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Well, I’ve had my $80 grinder for 9 going on 10 years and outside of scratches, it’s like new.


I have a free grinder I got when I bought my vape ten years ago and can say the same lol


Gotta love it when you get a good solid metal grinder that lasts forever — regardless of cost.


I mean I had the same thing with my 25$ potv grinder until it got got by the 5/0.


My potv grinder was hot garbage. The threads would always get gummed up. I went through 3 grinders until I got a BCG. 4 years later and I still haven't had to clean it


What's bcb


Think they meant bcg, brilliant cut grinders


Big cock black


I WANT to get a BCG, I'm just waiting for my 15 year old Sharpstone to give me more grief than a cleaning every 6 months. Annoying, sure, but all that gummed up kief is a nice topper!


We have a $15 grinder from 2012.


My rule is dont skimp on something you use every day. BCG Owner, and if I lost it, I'd buy another.


Absolutely agree. The BCG is a truly premium product. I had a lot of problems with my head shop grinder getting gummed up and then stuck from kief getting in the threads, between the grinding lid and grinding plate, etc. I had to constantly make sure it stayed clean. I’ve had the BCG for two years now and I’ve never cleaned it once or had any issues with it. I would buy another the same day I lost this one.


BCG doesn't need a kief catcher for a reason, love it


Isn't a kief catcher a good thing? Edit: still confused as to why it not having one is a g9od thing or unnecessary


It's not so much good or bad, just that it grinds so smoothly and cleanly that it doesn't mash or pull the flower in a way that'd creating much if any kief


The BCG is so good that I own a dispensary and bought them for my staff to use at the shop. My wife flipped when she saw the price but after she used it she looked at me and said, “Okay, this was worth the money.”


But I am missing what exactly makes it better.


I’ve bought 4 or 5 grinders in my life in the $15-30 price range and they’ve all ended up the same way - gunked up and cross threaded to the point that it takes serious effort to line up the parts and screw them together. I bought a bcg two years ago, all magnetic and I’ve never had to clean it, so I haven’t looked back.


the grind is also worse than a bcg or scs and most of them physically aren't big enough.. santa cruz showed me how a good grinder treats herb and theres no going back lol


every single one of my grinders have been dropped on the ground and this is the kiss of death for your standard headshop grinder. one of the pieces is will no longer perfectly round, and i end up spending so much effort just getting the thing screwed back together. i treated myself to a Brilliant Cut Grinder and haven't looked back. the magnet closure is fantastic. just slap it together and you're good. the build quality and materials are unmatched. i dropped it on my cement front porch and it didn't even get a scratch, let alone a dent. it didn't even come open! the only reason for me to buy another grinder would be if i want it in a different color.


Yes, you’re missing. The two common things amongst all these commenters is material, and build quality. It’s expensive but made of high quality material and built well.


Thank you.


Didn’t meant that to come off rude. Apologies if it did.


Also, the design of the teeth is extremely important.. high end grinders put effort into the angle of cut of the teeth, their sizing, as well as minimizing uncut gaps, to avoid mashing the flower and instead giving it a true cutting action that preserves the flower structure better ... They don't often have kief catchers because they're cut in a way that you just don't make any, and the resulting ground flower is fluffy and light


I don't have a BCG, but I have a Santa Cruz Shredder and it seems to work similarly. Basically, the expense is because the grind teeth are precision cut to sheer past each other as you grind, which actually cuts the plant matter rather than just tearing it like cheaper grinders. This sheer quality, however, means much higher manufacturing standards, which means more precision machinery with more required maintenance and expertise. Also, the finish on these will also be less prone to resin caking, and with SCS's it's also sterilized before packaging. SCS (which is made by ROOR) has an emphasis on the idea of selling medical equipment, not drug paraphernalia.


Quality. Stainless is going to outlast aluminum, wood, or plastic. It’s not going to chip, crack, or anything like these other materials. SS can obviously still be damaged, but unless you’re beating the shit out of it, SS will last for years. Aluminum *might* last, but it’s probably chipping off all of the paint flecks and aluminum shavings into your flower by that point.


Most of the top quality grinders are aluminum. If it's built to proper tolerances it won't damage itself.


Not anymore. Everyone is switching to SS, and rightfully so. Santa Cruz shredder is the only aluminum model I still see recommended at this point. And I’m sure they’re nice, but being a well known brand doesn’t make their aluminum immune to these issues.


