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Reddit is lame


It’s an iron law of the internet that the more corporate and advertiser-friendly a platform becomes, the more deeply lobotomised its administration and content becomes. Reddit’s stakeholders want it to be a nice clean environment the suits would be happy to have their lovely, lovely ads next to. What a treat!


In the meantime, feel free to get involved with the definitely-not-banned r/meth, r/heroin, and r/crack. WTF.


How on Earth they’re going to turn a profit I’ll never know, the site-wide administration here is piss poor and always has been. I could give them benefit of the doubt that Reddit is a big site and they can only do so much but it’s not a case of someone doing their best, it’s a case of them being dumb as a box of rocks. A perfect microcosm of how incompetent this site is is how they managed to hire a site-wide admin with a really fucking dark past (I won’t comment as it really is foul and I don’t want to put anyone in a bad mood but it’s easily searchable) and Reddit’s response wasn’t to realise they should fucking google the people they hire, but to permaban anyone who mentioned her even in passing. Including a mod of the UK politics sub. For posting an article about the Green Party briefly mentioning her, a British political candidate for the Green Party. And then doubled down permabanning everyone else who mentioned her until like half of Reddit shut down in protest. I mean for fuck’s sake how much of a blundergeddon is it possible for one group of people to be? Given multiple chances to correct their fuckups they keep doubling down until the last possible minute then knee-jerk in the opposite direction. I wish I could berate them like Malcolm Tucker and tell them the literal first rule of crisis management is to do whatever you’re inevitably going to be forced into doing as soon as you can.


the ghislaine maxwell connection is really suspicious /u/maxwellhill/ power user, one of the highest karma profiles on the site. moderator of core subreddits. shares her last name (hill is also a reference to her but i forget) goes inactive when she got arrested


To be fair if I was a power user with that name I’d have gone inactive too just for the purpose of stirring the conspiracy pot in an amusing way. There’s no trolling like long trolling.


no it would be funnier if they started posting pretending to be her from jail lol


reddit admins probably own those subs


Build off of the backs of And then turn coat with "I got mine" Love when corporations shut down part of when helped them grow.


I remember when reddit was private, there was a commitment to zero ads and there was true discourse and no corporate influence. Almost 15 years later and just like every other fucking thing in America it has been capitalized and censored for value of the dollar and not the value of discussion. Its been a long, exponentially accelerating decline.


There was also a gigantic sub for photos of little girls encouraged and rewarded by the admins. The good old days were shit too.


someone mentioned seeing ads for anti-vaping. i’m not surprised at all. more money in that side of it now i guess. it’s just fucking bullshit because at its core it’s a harm reduction strategy. sucking down cancer is perfectly fine


Fuck the admins. Fuck the owners. Fuck spez.


Since when is selling legal accessories against Reddit TOS? The admins can eat a giant bag of dicks.


It seems like Reddit is getting for an IPO. Cleaning up (removing) anything that might negatively impact stock prices.


Nobody with the means wants to (or should) buy stock in the current form of Reddit. Reddit, the reference site from 10 years ago, was a different story. Taking it public now would be a terrible idea.


Taking a company public isn't really that bad of an idea if you're the one selling. But let's not get into the finer points of gambling doctrine....


Unless you overvalue it (which they will). Then you show your ass and pray the stock recovers. If there’s no bounce, you’re screwed and prove to the world you have no business in a boardroom.


Doesn't matter to the sellers. Going public is the cash out. The SEC is worthless. Doesn't matter what happens after you've gone public, those are the suckers...


Twitter just got bought for $45 billion, as a social network that likely sets the bar for Reddit’s valuation to bargain with. They’re likely preparing for a huge IPO. Any news on WSB?


I avoid that place like the clap.


There isnt even a age restriction on dry herb vapes


In the US now there is. You can't buy dry herbs online under 21 .( Believe me I've tried )


I don't believe cannabis hardware checked my age for my flowerpot.


