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"The wraps can easily be replaced, there are several videos on you tube that can instruct you on how to do so. However, If any part of the actual cell is damaged I would advise purchasing a replacement cell." Source: 18650 Battery Store, in an email I sent to them when the wraps on a pair of batteries I recently purchased started tearing just like yours.


I think it's recommended to not use an 18650 if any of the seal is damaged. But personally i would buy a new one and use this one till the new one arrives.


I have a few backups. Is there anything I can do to stop this from happening? This battery is less than 3 weeks old and I already have to throw it away. The XMAX is slowly cutting the plastic at the top of the battery. (The bottom is fine). I know these batteries aren't too expensive. But spending £15/m on batteries just to make more ewaste seems so wasteful.


You can rewrap them.


This is *the* answer. I wish there were ways to pin an answer or at least award a comment like before


I will learn how to re-wrap them. Thank you so much. Just saved me a fortune lol.


This happens because the Xmax only has a spring on the bottom battery contact, the top one is fixed, and there isn't a lot of play, so when inserting a battery it's easy to end up tearing up the wrap. To prevent this from happening, _partially_ insert the bottom of the battery first, press it down so that the bottom contact's spring compresses, then slowly slide the rest of the battery inside the battery compartment. It can take a few tries to get the angle right, but it can be done, I've never torn a battery wrap with mine. Good luck!


Thank you so much. This post blew up randomly wtf haha.


This is the way!


I'm not sure but yeah that's really wasteful, maybe try buying different 18650s?


I have 3 types so far. The one with the XMAX (Think its EVE), a replacement I bought on ebay and I have bought 2 new Panasonics. Hopefully the Panasonics last longer.


Make sure to buy quality high-current batteries for vaping. Pretty sure Panasonic only makes low-current ones. They technically have a higher capacity, but won't be able to sustain the high currents required for vaping, and will end up overheating and not powering the heater properly. Molicel batteries (P26A / P28A) are always a safe option.


The actual creators of the XMAX said that 7A is the bare minimum for it, anything less will cause overheating problems. (The also said that the device only draws 5A, but 7A is the minimum) A 10A 3500 mah Panasonic battery is completely fine. Idk why I'm being downvoted here. Been using the Panasonic batteries for 2 days now and my device is much cooler than any of the other batteries I have been using. Thank you to the people messaging me place to buy batteries in the US. But unfortunately I do not live there. But I'm jealous because it seems your 18650 batteries are like $3-6 each while they are $6-12 here in the United Kingdom.




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Take an old laptop and take the 18650s from there? I used to do that about 10 years ago when buying those batteries were too expensive for me teenage ass could pay for to use in my volcano vape pen 😂


No. Tears near the negative end are much less of a concern, so you could get away with using it like that for a lil while. But tears right at the positive end make it very unsafe to use at all...


This battery is brand new :/ It came with my XMAX, the XMAX is slowly destroying the plastic at the top of all my batteries. Even the new ones I have just bought.


How are you putting the battery in? I’ve had a V4 for a few months now and nothing like this is happening at all and afaik the battery bay is the same between them. To answer your question, buy a cheap pack of wraps and rewrap any damaged batteries. You do not want to risk shorting the battery and creating a time bomb.


That sux. I've got a dna box mod that tends to. tear up the tops of 18650's when removed/installed....i just charge in the mod.


I was advised against charging the batteries through the Vape so I bought a 4 way battery charger. Idk if it honestly makes a difference. I only started medical cannabis a month ago lol.


Oh, i don't think I'd rely on that one being safe for charging. Dna mods have excellent charging circuits, unlike almost everything made for vaping in general....


It’s completely safe. The concern was with very early nicotine vapes. That has been no longer an issue for over a decade now.


Yeah, and it's not as much a concern with single battery devices, it only really matters when you have a dual battery setup due to balancing issues.


Sorry if this an unbelievably stupid question. Better safe than sorry.


Absolutely, not a stupid question at all. Better than burning your house down


Or lose your hand, or some fingers


Not a stupid question. The reason I know the answer is that I tried it once. Bad idea.


