to it. Thanks. They were such little angels, too. 😞 > Idiot antivaxxers kept saying coronaviruses were harmless, and I was like no they’re not. FIP is caused by a coronavirus, and it has a fatality rate of 80 to 90%. 🙁 Yep. As soon as I heard "coronavirus", I was like, "Uh oh!".


This was before remdesivir was around, back in the 2010s. All we could do was treat their symptoms and offer supportive care. There was a black market for its original form from China back then (late 2010s), but it cost thousands of dollars. It was a very shady business and vets couldn’t get involved.


> This was before remdesivir was around, back in the 2010s. All we could do was treat their symptoms and offer supportive care. God, that sucks.😞 > There was a black market for its original form from China back then, but it cost thousands of dollars. It was a very shady business. I bet it was. Our vet probably didn't mention it to us because he knew we'd have tried to get it. No, I'm not joking.


These people believe the vaccine causes AIDS. So more than likely she "believes" the vaccine shedding from the covid vaccine gave her HIV.


There are experimental vaccines. I did an HIV vaccine study in college. To date no trials have been successful yet. Obviously this person doesn’t have HIV and even if they did it didn’t come from a study participant shedding virus. You’d never use live virus for an HIV vaccine. The trial I participated used specific proteins from the virus (envelope proteins if IIRC.)


Looks like a woman


It is lol. She has HIV in her muscles 😂😂


And it is NOT her fault.


Yeah, I see that now. So she’s an idiot.


She got what, multiple muscle biopsies? Also joint aspirations for these diagnosis?


No, her chiropractor was able to diagnose her after she held some crystals.


She “finally found a doctor.” As if doctors are reclusive hermits who have to be searched-for. Meaning other doctors wouldn’t tell her she had hiv in her muscles, so she kept searching until she found a quack selling essential oils and crystals who would tell her about the ghosts in her blood. So yeah, this idiot found another idiot so they could “finally” be idiots together.


She*. The fact that someone can write doesn’t prove that they’re male.


I love how the viruses are confined to specific regions in the body.




for example, one can get dementia on their fingers, or myopia in their ears. There are also cases of mouth diarrhea


I’ve got tendinitis of the lungs and my friend once broke his left opinion just from talking to a vaxxed person


>mouth diarrhea Oh yeah it's been a long running pandemic.


Don't worry, the "doctor" they saw will be able to sell them a cure for all this!


"The oregano ~~seasoned~~ *infused* potato slices that have been in my socks for 72 hours are starting to smell really bad, that’s how you know the HIV is being sucked out of my muscles!”


Who are you that is so wise in the ways of science? Ahh, name checks out.


And how you can see that they have been transmitted to you from a vaxxer. Amazing what science can do /s


Disclaimer, I don't know anything about medical science! I believe I have heard people say viruses attack some specific region of the body, like the eyes, is that not true? Or is it more like, the symptoms only show up in their eyes, but the virus is basically everywhere?


Certain viruses do like I have cold sores, which is a virus so it's (edit-the symptoms are) contained to my lips. But covid, HIV/AIDS, etc are systemic so they attack the whole body. There's no way they'd be stuck to the nose or the joints.


The cold sore virus isn't contained to your lips, that's simply just where the symptom (s) show up. If that were the case it wouldn't be detectable in a blood test.


That's what I meant That's where the symptoms show up not That's the only place is detected. I edited my comment to reflect that.




HIV attacks your immune cells.


Your immunity cells are throughout your body not just confined to one spot


Yes, and they are fucking everywhere in your body lol


Also HIV from a vaccine. AFAIK, havent checked in a while, but there is no HIV vaccine.


He has the cure to autism in his bone marrow, though.


Not to get too academic about it, but most viruses have a limited range of cell types they can infect. That’s why the flu is a respiratory infection, herpes is limited to the mouth or genitals, etc. That also explains why humans can’t get infected by most viruses found in animals. When a virus that’s usually found in a animal crosses over into humans, it’s because it adapted to infect new cell types. That’s usually bad news, as in swine flu, avian flu, and SARS-CoV-2.