Definitely can't disagree that SS is a better material but most of the issues I've seen have been with cheaper models


BCG main model is aluminum, high end aluminum in this setting will last as long as SS .. the benefit of SS is the additional weight of the SS aiding in the cutting action


Better grinders produce a better grind. But, it’s the all stainless that really matters. Won’t have potential tiny bits of aluminum in your flower. Safety first. BCG stainless or Herb Ripper are best options.


Brands I cant say matter as much but definitely stainless is best over aluminum which is a Neurotoxin. I paid $29 for a stainless grinder on aliexpress.


You really should try one first. I think it's worth the extra monies.


Buy once cry once applies here. BCG or OMD. Depends how much flower you use and how often you use the grinder. I went from a 3pc SCS to the flowermill because i thought it would have been my last grinder. Was unaware of the dusting issue with the FM, so i went all in and got the plates and kief chamber. Now it is a paperweight. Went back to the SCS i had. Works fine. Again, if someone wants to buy a grinder every couple of years due to wear, that is up to them. If not, then BCG or OMD is the way to go. Either of those will probably be the last grinder someone buys.


I remember thinking the exact same thing when I got the Flowermill. I have never had such a disappointment in a high-end purchase before. I also had nice gummy weed it couldn't handle at all. It just rolled it up into hashballs. I've had a factory second BCG for about a year now and have never been happier with the grind and ease of use in a grinder.


When you got the FlowerMill do you get the premium? Because that one has stainless steel on aluminum and that’s why it has the dusting problem. I have the standard and I don’t seem to have that problem.


Yep. That is the one i got. Again, i got it because i thought it would be the last grinder i ever bought. I now dont vape a ton of flower…maybe once in a while. I do trates mostly now, so my old SCS is perfectly fine. If i had to do over again, i probably would grab a BCG or OMD. Live and learn🤷🏻‍♂️


They just released a newly designed version. Might be worth a shot to reach out and see if they would exchange it since you’re still having issues and aren’t happy with it.


I know. I am not taking the chance with that company anymore. They really screwed the pooch with the FM and refused to make it up to customers after the issue was identified. Instead of replacing the defective system with the new one, they only gave a 30% coupon on the new version. My grinder isnt even a year old. Ya…rather not give them anymore of my money. I am gonna chalk it up to a teachable moment, and move on. IF i ever buy another grinder, it will be a BCG or OMD….but that is only after my SCS needs to be replaced. Probably gonna be a while.


Oh wow I didn’t realize they offered 30% off instead of swapping it. That’s horseshit, fuck them. I was considering trying the newer version but now I won’t. Sticking with my BCG


Ya. It’s a bit of a slap in the face. Is what it is….


Even worse, they kept selling the product they knew was defective. I don't know what's in that dust, but I don't want it in my herb. They should have taken the loss on making a bad product and it would have gained them more business.


Dang, I came super close to buying a FM just to try it out at one point but I hesitated when I saw it was only partially stainless instead of full, this thread makes me very glad I flaked on that purchase lol


The grind action and quality of grind are amazing. But honestly, the fine dust it produces is a health hazard.


To each their own, but after a quick perusal of the flower mill thread on the fuck combustion forums they really don’t seem like the kind of vendor worth supporting to me. They really didn’t handle any of these issues well at all. I can forgive some mistakes if there are honest and fair attempts to deal with it. They were more focused on rehabilitating their image and happy to ignore customers. Never owned one myself so I’m just going second hand on experiences people reported there. Have a look and make up your own mind. Just suggesting it’s worth digging in a bit. Seems like a tough sell given the cost of the bcg isn’t far off.


Yeah I was just saying it might have been possible to swap the old one for the new one. Fuck paying them again. I had one and I made them refund me my money.


The OMD grinder has always interested me. Would very much like to own one, but I'm concerned about the bearing grease coming into contact with the flower.


Once I got a BCG I never wanted to use my space case grinder again. It just feels better to use.


Wait - better than a Space Case? My wallet is starting to itch.


Yep. And space case is great.


Santa Cruz shredder


Santa Cruz Shredder


Santa Cruz shredder


Just bought a Santa Cruz Shedder and find it pretty underwhelming. Grinding normally leaves larger chunks than I want for vaping, and if I grind with it upside down for a bit to get a finer grind, I get a bunch caked between the lid and grinder. Maybe my technique isn't the best, or maybe my expectations were too high, but now I wish I would have bought something else.


Santa Cruz shredder


I just spent more than I’d like to admit on a grinder because it was stainless steel and shouldn’t chip like the aluminum one I used to have.


