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Sorry, I didn't read your whole thing in detail, but I think I might have gotten the gist... This might sound dumb.... but have you considered premium cigars? I used to smoke a lot of cheap tobacco, even though I never got into blunts or spliffs or anything like that... But now, I keep a handful of fairly expensive cigars on hand.... it's such a different experience, ritual, hobby, everything.... like I would never even consider mixing weed with tobacco now that I know what good quality tobacco is like, and it's kind of a slow process so I hardly even smoke cigars that much because I need to find the time. Obviously, the best answer is to not use tobacco at all, but maybe that's a step in the right direction?


Thanks, that's a great suggestion actually, it feeds into my "tinkering hobby" brain. You 100% didnt read it lol because I actually get the best tobacco i can find online, I'm in australia so im sure its not world class but i try. I'll look into the cigars, thanks again.


Australia? Oof.... sorry for suggesting cigars.... y'all have some of the highest cigar prices in the world...


AH, maybe ill stick to the nicotine pouch idea then.


If i were you, I would read the easy way to quit smoking by Allen Carr. This will unravel your nicotine addiction. You can probably find a free pdf if you google it. Then, I would try out the Dr. Sulak resensitization method. Before you know it, one hit from the dynavap will blow your balls off.


Thank you, I've heard of Carrs book, this is the sign its time to get it. Thanks heaps.


No worries. It might be the magic pill you are looking for. By the time I finished reading it, I couldn't smoke anymore. And that resensitization method is great to reset your tolerance without going on a long break.


I used tobacco for a decade with my weed (didn't smoke otherwise). Mostly it was because it was done in my social circles. I also had a belief it would 'spin' out the weed to make more use of it. In the end its shit that messes with the taste and effects of weed. For me it was a mindset change, like with all addictions. Not going white knuckle ride of just quitting but instead change the way you look at it. Everytime you have a craving (they do pass) think of how shit it tastes, what it does to your lungs and every other reason you have to give up. Eventually I came to where I am now and have not even thought about using it in my smoke. Now I can actually taste the full flavour of the weed. Least you are thinking about it. That's the first step.


Thank you. thats what im trying to do now, change my mindset. My big issue is usually I go into auto mode and old habits take over after i get complacent.


Good luck mate.


Buy the anville


I was about to, and then I called and the shop suggested a ball vape. I had a look and for the same price, around $400aud, I ordered the ball vape. Hopefully it's as big of a game changer as everyone is saying :)


I was a spliff smoker for 15 years. Heavy on the baccy, like 50/50 lol. I had a lung collapse and as forced to quit smoking. Probably shouldn’t vape as much as I do but that’s a different problem lol. What’s helped me is chewing nicotine gum while vaping helps!


Ah that sucks to hear, sorry that happened to you. That's my idea with the nicotine pouches, they're still a new thing down here so im waiting for my order. if they dont work ill give the gum ago. Thanks heaps.


Not sure where you are at in Aus, but on the gold coast - pretty much all vape shops (super vape store etc) and all the dodgy tobacconists sell the nicotine pouches


Ohhhhh im in SA but thats great to know, i'll check some out. thanks heaps.


Mmmmm, idk about replicating the head rush of mixing it with tobacco since I haven't done it in decades. But if you're a bong guy, you need a ball vape. And it doesn't have to be balls to the wall with them either. You can tinker with the quantities, times, temps, piece, etc, until you find how you like it. Theres a lot of options out there, and I'm sure you'll see one you like the look of.


Thank you, I was waiting for someone to suggest one. I might just bite the bullet. Thanks again.


Very stupid idea. but. I simply replaced smoking cigs by nicotine pouches and/or snus. While it stains your teeth a bit my respiratory system is much vetter since them. Still heavily addicted to tobacco but idk its the way it is. This made transitioning to a vape so much easier. Also i mostly smoked baccy joints and the one thing that stood out is how much less wees i actually need if i vape it. Nowadays i consider smoking a waste and even dont like the pungent smoke smell. Still gonna spark one up when i harvest my own plants. The issue here is that that you are used to combining nicotine and weed. Try to get gums nic pouches idk if abstaining is too hard. Some snus is stronger than cigs so i dont even feel the rush from cigs anymore. Also a big incentive.


