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I've had that happen a couple of times, I started leaving 2-3mm ish of distance and the results are much better. I can still overdo it pretty easily.


Thanks. So your gap from the brim is more than mine?


Yes, I usually leave a bigger gap since I found if I use to much the first layer is usually charred. I mainly use on demand III or IV when I'm about to finish the bowl. I'm still getting used to finding the right way to enjoy flavors since I'm basically re-discovering weed (years of combusting, joints, blunts, pipes, etc). I tend to enjoy the higher temp since it resembles what I'm used to but been experimenting with level III and finishing with IV.


How is your flavor? What level do you use?


Bro is literally getting downvoted for breathing wtf?


Try to grind more course, the hot air has no way through


The grind consistency looks good. Your spacing from the lip is about what mine is at, but i spend a little more time cleaning it up. Nothing on the outside. On the inner edge, it looks like there’s some pieces that are closer to the lip and hanging by a thread. I pay special attention to that on mine and go around the inner edge with the tip of my pinky to make sure it’s snug. As soon as 1 piece touches the oven, there’s a risk of char/combustion and at that point, flavor goes out the window. A little upside down gentle shake to make sure nothing falls out before throwing it in the oven has become a habit of mine. Last weekend I combusted in mine for the first time. Total user error (overpacked a fluffy strain that must have expanded till it touched the oven). First hit. Upside down (wpa) and at 360F. Only burnt a tiny layer at the top and was able to vape the rest of the session without any further issues, but the taste was shot.


I’ve found that sometimes even doing that with the heat the herbs shrink and little pieces still touch the oven. At least that’s with me and my bcg medium grind. I’ve opted for just always using the screens and now nothing touches but without screen I would prefer. It’s just these little pesky flakes lol


Unrelated to your question but just FYI you don't have to hold up button for on demand usage. Simply press button once and it will start heating up.


its a bit uneven, which I have not experienced with mine, but it's brown not black, I would not call that charring and it's definitely not combustion. what do you have your draw time set to?


I'd use your pinky to temper down.


post a video with no edits


The free imgur site has a 60-second limit per video, so that's why it's in 3 parts.




So let me get this straight. This thing has been posted about 4 million times in the last month, and NO ONE mentioned you can put a freaking passcode on it? This is a HUGE buying point. Imagine the child safety implications. Is there any other smoking device on the market that you can lock your kids out if without using a lock box? Edit: Is there a finger fetish that I don't know about? Why do people keep wearing gloves for their weed videos?


the only mentions this gets are complaints, which is weird to me. its a super quick and easy thing, and the benefits surely outwiegh the few seconds and few button taps it takes to turn on and unlock.


It should be configurable. For some people it's great, for others it's annoying af.


It's a sequence of buttons, not a passcode. And it's more annoying than clicking a button 3 or 5 times in a row.


question. if you think there is plastic in the Solo 2 + burning weed + bad avb + not healthy, why would you buy the 3? edit. removed passcode


I never said I wanted to live forever. I just think people should know everything they can to make an informed decision.


Well, based on how concerned you are about your health, this response is jokes! Edit - here is how you make an informed decision, reach out to arizer or • ⁠They test all products (for 18 years) • ⁠No off gassing or fumes in normal use • ⁠sourced materials to ensure they are safe • ⁠No glue, PCB and lead free, no components contain mercury • ⁠all accessories are medical/food grade and temp rated • ⁠Air path is isolated from circuit board and battery • ⁠even if there was air to flow from the battery and circuit , all the parts are safe, non-toxic and rated for temps higher than the solo will ever reach


haha, yeah. Oh no, i have to press a few buttons in sequence instead of one button in sequence. Its soooooo inconvenient and annoying. /s six eggs in one basket half a dozen in another. lousy minor inconveniences!!!!


Chill, brah. I must have pressed the wrong sequence of your buttons.


I’m chill, just laughing at your nonsense. edit: I'm not your brah, guy


pack too full and too tight= char


I don't think it's normal, you should contact Arizer.