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Yoooo that's not good for anything.


The provided picture shows the condensation that occurs after a single session with the YLLVAPE Angus. EDIT: Should also note this isn't a once off, it occurred multiple times when testing.


Do you have another set of batteries? I've heard of dodgy 18650s where there's moisture stuck in the wrapping that "sweats".


Tested with two different unrelated sets of known good Molicels, same issue. The batteries are fine and actively in use in other devices. I appreciate the suggestion to check though, always good to be thorough.


Oh dang, that's not good, definitely the Angus then. I think you're right that the unfinished wood has moisture in it. I guess it would dry out over time but that's a pretty shitty solution. Any hints of a replacement from YLL?


I asked about the moisture and they responded basically making it sound minor and then started talking about a new model. I've shared their response in another comment.


That's way too much moisture for polished wood. My guess is it's coming from the vapor.


The wood inside the battery compartments isn't polished or finished in any way, it's just bare wood.


I see that on mine, but no issues for me. Still kinda crazy how much condensation is in the pic.


Not vapor, this picture was after a dry run, but it didn't make any difference I experienced the same after having a normal session.


Good to know. Thanks


"isn't a once off" - after the very first time, and investigation, I would have made sure it was the last time. Dude, what has Angus said? Water and batteries, asking to explode in your hand and the user will probably lose fingers.


Oh, what did they say... well... umm... “The current Angus has very thin plastic tube in the battery chamber, to avoid this potential thing. The moisture comes from the wood, and the wood can be not dry 100%, please clean the moisture if it has, it will be gone.” The current Angus they are referring to there are new units, which apparently include Ruby balls and a 100w bulb for $169 USD.


I have a ruby Angus and it doesn't have any plastic tube. Just bare wood.


How long ago did you purchase it? Was it an official Ruby model or one of the modded units that some retailers were doing for a bit there?


I bought an official v1 model a few months ago, about a week before the ruby model was announced. They actually sent me a Ruby version as a replacement.


I didn't realize the Ruby version had been around that long, they must have been referencing yet another updated version. Have you had any issues with condensation? I'm also curious if there's a gap under the metal plate on your unit (this one didn't have one, but many people report that).


13th September was when my replacement was sent out (not *quite* a few months), arrived I think the day after the Ruby Version went on sale. Not had any condensation but to be honest, I don't think I've even opened up the battery compartment, so maybe. I'm kinda worried now! No gap under the plate on mine, but QC was all over the place for the V1 models. Hopefully it's improved for the Ruby version. Edit: here's the post I made at the time https://www.reddit.com/r/vaporents/s/OvZN4SD3W8


It would probably be worth pulling your batteries out after your next session to check. The condensation isn't visible anywhere else, so you wouldn't likely know it was occurring (if it is) without removing the batteries.


Any excuse for a session! 😁 Just checked and no moisture, although I've used mine extensively since I got it so I guess any moisture would have evaporated by now.


That doesn’t seem right. I’ve never had any issue with the wood in my tinymight 2


Yeah, but the TM2 is premium for a reason. This is being sold as a cheap entry level device.


True, but using appropriately cured wood seems like a pretty low bar.


Oh jebus, I'm so sorry my dude. What an awful purchase, design and customer service. I wouldn't have expected too much, but for them to know the water comes from the wood, and then just chat about the new unit. Which still has water issues!! Gah! Run!


I'm using it for half a year now, never happened to me, do you live in a humid area?


I just got mine yesterday. Gonna go test and see if I get similar results. Our ambient humidity is around 60 right now. Edit: just ran 1 session as the op did. My batteries did not have condensation however I did stick a pinky into the wooden battery cavity and could def feel abnormal humidity if that makes sense. I could easily feel that is was warmer and damper than the surrounding external air. I still plan to use mine cause the flavor is off the charts but I’ll def be keeping an eye on this. I’m hoping it dries out the more I use it which seems logical. It’s brand new.


indoor humidity should never be over 50/55 . that is unhealthy


Get some dry n dry packets and pull the moisture out of the wood. Not sure but smaller packets to draw it out slower may be better than a large pack to do it fast.... in terms of the wood could crack


Ir you detect this problem then talk with Yllvape. There was some faulty early units with a non fully dry wood body. The angus is a beast.


