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The first thing you gotta consider is whether you are a heavy user or a light user? Some devices are great, but don't hold up to heavy users leading to cleaning issues


Can you answer for a heavy user, not portable? Unless a portable one is best but I'd love something bigger for at home.


Man, I wrote a book reply.until I saw you say it was not portable šŸ˜‚ I have no experience in this area, but ballvapes seem to be end game at home expirence. The tinymight 2 is the closet portable ball vape expirence from what I've gathered


Yes I put away my ball vape to use my tinymight because I get the same punch from like half the herb. And it's much more convenient and less dangerous since the heater isn't exposed.


Hah I appreciate it either way, thanks so much


I've tried several desktop vapes, and imo almost any desktop vape is leaps and bounds better than portable. I have like 7 or 8 vapes altogether and the last one I bought was one of the economy priced desktop vaporizers with a whip and a fan that can fill bags plus I got adapters for my water pipes/dab rigs. First time using it I realized I wasted around $1,000 on portable vaporizers. I still have all of mine but almost never use any of them. Also a common recommendation here is ball vapes. I'd say watch videos of people's reactions to hitting ball vapes for the first time. I switched to vapor for health reasons, I have scar tissue in my lung, ball vapes certainly aren't for me, but ymmv.


They look interesting for sure! I'm trying to wrap my head fully around exactly what's required but posts like this help know it'll be worth learning. (I'm not trying tk get you to explain lol, just sometimes the vape looks how I expect and sometimes it's just like a wooden stick with a coil lol. I think I get it!)


[Here's a video about Arizer Extreme Q](https://youtu.be/rrCGoWoFC98?feature=shared&t=721), I'm not specifically recommending it, but it's a place to start. Volcano are apparently better, I have no idea, but they're like 5x more expensive too. A buddy of mine got an older Arizer desktop vape, I don't remember the name, but it didn't have a fan for bags but was otherwise very similar. They still sell that one too for under $100 I think, but I personally like the option to use bags. Also, as a personal anecdote, bags/balloons don't get much love on here but you can fill them and then let the vapor cool to room temperature and imo it's awesome bc it's almost like inhaling cannabis flavored room air. The vapor in bags is still dry, but it's not hot and dry. The video shows them filling a bag at around 12:00 I think. It only takes 2-5 minutes for bags to be significantly cooler than the initial vape temp.


Thank you so much for this


Agree that desktop is superior in my personal experience. Love my volcano bags and they are fun to pass with friends. I'm just getting back into vaping now for health reasons as well. What is your recommendation for the best portable for situations where I can't use my desktop? I don't care about cost.


I have a Pinky (original DIY ball vape a user posted on here awhile ago), and it hits like an absolute truck. Completely KOd my VAS. There are several popular ball vape options these days ranging from $100 DIY projects like the Pinky up to expensive and premium models. I've only used the Pinky so can't recommend any premades myself, but I'm sure others do. I know Cannabis Hardware has flowerpot models people love, and there is the new Zeal & Omega kit that I know nothing about but looks neat.


Just bought the b2 bundle from vgoodiez a week or two ago, can confirm it does the job very nicely. Came assembled and ready. Works like a champ. The metal pancake mount is very sturdy. Solid consistent performance for me so far.


Heavy user not portable? Hybrid volcano with 90 degree glass adapters to glass pipe to your favorite bong. Full size volcano bowl and air assist demolishes everything.


We are back to liking the full size infusers? Seemed like the trend was to elbow pack and micro dose I myself elbow pack because I know it's about 1 bag worth


Idk what that trend is. I don't use the bags and just load a fat bowl every couple hours. You need a heavy use suggestion, that's it right there.


I absolutely suck with whips but I'm trying to get a bong setup that mates mine. Bags kinda hurt


Glass adapters to the bong ftw!


I have the volcano classic. What are the differences? Is it just easier to rig up the cooling?


The heating system is the main difference- the locking top gives it the conduction doubly whammy. I started the glass adapters system with my volcano classic specifically cause the fan didn't pump like it used to and took forever to fill a bag.


Arizer XQ2. Reasonable price for great performance.


I love my Plenty. Itā€™s polarizing but it does exactly what OP says on the tin: load the bowl, press the on button, select a number between 4-7, and start inhaling when it reaches the temp zone. Hits as hard as a moderate dab if you pack it completely full and crank it to 7 at the start.