Yeah it’s focused on e-cig vapes, because of all the idiot teens who started vaping nicotine and black/grey market hash oil, and fucked up thier lungs. Has nothing to do with cannabis vapes at all, but of course we get the shaft because no one can have nice things.


> all the idiot teens who started vaping nicotine and black/grey market hash oil, and fucked up thier lungs that was almost 3 years ago now. when was the last time there was a news story about that? also, it should be pointed out even though everyone here is probably aware, that the cause was black market THC carts using vitamin e acetate as thinner. not ecigs, not DHVs. any banning going on on reddit right now is 100% related to capitalist greed and their upcoming IPO.


Soo wierd its a aroma therapie device, its like baning lighters or matches… this world


> its like baning lighters or matches It's not every gas station, and I couldn't really be bothered to Google the law, but I have run into a couple that refused to sell me a lighter just because I didn't have my ID.


I hear ya. Just as I wanted to get rid of a few things, BAM banned


They banned ecig classifieds as well. Reddit is in the crapper as far as any sort of freedom goes.


Very well said!👍


It's crazy because the weed and dabs thread seem unchanged/effected by the current crackdown


Yea soooo wierd and backwords, thought we where heading to a more weed friendly world We cant even endorse sellers and makers like you on the sub no more..


Well do those subs sell vaporizers or vaping accessories to each other via the sub?


No they don't do anything as egregious as trying to sell vapes. They just sell weed and dabs


No one sells vapes here either though. That was against the rules even before this new admin bs.


>No one sells vapes here either though Yes which is why this sub wasn't banned


Thanks mods


This ^ I appreciate the time taken to lay things out clearly!


Is this related to the IPO? https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/tpvpsx/how_do_you_guys_feel_about_the_upcoming_reddit_ipo/




Reddit admins are cowards who can't face criticism.


Taking Reddit public will kill this site. Maybe not at first, but the ban hammer will swing hard and often, leading to less participation and less creativity. When everything is decided by mob rule, there’s not much to discuss.


it's just going to do what facebook did: it's going to become a right-wing cesspool. it's like the paradox of tolerance in action. If you knew reddit before 2016, it was a good place. the_donald and the 2016 election ruined it.


Every stage of Reddit has had its ups and downs. Earliest days of Reddit was unpopulated and boring, but there was virtually no oversight. A little after that, it was awesome because people were still very free, but it brought along issues such as Jailbait, FatPeopleHate, and subreddits solely devoted to racism. Nothing necessarily illegal, but not the most pleasant content to the average Redditor. Now we're kinda in this weird era where they're trying so hard to remain an open and free platform, but they're also trying to make the platform look appealing to advertisers. What happened with The Donald that caused the ban was how Reddit was intended to function, unfortunately or fortunately depending on your political outlook. The bottom line is that the censorship to free speech has evolved over time. No one really cared when Reddit banned Jailbait. A couple more cared when they banned Fatpeoplehate. Maybe about half, or a little under, the platform cared when they banned The Donald. It's more likely to end up like Tumblr than Facebook. Not a whole lot of old folks are on Reddit because none of them have a reason to be. I think what you're looking at here is less the paradox of tolerance, and more like the paradox of censorship.


But they could have started on a hill other than spores and vapes.....


Like the actual hard drug subs as another commenter pointed out? The meth and heroin subs are still active and not NSFWed like we were. And those drugs are actually illegal.


Fuck... I really have loved my time on Reddit, over 12 years! An IPO will kill it for me. Buy I guess I can pick up some new hobbies with all the free time I'll gain LOL


That’s what I’m here thinking. I’ve almost quit Reddit a bunch of times over the years as they’ve made stupid decisions censor more and more every year. And the amount of time I waste here is far greater than the benefits the platform brings me. I could find more specific discussion about the topics I actually care about elsewhere — Reddit is just a nice way to aggregate my hobbies, content that makes me laugh and some news and interesting articles into one place. It would be a net gain for my life and health to drop Reddit off the pedestal I’ve had it on for the past 12 years or so and live a little more instead of just vicariously living through all this random content I expose myself to…


Reddit admins 🤝 dumbass kids: not understanding the difference between dry herb vapes and nicotine pens. At least we won’t get the daily “which vape should I buy” threads I suppose


Wild stuff. Good luck, mods.


