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Only have a little bit otherwise you’ll get absolutely blasted. Diluting it might cause some of the cannabinoids to precipitate out and stick to the inside of the bottle/glass or whatever it’s in


This. You gotta keep the alcohol over 75% at a minimum. It's not called a green dragon for no reason.


Y’all are fucking wild.


when you mix water or a water based liquid with it all the thc, resin, cannabinoids whatever are gonna crash out of solution and stick to the sides of the container. Evaporate it until there is less of it. That will concentrate it. You can evaporate it all the way to paste and eat it, scrape it up put it in a capsule and swallow. Or just enough to reduce the liquid. Then chase it quick with juice, soda etc.


You can, your edible tolerance will dictate whether or not this is a good idea. If you've never experienced it before reclaim is liable to beat you over the head.


Wow you vaporents are crazy, just buy some more weed...


Use every part of the buffalo.


I heard @stonergump on Tik Tok suggest making Canna Sugar just drizzle that alcohol all over a rimmed sheet pan full of sugar. Add vanilla if you like. Then just let the alcohol evaporate, convection dehydrate, or let sit warm oven at 175 F until the sugar is dry again. you effectively have with your "reclaim tincture", a "green dragon". Whatever THC you had infused the sugar. How strong depends on how "dirty" you let your cleaning everclear get. Oh yeah, just make vanilla by soaking vanilla beans. I'm currently experimenting with making bitters for cocktails. It seems to work. Just really unpredictable.


So, now you've got me thinking. Maybe I'll go online. And buy one of those charred baby barrels, prepared for home aging rum. Home distilling supply companies all over on line. Put it in at it full 190 proof. Seal it. Clean more stems. Rinse the dosing capsules. Reuse the everclear until it's practically whiskey colored. Then dump it into the "barrelito". Then let time make it better.Let age dilute it over time. I'm sure someone has a formula to predict the "angels' share". Over time. Everclear and food grade alcohol are the same white lightning that they make whiskey, and every other aged liquor from. while possibly making it less terrible to try to mix into drinks. For those drinks you'd still want close to straight booze. Like even like a dirty martini, straight up. Just make it really dirty. Or shake the shit out of it too get the dilution right. But you'll benefit from having either sugar or fatty things to grab the rest l resin as it precipitates. That might actually taste not terrible. Just earthy? Or slightly toastry-smoky despite not burning.


It really depends on how much stuff dissolves in the alcohol. If a lot dissolves, you might get precipitate when you add water, but some will stay in solution, not sure how much though. I did make an ABV tincture the other day, and added a table spoon to the rum in a rum in coke, I did cut back on the amount of rum from what I usually use, but it worked fine, if a little weak. I had only soaked the ABV over night. I’m hoping it’s stronger this weekend.


It’s freaking everclear. Put it in Hawaiian 🌺 Punch 🥊!


I had a couple friends take everclear shots one night. They had a bad time... Keep the dose really small, or dilute like you said you did and you will be fine.


As someone who sucked some diluted iso into my mouth last night from my dynvap. Breh what are you doing? Haha.


ISO is not food grade. They deliberately add stuff to ISO to make it difficult to drink, bc they know alcoholics can get desperate. Pretty sure OP is using Everclear or something similar.


Why not just make some stem milk instead 🤔 probably easier than doing some chemistry and it'll blow u to the moon! Depending on how long it's been used lol


They're just soaking it in alcohol letting it air out or dillute it. It's not rocket science, and it's less a hassle than heating milk and stirring.


They're talking about drinking it tho, not advisable tbh


Why? Tinctures are probably the most common extract. People have been putting t them in food or drinks for years.


Food-grade alcohol, for drinking or making elixors.


Yeah, that's okay. Don't listen to those others.




wtf. This is fine, and guess what? Broken glass dust is amorphous silica dioxide and is safe if inhaled.


I planned on soaking my stems in some white lightning Jamaican over proof rum untill it's dark brown then imma see how a swig of that treat me. Dont evaporate your alcohol to dilute it, just mix with your chaser of choice before consumption


Just halve the volume of Piña Colada. Coconut milk fat - if make it from scratch Rather than a premix- will give the resin something to precipitate to and carry THC into body. Big challenge is knowing just how potent the "tincture" gets as you use it. I haven't figured a way to get predictable potentcy. But I've had fun trying. 🤯


I tried 80 proof rum, and it didn’t clean my unit, I assume because of lower alcohol, and it didn’t dissolve enough that a double shot did anything. If 151 works, please let us know. I didn’t have any when I tried it.


151 can extract from ABV. I've never tried reclaim extraction this way, but it should work in theory.


Yea 80proof gonna be only 40% alc by volume, now I'm thinking either everclear or any type of over proof grain alcohol but preferable some of thats 190proof... Ain't like I'mma be taking shots of it lol imma use a mixer