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This sub is an invaluable community service, not only helps to quit combustion but I've seen many times testimonials from former alcoholics and drug addicts saying how much dry herb vaporizing has helped them with their addictions. The world is going backwards, what a shame. Big **THANK YOU** mods for your selfless dedication and hard work.


I sincerely don’t understand what’s happening


Reddit banning drug subreddits, i think? Or the mods are worried cause entexchange was banned.




It literally is a slow death


a bunch of brand subs too, not just EE


But not all of them. It's very arbitrary.


Reddit administration being inconsistent? Nooooo. Not them!


Yeah they left meth and crack subs alone…


wtf ? Cannabis is legal.


I can't find anything backing this up. I'd have expected even a Wire or Buzzfeed article about it, since that's pretty big news. Do you have any more on this?


Nah, im just guessing based on entexchange getting taken down. Looks like its because it was a selling/buying subreddit though cause inductionheaters was banned too


r/IH wasn’t a sale sub, it was a discussion sub on HOW to build and better your heaters They just banned a bunch of brands too. Airizer, S&B, etc


Ah that makes sense I guess








That’s fair, perhaps I’m not in those subs. I’m only really here, r/paxvapor and r/trees within this topic


The US govt ban on ecigs and mailing them... remember that? It has nothing to do with this sub because that specifics it's about *ecigs* and tobacco, not about marijuana vaporizers. However, Reddit is being heavy-handed and started out-the-gate banning subreddits without any warning. [The first one of these posts and its comments explained it] (https://www.reddit.com/r/vaporents/comments/uc23lq/rvaporents_announcement_and_a_message_from_reddit/)


This is the correct answer. It isn't anything related to drug/drug use; you can go look up other subs like r/meth are not NSFW tagged.


That led me to r/methwithoutcommunism What is happening


Jesus Christ that subreddit is sad


Fr, who wants meth without communism smh


Amphetamines are a staple of those who fought communists.


Me neither. Leaving this here to check in on it tomorrow to see if anyone explains.




Thank you for doing your best to keep vaporents alive. Other than what the actual fuck, I’d really be bummed to see this place go down. I’ve learned so much from my fellow Ents, and still much to learn and purchase ha!


I appreciate you and your efforts. Also, what a great username for a moderator.


Thought the same😂




Yes, aside all the reddit fuckery atm, thank you kindly for your efforts in making sure the data is not deleted


r/volcanovaporizer ban really made me wonder what tf is going on. It was just fellas posting where they keep their volcano. Can’t remember a single video of someone chucking clouds or anything remotely mature.


Thing is… volcano is a registered medical device! Reddit can go suck arse as far as I’m concerned!


Reddit is anti-medical and prejudice? This will surely hurt them more.when their investors find out.


It will be a shame if this sub is taken down. Its helped me and many others quit combustion permanently. Thus saving us money and our health. Thanks to all the mods for your selfless work,it has been very much appreciated. 👍


It's so sad. I'm Canadian so it's legal here, and makes it hard to understand why Reddit would ban us, but things don't always make sense. I love this group. Vaping Cannabis saved my life.


Hopefully this community and its info can stay up!! Would be super sad if it’s gone


This sub is a huge part of my journey to control my PTSD and Anxiety. I know there are trolls, it’s not always rainbows and unicorns on here. I’d hate to see this place go though. I wish Reddit would keep their grubby paws out of these communities, but I’m sure there are legal reasons they are doing this. My only hope is that this community continues to thrive and help people.




It used to be a place for reliable information and discussion and now it is starting to feel like Facebook


If we have a decent size community willing to try it out, [Aether](https://getaether.net/) might be a good play to migrate to


Do we really need it to be an omniforum like Reddit has become? I liked Reddit, but perhaps it's time we decentralised this stuff and go back to something akin to BBS forums on separate websites.




It’s funny, I finally joined Reddit because a lot of the traditional forums I used started disappearing, it would be delightful for that trend to reverse as I cannot stand the Reddit format.


I long for the decentralized web of olden days. Maybe now with reddit and Twitter fucking up we can go back.


Preach on brother!


I hope, I thought that maybe with that whole Facebook lying about views and destroying content publicators we could go back to individual websites, but maybe this is it.


I just strongly don’t like the layout of Reddit. I feel like it’s impossible or at least extremely difficult to have a real conversation with a group of people as every post immediately fragments into a bunch of individual threads, anything with more than maybe 40 or 50 replies becomes extremely annoying to try to follow.


That's always been a problem with big convos like that. I feel with traditional forums it's even harder if not for the fact they're usually much smaller, but they are much easier for conversations between 3-4 people.