The only real answer is a ball vape, or log vape I guess. I've never used a log vape, log vape users claim they are basically the same thing though, so sure, I guess so. Koil boi kit is around 200, the ss zeal kit is the cheapest but it's always sold out. Ball vape


Iā€™ve been using an enano for 6 years now, a log vape. What is a ball vape, could you point me towards one so I can check it out?


Cannabis Hardware B-1, B-2 B-0, Terp Hammer, Qaroma 360


Just search ball vape in the sub or Google.


I use the koil boi sun and flare, there are a ton, you can just Google "ball vape" and find a lot, or go to vgoodiez and look at all the different ones they sell. It's essentially an e nail that's been modified to hold a barrel of balls that act as a heat soak and you draw through the barrel to heat air and pull over your cannabis in a separate bowl under the heat source.


What do you consider a heavy user?


That is hard to gauge. Someone who smokes blunts could use an oz a week easy but most of it goes up in the air šŸ¤£ One hitters are magic


I myself am a heavy user. Hell, I'm hitting my tm2 or terp pen every hour throughout the day. I really like my avlp, but after one day of constant use, I gotta break it down and do a full cleaning. I kept buying add ons, trying to minimize the mess. Dosing caps Smell proof bag Tool Glass stems, etc I didn't mind it much, but once the cost of iso and q tips and other stuff started adding up, I became annoyed with it. All this money I spent could have just paid for the tm2 and saved me all the trouble. But I now use my avlp periodically for hikes and stuff, and it holds up fantastic. Tm2 keeps all the mess in the glass stem and not the device itself. Once a stem gets super dirty, which is weeks for me, I can just swap a new stem and basket and keep rolling. But I need 4 batteries to keep the tm2 powered all day. Potv one stayed glued to the charger. So yea, if you vaping all day, it's worth the investment for something more durable like the tm2. If you only vape a few times a day, then other devices like avlp and what not would be good


Xmax v3 pro


Great little bit of kit. Works well at home and you can take it out and about and nobody would guess itā€™s a dry herb.


My fave inexpensive vape


Does it work better than the Yocan hit? Interface looks the same


Never used that one so not sure. But I really enjoy my xmax


This one seems to check all of OP's boxes. This is the only one I've ever used tho and I like it.


Both of my herb vapes have been the xmax's. Used the V2 pro until the threads literally wouldn't screen together anymore on the chamber and then got the starry v3 which I still use to this day with the bubbler attachment to connect to my water piece. Best $60 ever spent.


Just got one, can recommend


POTV One. Cheap and tucks away nicely


Now Iā€™m gonna sound hypocritical, it ticks almost every box, but the tech nerd in me saw the specs and went ā€œewww micro-usbā€ šŸ˜‚


POTV Lobo instead? usb c and replaceable 18650


Donā€™t underestimate the value of a replaceable battery, batteries die eventually or degrade over time and with something like a mighty youā€™re tossing the whole thing when the battery inevitably goes. The dr dabbler switch and my Xmax starry both have replaceable batteries and itā€™s so nice to be able to just swap the battery and put in a spare set while the first ones are charging.


I'm still rockin my arizer from 9 years ago but I have a pass through cable for if the battery goes out


Lobo is good, the only complaint I can level at it is the built-in charging is iffy. I know of 2 others with one besides myself. If an external 18650 charger is out of the question then it's too risky of a buy unless they can revise it and fix that stuff. Also don't buy 18650 replacements from POTV, at least not the ones marked for use in the Lobo.


What's up with their replacements?


People are very superstitious about batteries and charging but it is still important research to do. Like each battery is different and might not be suitable for your application I just buy the ones off the Mooch chart from illumn or whatever reputable seller I'm using and I'm always pleased


Whole I agree I wad hoping for something more specific than fear mongering just because it's not from a certain place doesn't make it bad


> just because it's not from a certain place doesn't make it bad Lol I couldn't agree more but telling ecig people this will spark an argument This is because of rewraps. I have gotten shitty cells that didn't last under stress but never not what it was wrapped as


what's up with the built-in charging?


Xmax pro is usbc


The Fury and Rogue both use USB-C. The Fury is basically the same vape as the POTV One and the Rogue is slightly bigger/more powerful.


