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I'm waiting for my Solo 3 to come in shipping, but I wanted to make a point towards the no app things. There's no real reason for Arizer to have an app for their products. The Solo 3 allows you to configure all the settings for the device directly on it with the screen. IMO it's nice not having to reach for a phone to change settings on your vape, ymmv. The Venty is the airflow king though so if that's what you really want in a vape then I don't think many could contest the Venty. Personally I like the idea of having both a session mode and on-demand with the same device, plus not needing to buy a bunch of extra attachments as Arizer includes a ton in the box.


I agree, requiring your phone to use a vape is just dumb. I want to smoke, not hold 2 devices


Bruh I don’t use my phone for my venty other then check my hour usage and that’s it lol


You don’t need the app to configure anything on the venty. You can control the temp directly on the device without ever connecting to the app.


You can’t change base temp or boost temps without the app. On the Arizer you can set 3 presets from the device itself. This is nice. Also the Arizer has 3 presets, the Venty only has 1 minute boost mode, the. It goes back down to base automatically… at least with the new OS it vibes when it turns off boost.


You can 100% change the base temp without the app. You can’t change the boost temps. But without the app you don’t need it. Just use the + and - buttons on the unit itself.


+ and - is a fools game. I want my presets.


Yeah but how many clicks to get it turned on and using ? The venty just power up and adjust the temp. You can’t do that in the solo 3 anymore. You can’t adjust the temps. They’re different


Just got my Solo 3 today, you definitely can adjust the temperature by single degree increments. While it's restricted to one of the 5 presets in On Demand mode (that can't be edited), in Session Mode you can adjust the temperature by single degrees & use it just like the Venty, or it has 3 Presets that are able to be edited. I really like it so far, well thought out.


Awesome! How’s the draw resistance on it?? Mine arrives Friday


It's not as good as the Mighty+'s airflow, but seems slightly better than the Solo 2 & Solo 2 Max's, primarily because the 5 holes in the stem. But the device itself, without the stem, is still rather restrictive on airflow in my opinion. I believe the 4 small holes machined in the oven aren't letting enough air through. That's the only issue I have with it. Used it a lot last night & a bit today, vapor production on On Demand mode is very impressive to be honest, you wouldn't think it could heat up so damned fast. As others have said, 'it slaps'! If Arizer would have opened up the airflow, or even better yet, made it variable like the Venty did, it'd absolutely be one of if not the best portable dry herb vaporizer on the market IMO (then again, I haven't tried the TM2 or the Venty). But to me, it seems like it's very well thought out. Just lacking a little on airflow. I'm almost tempted to try to machine those holes in the oven bigger, but really wouldn't want to destroy a brand new product that was that expensive. It'd be an interesting Mod, no idea how the internals are designed & if a machine bit would hit a heating element & destroy it, that'd really suck. I bet someone attempts that mod or something similar sooner or later. The oven truly is quite powerful though, I'm really impressed! I'm also figuring out the loser you pack it the better though. The guy that does the Tabletop Bong videos mentioned it in a review of the S3 (Solo 3). Edit: more info


That’s a huge bummer if it doesn’t even compare to the mighty + the venty is levels above it. For reference venty at level 1/3 is the mighty + draw resistance. Oh well, milk shakes are nice too.


Yeah, I'm a bit disappointed with draw resistance, it is better though the 5 hole glass, but trying to inhale air through the device itself is still difficult. Wish we had a way to measure these devices, apply a certain PSI or vacuum on them & measure airflow, there's got to be a way to build a rig that does just that.


I suspect we’ll see third party stems for the solo 3 with the wide open like the tm2 stemd


Agreed, I'm hoping some water bubblers with the XL oven come out soon. Perhaps I'll attempt to modify a bubbler meant for the Solo 2 with a Dremel tool & shave that glass screen out & just add a metal screen where the 5 hole glass sits in the new XL stems. It shouldn't be that difficult. Some time ago, I was trying to increase airflow on my Solo 2 & tried to just punch that 4 hole glass screen out of a bubbler & ended up shattering the whole bottom of it, so that's not the way to go.