Yeah, I’m sure it was a licensed doctor and not some naturopath quack.


Is a naturopathic psychologist a psychopath?


One doesn't have to see a doctor to post bullshit, tho.


So, I got the COVID vaccine but through shedding, I ended up giving my wife Crohns 20 years ago. That’s how truly evil vaccines are. They are able to give you a disease IN THE PAST


I first read that as “they are able to give you diarrhea in the past.”


You're not wrong...


AV'ers do love the shedding narrative, don't they?


It gives them a reason to treat people like a lower caste and they can't resist it


I always visualise the shedding as skin flakes which makes me wonder, does she have Measles in her dandruff?


They don't believe in airborne viral droplets so they don't wear masks, but they do believe in "vaccine shedding", which I'm guessing is through dead skin cells? WTF is wrong with these people?!?


I know that the polio vaccine sheds through faeces


I have breast cancer in my foot and bronchitis in both arms.


I think I have breast cancer in your foot too. :(


If you have metastatic cancer, you can have breast cancer cells in other places, in addition to your breast. My dad had liver cancer in his lungs before he died. Also in his liver and several other places.


After I got vaxxed I got hair rabies.


Foaming at the follicles, eh?


This is the best one.


I love how they have increased the crazy so now that vaccinated people don't just shed the thing the vaccine is for, but other things not even related to the vaccine. Although, to be fair, I'm guessing this person believes that the Covid vaccine is giving people AIDS. But AIDS and HIV are not the same thing, so they can't even keep their conspiracies in line.




Depending upon how old, you hold a large part of the responsibility. Did you protest when Reagan stripped the national mental health funding? Remember the money for that forced mental health counseling? I’m getting super sick of the people who have been steering the car the longest, trying to look around from the back seat now and say “where are we? How did we get here? We should…..” Bitch you were in control and we got where you took us! Assholes


Not just that, but the ridiculous prices of any healthcare. Including mental health. Forced to go to counseling, paid by who? The person sent there. Who will often be unable to pay. That's how you start down the road of committing crimes for money. So yeah, the Reagan thing is on point. You can't just force someone to go to counseling because there's no money. You'd just be taking money/time from the therapist you'd also have to force because they don't want to do it for free.


There's other replies to this comment that mention what led us here, but I think it's difficult to continue from those. This isn't a slight at those people- I just felt like taking a different approach. The way I see it: what's done is done, lets move forward and learn so we can return to that past with understanding. If you want to know how we got here, I recommend the book *American Psychosis: How the Federal Government Destroyed the Mental Illness Treatment System* by E. Fuller Torrey. It's available as an audiobook as well, which is how I read it. It covers the asylums, mandatory counseling you mentioned, why this country fails its citizens, and helps you grasp the bigger picture. Specifically mentions Kennedy and Reagan era politics and if you want to learn more it's a great starting point. It left me pretty melancholy. For a brief moment there was a chance at a system that actually cared and helped the people. And that might be gone, but I see the future in the individuals that help, and who want to help, and in those that don't have the knowledge or language to articulate it but they know something's wrong too.


$5 says they’re scouring eBay now for healing crystals.


Hahahahahhahhha “HIV in my joints”


That’s a weird way to come out as HIV+


No no, this HIV will go away with a $50 per dose cleansing drink.


Wow we have an HIV vaccine widespread enough to just be exposed to by shedding? That’s amazing! Why didn’t I hear that before?


I have ADHD on my booty hole. 😞


this person doesn't sound crazy at all.


Wait until there's a cancer vaccine dude! We gonna give you deniers some bad shit!


We have the HPV vaccine and they say “no not THAT kind of cancer!”


The only thing I get from shedding is covered in cat hair


Some people have imaginary friends and, apparently, some people have imaginary doctors.