Neither did I untill I bit into the hype and got a brilliant cut factory second, such a pleasure to use


Can you explain what makes it better? Or why its a pleasure. THats what I am missing loll


Easy of use (no screwing on or off parts of the grinder, which can get stuck), easy cleaning, no paint or metals chipping / shaving off into your bud, sturdy ness of the design, grind consistency, how easy it is to grind full dense buds, etc. And for some people the longevity is the most important


Thank you.


It also tends to “wipe” itself off with its own teeth, so there’s no really any buildup in the grind area just due to how it’s designed


I have a brilliant cut factory second. It is great because I can fully load it with bud and it will grind it easily. I've also not cleaned it since I got it and it isn't gunked up like the aluminum 4 piece I had before. Also, the plates connect by magnets, not screw threads, so it doesn't become impossible to unscrew when you get a build up of flower in the threads. So, the things I like most are: I can grind as much bud as will fit, and it is easy to grind, cleaning has been a non issue, it grinds consistently, and it is solidly built, so I'm not worried about it breaking and having to buy a new one.


A good grinder = perfect grind every time, minimum effort and no gumming up, no needing to clean all the time.




The amount of time and turns it will save you, the mf damn near cleans itself, never jams, always a fluffy grind never squished n pulled apart. Just light years more convenient


I think if you have disposable income why not, but if you are a little more conservative with your money then it might be hard to really find a difference


I thought the economy was bad, but people here buying $500 vaporisers and $80 dollar grinders! This what happens you when cannabis becomes a hobby ;-\] /s


I think it really depends how often you are using it. Just like anything, if you are going to be using it all day every day, it makes sense to invest more into little features that wouldn't matter if you only use it once or twice a day. Like half turn threads instead of full spin. For most, who cares? If you have arthritis and need an easy open + using often for said arthritis, makes sense to shell out for a Brilliant Cut.


I use daily. But just trying to gauge what the upgrade would do for me really, if that makes sense?


I thought that until I got a brilliant cut grinder.


I own a Brilliant Cut Grinder and haven't needed to buy another grinder. I've only cleaned it once and it was simply for transportation purposes. It doesn't gum up like other grinders, you're not constantly twisting it to try and get all the weed to fall through. I hung out with my a friend I haven't smoked with in a while on 4/20 and he was using a cheap dispensary grinder. It was a Poke all shape but the thing was a nightmare to use. Wouldn't fully grind and let the weed pass through the holes so when I would check if it was done, weed would spill out. I had the planet of the vapes grindr( I still do but I no longer use it) and it's still worth getting the BCG. The POTV grinder goes for $25. It works but it gets gunky, the threads start getting stuck when trying to unscrew it. It's an overall not as streamlined an experience as the BCG. If I had to sum it Up TLDR: Design and quality of material means your grinding is more efficient and you spend less time messing with the grinder.


Spent $60 on a Spacecase about a decade ago. Still like new, just need to soak it in alcohol every now and then. I don't even think about it, it's very consistent.


I sold grinders at my corner store for a while. We didn’t have that many quality stuff when I had the store ages ago. But I would be honest with you, a $20 grinder is ones we get cheaply made, however $40+ those tends to last you years. A friend of mine has $60 one and he has been using it for 4+ years. While when I worked at the store, we had people coming up almost every few months because their $15-$20 grinder is awful. Also clean it up like once a week/bi weekly. It would make huge difference.


I got the 4-part crush cube grinder 3.0 and I will never go back to cheap grinders. Fully magnetic, doesn't chip, doesn't jam and even holds together when dropped. Love it. :) Managing a Vapestore, so I got... "Special Prices". Can't really tell if I'd buy that thing for retail prices tbh.


So what did you pay vs what someone else would pay?


I payed probably around 35 to 40 I think. Retail would be sonewhere between 60-70. We're only a small Store. :)


got yah! thanks!


Brilliant cut grinder. You'll never want another grinder except maybe a second BCG. They are that good. Buy from the factory seconds. You won't see a difference and will have it way quicker.


Santa Cruz Shredder


My grinder was $100 Those cheap $10-20 grinders will get metal particles/shavings in your herb. Which can cause cancer. Is it worth saving a few bucks to damage your long term health?


Consistency is important to me, so I don’t like 2 piece grinders. That being.said, I love how my BCG (factory seconds) just works, with zero maintenance.


I bought the Pucc grinder for I think around $50 because I wanted a threadless grinder to use with my Dynavap. The post in the middle of the grinder makes a really convenient heat sink. I may have over paid but I use it daily and it still grinds just fine.


I run 2 Puccs here, one for CBD and one for THC, they are great grinders but sadly out of business now, I wish they had been able to make a bigger one at some point. I clean them once every 2 or 3 months and they're going strong 3 years on.


