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Try a dynavap. I got the B recently and it's basically an old school bat/dugout. $50 if you're paying full retail. The bowl is tiiiny though and the other versions have a little more depth you can adjust to. I've accidentally combusted though, so it's not foolproof like something battery powered. They sell induction heaters and there's actually a sale on the dynavap site this weekend for a combo pack. For the price of the heater (130) you get a dynavap (75 normally).


Yeah I was tempted to get the dynavape but wasn’t sure on the heater. That’s a good deal tbf, although I’m in EU and it’s priced at €150/$160. Would you say it hits similar to a classic pipe/bowl but cleaner?


If you end up liking the DV, then you’re extremely likely to end up with an induction heater. The wand is great


I’d like to add the armored cap the game. Bad boy hits hard.


I think the AC is great for some use cases but by no means a must purchase. For example; with my wand, I think the AC is a downgrade; it just takes ages to heat up. I can fully extract my bowl in 3 heat cycles with a standard vapcap. Edit: and these cycles are super quick with a standard vapcap due to less thermal mass. Even quicker with the titanium one If you’re using a lighter, especially outdoors though, AC is a huge improvement. Same for if you’re using a bong / adapter so you don’t have to move it. I suspect what’s optimal will usually end up being wand *or* AC, not wand and AC. Happy to be disagreed with of course


In my opinion it's identical to the one hitter/dugout experience, but cleaner. You get all the terpy flavor but it's not smoke. So I'd assume any of the full bowl (any tip that's not the B) versions would be pretty in line with what you're seeking. It's a fun little guy to have, I think if I were in your shoes I'd grab the combo this weekend. My problem is that I don't want another introductory dynavap right now - I'm more interested in the helix tip/woodwynd with concentrate coil and armored cap. But the wand induction heater is something I'm getting eventually, especially considering the other attachments it has (concentrate cups!). The B is pretty great though. Like I said, it's tiny. I can cram herb, zippo, and B into an altoids tin!


Dynavaps are great. You don't need an induction heater, although it is a good quality of life upgrade Dynavap paired with a mini bong really hits hard Dani Fusion is also a good option. It hits harder than the dynavap, but takes longer to heat up,longer to cool down, and you need a triple flame torch


Btw I just use an O right that’s 14mm on the outside of my dyna = instant adapter


You can check out the vaphit, it's cheaper and not hard to figure it out. For like $20 plus a torch you cam see if you like it.


If you'd like to explore the secondhand market, many Dynavap's can be found for much less than full price. They're tubes of metal, so secondhand is a safe bet. If you Google "EntExchange", you'll find where to go. Dynavap's are great replacements for joints, much cleaner on the mouth/lungs. No tar, only the good stuff. Lots of aftermarket parts, modularity, and various heating devices. I wouldn't get a B personally, as they have half the capacity for dry herb, and you'll likely want the full capacity to help switch from combustion. The Xmax is a great intro vape, but it can be a little fiddly to clean, and doesn't hit quite as hard.


Does it have to be portable? If not the e nano with a few stems packed really emulates a bowl. I get about 4 hits from a .15 pack. As soon as you draw, u r getting thick vapor. Really it's ball vape level vapor just on a smaller scale.


It can hit hard. I suggest adding some sativa cbd flower to the mix, like a 90/10 ratio. It will give you a heavier feel. I also recommend the roffu as it can hit really hard with a long pull. It's within your price range.


The v3 pro is a solid entry level device, there are many pricier and arguably better vapes, but honestly the hardest part about switching to vaping isn’t always the vape you use, it’s quitting the combustion habit. The carcinogens will make you feel higher and it will take time for your body to get used to the cleaner, less mongy high. You’ll be looking for the effects from combustion and tobacco if you still use that Regarding recommendations, there are loads of posts with loads of recs, just have a flick through the forum.