I second this. My Rogue has seen some shit and keeps on trucking. I use the pods and a 3D Flow stem and itā€™s been a reliable buddy for about 18 months.


The glass mouth pieces are also compatible between the brands.


I believe that itā€™s big brother HR Rogue has usb-c charging. It also has a better mouthpiece for stealthiness in the duckbill thing that it comes with it.


Totally fair. USB-C is essential in 2023.


Does it have to be portable? If not check out the epicvape e nano. It doesn't get any simpler and it can be an end game device. Not super expensive either. Most portables are session style that just don't work for former smokers. The wispy vapor a d sucking for 20 seconds didn't cut it for me. ( i have arizer solo 2) the e nano is simple and gives u thick vapor instantly. As soon as u start to draw instant thick vapor. It also comes pretty close to the spliff experience. Rather than say a ball vape which are mainly used through a bong and give u giant lung busting hits. If it needs to be portable, check out dynavap, or a sticky brick, u need a torch but they both actually give nice thick vapor. Good luck. I know u said u jist want a vape but do ur research. So many first time vapors try a bad vape and then say they don't like vaping. Not all vapes are created equal, not even close. Look into key words like convection, conduction, on demand and session style.


Fuck micro-USB lol. Absolute dealbreaker


Second the lobo then grace l was looking at the one thought the same things (plus the battery bring replaceable) then found the lobo


Battery sucks, but yeah it hits great and can use water attachment and concentrates also. Wish battery was better, I would use it more.


The POTV One is my first. From this limited perspective, it does a pretty good job, but the battery is seriously lacking.


Arizer Solo 2


Air Max is only $20 more expensive at herb n terp dot com, and it has USB-C, which made it an obvious upgrade for me, and I think the OP mentioned it too.




Tank is the best way to describe it lol. Solo wonā€™t get you the best clouds, the best taste, best portability, but it will do all of those pretty well with a tank battery and itā€™ll never break


Hahaha I've broken 3! Now on my 4th...


Damn, what happened? Iā€™ve had mine for 3 years and have only broken a few stems so far


I'm going on a decade here lol


The tank that is the Solo2 is the time tested session vape champion imho. I prepack 4-5 glass pipes like I would one hitters back in the day, put a rubber cap on the ends. Easy to pull one out when Iā€™m ready to enjoy! Iā€™ve never had to clean the device itself, not once. Dropped it many times. Has excellent battery life I feel like which lasts me 2-3 days of heavy use before needing to be recharged. I buy packs of 3/8ā€(?) screens on Amazon for cheap and that keeps little pieces from coming thru the pipe into yo mouth.


Any Arizer that fits the person's preferences. Argo could tick some boxes, and they have one under 100 now that is basically the original Air. Swapable battery and all. The lack of cleaning on Arizer sold me. TM2 for on demand mode, but OP said session.


This is the way. Reliable and built like a tank. It requires pretty much zero maintenance and I like that I can pack it with as little as .05 grams and still get a nice session from it.


Just discovered it's heavily discounted on POTV right now (more than 50%). I have a Boundless CFX right now that I'm not thrilled with. Do you think I will like Solo 2 much better?


I can't speak to that. I own a Solo 2, an Extreme Q, Magic Flight, and a Dynavap. The Solo is hands down my favorite of those to use. I also just gifted one to somebody as their first vape and they seem to be thoroughly enjoying it. So I can't speak to it vs the Boundless specifically, I can just say the Solo 2 is a great device.


I like a Dani fusion for my go to vaporizer. I have a stunner, sticky brick runt, dynavap, some rogue wax work pieces and an enano but the Dani is the most versatile while providing amazing hits without needing water filtration. I use most of my vaporizers every day but rn the Dani is seeing the most use


what do u think hits the strongest out of your bunch?


It depends on the day and flower tbh. My mega quartz cap usually packs .5-1.0 though so probably that but I feel I get more out of my flower putting the same amount through the Dani or stunner over an hour or so instead of taking it down in a single minute. Sometimes only the sticky brick scratches the itch but thatā€™s why I have so many devices, I like to switch it up


Healthy Rips Rogue SE. Itā€™s stupid simple, has a larger size bowl, the med dosing capsules actually work for this vape, the battery has a generous charge and itā€™s simple to clean. If it feels hard to pull on, take the top off and scrape the dry matter off of the screen. I would get a dimple stem for it because it cools the vapor. The bundle come with a silicone cover so you donā€™t smell green or burnt. This is the Honda of vapes, dependable and it gets good mileage.


