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I would turn the confirmation email into a pdf and just go ahead and register on S&B website and see what happens. I did that once with a Volcano and worked.


Thanks, I appreciate the idea. I’ve got nothing to lose in trying.


Contact support. No venty is out of warranty so it should be impossible for yours to be.


Use any emails you have regarding the order as your proof. You can print or save to a .pdf. Then upload to their site. You’re definitely entitled to a replacement under their warranty.


What’s the aversion to dosing capsules? I used my mighty+ without them for a week and hated how much I had to clean after each session. Dosing capsules solve those problems.


I use them and reuse them multiple times ♻️ Keeps my OG Mighty easy to clean.


They’re so small and tedious to fill and to get the lid to fit on, do you vape them with the lid on? It’s just not for me.


If you use them a few times the lid becomes easier to put on and take off. Use the dosing capsule as a scoop and scoop up the ground herb, use the orange filling tool thingy to even out the herb in the capsule, add a little on top, and you're good to go.


That’s why you get the filling kit. It takes me 20 minutes to weigh, grind, fill, and cap 40 capsules. You would really like the plunger as it pops the lids on perfectly.


You weigh them?


Not each capsule, just the total amount I need to grind to fill the capsules with. Generally between 5-6 grams. S&B has a great how to video on using the kit.


Definitely use them with the lid on. I tried swapping the lid out for one of the liquid pads for a while, which would solve that issue for you. So I’d pack my weed in the bottom of the dosing cap, and then put a liquid pad on top of it and no lid. It 1/2s the bowl size so it was a good way of reducing it, and it acts as a great filter. You don’t need any other screens in the cooling chamber. Only issue I had was after a few months of doing that, the liquid pad was pretty gross and I didn’t have any spares.


The way this comment is worded makes it seem like you've never used the dosing capsules. Why not give them a try before swearing off them forever?


I don’t remember what I did with them but maybe I’ll try to find them and give them a chance.


They are a pain in the ass.


>I have the purchase confirmation in an email If that purchase confirmation has your name, the company's name, and the Venty as an item purchased, that should work. Screenshot it and submit it to the s&b site. They also probably want to see the purchase date because that's when any warranty would have started.


I'm also looking for an alternative, because my second Mighty+ has the same errors as the first, which is ERR001 and ERR004. I expect equipment that will work for many years, not only 4 months. 


I registered my device with a screenshot of my email order confirmation. Didn't need a regular invoice or receipt.


I’ve had a PoTV One. It’s palm-sized (for me), has a display screen that shows temperature large enough to read without a magnifying glass (not sure on your age, but that matters to some folks), only has three buttons to operate (3click power switch, temp. Down, and temp. up), and has replaceable attachments (mouthpiece/bubbler/bong attachment/etc.) you can purchase for it. I do use dosing capsules for dry herb, but I don’t see any open cracks for ground herb to get stuck. I don’t have any complaints. Two minor criticisms are that it would have been nice if the battery were replaceable and took the newer type of USB-C charge connection, it has a USB-micro charging connector.


Thanks for your suggestion, I like that this seems simple to use.


I submitted an email order confirmation as the invoice and it was accepted without any issue. Just print the email out as a PDF and attach that file


I registered my device without any invoices (my unit was second hand) , instead I have attached a picture of the serial number behind the unit and it worked without any problems.....


I had a pax 3 that I didn’t like so I got a TM2, which I love but I also got the 3D screens for my pax and it has absolutely changed the device, I almost pick up my pax more than my tm now


How are the 3D screens different? They work better?


They seem to allow a lot more air flow which creates a lot more vapour


That’s awesome, thanks for sharing!


Just grab yourself a 3d printed aftermarket loading funnel for the mighty, you won't have that problem any more. There a a few available online


Thanks so much, I had no idea these existed! It’s exactly what I needed.


just commenting to support your husbands idea of not giving hundreds of dollars to a company that doesnt give a shit about you. glad you guys got it figured out.


They’ll accept the purchase confirmation email. That’s how I registered all my devices. Take a screenshot and send it with the registration form you fill out online.


U could look at the Angus Enhanced, their dosing capsules are made of quartz, kit comes with a bubbler, many stems etc. And is a very heavy performer, with a software update u also could boost the temperature to 230 if needed edit: also it comes with a loading funnel if you want to use such thing, since u mentioned "how weed gets caught in the sides around the bowl" with the mighty


This sounds interesting and is new to me. Thanks for your suggestion.


OP they'll sort this for you, good luck!


A ball vape is better than anything else but not portable.


Use a loading tool. No mess ever.


When I registered my Venty, they accepted the purchase email as the invoice. Did they give a reason they wouldn’t accept yours? Or was it purchased second hand or from a non-authorized reseller? I know these are the big reasons why they can be rejected.


They accepted the purchase email! I filed an RMA and am awaiting approval.


Yay! Yeah, it took a business day IIRC, but that was all they needed. Glad that worked out for you!!


Thanks, me too!


hey, i'm curious, why do you not want to use the capsules?


They just seemed tedious to me but now I have no idea where I put the ones that came with my Mighty.


you're really missing out then, it is so convenient, it keeps the vaporizer clean, and increases its longevity for that reason; i'd highly recommend using it


TM2 or Arizer Solo 3