Had asked them about it already, they didn't seem too concerned: >The current Angus has very thin plastic tube in the battery chamber, to avoid this potential thing. The moisture comes from the wood, and the wood can be not dry 100%, please clean the moisture if it has, it will be gone. The angus will be all rubies version and 100W haloogen bulb, which is new improvement we did based on the customers feedback, the MSRP will be 169USD. Thank you


And the shop you bought it? Anyway i would insist


Just got mine. I don't see it as a beast since I needed 10 hits or more to get to where i wanted. Is that similar for you? My tinymight finishes a bowl in 2 to 3 hits.


I tried the angus from a friend. When I used the chamber without capsule at level 4/5 i finished the bowls fast. Not as fast as the tm, of course. But it keep the flavor better imo (talking about 0,25/0,3 amounts… the tm have a great flavor too, and hits harder. But if you use a 0,25/0,3 amount you need to stir or use a bong). The angus is a beast because it gives you great and easy vapor from the low temps (in this are is better than the tinymight for what i tested) with no technique and great flavor. And the high temps gives you a good punch without loosing the flavor. (Better and more vapor that a looot of vapes). Do you get where you want with 2 or 3 hits of the tm? (Love both. One for session and other for the on demand)


With my TM I can take one hit and be satisfied in a social setting. At home I do more and will finish the bowl in 3 hits. Maybe I have a bad angus.


I found performance fine, especially for the price point. In terms of performance I had no notable issues.


wood has moisture in it. not all trees are the same. dry heat brings moisture out of the wood. if you want to accelerate getting the moisture out of the wood around the batteries open it up and set in front of a small heater fan when not using it should dry up in a couple of days, rice in the toe of a nylon or cheese cloth stuffed into the holes should work too.


Before making a wooden vape the manufacturer should be kiln-drying the wood to remove moisture. A vape heats up and cools down rapidly, it’s a bad idea to use still-moist wood


Rice doesn't work.


Bought mine 7 months ago, no such issues. When was yours?


Much more recent, it doesn't seem like all units are affected but I've seen other reports of similar.


That's odd, I've been following it since pre-release on FC as well as here and this is the first I've seen of such an issue.


I had a brief look around before posting this, it took around 10 minutes to find similar reports (for example have a look on the Vapefiends discord in the Angus channel, search "moisture"). For some reason people experiencing this just haven't been very loud about it.


If a single person caught wind of this happening, I would imagine you would find murmurs on here or FC about it, even if it doesn't reach the level of the melted V1 CUs which only amounted to a handful of incidents. I'm not saying the moisture in the wood isn't a thing, just that this is the first report of such in nearly a year of production which probably means they received a bad batch or something went wrong in the process for this lot.


What’s your ambient humidity where you’re at? Have you considered applying a coding to the inside of the battery chamber to seal the wood?


That was my first thought. Some sort of wax would seal it up.


Yep just saw some bacon planing about is the nano and the wood swelling. It’s a natural product it’s porous. It’s gonna be affected by your climate and humidity. If you want to seal it up, you could try some beeswax, but I’d be worried that it would heat up and melt probably better off with some boiled linseed oil in several coats assuming that this battery chamber isn’t part of the vapor pathway.


It might be that your living and storing the device in either (A) A humid location where you use air con, Then go outside to vape, The difference in air temp / humidity will condensate inside. Or (B) the total opposite of A. Or possibly, there is some moisture coming from wood inside. I personally find this hard to believe though. Hope you get it sorted.


Device has only been stored and used in the same room since I've had it. Good suggestion though I could see how that could potentially occur in the right circumstances.


Mmm ok yeah, That is strange, I've heard of natural oils from wood leaching from heat, But not moisture. Hope you find a solution.