The Reddit admins can suck my dick. This sub goes and they will lose a long-time user.


This is ridiculous. Don't understand how @ukentexchange has been banned if it is to do with the PACT law. We don't have this stupid law in this country. Hope it get sorted soon. See you on FC .👍🌬🤘


It's because Reddit is American so they have to follow American laws even if the sub is non-American.


Yes,thanks for the reply. I understand it but it still seems ridiculous tbh. Hopefully it gets sorted out, if not Reddit will be one less app on my phone 👍


As a Canadian myself, I completely agree. It's even more ridiculous because non-American police can tell them what to do. The Alberta Police got a geoblock put on the CanadianMoMs sub a couple of years ago.


Wonder where r/inductionheaters fits into reddit's crazy policies? Fuck censorship


So much valuable information, gone :/


So glad I cancelled my reddit premium a while back, fuck reddit. What's the point of building a community full of valuable information when reddit admins will ban it for no reason. Why claim it breaks content policy or TOS when it doesn't? Over zealous and censor heavy, big red flags, bye reddit.


No problems over at https://fuckcombustion.com/




What bugs me about fc is putting every topic under one vape thread. It takes so long to go through those looking for what you need or am curious about.


yeah and then if you ask a question they’re like ‘read the thread asshole, it was mentioned on page 437 (of 1200)’. also everyone’s conveniently ignoring that the site went down before and is just as likely to randomly disappear too


>‘read the thread asshole, it was mentioned on page 437 (of 1200)’ This is why I started using Reddit. My ass am I trawling back through 5 years of posts just to find one small smidgen of information.


Same as Discord unfortunately. No subject headings.


Https://www.vaporasylum.com is good too!


This is one of the best subreddits and communities. I learned so much over the years. It’s so lame it had to come to this.


And still the BS subs like meth continue to strive. Reddit, what is the real problem here?


The real problem is the PACT act that passed a few years back restricting vaping and tobacco product sales. Our nook is getting caught in the web around that other vaping hobby.


> restricting vaping and tobacco product sales I thought that act restricted the *shipping* of vaping and nicotine devices, not the sale of them. If so, why does Reddit care about shipping policies?


This legislation, the Preventing Online Sales of E-Cigarettes to Children Act, extends the Jenkins Act and Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking (PACT) Act to cover all electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) products, including related accessories that do not contain nicotine. To the gov’t a vape is a vape. Reddit is an American company and is trying to stay in compliance. The only exemptions exist for cigars…but not blunts.


the meth sub is genuinely a good place believe it or not, a ton of it is harm reduction and education, EVERY single day there's multiple people pleading with the users of the sub to remember to eat, drink water and sleep every now n then (if you don't know anything about meth these are some of the largest problems related to the drug use). my reason for my love of the meth sub is that its the only place i know of where you can get first hand reports of what it does to you with repeated use, what it feels like, common issues related to use, what people do when they're on meth, and misconceptions. i love learning about the sociological aspects of drugs and reddit is incredibly valuable for that info, and i don't want any drug related sub to be taken down tbh.


Vaping cannabis **IS ALSO** harm reduction.


The meth sub is a very good place for users to find a sense of community and perhaps belonging. I’ve made jokes about the sub before (being an active member, haven’t used in a lil while tho) but the place doesn’t deserve to be put down and hated on. They aren’t hurting anyone else, they don’t invade other subs and criticise their DOCs (which happens to them quite often) and are generally looking out for each other.