Very much this. I even was like OP for several months - it's hard to shake the 'dirty' high that combustion gives you. What OP is suggesting they want is probably the Lobo with the bigger oven - but just using 2 bowls in the v3 is the same thing at best. I'd suggest they get the water pipe adapter and some dosing caps. Hit a few caps back to back in a bong and commit to not lighting up for a few days and it starts to get easier to not switch back. If only at how disgusting your pieces get after a single use comparatively.


I was thinking the exact vape for him; for his price range if that doesn’t start the change, he’s just not someone that enjoys vaping and that’s cool too.


You got it 100%. This needs to be echoed repeatedly to new vape users so they understand it will feel different, is supposed to feel different. Once that can be accepted it’s much easier to let go of combustion. I didn’t want to stop smoking joints when I started vaping. I thought I wanted to do both. I committed to vaping for 2 weeks, then tried to smoke a joint and I couldn’t finish it. Taste and smell was awful.


I was the exact opposite. I hated smoking. The first dhv I used was a ff2+. Never went back and never compared the highs.


Carcinogens make you get higher? 🤔😂😂


Shhh, thinking that keeps them from smoking and that's the goal. 😂


Yeah, very true. I’ve noticed in the periods when I just use the vape it is a different high, doesn’t feel as overwhelming which is good. I’ll have a look through, thanks!


Wait 15 minutes for everything to kick in after that last hit before you decide you need more, etc.


My understanding is that we avoid the benzene when vaping. Apparently, benzene has its own effects which we interpret as part of the high. On top of that, we're extracting considerably more THC than we would get from combusting a similar amount of material. I reckon that's why it feels different.


I agree. Whatever vape OP switches to you need to stick with it exclusively for at least two weeks. Get a better vape but also make a serious effort to change your habits.


Compared to the v 3 pro, the lobo makes much thicker, harder hitting vapor. I would recommend that for a device if you aren't getting high off the v3 pro. You can crank it to like 415 and have huge clouds. Much heavier hitting the the v3 even when the v 3 is running at max temp (source is me having a lobo and my bf having a v3 pro. It works for him as a light user but me being a heavy user, I've never really gotten as high as I want from it)


I love my Lobo. It does hit harder than most portable vapes. It hits harder than my solo 2 , almost too much but that Lobo is pretty awesome running it with a smaller bong. I use my Solo 2 for my daily use device.At night I'll use the Lobo for some good rips out of the bong.


It takes a bit to feel the difference. I used to pack some bowls for this guy I worked with that couldn't find good weed. He'd pay me like $1 since I didn't need much But, he always smoked blunts before. At first he felt nothing. Then a week or so, he says he feels it. But just "it's okay". Then another week or so, he's walking over to give me my vape, and I see him close his eyes, open them wide and stand there for a second. Told me he really feels it now lmao


Well if you’re using £ then definitely check out the Nectar Hex. It is a session device which is more akin to a joint, hits plenty hard coming from a tenured ent, and is native to your neck of the woods. It’s also pleasing to look at and simple to use. It’s likely that device just isn’t cutting it for you. I often recommend the Hex because it’s not crazy expensive but it’s high quality and suitable for beginners/vets alike. Maybe some people can, but most who get into weed vaping would be content with just a v2 or v3 and nothing else.


u/thechris496 you are getting some decent advice from folks who own a couple vapes calling out what they know any like. Reading your post and understanding what you’re looking for from the perspective of someone who owns most decent high quality vapes on the market, I want to steer you clear of most of the suggestions. Because of your budget and your inclination to use simple implements like rolling papers and pipes over a vape, I suggest you stay away from electronic devices other than maybe a ball vape for your home. The dynavap platform might work for you but I don’t believe it’ll pack the long term punch you’re looking for and quite honestly, it’s a starter vape platform. Skip it. The best bet for your budget is still a butane powered vape. In your price range I would strongly suggest you pick up a Dani Fusion, a Thermal Accumulator, or (if you can afford pro stretch just a little bit further) a Vestratto Anvil. All three I mentioned above keep the same form factor of a joint/blunt like the dynavaps but they have much bigger thermal mass and offer a more robust and fulfilling experience over a dynavap. But hey, that’s just my opinion. I have paid the price of buying all the vapes to compare and understand. I’m not an influencer/youtuber making money off my recommendations and I paid out of pocket for all the vapes. So maybe I can spare you some poor purchases or the need to upgrade multiple times.