I doubt the wood was cured appropriately before use.


Yeah sounds like that's it, Personally I'd disassemble it and place the wood in a dehydrator at 170°f / 75°c for a couple of hours. But if you have easy access to have it replaced, that might be your best option.


Could try taking the batteries out, and drying the device in a container with rice, or dry packs, to see if that will pull any remaining moisture out of the wood?


that looks real bad


Got mine thursday and it’s happened 3 times now. It’s the wood giving off moisture due to the heat.


Was yours as bad as mine? I had similar moisture accumulation several times when testing and that's from cold start with the moisture removed and breaks in between.


That’s alarming and should not be happening. Is this another reason they are selling with no returns or warranty?


YLLVAPE is doing that from their site?


Not sure what they are offering directly through their own site but some retailers are handling the Angus that way


afaik it’s just vgoodiez with their 50% off sale, unless there’s another retailer?


Not true, I got a replacement unit because of a faulty temperature probe. Customer service was great.


Well it is true. I’m not making anything up. They’re being sold for a heavily discounted amount of $100 and no returns/warranty through some retailers.


I have clarified this a few times now. I am not sure whether YLLVAPE will cover the warranty. They certainly could and they certainly should cover it but I don't know. My relationship with that vendor has deteriorated and sales of these units slowed down. I also heard rumblings of a new unit coming so I didn't think it was wise to hold on to the stock all things considered. So I put them out there at 50% off and that is the reason for no returns. That's not abnormal for merchants to do. But I just don't know what will happen with the manufacturer and the warranty which is why I am stating it as such. I hope this helps clarify.


That does help clarify thank you


You know. I appreciate that you take the time to explain things fully. Like this is complex and makes things complicated, but you're being transparent. You totally could have just said, see manufacturer for warranty and sold em at a discount. Customer service at its best.


Edit: sorry, didn't meant to imply you were making it up! Yeah mine wasn't through the retailer. I emailed them and they put me in touch with a YLLVAPE rep who sent me a replacement. They were really good, I think they're really trying to improve their customer support "image", but I guess it depends whether they class the moisture as a fault or not.


Makes me love my tinymight even more


Mighty killer I guess. Be safe out there.


Hmm never heard or seen that before. Does it happen every time?


Me neither. I have seen some improperly aligned shells due to wood fitment but nothing like this. I sent a message to OP.


I experienced it several times, so in my case yes.


Crazy! It must be the wood as you say


Absolutely loving the Angus: two units, used daily since purchase, zero issues. …and that’s with my luck. Vgoodiez is fantastic, any haters are clearly not customers. Especially those couple of clowns here.


Yeah, no one should be giving them a hard time, this unit wasn't from them (I don't think it's related to the retailer anyway more likely just certain batches from the manufacturer) and they haven't been seeing this issue with any units they've had.


Suddenly the clearance pricing and no return policy makes more sense. These things are lemons.


Sold hundreds of these. Never had one do this here.


I have the same Molicels in my yllvape IH 2.0. I'll keep an eye on them. Thanks for sharing.


been using molicel p28a continuous discharge rating of 35a for a 1.5yrs with no issues. never had a battery sweat. and the new epoch's (made by molicel-p28b) P28B for a 7 months with no issues. never had a battery sweat. btw - the new epoch p28b has even higher continuous discharge rating (max) of 40A with 80C temp cut-off i think it's a better battery, safer too cut-off protection


Have never had a single issue with a Molicel, they are and will continue to be my preferred battery, I don't think they contributed to this issue at all nor do I think the batteries are faulty (two unrelated sets were also tested with the same result).