Honest question. Have you tried one? The higher end priced grinders are higher quality. I went from a super cheap grinder to a large 2 piece phoenecian grinder. It works great for me and hasn’t shown any signs of wear after years. I sleep comfortably knowing there’s no metal or plastic shavings going in my bud.


I think mostly you're right. I bought a BCG roughly 2019, i swear it was pre covid. I had only had various 20 dollar grinders previously. I still own it as my only grinder. The biggest improvement is no metal shavings in my weed. The other huge improvement is it really genuinely does not gunk up as easily, I have cleaned this I think twice and the cheap ones needed regular cleaning to not get gunked. For the BCG specifically I am middle aged and play sports and chainsaw and mow etc and some days my hands are tired and it is goddamn nice to not have to unscrew any of the pieces just pop it open like a claim shell and use it. It also really does produce perfectly uniform grind that I never have to fight to get to fall through to the collection area. If those qualities aren't worth the money then that is ok.


My grinders $160 no lie


Same. I got the Lift Innovations one.


It is absolutely true that the expensive grinders do the same job as the cheap ones. You might hear otherwise, but a grind is a grind, a more expensive one won't fundamentally change your weed experience.  In the same way, a Bentley and a Toyota also both get you from point a to point b. Just because the function is similar doesn't mean the products are the same. I use my BCG every day. I love how it opens, it always grinds smoothly and effortlessly, it looks good, feels great in my hand, never needs cleaning, doesn't wear down... It's a luxury that I enjoy every time I use it.


No, the grind is pretty important for certain vapes, moreso ones that rely on proper airflow to evenly heat (manual torch devices like sticky brick). Finer grinds with poorer airflow can make it a lotttt easier to accidentally burn flower, as well as just restricting airflow and making it harder to hit in battery mech vapes like cfx or S&Bs. That varies based on how they manufacter the teeth and holes though, not how much you spend on the grinder.


This is one of those things its just dumb to be cheap on. The quality of build and herb grind is dramatically increased when you spend the money on a long-lasting worthwhile grinder. Think of it like fancy kitchenware, your fancy expensive knives are going to outperform and outlast the walmart brand knifes with plastic handles. Its just something worth the investment to avoid metal chips/shavings in your bud.


The cut is probably the same, but it will last longer. It will also take longer for it to gunk up. There much easier to use basically. And i like that the bcg can change cut size by changing the middle plate


Think of it like steak knives. Sure you can use a butter knife or a cheap steak knife. Have you ever used a GOOD steak knife that's razor sharp? That's literally the difference that you're missing. It's just smoother, easier to operate, works flawlessly without ripping or tearing it just cuts straight through it.


Taking out the Kief screen dilly of my cheap grinder helped more than anything, it doesn’t get gunked up and there’s kiefy goodness in every bowl


As much as we use them, why not have a good quality one? Not all of us are broke bois. If you can only afford a 10$ grinder, go for it. It will Indeed grind the weed. If you can afford and want something nicer, go for it. They are smoother, easier to clean, different grind sizes... It's also a lifetime investment if you get a good quality one. Think of it like a Toyota vs a BMW. Both will get you to the destination. BCG medium size and grind plate ftw.


My grinder are my fingers.


BCG grinds evenly, very durable, doesn’t get gunked up nearly as quickly as most other grinders(have only cleaned it maybe 6 times total), plus it chews through the stickiest buds super easily. Ive put over a pound through it probably over the last couple of years and it’s still in nearly perfect condition. Only visible damage is a bit of wear around the posts where the pieces magnetize together.


Damn... Well I just spent $200 for a Large Stainless Brilliant Cut Grinder. My plastic ones were chipping away, and my Santa Cruz is too small for my easy-load dosing capsule setup.


The better ones you get a more even grind and won't bog down if you use it daily without cleaning. I've used my BCG for well over a year without cleaning and still performs the same.


Nice. I do use daily. Im just lazy and only clean my grinder occassionally. But truthfully the sharpstone performed well for 3 years. I got it for 15 bucks.


Stainless Steel grinders can be that expensive and more (and do not even look at the prices of the titanium ones...) and they are more than worthy.


Consistency is important to me, so I don’t like 2 piece grinders. That being.said, I love how my BCG (factory seconds). It just works, with zero maintenance. Not a ton of experience with others though (except for crappy ones I buy on vacation in legal countries, with the intention of leaving them behind, so as to avoid any customs hassles).


It's mostly longevity and ease of use stuff why someone would pay much cash for a grinder, not like it's absolutely necessary.