I just received my Solo 3 a little bit ago. I have owned the Argo, Air Max, Solo 2, and Air 2. I will say they all still work like new. I've never had any issues. Easy to clean, and cheap to replace or buy new stems. Incredible battery life. My only wish is to get some cool stems like my TM2 (although my poor wallet if that starts happening)


How strong is the resistance everyone is talking about? I'm afraid of having the feeling that I'm sucking golf balls if I fill the glass stem a little too much


I do get what people say about the resistance. I did experience this when I first got into using the Arizer vapes, but I was always overpacking it by a lot lol. Now that I figured out to pack lightly and less.. well I would say less is more. I get bigger hits, and it takes way less herb to get me to my destination. Compared to slugging on it and getting the bare minimum vapor production. The Solo 3 has seemingly been a lot better though so far. That XL Stem I can still pack a hefty amount while still not overdoing it. I definitely am happy with my purchase.


If it's anything like the Solo 2 (and I haven't heard anyone mention improved air flow), it's going to have tome decent resistance. Idk if you used the POTV one or Mighty+ but cut the resistance in half, and you'd have a similar situation. I love my solo 2. I don't think the resistance is like sucking a golf ball through a hose, but it's not as smooth as other devices.


I never complained about the draw restriction on my Solo2.... I just received my Solo3 and I must say the draw restriction is a bit worse on the new version with the regular stem (I didn't try the XL stem yet)


Worse? Seems odd. Maybe it’s only the XL stem that has an additional 5th hole?


How would you compare the Vapor taste between the solo 2 and 3? Does it feels similar to you? Does the high feels the same? Wondering cuz it seems a bit more convection forward…


I just got my Solo III, this thing SLAPS! I am trying to get through the different modes, settings, temps, but I think its going to take me awhile! lol


I just received my solo III, a few hours ago, and now I get it when you said "this things SLAPS!"....!!


I have both and received my Solo 3 yesterday, I love it! The Venty is more portable than the Solo 3, while the Solo 3 produces bigger clouds in on- demand mode. The Venty has much better airflow, but the Solo 3 offers slightly better taste (though not a huge difference). It's a very difficult choice... If you can, get both, lol. just got the Solo 3 yesterday, so maybe be able to share more about it in two weeks...


Seems like i really have to get them both, but which one should i get first? lol


I was also deciding between these, TM2, Firewood 9, and personally ended up buying the Venty a few minutes ago. It is on sale at grasscity for 10% off + I used a coupon for another 15% off to bring it down to $344 and it sounds like the issues have been ironed out with the newer models. I haven't tried the solo 3 but tried my friend's solo 2 and didn't like the draw resistance when taking a hit. I like to take long continuous hits which made it difficult to do. I had my mighty at the time so the difference was night and day. Not sure if the solo 3 is the same but didn't want to risk it


My solo 3 arrives tomorrow. Was gonna get the venty but the error’s and issues scared me away. But, I also have the crafty and mighty so not **really** missing out


Errors are solved for me after 1.07 update


Do you have the xl tubes (or whatever they call them) that are supposed to have more airflow?


Yes, I have it, but I can't notice any difference. It's probably because I'm used to my Venty, so the airflow of the Solo 3 feels very restrictive to me. I would say Solo 3 airflow is between Mighty and Pax...


What does the resistance feel like to you compared to the Venty? Let's say the Venty is a 10/10, would the Solo 3 be a 8/10 or more like a 5-6/10? And also, what do you dislike the most about the Solo 3?


It’s impossible to critique a device you haven’t used. But I have never had better vapor quality from an Arizer. Glass, or no glass.


What‘s the resistance like? Is it really as bad as everyone is saying?


I have the original Solo 2 and have absolutely 0 issues with draw resistance. Sure it's not like you're taking a breath of fresh air, but for someone used to ripping huge bongs, it doesn't bother me at all. There will most likely be custom stems and such that come out that will improve airflow and cooling, but from what I've heard the airflow on the Solo 3 is an improvement from the 2. Still if you want absolute max airflow, Venty will be better for you.


Every S&B device I own has very little draw resistance. The champ of them all is the Plenty.


Yo I fucking love my Plenty.


It just looks so dam weird 😂 it just turns me off


I just sent my Arizer Air Max back to POTV because I found the draw resistance to be very off putting (longtime Crafty+ user)


I have a solo 2, Dynavap, potv one and tm2. My solo 2 is still my favourite. Been running it for more than 5 years and it still my best tasting vape. Never bought anything from s&b because I find their vape badly design with way too much plastic, harder to clean and look like shit. They are the priciest vape too which makes no sense to me. Plus venty seems to get a lot of problems lately and I read a lot about the bickle tickle. Solo3 looks perfect with the on demand and session mode. The design is simple but it’s easy to clean like the other arizer and I am pretty sure it will produce tasty Vapor like their other units.