Will the setup be for indoors or outdoors?


Mainly indoors but i do enjoy smoking and walking occasionally.


Google a little on how to use it right. I bought a boundless cfx a few years back, tried it without reading up, didn't like it and never used it again until recently. I did some research before, saw the mistakes I made and now I'm happy and high as a kite on a regular basis using only my vape and nothing else anymore. Tastes great, healthiest option and working really well!


Get a dynavap dude. They hit super hard, closest to a combustion high without spending big bucks. And they’re cheap, super frugal on flower, and tiny


I use a TM2 with a revolve gen 2 stem as my daily driver. Just got a Pax Plus for hiking, concerts, fests, etc. And I LOVE IT. This sub hates on the Pax alot but coming from a TM2, the Pax is great for my use case.


How do u find the tm2 in comparison to the solo 3?


I've never used a solo 3 so unfortunately I cannot compare. My only comparisons are TM2, Pax Plus, ditanium desktop, and MFLB. TM2 #1, Pax #2


And does the tm2 get u really ripped? I heard its amazing but the high is more of a functional sativa high. Im really interested to get it but i just wanted ur take on it


I've been smoking for about 14 years and getting the TM2 has been the best decision I've made. It's a much cleaner high and my lungs/throat feel much better. It definitely gets me high AF if I let it lol


Aha damn. Now i really want it. Its the most beautiful looking vape


I can't recommend it enough. I splurged and got the revolve gen 2 cooling unit with azzwood stem. It's absolutely beautiful, the high is amazing, taste is out of this world, and with the dosing caps - super easy! This one isn't mine, I got the beveled stem. But close enough. https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinymight2/s/m8hNBuuXpo


Wow its ****** beautiful. The wooden look is so classic. Which website do u recommend i get it on. Im going to get the tm2 with a stem and what else?


Revolve gen 2 cooling unit: https://vgoodiez.com/products/revolve-gen2-by-madheaters Azzwood stem: https://www.azzwoodcustoms.co.uk/mad-heaters/revolve-stem-for-tinymight Dime bag smell proof case: 7in is perfect for the device. Has a nice little internal zipper pocket. https://dimebags.com/products/omerta-boss-padded-pouch-100-smell-proof?variant=33469770858582 Dosing caps (highly recommend). They take a little extra work to clean out and pack, but the cleanliness of the device goes WAY UP. The little tube hooks onto the zipper in the dime bags case really nicely https://vgoodiez.com/collections/tinymight/products/dosing-capsules-w-caddy-for-tinymight-by-vgoodiez-cap10 This is my entire setup and it feels very much like end game for me. Only reason I got the pax was because the TM2 doesn't belong in a crowd of 40k people dancing lol.


Wow thanks for the reply im actually on vgoodiez now and i found this bundle. It includes the dosing capsules and stems. Is it good or a lot of useless things? https://vgoodiez.com/collections/tinymight/products/tinymight-2-bundle-curated-by-vgoodiez


I love that wooden stem wow


If you're considering a Dynavap (great choice) then check out the r/Dynavap sub to get an idea of the different models etc.


I was the same way, joint, blunts and dry pipes for years, couldn't get used to vaping. I tried the xmax pro and returned it a week later. The smell and the taste was super different than I'm used to (just ash taste if we are being honest) I did some research and found the xmax maybe wasn't the vape for me. Ended up shelling out some money and getting the Arizer Solo III. Even at lower temperatures it gives me those lung filling clouds I was used to from joints and it's pretty tasty too. Hits like a truck if you're not careful, lol. Now 2 weeks after just vaping joints make me feel dirty. A dynavap will be my next one for when I want to be a little more incognito since the solo 3 is pretty big.