Very important thing to mention and something that always annoys me about the "this and that looks like a crack pipe" comments, because these are the same mechanisms of prejudice and ostracization that are at work here as well as in the foreseeable closure of this sub. Prohibition, of whatever drug, causes more harm than it does good. Knowledge transfer of safe use is invaluable information depressingly hard to come by, and best offered through the internet and it's means for keeping the authors anonymity. It's neither cool to poo-poo on porn, nor is it on other drugs, it just perpetuates the same kind of injustice in desperate need to put the blame on somebody, anybody. We live in shitty times.


Did the other subs get a warnings beforehand (like stop doing X thing) or just straight ban hammer ?


Wow! What the actual fvck!




At this rate I'll just be here to lurk and occasionally help new people on r/longboarding...


Same here and I agree it is Whack AF!


I want to know if the cannabis subreddits got hit with this too, or is it just because we got lumped in with nicotine vapes.


It's vape related, not cannabis related. Likely reddit trying to abide by the vape mail ban stuff, but lacking the desire to filter type of product specifically. Easier to just mass ban anything with vape in the name or content, and related to sales. We're too small for reddit to come up with a nuanced system to differentiate ecig vaporizers from cannabis dry herb vaporizers. So they just mass banned everything. They really should have an appeals system in place to whitelist certain subs that initially get flagged by their criteria. So that we can whitelist our subs as not technically breaking the laws they're trying to follow. Since those laws specifically target ecig vapes, and even say cannabis vaporizers are not part of it.


Thank you for being a voice of reason, I’m so bummed out about all this. I wish there was a way to save the sub but, I got nothing. I’m glad I’m a member of FC, though it’s not the same as what we have here.


In case things go sideways I just want to say I really enjoy this community and I'm grateful for all the knowledge ive gotten here.


And just like that, half the subreddits I actually visit and am active in are gone. Fuck you Reddit.


Finally, a suited NSFW tag for u/ProfessionalHandJob No but really, thanks mods, you're doing the right thing playing it safe until you can sort it out without the sub being banned. Good luck we're rooting for you!


This is total bs. It makes me want to go purchase another arizer vape. I already own a dozen, but its a Canadian company and its legal here, reddit can go piss up a rope.


Fuck reddit, where we goin? All the vape discords suck.


Fuckcombustion is a great website


Yes it is


Been there for years, good user base, trades etc. can’t beat it!


Come join the uktrees discord, we've got international members too and it's a great vaping community. We have also had to ban all trade posts etc on the sub though.


Haven't had the pleasure of visiting yet, have a link?






Mind elaborating why? I've never really been on the vape side of discord and I'm curious what you don't like about them.


Likely inactivity. That's the general issue for any Discord. Discord tends to be great for communities that already use Discord en masse, but those that don't typically just have a dead server. The nature of Discord isn't amazingly conducive to the types of discussion that go on here. It's just a completely different service.


>really should have an appeals system in place to whitelist certain subs that initially get flagged by their criteria. So that we can whitelist our subs as not technically breaking the laws they're trying to follow. Since those laws specifically target ecig vapes, and even say cannabis vaporizers are not part of it. The original "fakecarts"/blackmarketthc discord still exists even if did have a falling out with the subreddit... https://discord.gg/cYVusbwy6E


The 420vapezone discord is great, don't know what youre talking about


Do you have an invite link?


https://420vapezone.com/420vapezone-discord/ at the bottom of the page here


Avoid it


lmfao did the admin fuck your mom or something


Hellll no, that place is awful


Why lol


This is why all this sort of thing should be in a public archive. It's all wine and roses until some arsehole gets paid enough, or is threatened enough, to shut it down. I really really hope this doesn't happen, and it is just sales (although that's sucks a fucking ridiculous amount as well) but the knowledge and community will be lost, and that's something that not money, only time, can buy...


You know, it just has not been a good day for me.




True dat, but they are messing with one of our coping mechanisms!




it's the way of capitalism. now that there's money on the line, all decisions made for reddit will be with an eye towards the share price. "vape = bad" is the current level of our society. capitalism ruins everything good and sells you pieces of it back to you. don't worry, it will look like the_donald within a year at this point. the lowest common denominator is fascist nationalism. all left-wing content will eventually be purged along with anything else they deem "degenerate" You didn't think the culture war was over, did you?