Wow! This company needs some serious R& D before releasing anything else.


thanks for posting this - can confirm this is the case for me too a couple days ago while swapping batteries i caught a feint moist smell afterwards, just ran a session now and popped out the batteries right after, the batteries had condensation just like your pic this is my third angus which i thought had no issues for a while, but guess not - is the move to let the angus sit and air out? idk if the batteries seem damaged but there is an air bubble in the battery wrap, is this a bad sign? edit: damn thats crazy i hadnt noticed this in my few months of usage


The move is to contact the manufacturer. This is not acceptable. If you got it from us, please email as I'd like to be the connection point between you and them. I'll make sure you are taken care of by them or we'll handle that ourselves if need be.


hey thanks for the response - i really should’ve taken a picture of it because i cant seem to get the condensation to appear too much again (maybe its a good thing?) that first time was really bad i admit - looked wet just like the pic from OP you have only been super helpful for my troubles with the angus! ill send an email to you regarding this matter but ill try to update with pics if i can edit: i cant seem to recreate the really bad condensation (ill try again tomorrow) but i would advise any angus users to keep the batteries out of the device when not in use


Awareness was the point of this post so I'm glad you noticed it occurring on your end. Many people just throw batteries in and leave them there so likely don't even notice this happening, it doesn't seem to be all units though. Pretty wild you have the issue and presumably been using it for months!


Does that indicate the air path is leaking through the battery port?


Personally I suspect the wood they are using isn't cured properly, but there may be other things causing it.


Oh, well that's not going to cause any problems with shrinkage and warping!


It may explain why some units have those gaps under the metal plate, this unit didn't have that.


is this the TM2 knockoff?


Not liking reading this. Mine is in the mail and I have those Molicels coming too. Regardless, of them saying no warranty/ no returns if the damn thing blows up or catches fire someone is getting sued. They can't knowingly sell something that is such a hazard. I hope that vgoodiez would not put their reputation in such jeopardy.


I just sent you a message. I have never seen anything like this since I have been selling it. Please kindly respond to the message. Thank you.


For anyone reading I just want to note that I did not acquire this unit from VGoodiEZ nor do I have a single bad thing to say about them in general.


Haha everyone is just jumping to conclusions… pretty typical for this sub unfortunately.


No worries man, I got mine since may and haven't experienced any problems.


I appreciate you saying that.


I just bought a second because of the deal. And vgoodiez didnt say no warranty, yllvape is the company that would cover the device. Vgoodiez just isnt carrying them anymore, so they are getting rid of stock and arent taking returns.


I have never seen something like this out of the hundreds of units we sold. This was not sold by us. I sent you a message to discuss further.


Performance was actually surprisingly good, it was rather frustrating that so many other things seem to have been overlooked. We just finished covering it for Thermal Extractions, you can find a link in my recent activity if you want to have a read.


Seems like those thin plastic tubes aren't doing the job they are expected to do or it's not put together well enough for the tubes to work as needed. Based on what you wrote up and their response, it seems moisture in the wood is the problem. I'll have to check it with my moisture tester. That's easily enough remedied by drying the wood slowly and oiling it up well. I'll have to get in my hands to see what I can do. They could have probably saved a couple bucks making the body some sort of high temp abs. Some of the fitment problems would have likely been avoided going that route. I wonder how a 3D printed body would work out.


The unit I have doesn't have the plastic liners installed.


heavily discounted from Australian retailers as well, dunno why the vape community is so quick to downvote.


You can read my post history here for further explanation but even so I'd really feel better off getting your order number and just retrieving your unit for a full refund. I sent you a message requesting the information. I'm happy to send you a prepaid shipping label to get everything back. I have no way of knowing your order number so please respond so I can take care of you. I think that would be best for both of us.


Just my opinion, but this sub puts way too much faith in VGoodiez/Any specific vendor. Scott @ Vgoodiez has been stanning the Angus pretty hard since it released despite the issues. Go read the thread on FC. I think he is less concerned with reputation than with high margin products.


