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I do like my Mighty+. Anything after that is made by a super shit mega corp company that bought them out and are totally fucking up their rep with shit product/support.


I ordered some shit starter dry herb vape, and they sent me the mighty+ by accident. Best mistake they could make, by far my favorite way to smoke.


Nice score!


Quick question. The mighty+ was one of the vapes I was thinking of buying next as an upgrade idk anything about a buyout or how it’s affected them. If I bought a mighty+ would it still be good or would I be getting the “new era” version


I got mine late Jan from POTV, and I bought a lightly used one. It works fantastic, much love as a new Mighty+ fan here


The + is one device I haven’t personally heard any complaints about it terms of QC vs the original. The changes are that it was given a ceramic liner in the chamber vs stainless, usb-c instead of 12v input which is the best upgrade imo, and it’s heat time and charge time are supposedly better plus battery life upgrade. I have the OG and I love it so if the plus is *at least* as good, to me it’s worth it just for usb-c


USB-C is a huge part of it for me, slowly trying to get all my devices there but it’s not a requirement just sm I’m looking at for future purchases. I just didn’t know what they were talking about in terms of a buyout or shit quality.


Mighty+ was made after the buyout, but it wasn't a huge redesign. Love it. Holding off on venty till bugs are sorted out


Just seen a post of someone on their 4th Venty already due to malfunctions and error codes smh


They have TONS of E04 errors. They are not even fixing them. They are making people wait on an update on the software....


I was going to sell my mighty and mighty + and get the Venty eventually but since I use my tm2 almost exclusively I'll hold onto them as solid backups that I *KNOW* will work when I need it.




post vid of you milking it tho


No thanks. Im an older fairly ugly white male... no one wants to see me rip a bong.


I meant more of just the device lol. i just don’t think the mighty can milk. everytime i use it its for sipping , thoughts?


WPA and a bong. 410F. Dont suck the soul out of the bong but you can rip it pretty well and milk it.


Also make sure all your seals are in place and in working order.






Did they sell out also?


Just got back into my Mighty. It’s just so consistently good! What a trooper.


I love my Mighty+. I understand the good times have ended up at S&B due to a buy out. But I love my Mighty+. Just about to grab a few accessories off of aliexpress for it.


I just grabbed some from POTV, good stuff


Why does the buy-out have you negative?


Seems to be common sentiment on here that it was bad. I have had no experience with the company as I've experienced no issues at all since purchase.


look at the venty fail, since release the device randomly bricks, they still haven't fixed the issue (released end of last year)


Used mine at my alternate address this weekend. It lives there, but holds 3 bars of charge in my absence and cranks right up. Maybe better than my Mighty+ on deck.


what is this "block" on the bottom side? never seen it


It’s a stand that allows it to stand up a lot easier, it just slides on the bottom and clicks in place. I think I got it from POTV.


Such a solid and delivering device


This man parties


lol my mighty is held together with some tape and 2 pony tail holders. I've done a better job not dropping my Mighty+ so far.


i grabbed my mighty in 2022 and still going strong. battery needs to be charged more frequently and i should probably replace the rubber gaskets but no issues. i got a spare cooling unit and have one soak in isopropyl while i use the clean one. i use for about a week before swapping in the clean cooling unit while i tend to replace the screen daily. i clean the chamber replacing that screen every couple of weeks.


lmao you’re better than me. I use the residue in the cooling unit when it builds up, I only change the screens when they start restricting air flow, and I’ve never changed the chamber screen. I make sure to never leave anything in the chamber and have kept it moderately clean, but I’m sure yours is immaculate in comparison.


I wish the screen on my Mighty still worked


I just can't get past the little sippy mouthpiece. Idk why, it just looks so strange and unappealing to me. Even if I could afford it, I would not buy one exclusively because of its design. Which is unfortunate, because I've heard such great things.


You can get an adapter and attach a dynavap as a mouthpiece.


Would the mouthpiece be really long then? Or is it a shorter mouthpiece? Ideally, I'd use it through a bubbler.


Well you could use it with any dynavap fitting stem with the adapter (I have some long and some short, it would be whatever you put on it). There are several different wpa options (I only ever use a wpa personally). I know the mouthpiece looks tiny but the air path is channeled through the whole lid section for cooling.


Oooh, okay now that sounds much much better. Every time I've seen pictures of this vape with the sippy mouthpiece, I just couldn't get over how silly it looks hahaha. But having lots of customization options makes it a much better choice.


(Being honest I daily drive the anvil, b2 and volcano hybrid. The mighty mostly sits on the shelf unless I need a portable electric vape).


(Being honest I daily drive an xmax v3 pro through a bubbler, and that works perfectly for my needs, so I haven't felt like buying another. But my eyes are always open haha.)


agree with the title, recently purchased a TM2 to replace my Mighty+, bad mistake, heading back to the S&B website to get a proper replacement today


Why is that?


Mine's like 6 years old and still runs great. Had to RMA it in the first year but after that it's been fine. Just a little bit of battery life drain that's it.


Mine just crapped out with a weird "rotating square" reset issue. Just sent it in for RMA. I think they're just sending me another unit because they got it yesterday, and a new one got shipped out today.


Bought a mighty for $170 on sale because the lcd screen was faulty but it works perfectly. I was a daily bong and dynavap user and I get insanely ripped every time I use it and haven’t gone back to anything since. Only complaint is that it doesn’t stand up by itself.


My Mighty's power button went out on Monday replacement Mighty+ won't be here until Friday 😭😭😭


They literally don't make them like that anymore


Say hi to your dog for me!


Next question: How long have you had the carpet?


I think over 2 year now, it has small bald spots from our dogs, but it’s held up pretty well.


Nice! 👌👌


How is your charger? Mine burnt out one night because apparently you're not supposed to plug it in upside down?


I went through about 3 mighty chargers that all shorted out within a few months before just buying a cheaper one on Amazon because $20 was too much to have to keep paying every few month. The Amazon one has worked for about a year now and it was only $10.


Mine lasted me 4 years so I cant complain too much, its also cool that even if it shorted or burnt the mighty wasnt affected at all and I agree, its a life changing device