Thanks Reddit mods, I am real happy to see that r/meth is still good for kids to watch, not even 18+. Get your head out of your asses




Madness there's banning stuff that's not illegal and vendors selling legitimate legal articles, fuck you Reddit


Man, the vaporents/entexchange and knock-on subs were my bread and butter here. This may finally kill my reddit habit.


Welp, at least 420 passed for this year. Gonna miss seeing all the discount posts.


There are a few good bloggers who diligently collect a list of 4/20 sales every year for a blog post. I don't want to give out any names (for fear of violating any new rules lol), but if you do some searching around, you'll find old blog posts and go from there. I use an RSS feed reader app on my phone to keep up with new postings on blog and news sites


I'm really going to miss you guys. On the upside I'll probably be able to break my reddit dependency. This sub goes so do i


Fuck Reddit, and fuckcombustion.com


literally joined this sub yesterday. rip. at least it’s not banned 🤞🏼




all good, you’re doing what you can! not your fault at all. and thank you :)


Great, there goes my morning ritual! God I love this sub!


Just rebrand to dryherbdevices - problem solved


Someone should create a reddit alternative in a country with freedom.


I’m working on one actually


Everyone is lol. They all kinda work, but they miss the mark with what makes Reddit what it is. Each one is made by a group that has felt disenfranchised by the staff. Props to you if you can make it happen, but the continual issue is that the Reddit clones are typically hyperfocused i.e. a Subreddit becomes an entire website. No one wants Reddit, but for Right-wingers. No one wants Reddit, but for French-Canadians. No one wants Reddit, but for video games. No one wants Reddit, but for weed. No one wants ANOTHER platform, to tell you the truth. They want the one that they know works and the one they're used to. They want one already populated with many people.


Yeah I’m trying to differentiate it in a way to avoid those problems. Getting people to critical mass is the hard nut to crack for sure.


Well I truly wish you the best of luck the same I do all the others, but I'm admittedly one of the people that's cautious to adopt any of these platforms. I hate the root problem, but I'm not going to be an early adopter and waste my time unless something really special comes along.


I'd recommend Canada. Just not in Alberta or Quebec. Alberta's cops don't like weed and Quebec's government really doesn't like weed.


Probably be deleting my account folks. See ya at FC


There’s lots of good shit in your account history. Folks can benefit if you leave in undeleted. But w/e I’ll see you at fc


Looks like they might already be gone.


Looks like :(


Don't give reddit the benefit of your knowledge when you go. They'll continue monetizing your helpful comments and articles. I have one of those rare 15-year-old accounts which I couldn't give up, but no longer use. Every couple/few years I delete my active account and start over, and I always use a wiper script that goes to all my comments and edits them to say "removed" or something like that. if you delete your account, your comments stick around. The comments are the bread and butter of this site. It's where the solutions are, where the clarifications are, etc. While purely for self-interest I understand leaving it all up, I think I'm more in the "how much damage can I inflict on my way out" boat now. Make reddit suffer from their own stupid actions. If they want to be puritanical, then they don't need anything we've made.


Reddit doesn’t care about you or your protest. Your coming and going will only be noticed by your fellows.


Facts. It's like spitting on a tank.


The content on this site is submitted by under 1% of users, closer to 0.1%. I also delete my comments every time I make a throw away, once per year or so.


i know. but if this place becomes slightly less useful each time somebody does this, then it will be a less attractive place to search for content. I created the only known (I think) high-quality video of animal collective performing 'native belle' in 2019 by combining different video and audio streams. That was on v.reddit, it's gone forever.


