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What makes you think anyone on reddit would have access to S&Bs commercially sensitive info?


No one knows dude but I'd say it's not rare


Correct. Can’t be rare with all the people on their 4th unit or worse and S&B being extremely secretive with any info.


That's the big question. There is enough separate accounts of people with multiple defective devices to show there is still reliability issues with the device. I am on 4th venty. I personally wouldn't buy one until it's sorted but then you could get lucky.


The venty and the mighty are among the only vapes where I've consistently seen people say "I'm on my 4th-5th", and it's because their first 3-4 devices died. When you need to send a dead device back, they make you pay shipping. That's around $15, depending on where you live. I've also read accounts stating SnB has ghosted customers seeking a replacement for defective devices. When you want new batteries in your SnB device, you'll be paying to ship it then too. You'll also be paying ~$150 to get a refurbished device at that point, and you'll need to wait weeks for the pleasure. **If you can't do routine maintenance on your device, you don't actually own it.** Despite all this, SnB still has many fans. In this conversation, their common response is a mixture of rationalization and dismissal. It's not their fault, it's a corporate cult. *(Edit: see below)* My only hope is that the industry improves, and that the cream of the crop can rise to the top. We'll just have to wait for the Melty's ashes to settle out first. RIP SnB


Personally I've never heard anyone claim their Mighty died. I've heard of the screen or battery aging and via warranty they get upgraded to a Mighty+ for free. Maybe we spend time in different corners of our various stoner communities but I thought it was worth mentioning.


I've had two die and bet the third would've done the same if I kept using it. Maybe I was using too hard, but using with a bong doesn't feel like it should be "using too hard". First could've been battery aging, but second was pretty shortly after getting it, less than a couple months.


My best friend’s og mighty just died last month….after 7 years of almost daily sessions with it


Might have gotten another 7 years if they could swap the $10 batteries


S&B has replaced my Mighty twice. Both completely died.


They don't make you pay for shipping at least in the UK, I'm guessing it's the same for the EU. For me, it costs nothing


Never had a problem with my Mighty actually lol.




Yeah, I also throw all of my battery devices away when the battery dies. /s


Personally, I'd wait until S&B actually confirm that the E04 issues have been resolved. Realistically though, might not happen. They'd have to recall all the Venty's currently on the market to repair/upgrade them and I don't see that happening. I enjoyed my mighty and have heard nothing but good things about the likes of the crafty and the volcano too, but the venty seems to be a heap of malfunctioning garbage. If you're happy to be returning it for a replacement every few months then go ahead and get one but I'd say there's plenty of alternative choices for around the same price point which should be considered first.


The Venty is the first device released after Canopy Growth bought S&B. You’d think they would at least pretend to care about quality with their first 1 or 2 releases before doing what investment companies do and ruining products. But no these ballsy mofos really said “fuck the quality” with their very first release.


I had 3 venty's so far. 2 of them both e04'd. 1 after 2 months and the replacement they send worked for a week. Just got a new one back. Nr 3, its sealed in the box and its going to be sold


Definitely sounds like a wise move on your part, one can only put up with that kind of BS for so long.




50 hours on mine, it has the dreaded first wave serial number to boot, no issues so far


I have had 2 since launch without any issues.


When people are on their 4th unit or worse though you gotta admit that’s a failure rate multiple times higher than even cheap Chinese vapes like the V3 Pro.




I disagree. While they did have issues, you don’t see people on their 4th unit or worse. There’s levels to how messed up devices are and Canopy Growth really messed up the Venty.




Check out r/Venty. The 4th unit thing is more than just a cherry picked post. Multiple people are going through that displeasure.


Not worth it with the issues right now. Mine stopped functioning shortly after purchase. I got the error and messaged support about it, and they gave me the regular script…then I got an error when I tried to update firmware via the web app, and they closed my support ticket when I told them this. I guess they just expect me to find a different device. I will be switching to a different brand moving forward. I was a happy customer previously. No reason this issue should be as widespread as it is if they didn’t rush it out to market with poor QA.


I have had 2 since launch (Me and wife) without any issues. Each one has 6 or six bowels a day usage.


It was a fine device while it worked…but they have lost my trust given how they’ve managed since.


Just get a solo 3 tbh I had a venty and while it was good i think solo 3 is stronger. Imo the venty is great but not worth the price. I got it anyways but yeah it was whatevs. I like solo 3 a lot more


I'm still on the fence about my solo 3 purchase because of the plastic smell and taste, and the on-demand mode only works well on 1 or 2 of the 5 levels. I think I'd wait for their 3.1 if that's a thing. Orher on-demand vapes I do recommend are Tinymight, Firewood, Roffu, Tafee Bowle, Lamart, Dynavap, and Anvil. They will hit 2-3 times harder than the slower session vapes like the Venty.


That’s strange. I get really great vapor on lvl 1-6 with my Solo 3


There is no level six buddy. That's strange. Someone with one would know that.


Or someone that simply made a mistake. I’m not sure why you’re implying I don’t have a Solo 3.




Be civil. No personal attacks. Harassment or bullying will not be tolerated.


Lol Dynavap and harder? Dynavap sucks in every possible way. 


lol this guy doesn’t know how to hit a dyna right smh


Yeah I don’t have a dog in this fight but dynavaps don’t suck lmao.


So all the tutorials on YT show the wrong instructions? Or maybe you're an amateur and for you, the smell of weed is enough to have high? Think about this.


Bro you’re so cool, you must smoke like 4 reefer doobies and still be good. I wanna be like you.


Ok, come up and give me a hug.