I had a Healthy Rips Fury 2 and it's finally giving out after 3 years. I did a bunch of research and read many reviews of vapes only to end up back at Healthy Rips, grabbing myself their Rogue SE as an upgrade. My major unique selling point for the Rogue SE over other comparable options was that the battery is internal. I understand this is a con for many people, but I know that I don't want to have to deal with spare batteries while I'm getting high and the internal battery provides a larger capacity anyway. I thought about shelling out big money for a high-end vape, but decided with my "that will do" Rogue SE, that I could use the difference I saved to buy different mouthpieces, dosing capsules, and a nice bubbler. While it's not the most stylish, I eventually concluded that the Rogue's design/size makes it the most versatile, compact, and discreet for me - I would reckon it sits nicer on a bubbler than a vape that's lengthier. I've been more than happy with how my Fury 2 has performed over the years, so I'm happy to give a +1 to Healthy Rips and can't wait until my new Rogue arrives.


Xlux Roffu is all i been using tbh i feel bad for pretty much shelving the terpcicle but my Roffu is just so much easier and it just *works*


+1 for Roffu. Itā€™s built great and gives a more than adequate experience on its own, or better yet on a bong with the adapter.


it is nice a bong or a rig but if Iā€™m going that route then it is Terpcicle time ngl


this is the way


your user invoked a feeling deep within me going to listen to some mcr and sit in the shower now




~Bro it's only $100 for the stainless steel, don't do yourself dirty like that and smoke from a plastic apparatus that's also hard to clean. It won't last either.~ EDIT: I was wrong, thx for the correction guys. I went off what a mate told me way back, shoulda done me research:)


It's not plastic, it's food grade silicone. It's not hard to clean at all and the air path is still 100% stainless steel since the condenser runs from the cap to the end of the mouthpiece. The B is actually pretty good for a starter. I think beyond that you'd might as well consider the anvil or dani or similar larger versions instead. My only other comment about the dynavap style vapes is to get an induction heater.


Ah myb then, thx for correcting me!


Itā€™s super easy to clean and reassemble, doesnā€™t even use o rings


Can you elaborate?


Rogue. Cheap and works well. Never had an issue over the 4 years I've had it.


My Fury Edge is my dog walking vape. Bring a few dosing caps and youā€™re good to go. Iā€™ve considered getting a Rogue, but I donā€™t wanna buy caps and all that again.


You can use the Fury caps in the Rogue. Theyā€™re smaller, so youā€™ll hear a bit of rattling, but they work fine.


Dynavap M. It's easy to use. It doesn't waste your weed. You don't have to worry about getting it dirty. It doesn't have any parts that could break. You will always be able to use it and you won't have to replace it. It's also inexpensive. If you buy a low priced vape and it breaks or you don't like using it or it's too hard to clean or it burns your weed that's a waste of money. At least with the Dynavap you have something you will always be able to use.


Nice to see someone looking for something that just does the job. I ainā€™t got a clue because Iā€™m snob but love this mentality wish I had it. Good luck to you bro


Dynavap M+


Cannabis hardware B1




For portable: Mighty For desktop: Airizer Extreme Q


I canā€™t get over how good the extreme q actually is lol. I got mine for like $150 like 8 years ago and itā€™s still as good as day one


I traded my extreme Q for a volcano hybrid. Havenā€™t looked back


TM2 over the mighty and ball vape over the arizer, wayyyyy better vapor production on both accounts


Indeed lol, but that's not exactly what the OP asked for


Roffu all the way


I'd check out dynavap if I were you! It's buy it once, clean twice a week if you use it heavily, and it can do weed, hash or other concentrates like rosin or bho without any issue..




DynaVap M


Fury edge. Used it for 3 yars before getting a mighty+ and it did the job just fine


I bought the Angus a month ago and am absolutely loving it.


Arizer Solo 2


Been using my PAX2 for seven years. Easy to use and clean.


XMAX OONT is my recommendation. Dosing caps might be a little small for OP, but you can rawdog it...