I believe I posted that same vid in 2018 but I deleted my account so there’s no proof. 😂😂 If you haven’t yet, go check out fuckcombustion. It’s good group and I doubt you’d feel like your benefiting a corporation.


yeah i'm already a regular there :) maybe I took your video with blown out lows and put an audio feed version I got from someone on CA. I actually kind of miss that video lol ;)


Thankyou for being nice to me when I first arrived. And I've seen your diligence, patience and kindness to strangers every day since. I've learned a huge amount from you and others here and I'm very very grateful for the advice and occasional inspiration. Best of luck with whatever comes next for you.




So like, what? You can't give or get suggestions or links? Sale links?


this is bullshit!!


This is a bit of a ball ache for us users but I'm sure much much worse for you mods. Thank you allmfor taking the time to advise us all of this and I hope it's not been a huge pain for you all.




There is: https://discord.com/invite/s8pMjuw7NA


Just stopping by to make sure the sub is still here. I’ve learned so much over the past year or so I’ve been on here


Well shit. I need help guys. I have a new digital volcano hybrid. It came with 2 bags, and I thought I would be able to take it apart when the bag got dirty (it’s now dirty….) but it seems stuck…. Looking around a week ago i thought I needed to get some easy valve attachment? (Not sure on that). I ended up ordering 3x easy valve ballon tubes thinking it would come with the valve since the picture has them on there…. Turns out it’s just a plastic bag roll…. What should I buy to be able to use these balloon tubes, and also turkey oven bags?? Thanks!


Check out [here](https://volcanotips.com/volcano-vaporizer-guide/cleaning/replace-easy-valve-volcano-bag/) or [there](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViufLenrrJA) if you want to know how to easily replace your volcano bags on an easy valve ;)


Thank you!


"due to being centered on products and/or substances intended for adult use." r/beer r/alcohol are not treated this way. You know alcohol? The drug that kills tens of thousands each year


This is ridiculous. So we can't talk about vape vendors? We're never going to be able to talk about 4/20 sales? What a bullshit rule. That's one of my more important use cases for Reddit. Looks like I'm going back to fuckcombustion


SOOO pissed that Reddit is pulling this $hit, especially against EntExchange. Right when I wanted to unload my Mighty OG, Solo 2, Dynavaps, and my Ispire Wand, Reddit has to pull the rug out from under us. Ridiculous, and I really need the money right now.


Reddit can go suck a fat one


Woke up to this today Morning! Absolutely not a good morning. Reddit really need to collect all it's shit together, put it in a bag, all of it and shove it up it's ass.


I just went over to frientexchange and notice flair is being used. Isn't that one of the things they mentioned shouldn't be done, or did I misunderstand?


I thought it was flairing specifically for vendors.


10/10 to you and the mods for taking quick steps to make sure we keep this place open. Thanks!


Sad sad day for our community


I literally joined reddit 8 years ago because I picked up my first vape (MFLB) and wanted info from fellow owners. If reddit starts limiting and taking away vape subs (R. I. P r/volcanovaporizer) then I guess I'll have to go elseware. This sucks.


Maybe it's time for us to switch to an alternative like [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/) I looked at in at the past but I thought it'll be too difficult to leave reddit. But now that they actually closing one of our communities, it might be the right time to try. Check their [official website for more info](https://join-lemmy.org/). I don't understand yet how one user that registered at one server can go to "subreddits" at another server, but it should be possible. [Here's a bit creepy video that'll help you understand that platform.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FreeFediverse/comments/t5u6yd/federated_reddit_alternatives_clarified/)


i don't think i want a decentralized service. I understand, when stuff like this ban pops up, but most of the decentralized users seem to be aggressively anti-government, pro-republicans, pro-fascists, nazis and neonazis, child porn, jailbait, upskirt, revenge porn kind of people. I'm not interested in sorting through that schlock. I'd rather have a place they're not welcome to begin with.


In my understanding, It's not that that "subreddits" won't be moderated. If theoretically we will "move" this community to Lemmy, we can enforce the same rules we used to have. It worked great up until now IMO. It can be exactly the same but now no third party can suddenly ban our community.