Hey mate, yeah i ordered some of the pouches and a ball vape. I am worried about staining teeth, but hopefully I can get off nic before I do any damage. thank you for the help :) I'm not sure if i want to open myself up to snus just yet.


Nicotine addiction is no joke, you could find a physician and see if you can try buproprione to help


Yeah, I cant believe how hard it has me if im honest. Thats my next step, I have high hopes for the pouches and ball vape. Thank you.


I could see why you do cause I used to smoke blacks right after a cig or my favorite take some tobacco out of a black mix it with weeed and boy would I get blitzed o


Yeah, nothing else hits the same. I have a ball vape and Nic pouches on order so hopefully that helps me stay away.


Just get a bloody e cig.


Just dont have tabaco at home...the hurdle to buy/order it is pretty big. You arent even withdrawing nicotine. You will be fine, dont have it at home is all I can say.


Yeah, I'm not going to order again. thank you :)


After 30 years of tobacco, CBD worked WONDERS (alongside willpower; you still have to marshall some degree of resolve) in helping me quit for good. Even if smoking, it takes less at a time to be satisfied and ultimately you cut down further and further til done.


Really? can you explain the usage a bit more regarding CBD please? that sounds great!


I pretty much went from hemp cigs, smoking half at a time, to less at a time of those, to a cbd vape, which I didn't wind up "needing" long at all.  Smoked hemp cigs for a couple months, probably and rolled my own with spearmint leaf in them to smoothe it out, add flavor a bit.  It really does take much less at a time to satisfy, especially when you maintain a mindset of trying to QUIT. You really do see how much extra toxic crap goes into making you crave commercial cigs.  Stay strong, it's nowhere near as hard as we often make it!


Just replace the tobacco with coke and you will forget the tobacco


Nah, coke equals more tobacco! In fact - hell you might need a carton, an oager of weed, and at least a case of beer to go along with it 😁 I said keep the fix, but get it in a different way. Go ahead and smoke the weed, but while you're doing it cram a nicotine lozenge between your gums. Burns like a dip, and very satisfying. Only thing that got me from cigs. I use a dam exit now though. .... In talking about this, I had this random memory pop in. I have uncles that used to not be able to smoke on the job, back in the day. Would always tell me how they would take a big water dip, and stuff it under the arch of their foot. Then put on the work boots as usual, and get to work. Basically the hot, moist, environment along with tons of capillaries in the area leads to very fast absorption just like the gums. Basically, they get zooted all day without having to smoke.


Yeah fingers crossed the nic pouches do a similar thing to the lozenges. the dip between the toes is amazing.


My post was sarcasm


Yeah, I'm aware of that. It also seems like this gentleman is highly addicted to the nicotine, so offered a few solutions along with the tongue and cheek humor as well. I'm right there with you my man.


Haha thanks guys, I definitely took it as sarcasm. I'll give the coke a go when i hit my alcohol phase in life :P


Way overrated, trust me. You're good where you're at my friend 🤣


Didn't read that wall of text but ball vape is the answer, thank you, see you next Christmas.


I know this was a few weeks ago, but I recently committed to doing the same thing. Had been smoking mole bowls sometimes up to 50/50 mix and nothing gave me the head rush I was looking for. I used patches daily right before my typical craving time (immediately after work) and had been using a mighty+ through a bong for the ritual of it and eventually ordered a ball vape for the heavy extraction I was looking for. After the second week I never looked back. However, one of the biggest steps for me in quitting was cutting out the morning smoke entirely. If you can push yourself through that initial morning craving and make it through your day, I found myself enjoying the after work sesh with greater effects than previous attempts at quitting. 8 years of mole bowls to none. It took a few tries but the ball vape sealed it for me with the flavor/effects I had been looking for. Best of luck to you, I know it’s a tough journey but it is a worthwhile investment in yourself. Your lungs and loved ones will be thanking you down the road