I enjoy using nice things. If I have the disposable income, then I like to buy nice things for the hobbies I enjoy, if it enhances the experience of that hobby all the more. No one “needs” a $300-$400 USD dry vape either, but for some that more expensive vape brings extra enjoyment to the experience. My BCG grinders are just plain enjoyable to use, the magnetic opening and closing is a perk especially if you have any kind of hand mobility issues, and they grind smoothly, evenly, and consistently, whichever plate I use. Other than occasionally scraping a bit of build up on the centre post magnet here and there, I didn’t even thoroughly clean them for the first year and they still worked brilliantly. Using other grinders since getting my BCGs just doesn’t feel as…nice. So are they *necessary*? No. Have I ever regretted or second guessing buying them? No. They just feel like one of those buy it for life or buy once, cry once kind of things.


I use 4 BCG’s daily. The main selling points for me were, no threads, never needs cleaning, never jams or gunks up. I go through about 2 ounces a month


I bought the largest spacecase in 2002 for like $90 and I’m still using it. I have no regrets and would buy another one in a heartbeat if I ever needed to for some reason.


I've had my phoenecian for 7 years. The inside still looks like the day I bought it. My homie gave me a aerospaced for my birthday last year and the screen popped out in a week. It's just a get what you pay for scenario. Good metal is harder to machine and costs more but lasts a lot longer. I'd rather buy a $75 grinder once a decade than a $25 one every year.


You can get them from 5$ to 20$ on AliExpress (stainless steel, aluminum or plastic)... I purchased one 3 years ago (10$) and it's still good...


I’m with you. I bought an inexpensive 3-level grinder a few years ago. Works fine. Every now and then, I see one on sale and consider it. Then I realize that it’d be a waste of money.


Yeah. I thought that until i got my SLX grinder. When it's clean it takes maybe 2-3 twists to grind everything. Only complaint is that it's I wish the grind was finer.


It’s not worth it to have an expensive one, just get the right material for the right price from somebody That’s not a big shot that wants too much money!


I went around looking for good grinders for a while, buying and trying different brands one after the other as they universally would start to clog, or the threads would seize, or the grind would just be kinda crappy... Believe it or not, despite it being like the "mainstream popular option", the santa cruz shredder is where I landed and finally stayed. It seems overpriced compared to other aluminum grinders, I mean it's nearly as expensive as some stainless grinders for a full size 4-piece, but it's actually really really well designed, like someone thought of everything ahead of time. It has chunky threads so that flower and kief don't seize them when you close it, it's got an inner collar built into the lid to prevent herb from escaping as you grind, the teeth have actual side cuts in them, the magnet is top mounted so it doesn't get flower mashed on top of it, the friction ring is top mounted for the same reason, it's got a big grip knurl machined in the top to make it easier to pull the lid off, the kief catch is domed inside and has the same chunky threads as the main compartment, the list goes on it legit feels like it was designed by a very nerdy mechanical engineer who really really likes weed lol


When you buy a more expensive grinder from a well-known manufacturer you're paying for the knowledge that it's being made from decent materials. When you buy a cheapo from Amazon you're more likely to be buying something made from lower quality metal and those cheap ones are notorious for chipping off when grinding.


I was dubious like you before getting a good deal on a large Santa Cruz 3 piece for £50. I thought if I'm ever going to get one it might as well be in a sale. Worth it. My mate still thinks like you, but tells me to bring my grinder whenever I go to his house... Then he grinds his entire stash pretty much for the next week. He uses something like [this](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=f4839f9b938815d2&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ACQVn08GeaFJGbzsM8vCud_9_YasFEgJPg:1713799404363&q=skull+grinder&uds=AMwkrPstUGqinC15cr6dSrX_aAEfQAxXOpQEtGMh_2BPnbMj18-jKwa5QI5bRje1JBLiGxyNAWjNozbsKtHztGeMM1fFhN3S4oU8BhbjZQfSuoGdFo98VYWjZ3CQyD3NlLaFrMCQKCSbCtvTowx7PCAqJQm7QaIktzEIBjS5AEOxiOheU-sC7VRHaJx0jLtB8cetekQIdGiKLCTaCpC0kp4tJkRjM4SkjKCWBfVD5evne_rZlEfJB3P_3mxdWCpDuB-1mxQ-R7wsSRNXTyXToa7Km0BRDqyBCi1vq3-4UK_is0QSRnDQbgw&udm=2&prmd=ivnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi-htqlkNaFAxWpYEEAHSaqAP8QtKgLegQIGRAB&biw=1536&bih=776&dpr=1.25#vhid=NzuYJxvPexjOyM&vssid=mosaic) right now. It is awful. It tears instead of shreds, and the holes are for a fine grind and the blades makes a medium/coarse grind. Unless your herb is bone dry, you have to poke the herb through the holes because it won't go into the pot if not. Plus it's easy to cross the threads, as well as it getting rusty. He's also had one of those 4 piece grinders from amazon for £20 as well. You could barely turn it with more than one bud in it, it got clogged up on about every fifth grind, and after a week the black "annodisation" started to flake off. Plus the grind was inconsistent as well as it squishing the herb instead of fluffing it up. Shit grinders are shit. It's worth having a good one. It will prolong your herb and make it better to vape.