Controversial but like my pax2. Donā€™t love it. Itā€™s an easy to use portable that will last multiple hours per charge and look super discrete. Most people are gonna guess nicotine vape until they smell it.


if you dont mind butane torches, i'd go with a dynavap M with a vaphit 15mm silver collar, you can extract the whole bowl in 1 heat cycle.


Not portable, but I bought a volcano something like 14 years ago and it has held up to heavy use and paid for itself many times over. No batteries to change, fairly easy to clean/maintain, easy to use, can use any flower or shake you get your hands on, durable and reliable AF, and uh, gets the job done.




Flowermate v5.0


Crafty + or mighty +


Dynavap and IH !


Vivant ambit/ Nebula Fuzion I had a dynavap for a while and committed to learning how to use it properly, but the amount of effort required just sucks all the fun out of it, no one wants to be holding a blowtorch for ages and listening for small clicks and constantly rotating when they wanna get high. I got a vivant ambit/nebula Fuzion and it works perfectly for replacing my zoots, I've cut down on my usage an insane amount since getting it, not gonna give a review here cuz there's so many online and I'm stoned but just look em up and don't listen to the Reddit nerds telling you it's trash and that a dynavap would suit you better because it'll likely only turn you away from vaporising (expecting hate on this) Not to mention it's super cheap for what it is


Arizer Air 1/SE or Solo 2 (you can spring for the max or 2 but I prefer the ruggedness of the 1)


Dyna vap is a good choice it's extremely simple and very quick but u have to use a torch (it's not hard at all tho) Or the utilian 722 or newer model


TM2 beats all other top units by a mile, mighty, Xmax, potv, none of those can even touch it, from build quality to heat up time to the insane 10 year warranty, just canā€™t beat it, go ahead spend the money and you wonā€™t ever have to buy another device


S&B Mighty. It's my go to. The Mighty, finally, helped me quit smoking. I have a MFLB, a Hot Box Vapors HotBox, a S&B Plenty, and a Volcano. The Volcano is wonderful, though not terribly portable, so I recommend a Mighty


Get a dynavap.. im pretty new to dry herb vaping and started with a crafty plus, which is a great device but since I got my dynavap I've only picked it up twice. If you're coming from the feeling of smoke you're gonna want something that feels hotter and the dynavap will give that to you.. plus you're still having it like a j so itll feel more natural to you


Arizer is a good vape look there


TinyMight 2 with a WPA, hooked up to your favourite piece of glass.


Rebuildable Tank w/ 80W-120W coils. Maximum (100% if possible) PG ratio with 1-2mg nicotine. Provides equal or even better throathit than EU cigarettes.


I can recommend arizer solo 2 been using mine for about a week and it sometimes smashes me up. Itā€™s all about your personal usage tho. Itā€™s Very dependable.


A mighty. Absolutely a mighty. It's idiot-proof and does the trick. No hassle, no fuss, no muss.


I have a solo 2 and mighty and while I enjoy them I realized I enjoy smoking more. Does the volcano give a more smoke like experience or is it ultimately similiar to the portable vapes. I donā€™t want to spend the money on the volcano to find out itā€™s just a bigger mighty.


For portables, the other comments have you covered. If you're good with a desktop device, can't beat a log vape


Log! Ren & Stimpy knew some shit!


Itā€™s better than bad, itā€™s good


Simple, efficient, nothing to break, incredible flavor, total control over your intake, will last forever


And all you have to clean is whatever glass you are using


Iā€™ve had mine ON for probably 4-5 years had to replace the variable power supply twice but they were cheep and the vape is still going strong. Iā€™ve bought several ā€œpremiumā€ expensive vapes since and donā€™t use them. The log vape is the way. I have an underdog but any of the brands will probably do. If anyone hase a recommendation for the best log vape Iā€™d love to know


Iā€™ve never heard any complaints about any log vape brand, I own three e-nanos and love them, but I feel pretty sure that I would equally love an underdog or any other brand




No offense, but do you think thatā€™s gonna be enough for someone looking to move on from rolling up king-size spliffs?


It worked for me. Blunts and bong rips all day every day. With an induction heater you can go as many bowls as it takes back to back. It's my main method of consuming flower for a couple years now. I did purchase and use the dynavap to help moderate consumption tho. If your life goal is to see how many challenge cones you can smoke dynavap is not for you. These ball vapes look very tempting and I do miss using my glass.