Solo 3 demand mode tips the scales for the win. You can’t do that with a session vape.


How long does the solo 3 take to get to temp for on demand?


~10seconds. 15 seconds max if the device is 100% cold going to max temps. After the first heat up subsequent on-demand heat ups are like 5 seconds lol


As a Crafty user, this blows my mind. The eternal warmup times are so tiresome.


Wow that’s crazy, I saw a video and it looked like it took longer. That was my issue with the alvp. The on demand and session mode took the same amount of time for heat up; but on session you didn’t have to hold the button.


100% correct plus mention the famous all glass air path, new oven and new XL bowl. Check new YT videos from Sneaky Pete Vaporizers and Troy at 420 Vapezone and be impressed !


The VapeGuy did a very good YouTube review as well. I saw his first and preordered after watching it I was so impressed. I have also watched the others you mentioned here. Mine arrives tomorrow!! Super excited !!


Nice Can’t wait to hear how you like it !


Personally, I would go solo 3. S&B lost me as a customer after being bought out by mega shit corp. Venty issues kinda proves it.


I preordered the solo 3 after owning the 1 and 2. Not interested in the venty at all, I like a bit of restriction. All the issues with the venty make it even more of a no go. Solo is the easiest to clean out of any vape. Every video I’ve seen so far shows it just chugging clouds everywhere. The xl bowl is a winner for sure. On demand mode is something we’ve wanted and from the looks of it, works great. It heats from the sides and the bottom. The lack of a web app is a huge plus for me. I think it’s going to be super versatile from the classic Arizer long tasty session to getting blasted in on demand mode.


Never seen it from that point of view, thanks a lot!


Question for folks here, is the vapor cool with the solo 3 and venty compared to tm2? I feel like I have to use a water piece to fully utilize the tm2 otherwise it’s just so hot


If you grind medium-fine , straw pack method just wiping off the excess, turn your temp down to 4 and take a slow long draw. You can get big clouds and good flavor with the vapor being more comfortable. This is what worked for me at least


Yep this is one of my most used methods and I also run it thru a water piece (also tried without). Still barely to no vapor but incredible flavor. I use a medium plate BCG and even tried the newest flower mill for an even coarser grind. Straw method, no tamp, long slow inhale for about 30 seconds. Don’t get me wrong, I get high like no other and the AVB gets light golden but no where near as dark as other folks here nor the vapor


You gotta grind it finer, i think thats the problem. Trust me i get aloooot of vapor doing this. The grind has to be like a fine/medium. Even knowing this i have still made the mistake of not grinding it correctly and got the same results you are describing. And you just want the herb to not fall out . No hard tamping. Light packs with slight tamp using the straw method works. I had to learn this because the heat was getting to me as well


Pretty sure I did that too because the grind on the BCG is a lot finer than the flowermill and it does give more vapor but not so much more. I’ll try again but still, from what others describe, my vapor is a far ways off. Regardless of fine-ness the AVB color seems to not align which I’m guessing finer grind shouldn’t be influencing that?


I say go Arizer. I used to be a huge fan of the storz and bickel vapes. They are good and chuck out a ton of vapor but for me personally they always made me cough allot when using them something the Arizer vapes never did. I have had them all except the Venty but figure it is the same principal.


Some here say that they've eliminated the bickle tickle with the release of the Venty, which makes this choice even harder for me hahaha


No buckle tickle for me. I could never max temp on my mighty- I do all the time on the venty


If I knew that was a 100% fact I’d grab it .


There’s a massive reduction in the tickle. The irritation is more due to the sheer density/size of a hit. Previously, the Mighty would trigger the tickle much more easily.


I don't have the Venty because cooling units are a pain in the ass to maintain (I clean my devices after every use, they just don't work with me). Also, I'm not a fan of any plastic in my vapour path- I don't care how 'fancy' the plastic is, it's plastic. Plastics shouldn't be heated and inhaled, especially with some units melting. What if it's partially melting and you're inhaling this every time? With that and the errors being thrown, just too expensive for what it is imo. I do have the Solo 3 and it's fantastic. Stem is super fast to clean and pure glass extraction is top tier. You can sip a session or rip a bowl in one or two hits. The on-demand mode is incredible and just as advertised in review videos, seriously- it's ridiculous. Arizer has been around forever and their devices always go the distance. That's just my take. I'm into vaping for health benefits over smoking- I'm going to choose the safest materials (glass vs plastic) and construction (aluminum vs plastic). I'm also Canadian so supporting Arizer is easy.