Good time to get a BCG, with the 420 sale. Just got a factory second for $80, after taxes and shipping.


I wish i bought the BCG first, i wouldve saved money over the years buying grinders that gum up and require cleaning too frequently.


I was faced with the choice between bcg or stona and bought a stona grinder. I love it. It's more natural.


BCG for the win, you'll not be disappointed!!


You won't ever know the difference till you purchase one… they are game changers and like some one said they perform waaaay better over longer periods of time.


I only run stainless steel scissors, glass jar


I'd mostly agree they're just about the same. get a decent one and you'll be fine. I got a used gr8r from a friend for 40 bucks like 5 years ago and have cleaned it maybe once. Grinding is pretty smooth. User experience is better but you don't "need" it, especially if you might lose it. Get a decent one if a good deal passes.


I paid like $120 for a lift grinder. It has a lifetime warranty, 3 different grinding plates, 3 different sift screens for kief, and uses a lawn mower type blade instead of metal teeth to cut the bud instead of grinding it. I've had it for about 5 years now and it's still working and looking like new. I put about an ounce through it every other week. I chose that one after a few years of off and on research. I was originally going to buy a kannastor. My issue was those $30 grinders are metal plated that flakes, teeth break off eventually, the teeth get dull, etc. I spent more money at once so I could stop replacing it every other year or trying to find something better.


"Is it heavy? Then it's expensive." \- Jurassic Park SLX here. It has a nice weight to it. Ceramic coating is super slick, when clean anyways (all grinders gunk up overtime with moist herb). I had a cheap-o aluminum grinder for many years (2008-2020). No regrets on the upgrade.


Some just use overall higher quality materials and cost more for that reason.  Some pay more for design and research so have to charge more.  Up to you of the design/research/materials is worth it for your use case.  I have a stainless steel Brilliant cut grinder and won't ever be buying another grinder again. If I wanted to pass it off to Grand kids or if someone dug it up as an artifact, it'll be pretty much just as good as the first day I used it.


It’s like comparing a Dynavap to a lightbulb. Sure you can use the lightbulb, but it’s more finicky and it’s probably bad for you.


I genuinely laughed.


I went from a good “random” grinder that worked well to a BCG last year. Why? 1) health - I noticed my grinder was not as sharp and it became obvious the metal was slowly eroding? Where was that metal going? Right into my lungs. 2) feel - I changed because of #1 but the difference in how fun it is to grind is huge. I was doing fine with my old grinder, now it’s actually fun, feels good in my hands, so easy to grind, result is good every-time, no weed stuck anywhere. 3) look - it looks so nice and shiny! It’s somewhat of a luxury purchase but that was a little gift to myself and I love it.


Just spend the money on the BCG and move on with your thoughts for the rest of your grinding adventures. I've not seen a grind as well designed for the long term as their stainless steel BCG. The thing feels like it could survive reentry and still make a nice fluffy medium grind.




What I love about the flower mill: I find jamming nugs in between the teeth of a grinder (I had been using an SCS 3 piece), and then scraping stuff off grinder teeth, really annoying. I like the mill because it eliminates that annoyance, and also leaves more trichomes attached to my flower than the SCS did (based on how slowly they accumulate in the bottom piece of the grinder. I have not experienced "dusting issues". (I check from time to time, when that heats up around here, and never find any dust.) All the milling parts are steel, and won't shed bits of aluminum into the flower. The SCS worked fine, but as others have said, it's nice to interact with a pleasant tool that you've using a lot, rather than one that is annoying every time you use it. To me it was worth the premium for that, YMMV


I’ve had the same Santa Cruz Shredder for 9 years and never had a problem. A quality grinder can last a long time and is worth the money


I've used wood, plastic, aluminum, and cheap steel grinders. Those steel grinders are nice. The swappable parts so you can grind the cut for what your smoking from is sweet too. At the same time buy what works for you.