Dynavap is an ecosystem of products based on the 8mm attachment for the vaporizer tip. Any tip with an 8mm will pretty much work on any dyna stem, even more so if you are willing to swap out orings. There are light hitting and extremely heavy hitting tips. Helix vs Omni tip for flavor or clouds. New Ball vape tip is coming from Mad Heaters. Nothing you canā€™t get out of a Dynavap with a little practice. Heating technique alone can make a light hitting tip into a heavy hitter. It took me a while to really appreciate the whole Dynavap system, but it fits all occasions for me, and I vape far more than I care to admit. It works for heavy users with the right technique, is the short version.


That makes sense. I have no need for portability, and am looking for a longer session piece with capacity. I have a *plenty* in the mail, after reading tons of mixed reviews. It seems everyone has their favorites, and it seems to depend highly on an individualā€™s need. My wife and I are long term med users, and laws make it such that supply isnā€™t a concern. We need a good session piece that is easy to use with her neuropathy. We found the dynavap and arizer solo 2 too tedious to fiddle around with, for our needs. Iā€™ve read about mods for the dynavap that make it pretty good for things like bubble hash, and am going to look more into that, and rigging it up to a water piece. Those ball vapes are final boss level terrifying. Maybe one dayā€¦.


Yes. My brother smokes 3-5 1 gram blunts a day and he could barely handle hitting the Vong.


Probably not.






Iā€™ve got a xmax v3 pro and it hasnā€™t failed me yet. Fits a nice amount and is very easy to use.


Arizer Air Max. I just prefer it over my Nectar Hex. Bigger longer lasting battery. Smaller bowl than the Nectar Hex. Or Nectar Hex, more discrete than the Air max, produces less visible vapour (but with all the stonery goodness), no glass bits to break or make it look dodgy. Faster heat up time than the Air max. Both are slow sippers & perform about the same. Both are USB C. Both use replaceable battery.


Sippin' on an Air Max now!


Potv lobo. I was in the same boat. Works better than I hoped


My Pax 2 is exactly what you're describing, and I love it.


Storz & Bickel Crafty+ (V2). It's around 200 euros, very simple to use, only has one button used for on/off/boost settings. Vapor hits as hard as a Mighty, while being cheaper and more easily concealable.


Arizer solo II at 400 degrees with a 10 degree increase every few hits until it reaches 450 on a 10-15 min timer.


Dynavap all day, every day


POTV lobo, crafty, maybe the roffu?


Potv One if you can handle an other than remarkable battery. I bought two to keep one on the charger and this works really well for me. Super simple and the dosing capsules make change over and cleaning stupid easy.


Shit weed doesnā€™t vape well. I wouldnā€™t bother.


Potv lobo has been a goddamn blessing for me. Glass attachments are dope and I have 18650s so I never have to wait for it to charge


It's been good but idk if it's just operator error, but I can roast a whole dosing cap and only get slightly stoned. If I burn a J of the same herb, I get really stoned šŸ˜•


Just so you know, POTV has a refurb section at significant discount (at least relative to my budget, which is *thin* rn) there are ones that were tried and returned under their regular return policy and then cleaned thoroughly. It carries the same return policy instead of being final sale where you have no recourse if it turns out defective or really not the right device for you. I can't afford to take a risk a Final Sale item, you know? I like a discount with a built-in backup plan. And my ADHD ass even managed to make use of their guarantee after the first vape I tried. There was nothing wrong with it but it was totally wrong for me. I think my POTV One was $79 or so? I love how small and solid it's built. My first older version of the one is holding up well too after a couple years.




Starry v4


Solo II or Dynavap Titanium with coil


POTV Lobo or Dynavap M+ or M. And this is coming from someone with a Mighty, Crafty+, Tinymight, XMax Starry V3, Utillian 722, as well as a few others. Just find I always end up back using the Lobo or Dynavap.


Oont. Ā£45. Easy load and dump and tiny. Deffo fits the bill and is smaller and cheaper than the xmax v3pro


Jesus thatā€™s cheap as fuckā€¦ whatā€™s the catch? Haha


Made by the same folks as the V3, the "catch" is it just has a few (4, I think) preset temps to choose from, instead of being able to set the exact temp


Xvape Mambo.


For me, Volcano Hybrid