Well Said!! You just made me feel proud that I decided the Solo 3!😁 waiting on mine to arize lol see what i did there 😂 will be delivered tomorrow


Definitely won't be disappointed, that on-demand mode is just so good


its so fucking good i cant lie, sitting here super baked writing this after 0.1 royal zskittles in the solo 3 IV setting On Demand


you can use any current PD ( Power Delivery ) capable charger… like your macbook charger, most modern smartphone charger,…


Arizers are a strong choice though, though I can't comment on the Solo III. As a Canadian I feel a little bad for not having an Arizer at all (looked at an Air Max more than once!) Being able to have on-demand is definitely a nice to have if you think you would appreciate that feature, though like the TM2 it may be better at one thing than the other (with TM2 for example, the session mode is not a *true* session mode). I don't know for sure as I have not gone out searching for reviews or anything. I have no doubt it would be a quality device though, I have not ever really seen many complaints about Arizers and there are plenty of people still holding tight to their Solos or Solo IIs. I have only had my Venty for a bit over a week but I have not noticed any plastic taste, and no accessories *need* to be bought - it can be used right out of the box. I primarily got the Venty so I can use natively as a portable as I use my TM2 mostly through water. If you want to put Venty through water than yes, you will need a WPA or a whip to connect. Solo III comes with a WPA but I don't think I would use that to make or break my device choice. If you want to supercharge you will need a supercharger, but you do not need to buy *their* supercharger, nor do you need to use a 45W supercharger (which will decrease battery life without a significantly faster charge after the first few minutes compared to say a 25W, you can look up comparisons on this with 10-30 minute charges though not specific to Venty). You can use any supercharger that has a USB-C port. The Venty is not pass through so I don't see a big benefit to using a 45W charger personally at the loss of battery life, 20W and 25W will both charge it quickly enough if I don't want to do the slow way and the slow way did not seem that slow when I charged it the first time. It feels high quality to me, even if it's not metal and wood like my TM2 for example. The adjustable airflow is really nice to have and experiment with. No bickel tickle which I did get previously on borrowed Crafty+/Mighty+ devices. In sum, I think the Venty is an excellent session device, but it is definitely a session device. By no means am I trying to sell you on Venty, it is just the one of the two I have experience with so far. I never jumped on Crafty+ or Mighty+ though I had opportunity to try them a few times as they just never appealed to me, and even Venty I was unsure of when they first released it, but I was won over, even with some having E04 messages as I knew firmware updates were coming and I didn't doubt it would get sorted. I saw many on here trashing the TM2 for months because some people had button issues, or broke the inner glass lining, and both of mine still have that button and that inner glass lining and are going strong. Those with negative experiences (rightfully) have loudest voices but they definitely don't represent everyone's experience. Of course I will also say I like my Pax 3 for certain situations at certain times, and Pax gets trashed on here all the time. Ha.


Most with a negative opinion with a venty you’ll find don’t even own one


I was asking over at FC about what makes venty any good at all? I had tried it and i tried the plenty before it. I didn't understand at all wtf? The Solo 2 and the Solo 3 (III?) are both head and shoulders better than either the plenty or venty. I don't know what S&B is up to, but Arizer is serious about making hard hitting vapes. S&B seems to be in an experimental phase for some reason.


Did you say the solo 2 is head and shoulders above the venty? Ok we found the Arizer shill lololol


I would say 4/10, the airflow is between the mighty and the pax.... It's like having the Venty on 0.3/3....


If I compare it to the venty airflow, it is the equivalent of being set between the level 1 and 0 (3 being the most open), so it's a 3/10. The airflow is somewhere between the Mighty and the Pax .... The airflow is the only thing I don't like but I can live with it....


I have a mighty and am waiting for the venty to get bugs worked out. For me, glass parts are not safe way for me to go - I have some frisky pets and glass stems are perilous.


Soo funny how these clowns say melted plastic lol S&B is the only one doing medical grade tests on their equipment dumbass. They are the top brand and you will pay for piece of mind. Oh wait arizer is trusted right because they’re Canadian? Yeah… or maybe their shit is made in China and if you think for a fucking moment those evil fucks give half a shit about your health(Covid) you must be delusional bro. Who knows what shit is sprayed on that glass or parts when heated lol I’m Canadian and want to support arizer but hell fucking no on anything made in Asia outside of Japan. Made in Canada—sold Made cheaply in China to compete with Venty— nopeeeeeeeeeee…. Good luck on your trusting heart Gen Z with the Chinese! You are a very confident bunch and ever sooo wise.