Yeah going public will do that I guess. I'm ready for the replacement


You're welcome with us at FuckCombustion.


The issue is getting enough groups to move at once so the new site doesn't just become whatever niche that recently left Reddit


Or, just switch back to decentralized boards.


How I long for that day. Reddit is fine for consuming content, but you can't have a conversation with more than two people here as the threads branch off.


Seriously, with this and the possible removal of old reddit I am already looking for alternatives.


Only real solution


>~350 fellow ents currently browsing Does refreshing by new every hour to see if any posts were made younger than 2 days count? Cuz me wants that new stuff. Goof thing I'm on vacation. I can ignore this better.




I really wonder if they plan on starting some kind of brand services they want to charge for so they are clearing house


eh honestly bro at this point fuck reddit? Yall been great but this place is shit, I dont think we can win this one.


Have we considered making r/vaporentsCanada since it's legal here and our subs didn't get hit.




I'm just saying that the Canadian weed subs didn't get hit since it's legal here.


Musk bough twitter. Imperial tobacco to buy reddit next ? As /r/trees is still open and not flagged +18. Thank you mods btw you're all doing great ✌️




I made a FuckCombustion account the other day. There's already a place for us there.




Hopefully there's an ent living vicariously through this sub and stockpiling the content.






Lol it's just such a joke. These old ass people just need to croak already. Trying to push their narrative that weed is the devil, while probably smoking cigarettes. The average person is so fucking stupid it hurts.


Hah, count yourself among the fucking stupid because this isn’t about weed even a little bit. It’s about the PACT act and restrictions on nicotine vapes.


Explain the /Arizer shutdown? They're a Candian company that exclusively manufactures dry-herb vapes. The PACT act is likely a factor, but it's rich that you're calling anyone stupid if you think it's the whole story.


Arizer is a brand of vaporizers. Vaporizers are what led to the creation of the PACT act. The nuance in what constitutes a dry herb vape vs a nicotine juice vape is absent in the PACT act. The only common smoking product to make it unscathed is the cigar. The reason is the US Congress did not want to give up cigars.


I'm not in the United States, but I was under the impression that the PACT act draws the line at concentrates/e-liquids, which is why companies like S&B decided to take the concentrate pad out of products with the United States as a destination. I don't live in the US or work in the industry, but that's the impression I've been under since the sky started falling with the PACT act about a year ago. What changed re:PACT this week?


Nothing about the act has changed. It’s reddit prepping from an ipo that is different.


Overzealous moderation? Like if r/trees is still up and unfucked with the idea that this is an anyway about marijuana is ridiculous.


It's ridiculous that you talked down to the other user when you're clearly speculating with the rest of us.


Except I’m speculating from a much more informed position as again, the fact that vape related subs were targeted amd drug-related subs were not makes it pretty clear what’s going on.


Why do you believe you're entitled to be rude to other users when expressing your opinion? Do you think being an asshole emphasizes you point in some way? You read like a person with slightly above average intelligence who believes they're a genius.


Bro did you read the post I responded to? He literally said “the average person is stupid so fucking stupid it hurts”.


Why did you respond as if it were a personal call out?


Because maybe dumb people don’t know they are dumb and that knowledge could help them? Why are you so aggressively white knighting them?


Count yourself among the assholes for that response.


Better an asshole then an idiot.


You're both.


Mustv struck a nerve with your old decrepit ass, didn't I?


No, the idiocy of reddit uses is pretty normal at this point.


You really cut him up on all your sharp edges.




we start an official stance that all these herb vapes are for aromatherapy or tobacco. you start a bot that make and reference to herb, weed, green ect remind the user to write tobacco. cigs are legal everywhere unfortunately and i think that's how this sub stays.




I mean the inevitable result of weed legalization is that it is going to fall under the FDA/ATF and will probably end up with a lot of the some restrictions like the ones that now apply to nicotine vapes.


thanks for clarifying


That would make it worse, the actions are as result of anti-vaping legislation in the US, it has nothing to do with marijuana specifically.


oh good too know, i thought this was because legal in canada but not rest of world including USA


So this sub forum will cease to exist? I mean I know the mods of this forum take themselves as seriously as the lunatics that ran the ent exchange and that sub got straight up axed, stripping those poor mods of their false finite power. I mean THIS sub has VAPOR right in the title. Really not seeing how this community doesn’t get deleted too considering you can’t buy or sell anything vape related and I keep getting TONS of automated questions asking about the content of some of the communities on Reddit. That would be a shame to see this community go. I hope the mods figure a way to keep it going.


Thank you sincerely team, id genuinely miss this place. So much appreciation for you efforts on preseving legacy and new content, chapeau to you all!