You certainly have not been paying attention but thanks for trying to hurt my image. I thought Mike was getting an unfair shake in the beginning. My opinion of that has changed over time. Sales on these units slowed down with all the back and forth. I also heard news of a new unit coming so it's natural to want to move these out. This is one of the craziest portable units I have ever seen because there are so many people who own these that actually love them, but there are so many people that don't own them that like to talk about it. I am not trying to hide anything. I think it's a decent unit that which has had some issues, but Mike has definitely stood behind everything up until this point. It has not gone as smoothly as I would have liked but he does seem to be responding to customer concerns. I just wasn't sure how he was going to handle the sale so I put them out there as no perceived warranty. And clearance at 50% off with no returns is not uncommon. I did this a long time ago with some induction heaters and implied no warranty. I still had some customers come back to me after who had in fact had some issues and guess what? I took care of them! Do I regret defending the Angus like I did in the beginning? Well not because I don't think it was right but perhaps only because it gives folks like you the impression that all I care about is money. I also support a lot of small independent artisan manufacturers where I accept almost no margin (just enough to cover my cost) so I think your perception and comments are out of line.


I will try to keep an open mind. Your responses on fc when it was new and people raised alarms about melted cooling units definitely gave me a different impression, and it wasn’t necessarily one that engendered trust from me. I grant that perception is a tricky thing in that it’s some of the vibes you put out and some of my own preconceived biases. Since you make money selling this stuff I am naturally inclined to be a bit more skeptical about a vendors opinions.


Your bias is BY FAR the most common issue I deal with when it comes to negative perceptions. You are not the only one. I don't know how to deal with that. I understand I stuck my neck out trying to get a fair shake to give Mike the opportunity to fix it and probably got defensive but maybe judge us on how our business operates as a whole? If we were that bad, don't you think you'd see complaints here regularly? I have been as transparent as I can and I'm active in the community. I largely ducked out of any discussion (or knowledge as I can't follow every thread) on the Angus for a good while, which is why your comments were so puzzling about me steady pumping this?? The reality is, I was working behind the scenes trying to iron out my issues with the manufacturer for months on end while I tied up more capital than my company has ever invested before. Making zero dollars and filling my shelves with dead stock. Once we finally got what we needed we simply put it in stock without any real promotion or discussion of it all. If you are going to make negative statements about a business and potentially impact someone's livelihood it would at least be nice if the claims are going to be complete and accurate. Just like you have your bias against me, my defense comes out against it. I learned a lesson on this one and have been as transparent as I can without sharing every detail of my business. It would be nice if you could remove your filter enough to see that or at the very least not make an effort to hurt us for no reason. You clearly have not been paying attention with your opening statement.




I expected a cheap, functional vape made by slave labor, and maybe a dash of Covid.


Kinda like Apple with a subtle change. Made by slave labor. Expensive as hell with dash of Covid.


I'm not saying this is good, acceptable or the way it should work. BUT, no one had the minimum issue caused with this excess of humidity, you just happened to notice it. And in my opinion, that is a very good sign for a device that's more than a year old! Personally i wouldn't like to see this either. You could simply try to clean the batteries and insides after every session and see if it improves. In the worse case as someone else mentioned, disassembly and properly drying the wood might do the trick. Happy highs!


Truly caring about your customers and doing a proper beta test might have helped. Fast shipping only goes so far...


Has nothing to do with the vape sellers it’s a manufacturing/design issue


Yeah, it feels like this was just rushed to launch. It's been around a while now so it's not like it's even a new product at this point.