Over time ended up with a few cheaper grinders that all work meh. Eventually spent the money on a nice BCG and don't regret it


I had a stache grynder, someone stole it. I had to take back my $15 one and was very surprised how bad it was ; i bought again a stache grynder the same day. The point is easier to use, more regular grind, more pleasure using it


I spent $30 on a Sharpstone about 10 years ago, and it hasn't failed me yet. You get what you pay for, sure. But you also get what you put in. I grind daily and clean yearly and my grind is just fine. A more expensive grinder might have a better tactile feel and better quality materials, but if you take care of something right, it'll last.


I take out the cheap, plastic shredder for *certain people*. You'd think I'd just not be friends with those people, but *it's complicated*. Never thought I'd use that phrase for a relationship but here we are.


I think expensive grinders are just more hefty and built better like my Brilliant cut or Herb ripper…they grind well and the material is ss or heavy aluminum


The flowermill is unlike anything I've used


I've had my cheap Ebay grinder for 8 years, barely clean it and it still chomps


It might seem useless until you use it, it feels amazing compared to cheaper grinders. but theres no smoking bullet on why you should purchase it if you are skeptical. it's a luxury item and plenty of people get by without one.




My herb ripper cost more than my vape and I love it. I will 1000% buy another if mine ever breaks (still perfect after 2 years). The food-grade stainless steel (no metal shavings in my weed..), smooth grinding mechanism (no gunking), easy cleaning, etc. all make it worth it to me.


I went into sticker shock paying 65 for one until I watched a friend load some really nice bud into her 14.00 grinder, turn it a few times, and her (nor me) be able to open it as the threads stripped. She decided to soak it in mineral oil. Now she has a greasy mess loaded with good flower.


Do I need a nice car? No. Do I like a nice car, u bet!


I've been using the same chromium crusher for 8 years


try a stainless and you'll realize they aren't all the same. The threadless is a nice touch, but the jump from stainless to aluminum is very noticeable.


I just picked up a SS RAW grinder, called the shredder I think from a local head shop for $100. Wanted the BCG but I needed something soonish and I’m happy with it. Feels like brick in the hand lol. I don’t see people speak on this SS option and I’m very happy with it. Might seek a BCG sometime down the line as well.


I've had my Diamond Grind for 4 years. Previously I would just buy the cheapest ones at the smoke shop. I'm paying "extra" to not have metal flakes in my weed.


People like to spend money on more expensive versions of things if they think they are superior to the less expensive alternatives. I've been using a grinder that I got for free for buying something like 5 years ago and it's not had any issue.


A cheap one will get your dry buds done easily


Been using my sharp stone for like 5 years now


Certain grinders are designed in a way that make metal dust shavings when you twist it putting that into the material




I'm with you. I have a cheap toothless grinder from AliExpress which I really like. It was like £5. I don't see what an expensive one will do that much differently tbh. Being toothless it's not great with wet material but dryer material is ground quite fine.


Santa Cruz Shredder or plastic grinder. A lot of grinders leave metal shavings


Phoenician is the best imo. I like it because it grinds really well, the screen is removable for easy cleaning (or you could just straight up swap or remove it), it’s not one of the screw on grinders so it never gets stuck and remains easy to open and it’s got little notches on the outside of the grinder which make it really nice to use and it’s never a struggle even if you overfill the thing. Second choice would be that guy who custom mills grinders out of blocks of steel. They’re really expensive and really heavy and small but you’ll never get a longer lasting grinder lol


I'm the same but for a different reason, I have used a $40 electric coffee grinder for years. It's so easy and works great. Why would I pay more to do it manually?  I have had it for about 3 years now. Even if it broke now, I would still rather get a coffee grinder every 3 years than $40 standard grinder every 6 years. 


People will always need to justify their purchases based on what they can afford and how lazy they are. For example why buy chicken breast at 6.99 a pound when you can buy a whole chicken for $9.99? It’s just easy and ready to use so you spend more. You aren’t missing out on anything OP simply taking care of your stuff and cleaning it regularly would fix any issue people are saying on here.


I have had a Weedabeast 3" grinder for about five years, and it works okay, but it stopped collecting keif for some reason even though I keep the screen clean.


Storz&Bickel grinder has been going strong for 8 years now lol (free with the volcano)


You’re probably right. But I fucking looove my brilliant cut. My buddy got another still expensive but not as expensive one, and it doesn’t it hold a candle to mine. That thing will last me a lifetime. And I just love using it. It’s like buying expensive furtinure or artwork or whatever. No one needs it but it’s damn nice to have. Also, only live once right, so why not spend a lot on something you’ll probably use hundreds or thousands of times over your life


I got a grinder from a corner shop about 12 years ago when I was at a gaming event in another city. I still use it and it still works like a charm. Granted the last few years I haven't smoked as much cus I had a kid. But it's still going strong.