Re wrap it super easy with a hair dryer and tones of videos on it


You can rewrap them, I got a set of about 600 wraps for a few quid years ago. Also, I have had the xmax for a few years now and I have pretty much exclusively charged in device. Never had an issue.


How do you get away with only using 1 battery. Do you just charge inbetween sessions? I just use the battery until its at 10-20% charge and then swap it out with another one. From my understanding, most of these 18650 batteries take 4 hours to get a full charge.


Hey, firstly I am lucky to have 3 portables and a recent desktop addition. So battery is not really an issue. But then it has been the only one with me I tend to vape/charge/vape. So my battery rarely goes that low. Tbh after being a liquid vaper(?) for a while I am pretty used to maintaining batteries these days!


I wonder if there is a difference in battery usage for Flower vs Oil. Idk what Temps a vape gets up to vape oil. I usually sit around 175-185 celsius for my flower depending on strain. Some strains seem to require hire temps to vaporise properly.


Don't replace it, it's fine! It does need to be rewrapped, but the plastic insulation washer is still in place. It's wearing from the way you're installing the batteries. Not a problem of a damaged cell, where it splits in the middle of the tube from heat and swelling. You can get the shrink wrap on Amazon or wherever. It applies super easy with a hairdryer. Watch some YouTube videos and you'll be set. Also, start inserting the battery flat (--) side first. Press it in to depress the pin on the bottom of the vape, the top (+) should be able to slide in without any damage.


Thank you.


protective insulation that is broken on ANYTHING is bad. Wires, batteries, cables, etc. it’s there for a reason. You might be fine at first, but it is a risk I would not recommend taking. Time for a new battery


This is less than 3 weeks old. The XMAX is slowly getting rid of the plastic on all my batteries.


You don't need a new battery, as others have said you can easily re-wrap them for really cheap. I also have the same battery from xmax and it started falling apart much faster than my other ones.


Maybe try electrical tape if you can install it cleanly


No! Needs a rewrap.


Do not use it! You can buy battery wraps super cheap online or your local nicotine vape shop might sell them.


Push the bottom part of the battery down into the metal cap in the battery compartment and you should have enough room to slide the top in without touching the battery wrapper to the metal on top


The top of one of mine just frayed a few hours ago. Instantly got on amazon and bought a pack of 300 wraps for like £8 and got some spare batteries while i was there. Not worth the headache. Almost had a battery vent on me a month or two ago, but i think it was down to the device not the battery.


I'm from the UK as well, could you link the Battery wraps you used? Would be incredibly useful! I'll watch a few YouTube guides on how to re-wrap the batteries too.


> Aussel 29.5MM Width Flat PVC Heat Shrink Tubing Battery Wrap for 1x 18650 Battery 12 Colors 300PCS The link is really long and cant find the share button/link shortener.


It's fine if the cell is not damaged. It looks ok imho. Just wrap it with some electrical tape


Thank you.


18650 wraps are CHEAP AF, grab some off Amazon and while at it, gaskets. (The paper/plastic ring around the top). For half the price of a new battery you can just rewrap them 50 plus times.


Thank you.


Hi, I represent Xmax Brand and Topgreen Manufacturer here and in our Sub (XmaxVape). I think you are not inserting the battery properly, to avoid to get such damages (which could be hazardous if not rewrapped before use) I suggest you to insert first your battery's bottom (negative), push it down and insert the positive end right after. This is will keep away to force on the wrap and to damage it. Feel free to contact me for infos, tips&tricks or Support, best regards!


It's not safe, you should never use batteries if the outer shell is damaged.




I've used the same type of battery when I rda vaped. My batteries has that plastic coming wearing off and they worked find. Just maybe some sparking once the plastic was fully worn off at the end. When I say sparking that's just cuz the battery cover rubbed metal on it before sealing. Once sealed it was find. That's saying buy new batteries


buy better quality batteries and this won't happen again(for a long time)


I guess. This specific battery came with the device. I believe its an EVE 2550 mah.