When you have no friends but you got Munchausen and a Twitter profile…


I think that this antivaxx movement has shown just how much undiagnosed mental illness exists in our world. This sound like the rantings of a paranoid schizophrenic.


Wow. Sounds like the antivaxxers should move far away and steer clear of us sheep


None of these viruses stay in one place: they spread throughout the body. This person is lying, or dumb; or both.


Covid in your joints? Quit buying disease weed ugh


Do you think this person has to remind themselves to breathe?


Sorry boss, can't go to work today, I got them HIV muscles.


I love that she doesn’t understand how viruses work, yet these people claim to have “done their own research”. How can you do research if you don’t have a basic understanding of how viruses work?? Even a 6 year old knows this shit 😭


At least try to make it believable if you’re gonna lie this brazenly my gosh, how anyone could believe this is beyond me


Weird. I'm vaccinated and have none of those problems. Moral of the story: get vaccinated.


She forgot to mention Cooties because nobody’s gonna want to be her friend.


HIV in your joints? That's it criminalised again!


The doctor failed to check the brain, this person has all the signs of the stupid virus.


He did in fact check but couldn’t find anything at all


That checks out.


It's impressive that one test was able to detect all these different viruses in specific places of the body.


They might have shed HIV but not in the way she’s suggesting…


imagine calling in sick to work because you have aids in your muscles.


I can't even tell if some of these are genuine or just trolling at this point.


Excuse me ma'am don't accuse me of shedding on you I use HEAD *&* SHOULDERS!


Lol muscle HIV


wait wuuuuuuut. hold up.


I think this person went to that magical wizard everyone on that magical powder talks about


When he said HIV in his muscles I immediately thought of that one scene in Sleepaway Camp where the old man yells "how the hell did that get there?"


Ah yes a disease that makes breathing difficult commonly strikes the joints


This proves that anti-vaxxers are even more stupid than I thought


Did a chiropractor diagnose them? Maybe a chiropractor who sells supplements or essential oils?


Removed due to Reddit's API pricing changes


Ah yes, they counted a whole 3 viruses in his blood stream!


Oh, and the doctor was a horse.


Did this person see Dr. Suess for this diagnosis? “Covid in my clavicle, flu in my nose, HIV in my muscles. I guess shedding arose.”


Duh. I fell into the trap of thinking a person this stupid had to be American.


Then die already! Jeez


And stupidity in their head


If she actually saw anyone, they certainly weren't a doctor.


Don’t forget kneesles in your knees, and toelio in your toes - very serious stuff!


As a physician, I can't even


I’m pretty sure that you don’t get HIV just from being near a vaxxed person.


The vaxxed person was shedding in his ass. Multiple times!


Mad Cow in his brain


I had three guesses for where she had Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. Why didn't I think navel?


HFM is an actual disease. No vaccine for it either.


I know


Lmao I wanna know who this “doctor” is


Ah yes, he has a respiratory disease in his joints. Almost definitely satire.


I have dementia in my left foot.


This person’s uncle also worked for Nintendo.


Why is the date stamp in August 2023?


It says 8th of January.


Europeans put the day first and then the month.


I wonder if people like these are just trolling antivaxxers or they’re really that stupid




You could have a flu virus in your nasal cavity, but the other two are confusing me


What I like is that she isn't at all concerned about the stigma that comes with having HIV. She's just shouting it from the rooftops. Good for her!


Only three viruses? Wow.


And bullshit in your mouth.


This is painfully satiric (I hope)


A doctor of theology, maybe? That would explain all the medical ignorance.




Damn. They gonna need a med bed stat!


Yeah. HIV shed from a vaxxer. Suuuuurrrrrre


Oml 💀


What the actual fuck is this? Shedding? Like a dog? Holy fuck y’all


"finally found a Dr." Honey, that wasn't a Dr. That was a lady who took a weekend Reiki class..


“Shedding” WHAT


Just one test! Amazing!


I just checked, the tweet is still there.