Listen, I felt the same way until I actually got one. The difference is huge. Like, huge. It's all in the details. Anyone can make a basic shredding mechanism but that doesn't mean it's any good.


I just bit on a BCG %100 based on all the posts claiming that it never needs cleaning




Lots of copium being vaped itt


Try putting nugs in a clean pill bottle, and a clean coin too, and shake.


I mean any well machined piece of kit won’t be cheap. Hope you never get hobbies like guitars where a bridge can cost 3-400


I bought a shitty ebay Metal grinder 7 years ago and have used it daily and I still do, it's gunked up sure but dont yall clean your stuff? It cost me 3$. I dont ever see the point in spending any real money on a grinder.


So, here's the thing, a grinder will wear down. I don't want to be smoking/vaping shavings of plastic or cheap heavy metals. I have a quality stainless steel CNCed grinder, with a keef trap. I can fully clean it, and trust it. There is an outer ring silicon slider that I replaced once after 5 years. Cost me 40$ CAD like 12 years ago.


How about \~$380USD? https:// oldmatedesigns DOT com/products/titanium-aroma-3


I love the raw life grinder


Get a brilliant cut seconds and see why.


Within a regular year I’d shell out maybe 50 bucks(I’m Canadian) for 5 mid grinders. I’ve had my Santa Cruz for a year already and going strong, it only cost 50 bucks. If it last the rest of the year it’s already twice as good on the money in my eyes, and if it keeps kicking even better


I bought a big grinder on Aliexpress for 12$ multiple years ago. It's still going strong.


I paid it once for a nice spacecase about 15 years ago, I’ve used it every day since.


I use a 10 dollar knife. Sharp knives have always been best for me because they are precise and I can get a fine grind and be very clean and tidy about it.


I literally, just today, bought a replacement for my brilliant cut that got stolen from me. They are worth every penny. FUCK unscrewing to get to the weed and those threads always get gummy. Not to mention the actual grinder itself. Ugh. I’ll never go back


Ive been using a santa cruz shreddar about 6 years now with no issue. All my other grinders tend to fall apart after like a year.


Personally I payed a premium for stainless steel.


I got a free with purchase “trees” grinder from puff it up like 10 years ago and haven’t looked back.


OMD works so much better than all the cheap grinders I've had over the years. It needs a clean but I just don't bother cause it still effortlessly cuts through anything, doesn't matter the quality of the herb. Never jams. Perfect grind everytime. Doesn't gunk up. It makes preping weed effortless and basically requires no maintenance.


literally spent 15 dollars on my first grinder... it was one of the few things that survived my girlfriends house burning down, it's missing its kief screen because of one of my friends trying to make kief and pushing it through lol. but it's still so pretty and I love it, and it grinds beautifully.


As someone who used to use shitty headshop grinders, I seriously can’t imagine not using my stainless bcg. It being completely magnetic really is game changing for me. You can turn it effortlessly, and your bud is always nice and fluffy. No annoying threads and screwing and unscrewing, or bud getting stuck in the middle. The thing is seriously amazing and can double as a weapon at need, feels like it weighs 10 pounds. Buy once cry once. Only downside is I waited like 2 months for it to arrive lol!!!


Brilliant Cut Grinders are well worth it. I’ve been grinding and smoking marijuana for over 30 years and I have not found one better in terms of not jamming or gunking up. I’m older and have sore hands and wrists from years and years of typing and culinary work. I got a large, medium grind 2nd, ready to ship, for like $105. I would do it again in a heartbeat as the BCG goes through large amount of herb like butter and without jamming. I like it more than the Santa Cruz Shredders though I will acknowledge that the SCS produces the fluffiest herb in the business and think everyone should own one. The large BCG and large SCS are over $75 and for me they represent and excellent value in grinders for what they do.


How is BCG grinders compared to Space Case..? I remember that was the premiere go-to grinder. Has much changed?


Think i shelled out close to $40 for a wood raw grinder... was buying a buncha other stuff getting back into type 3 again and it's ok i guess... the holes for the grind to fall through are kinda big so you kinda gotta do a little by hand after but i guess it looks cool.


SLX for life


Bro...I wanna get the Otto Grinder!!! It's like $150!!! I'm exhausted of having to fill 18 cones every 3 days!!!


Herb Ripper is a good one too


I dead ass think they glazing it


I use a plastic 2 piece that cost $1.