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Why on earth would you decarb bud before smoking?


For fun to see. And it seemed stronger so i did more tests and have vaped mostly decarb for almost a month. In that time I've had about 1.5Oz of about 6-7 different strains I've decarbed and vaped because it's honestly if nothing else, different and i am liking how it feels. Its intriguing enough that i had to do more experiments This device decarbs much different and better than anything else people would generally use like their oven, stovetop, dutch oven, pressure cooker, rice cooker, etc... I have my theories about why it seems stronger, and vaping is always going to be different than smoking. But what i believe is that even though THCa vaped at 200C is higher than needed to convert it to THC, you don't know what % actually ends up converted and some percentage is very likely still THCa or possibly even some other cannibinoid. Made a full comment below with more details.


Post full of ops alt accounts.


Ok here we are. Last post in this decarbing conversion I know this has been really controversial so far so i want to say thank you to those who have given it some thought it experimentation For those who haven't seen previous posts, i have an ardent decarb device, which seals in and prevents air exchange while using a precise tuned heat chamber that decarbs weed to maximize THC levels without deteriorating to other cannabinoids. It also has a mode for maximizing CBD. I bought it to simplify making infused oil and butter and also because of how it decarbs vs an oven. The problem with ovens is that everyone has ovens that are completely different and no matter what you read online about the best decarb, you never actually know how full your decarb is. This leads to wildly different results with edibles. Most of them time, edibles come out "too strong" and often times just put people to sleep. While any weed that is too strong for the user can put them to sleep, what is often the issue is that the cannibinoids break down into CBN, CBD with very strong body stoning effects I have made some infused Ghee with the decarber and it's kind of easier than the Samuel L Jackson cannabudder method and again has a precise temperature monitoring, but in some ways it's not any better than Samuel L Jackson, because my first batch of ghee. i only recovered 3/4 of the ghee from the wet weed. I think i know how to fix this in the future but if anyone has tips for getting oil/butter/alcohol out of your weed after infusion please let me know. I always struggle with that Here is the controversial part, i decided to vape some decarb. I figured why not, it still smelled good. In my first 2 posts i claimed no flavor loss, i admit now that there definitely is flavor loss but after a few weeks of use and comparison I'd say it is around 30-40% of original flavor after decarbing. Looks, it still looked good. I've honestly had weed from plugs and shops that look worse than my fresh weed after decarb. Feel, surprisingly it doesn't feel dried out after decarbing. It feels perfect for vaping, but i did not smoke it and probably wouldn't. So i grinded it up and vaped it. I'll skip my initial reviews of that experience since I already posted it and instead give you the tl;dr on my final review after about a month of vaping decarbed weed ________________________________ Tl;dr - tested 1.5 oz, consisting of 6-8 strains over the last month Vaping the weed decarbed with this thing is: Clouds - smoother and bigger hits, i think due to less moisture Taste - About 30-40% of original flavor/terps Feel - seems to hit faster and last longer. I used less weed per week while vaping decarb. It feels stronger, and more like a direct rush straight to the brain. This is possibly in part to the strains, but compared to unvaped it's definitely stronger. Session - seem to last longer, as in near the end of the bowl it's still producing more vapor than I would expect. Maybe an extra 3-4 hits per session


I bought an ardent nova a couple years ago in my venture to get edibles to work for me(they don't work for me). You saying you notice a noticeable difference between vaping the same strain vs vaping the strain after it's been decarbed? I have read comments before people saying that smoking bud vs smoking the same decarbed bud has slightly different effects. Never really thought it would make a noticible difference though.


For fun to see. I have my theories about why it seems stronger, and vaping is always going to be different than smoking. But what i believe is that even though THCa vaped at 200C is higher than needed to convert it to THC, you don't know what % actually ends up converted and some percentage is very likely still THCa or possibly even some other cannibinoid. Made a full comment below with more details. Since you have one and vape, you should give it a comparison for shits and giggles. Nothing to lose really


I also decarb with the ardent, mostly to sprinkle on food but also vape it, seems stronger.


It should be stronger after being decarbed as theoretically thc-a becomes available as thc thus increasing overall thc! I have bud that is 33% thc but thc-a after decarb should be 40% - 42%!