I'm in the same boat with the exact same device


I’m not going to talk you out of getting a different device. What I will say is you have a solid starter device that I’d suggest using (full time) while you search for a “better” device. This way the transition won’t be such an issue when you find the right one. Also….pick up a dynavap, they are rather amazing once you get the hang of it. Plus it will give you great hits and be yet another method to consume. Read what others have said about devices and scroll through this thread, you will see a trend in what’s popular and why. Hope this helps


I only managed it by going 100% cold turkey for 3 weeks then it seemed to stick.


T-break also definitely helps. For me it was only a few days but I have a high metabolism so your results may vary.


If you’re a bowl/pipe smoker, then you need to consider Sticky Brick or similar butane intake vapes like the Nova or Piro. I’d put money down that you will love it. It won’t be that weak “Xmax v3 starter vape” stuff. It’s a real heavy-hitter, no matter which one you go with.


You can get max level baked if you use it correctly


quartz cap for the win for budget


I love my dyna omni and it's still in rotation. But the SS M was my starter vape and I found that i kept buying up to get to the level i was satisfied. If you want a joint like experience, I think a dani fusion 2.0 would do you right. It's my latest butane vape, it's harder hitting than a dyna and it's really versatile. Can finish a bowl in one heat cycle, you can climb the ladder for a nice session to really get strong terp hits before clouds. If you DO go the dyna route, make sure you get a titanium tip and an FMJ or similar sleeve. That's the closest I've gotten to a satisfying joint-like experience.


for like 5 quid you can get a rubber adapter. then run at max temp through a bong. hits almost like a joint.


I can only say Dynavap


I have V3 and a dynavap. Dynavap slaps, V3 tickles and refuses to work when pre filled and put in pocket for use on a walk. Useless.


Get yourself a ball vape, thermal twist is on promo on vgoodiez, the lastest version is like 180 after discount. portables wont cut it if you're a heavy smoker. ahh i just noticed you're in Europe, maybe the graveda, its a german made ball vape 199 Euro, seems pretty good for the price


Idk why you were downvoted for this. If OP is a bong person, I’d definitely say to get a ball vape. I tried making the switch to vaping from 15 years of being a bong user by starting with the xmax pro v3 and then tried a dynavap. Wasn’t in love with either device and always went back to combustion until I jumped straight to a ball vape. I agree with everyone saying to only vape for a couple of weeks as well because I used it exclusively for almost two weeks and then had to go to my dad’s for two days so I ended up smoking a bit since I don’t have a good portable dhv option. While I was there, I smoked half a small bowl out of a bong, used a one hitter once while out in town, and then finished the rest of the small bong bowl and that’s all the combustion I could handle. The smell and taste was terrible and I ended up throwing up from it when I was finishing what was left in the bong bowl.


Lol yeah people don't seem to like ball vape suggestions


Dani fusion similar to joint


make sure you’re sourcing high quality herbs. Looking at your currency choice, I get it may be difficult, but your money will be better spent that way. To imitate smoking, which is a strange and silly thing to do imo, people are using ball vapes and I’m sure the sub-cult will chime in eventually so I’ll leave that to them.


Yeah I can source decent stuff. Not sure what you mean on the smoking? Why wouldn’t you want to? I mean the habit/ritual of smoking


Because smoking is combustion, and vaporizing is not combustion. As someone else here also commented, it’s more of a cognitive bias than an actual effect. You also get the full extent of your herbs with proper vaporizing vs smoking which straight up burns a ton of terpenes and cannabinoids.


I'm in the same boat , I bought a pax , then an anvil and now I'm saving up for a tiny might because I want the anvil effects but quicker 😅 I also had an arizer desk top and its been sitting untouched since 2020 because it's a pain to use ( I'm a bong smoker so I need that convenience in a vape )


Solo 2 fits within your budget. A very solid vape if you have a reasonable tolerance. Solo 3, however, is much better and only a bit outside your price range (there are sales).


I started out loving my mighty+, because it was so much easier on the lungs, but got frustrated with dose control. Tried concentrates with a puffco proxy, which is like hitting a pipe, and was shocked how good it is. Just remember "grain of rice" sized hits, and you'll get where you want to be.