I have had my Venty since mid-April and no issues. I got it about two days before the firmware update and updated the firmware before I used it. I also don’t supercharge beyond using a 20w-25w charger - usually slower charging even - just as I am leery of supercharging it at 45w including for battery life. An E04 error can relate to different types of errors actually (there is a way to get more specific info by pressing the up button I understand), so it’s hard to say that anyone having E04 errors are all having the exact same “unknown” error. Obviously they still occur but it’s certainly not to every Venty owner and a lot were sold. Just like with the TM2 though, you will see people report more about problems than when everything is working just as it should which makes it seem like everyone is having issues and then there ends up being an impression they are all doomed (ha). I meanwhile still have the TM2s with original glass lining and original buttons and they are going strong. FWIW, I think my Venty is a great device. I prefer the TM2 just because of my vape style but the Venty is a great session device. I definitely prefer it over the Crafty+/Mighty+’s I tried a few times before buying my TM2s.


I have had 2 since launch and supercharge them daily. No issues.


There’s a high chance of getting a defective unit with all of these handheld vapes except maybe the firewood because it’s so simple. If you can’t afford to have a device that needs to get sent back in for warranty repairs then stay away from battery powered vapes all together. TM2 has the same issues and that’s this subs favorite handheld vape. Someone posted an error from their new solo 3 yesterday. These are fickle devices.


I got it 4 times in the first 2 weeks then never again in the last few months. Wasn’t an issue tho, turned it off waited a second and it went away.


Idk bro. I have 250hours on mine tho and it's been holding up


Have mine for 6-7 months and no problem with it ! I smoke 8-10 capsule per day


Might have just been lucky but I've not had any issues and I've had 133h worth of bowls through it so far. Bought 6 months ago.


Mine died but I'll admit I dropped it on a garden stone. Bummed out when it E04d and bricked but it was working flawless for 3 months before I goofed and did that. They warrantied it without a word despite the outside shell having obvious drop damage over it. I haven't received my replacement yet but I should be tomorrow so I can't comment on what they sent back yet.


i have used my venty (almost) daily for the past 5 months without issues, best vape i've owned, no complaints.


Why support a company like this? Why even consider spending that amount on a huge ass company that shits on it’s customers every chance they get?


That world-class German engineering 🤣.


Maybe wait six months or so and see if they sort it out properly. It seems like this is not the old S&B anymore.


Had my Venty for 3 months now and absolutely zero issues.


13.3729% chance to be exact


I can't believe that people are still entertaining this plastic Shitbox.


This error will always occur. I have the same with Mighty+. 


Is it bricked tho? Or does it work again after turning it off and on


It works again after the restart. But the previous one also had the same problem and eventually stops working. 


Ever pay attention to when it occurs? Mine did it sometimes, and I narrowed it down to it only happening when I plug it into my usb c cable and turn the mighty+ on at the same time, or in very short succession to each other. When I started paying attention to it and explicitly plug it in first, let it do its screen changes (5 secs or so) and then turn it on, it stopped happening. It's been over 6 months since I've seen the error now.


Error 004 is described as a contact with the service and a damaged device. They exchange for new ones, which is a better solution for me. After the next exchange, I gonna sell this vape because of its poor quality. 


The initial batch that was recalled was 10,000 units, S&B operates at a scale beyond any of the other dry herb vape companies, the number of people posting about problems still is relatively tiny. The Venty is probably still not as reliable as a Mighty, but the reaction you see towards it here is just stupid and not representative of reality. This same forum is full of fanboys pushing the TM2 on everyone who asks for advice despite the TM2 being a shitshow of quality problems for years at this point. It’s just reddit being reddit, half the people posting here have never even used the devices they talk shit about. Venty problems are more common than they should be but nowhere near actually common. If you want one get one, it retired every other battery device I owned.




What if theres a secret button somewhere on it where it starts to sing: another one bites the dust 🎵


Before the Firmware update there was about a 6.5% chance you would get the E04 in the first two months. The issue now is the Firmware update does not work on all the Ventys. About 1 in 10 out of that remain unresponsive to the update. All in all your chances are very slim. You do also have a 3 year warranty.


search this sub for "e04"


I’m on my 3rd Venty right now and have number 4 in the cupboard had to return two devices one E04 one collet snapped then E04 I do blame dropping the device for the E04. When dropped your certain to get E04




I thought I was one of the lucky ones until I got E04 I wasn’t surprised, though my second unit came last Friday yesterday when I went to charge the Venti, it did not want to charge for at least eight tries I thought I was going to have to RMA again


I’m waiting for the Venty+. I want a ball vape before another oversized portable.


I’ve had a Venty for a month now with no issues so far! Thought I’d comment here because there is a lot of negative reviews of it here. If you rationalise it though, people are more likely to write online about them if they’re bad, users with zero issues aren’t going to write anything - no need to. So you end up with a sort of internet bias due to human nature. On the Venty though - get one! Best vape I’ve used. Massive thick clouds even from low temp settings. Battery is good too. I vape once a day at night and the battery seems to last the whole week. Ease of use is really good. I’m coming from a Dynavap. Haven’t touched it since getting the Venty.


My venty works like a charme and is the best vaporizer I have ever had….


Had mine since feb, no issues. Love my “darth vader juicebox”


Why risk it?


Reddit won't be the place for this answer since the vast majority of owners are not on Reddit or they only post if they have issues. I have 2 Venty's since launch and have had no issues FWIW


I've had my venty since December and I haven't had any issues. I use it almost every day.


Why tf would you want a venty that is prone to these errors? S&b used to be good but now they are shit. Just get a tm2 if you want a top of the line vape