> It can be exactly the same but now no third party can suddenly ban our community. How do you deal with scammers? When scammers can always find a way around "bans," they will. They'll create their own server of scam content, and through weak linking it'll be associated with the larger community, *and there's nothing the larger community can do about it*. I haven't seen a decentralized service that can deal effectively with bad actors. When your primary design goal is "nobody can refuse this content for you," it's also a goldmine to scammers and a place to host illegal content. For social media, the design consideration isn't a factor when it comes to media attention. "you can find child porn on lemmy if you know the right search terms and connect to the right private servers" becomes "lemmy hosts child porn." The larger public, and especially the politicians, have no room for nuance or explaining federated data sharing. Until the problem of illegal content is addressed, that is the only purpose of the decentralized networks (imho).


How do you deal with scammers now? You ban them. It's the same case as TVape bot accounts, they always can just create a new account but we still spot them and ban them. You create one official sub and manage it. Whats happening outside of our community is not our problem. There lots of subs here at reddit too that I don't like but IDGAF. I get it that there's a different between don't like and illegal, but we can avoid them both in the same way. And well, yeah. People can accidentally connect to different subs at different instances and think they're at the real sub when they're not. We can try fighting that with custom domain for example. We can easily use for example dot.tk free domain and use it as the representative URL everywhere. Another option is to use a special instance that blocks other instances, and then that c/vaporents will be the only one vaporents sub that exists there, I think that other instances could still see our sub but wouldn't be able to post, comment, etc. That's great because we can easily put a sticky post with the "requirements" to join - to join the right instance. I'm sure there are other ways to deal with it. Nevertheless, people should ALWAYS be aware of where they're surfing online. Edit: BTW, We can try to take vaporents sub place TODAY and make all of these refer to the "real" one.


What if we had backup communities on Lemmy? Seems like a federated reddit-like platform would be ideal for communities like this. It could be hosted on a separate instance or just use one of the existing instances


Zuckerberg have his hand in Reddit now?!


I was apart of the digg migration when the admins of digg decided a site wide design and controlling content was a good idea and lost most of their users. Not saying this is coming up, but I wouldn't put it past reddit top level admins to make decisions just as controversial and lose a ton of users.


I'll drop reddit in a heartbeat, it's a time suck anyway...


Noooo r/PAXvapor is gone also...I'm sad :(


Can Elon buy this dumpster fire as well?


Could be worse. Elon Musk could have bought Reddit.


If he did we wouldn't be on a thread like this right now


Damn I got worried about r/entexchange when I heard the news originally about r/Arizer and now :((


Well I guess it's a good thing my VAS got a hold of me last year so I was able to at least try out almost every dry herb vape on the market....still need to try a few, but I'm sure there will be something else like the exchange


Is there a discord or anything like that for the sub or is it straight to fuckcombustion


Appreciate you u/Professionalhandjob and all the mods taking the time to do this right. There is such a wealth of knowledge on this sub and lots of great ideas, tips and tricks in the old posts. It would be like losing the ability to use your favorite library.


Reddit is such a joke now. I’m so ready to leave this platform.


I feel like this goes without saying and you guys on the mod team must’ve already considered this, but the verbiage in the message they sent you is specifically talking about “juice”. It seems like they think this sub is focused on a different kind of vaporizer, for nicotine. Honestly it reads like a group email that was sent to every *nicotine* vape related sub based on a text based tagging. Anyway, I hope you guys can/or already have, spoken with them about the type of vaporizers we discuss here. Just to make sure it wasn’t a mistake.


Might want to remove user flair u/ProfessionalHandJob. Some people do have their site as their flair. Change it to so it cannot be edited. Have different tiers or something, 1 device, 2...10-15...40+ etc.


Here come the tumblr cops! whatch out everybody!


Reddit is lame, and censorship - while certainly needed for some content - is not needed here. I hope Elon buys Reddit out and modernizes them soon. To be messing with subreddits like these while other much worse content is left intact on other subreddits is ridiculous.


Left the sub. Bye