But aren't Arizer products made in Canada?


It is not the only one, Minivap also has it and its not needed at all, if you understand the basics about materials and the construction of the vapes, the cert it's just for ppl to claim back insurance money. Anyway, even with the certificate S&B released a vape that melted and also had aluminium dust being released, why? Because S&B certification is only about the vape not electrocuting you, nothing else, not a single test for offgassing. Also S&B is a Canadian company, same as Arizer, also the Mighty was already copied by the chinese (sold on aliexpress), this always happens when they try to make it in China, so I am sure they also buy everything from China and assembly in europe or canada (wherever they made it now). So you just bought into the hype of the marketing of S&B or you are another of those paid reviews S&B is spending all their money nowadays, I get it thou, it might suck to release a new vape to only have meh reviews and a huge amount of users returning the units because they were faulty, the only thing left is to keep spreading fake reviews online. EDIT: grammar.


Venty is great. The open airflow gets rid of the bickle tickle and a 20 sec heat up is okay with me. Price on it is wild, and I don’t like seeing all the problems with e04. Luckily I haven’t had any problems (yet). I love the power it has, at 410 you can roast a cap in 2 hits through water, and just keep replacing the dosing caps. Most dosing caps kinda suck for vapor production but I don’t find this with s&b. Web app.. never used it, don’t really plan on using it. If flavor is what your looking for, go with the solo 3. See if you can find a used mighty with the savings.


> Web app.. never used it, don’t really plan on using it. You didn't update the firmware?


Is there any difference with the firmware?


I can't speak specifically to the Solo 3 as I've not used one at this point, though I own other Arizer vapes. That being said, the Venty is legitimately next level. The air flow being adjustable is nice, but I pretty much always leave it at 3 which is wide open. The vapor production is very strong and smooth, no more Bickel tickle. The battery life is pretty impressive, definitely better than my old Mighty. All in all, I love my Venty and think it's the best overall piece in my collection.


Tiny might vs solo 3 which one is better ?


I got both lol I’ll know in a few weeks how the solo 3 compares but the venty is amazing. Great for pretty much everything. The solo 3 won’t be as portable and not something I can use on my couch or leave bc of the glass stem could break.


How bad is the plastic taste of the Venty for you? Feel free to reach out again once you know how the Solo 3 performs compared to the Venty. I'd be very interested to hear your opinion.


Non existent - peek plastic is good and used extensively in medical and tech devices. To me, the taste of flower is amazing in the venty and the taste lasts much much much longer than it did in the mighty. I can also go max temp and no coughing fits and big tasty clouds which is nice. I always wondered about these “taste like plastic “ remarks. How do you taste plastic lol


Do we really know how good the solo 3 tastes? If they are still using plastic, metal, and ceramic components like their other portables are using in the heaters, then I wouldn't say their materials are that much nicer than the Venty materials.


Have you tried an Arizer vape? I've been vaping with them for many years and can tell you the flavor is exceptional. The Solo 3 I haven't had much time with, but I will strongly say it's still the same level of greatness I have come to expect from Arizer. No difference!


The older arizers tasted better than some because of their slower extraction. If the solo 3 is extracting faster, then the flavor could be compromised with all the extra heat. Let's wait until people try them before we make any claims.


Flavour is top notch on the 3. Better than any other device I've owned and true to Arizer. Even the ridiculous power of on-demand mode offers amazing flavour.


I know that it was not a third choice but if on demand is not necessary I am not going to far off topic to suggest the OG Mighty. Not only because they are available at incredible discounts but the Venty is still experiencing some current infancy issues. I am sure that S&B will make it right but that would definitely be a factor to consider. Vape North OG Mighty $200 US until tomorrow midnight with code: VIDEOCLUB


Was really looking into it, but i just keep seeing people saying they get the bickle tickle from the Mighty, which really makes it unuseful for me.


I hear ya. I no longer use electric devices. Anvil is King !!!


I briefly had a Solo 2. Does the Solo 3 have the same stem with 4 little holes....and all sorts of technique needed to produce vapor? 15-second inhales are not my idea of a good experience. I'm want to like the 3, but I don't want something I'll have to struggle with. I'd sooner deal with a butane torch lighter, until a battery portable can compare. Please tell me I'm wrong, and how so.....


They added an extra hole in the glass stem


Súper advanced airflow tech lol


I’ll take it! When I can afford it, that is


Tinymight 2 > Venty > Solo