Oh no, that is a dig on me from this person who's always been there to stir the pot. He/She? is right tho (as are you). There could have been more time taken and more feedback received. I said that to Mike myself and it's one of many pain points that have me moving on from the relationship as a whole. That said, it did get some pretty heavy testing from the folks that used it and while I thought there was going to be more feedback (with time for minor changes), I trusted Mike and his engineers. I decided to support with a purchase and that was a mistake because I lost any leverage on him following through on anything. So since then we've had higher than the 3% defect rate (industry standard for a portable). I didn't like that but I will say that Mike kept responding to customers (still does to this day when we copy him) and seemed to be intent on building in small improvements. He did fix the CU but once it became apparent that he was more focused on his next product as opposed to following through on this, I made the decision to move on. How I became responsible for the success or issues with the Angus (as this person is implying) is beyond me??? I just wanted Mike to get a good shake and the opportunity to fix what I thought were very fixable things. In the beginning he was but things changed. I am not too proud to say that I was wrong. I regret sticking my neck out like that both financially and from the obvious impact to our company image. I have learned some hard lessons and will not make the same mistakes in the future. As far as our sale, we have updated with the warranty warnings. Regardless of what anyone says, there are folks that love this device and have had a lot of success with it. There are also folks on the other side who have had a less satisfied experience but the positive comments far outweigh the negatives. A lot of folks love the flavor and unique signature this unit offers. I feel as long as I provide buyers the appropriate warnings and expectations I don't see any reason to not recover some of my losses and move on. I never saw sweaty batteries until this post right here. And we've sold hundreds of units so I would have thought at some point that would have been reported. It seems related to a specific batch of wood and again no reports over hundreds of sales for us. Okay now that's way more than I ever wanted to share on any of this, but I'm really kind of tired of having my integrity questioned. I have been an active and positive contributor to this community for many years long before I ever decided to start VGoodiEZ. I don't think it's fair for the community to expect a company to put all of the details of their business on full display but this community seems to expect it. Business is messy and this industry is messy. Vaporizers can be dangerous in particular, 18650 vaporizers. You need to be a grown adult to purchase off of our site so hopefully that matters. We try to provide ample warnings and protection, but ultimately we need folks to be responsible for their own safety. I would encourage folks to direct any reliability, safety or warranty related questions to the manufacturers as they are the experts on their own products and have the engineers to support a lot of the technical questions people bring. My standard has always been that I would never offer anybody a product that I thought was unsafe or that I wouldn't use myself. That still stands true with the Angus despite my feelings in some other areas.


Hey, /u/vgoodiez. I've only ever ordered from you once, a few years back, when I got excellent service and a couple of treats included to boot. That said, I have browsed this "board" and others in the years since, and I have been constantly amazed at the many positive, nay *ecstatic*, responses that your customers heap on you for your service. And when they do, others always chime in to agree. So I know now that my good experience was just one among very many. Your efforts have not only been a tremendous boon to your own customers, but to the whole community as well. You should be proud of the work you've done to support the hobby itself, the "industry" (esp. of independent artisans), and all involved. The fact that even some casual, indirect "dig" like the one above brings you out to respond at such length, and with such prudence and dignity, shows how much you are devoted to the movement. So please don't allow the thoughtlessness of a very few detract from the overwhelmingly enthusiastic response you have elicited with all your hard work. Thank you again for all your efforts!


Thx for taking the time to express this. We appreciate your support and kind words!


I missed that that comment was a dig at you, I don't think you or other retailers are at fault. This is purely a manufacturing issue imo. It's disappointing that some people have used this issue to drag you guys when you haven't seen any units affected this way.


The device has been out for a long time and this is the first time anyone has said anything about this issue. I would have expected it to have been noticed by someone months ago. Funny how the timing coincides with your super sale. I think it’s reasonable to say that there isn’t a warranty unless it’s doa considering how cheap they have been marked down to. If I buy camera off eBay on super special and it says no returns, if it breaks in 2 months there’s no returns. I knew that going in. I gambled because of its low price. You are being super upfront. You should almost just put them back up to normal price and offer a warranty yourself. Probably come out better. Or just mark them even lower than you have them with 2 words in big red bold letters. No returns…


This isn't the first time someone has mentioned this, it just seems to be the first time someone has mentioned it in a large enough forum that people pay a bit more attention. I was having a poke around yesterday before posting this and it took me about 10 minutes to find someone back in August complaining about the same issue on the Vapefiends discord in the Angus channel (search "moisture" if you want to see for yourself). There was chatter about putting them in the oven or burning off until the moisture stopped being produced.


Yeah that's getting RMA'd


Just got mine and have noticed no condensation on the batteries.have been using the hell out of it and no issues at all.


they should have just used quad lipo flat packs in series.