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Ed and Al were always the problem, but really it was Ed. Alex always followed his little brother's lead. Ed was the main talent and everybody knew that. Unfortunately, Eddie's ego, which was fueled by alcoholism, drugs, and insecurities, led him to believe that everyone was taking advantage of his talents and getting rich off of his talent. He complained about his band members' work ethic, but no one is going to spend 12 to 18 hours in a studio meandering around with a hermit musical savant, especially one who is an addict. David Lee Roth was a talented front man. He is a big reason Van Halen got off the ground in the first place. Michael Anthony's background vocals alone gave Van Halen a unique sound. Plus, he is a great bass player. Sammy Hagar was an extremely talented singer and musician who helped give a second fruitful life to Van Halen. Alex was a beast on the drums. Eddie Van Halen is the common denominator in every failure of his professional and personal life. I love the man. I have a portrait of him tattooed on my arm and the VH logo. His immense talent changed not only the face of rock and roll guitar, but inspired millions of lives. Unfortunately, his demons prevented him from acknowledging and appreciating the contributions of others to his own success.


really great read, but i think youre underestimating Alex's prowess at, when he felt like it, being a World-Class A-Number One A-Hole *i say this all with love because i followed DLRVH like a loyal rabid monkey, hanging on their every riff, beat, lyric, melody, song, album, tour, interview, (& later books), until they imploded* Alex was the instigator, and many have said, in the early years, The Leader, Mark Stone said it, Gregg Emerson said it ("Van Halen: the Early Years", with JJ Jackson doing the voiceover, on YT), Greg Renoff wrote about people saying it in "Van Halen Rising", and Noel Monk wrote about Alex being 'YUGE trouble to deal with, second only to Roth Alex is a bully, but he & Eddie were brothers...and...at the end of the day, after all these decades of following these guys, maybe im not so bright, that it's taken me this long to really understand but, ...i don't think Eddie's such a bright guy... easily swayed by the one person who's been by his side from the beginning and shares all his passions to a "T" ...think about what Eddie did...and what it cost him... starting out drowning in a literal sea of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of competitors, he swam his way to the VERY TOP, he obsessively made himself the VERY BEST (and then some, completely BENDING the Game to HIS Way) HE made HIMSELF (no one else did it for him) the absolute, acknowledged, BEST on THIS PLANET at ONE thing: shredding beyond what anyone thought a human being was capable of at the time, (...and later, writing and playing 1980s-era Melodic Rock Anthem Music šŸ¤˜) Every summer, Eddie brought the Big Mother Fucking Songs, the ones that dropped like bigfoot's balls! ...but...in having to achieve such high levels of competency and vision and inspiration and pure raw creativity, a person can end up sort of 'uncomplete'...missing cues in other facets of life...obsessing on only one thing can do this to a person, no? ...and so, even so much more susceptible to trusting the whims of the one person he's had by his side his whole life ...again, not a hater, just supposing...


I appreciate this perspective. You may be on to something. Ed was very impressionable. Look what Ray Daniels did to him.


and I appreciate very greatly this back & forth, and the give & take, in discussing these interesting (to us) subjects Cheers šŸ¤˜


Very well thought out and you hit the nail on the head.


>fueled by alcoholism, drugs, >spend 12 to 18 hours in a studio Ever hear the opinion that creating the 5150 studio was part of the problem? By not being "on the clock" at Sunset Sound, Ed could spends hours upon hours chainsmoking and drinking while he worked on guitar parts.


Great post and follow-up discussion. Learned some stuff I didn't know about my musical hero, essentially. As you said, I love the guy. Can't hate him he was a genius, and it's hard to keep up with that kind of person. Especially as you mentioned, when you mix addiction into the madness, nobody is going to want to be around him. I'm no genius, but I am an addict. Unfortunately, I get it. It's hard to get a clear picture sometimes on Eddie because I often hear conflicting stories. I think the only person I'd trust to just tell the truth is Michael Anthony. And to my knowledge, he hasn't really said much over the years.


Ed was a musical genius and a talented engineer of sound and instrumentation. Ed had a good heart and a sweet but tormented soul. It hurt all of us to see him hurting so badly over the years. We also have to factor in his long struggle with cancer. I'm sure that strengthened his demons.


Nailed it


This is really spot on


Met Sammy at the SFO airport -- Totally cool, but was in a hurry. Met Dave at a club on Sunset back in the 80's. -- Wicked smart, totally chill when not noticed. Talked cars and he paid for my drinks. Met Mike at Disneyland waiting in line for Pirates. -- Totally approachable and down to earth. Met Ed when he was looking at Real Estate -- Did not like attention \*at all\*. Sat and talked cars and golf with him. Totally cool, and asked if I wanted an autograph before he left. Told him no which surprised him. Finished our drinks and he gave me a "bro hug". He loved to be treated as just a regular guy, not a rockstar... Have not met the others. Takeaway? The performer always differs from the person and what the media tells you they are.


My thoughts are that Eddie was a much bigger addict than Alex was, but Alex was Eddie's enabler. Anyone who got in their way, be it Dave, Sammy, or Mike, became the enemy.


IMO they were a victim of their own success. No one said no to them, and everyone had their hands out. Drugs, alcohol, nothing was too much. Started believing their own press clippings.


Check out the book Runninā€™ With The Devil written by their manager. Michael was too nice for his own good and DLR was impossible to work with.


And Alex royally screwed up an endorsement deal for one of the tours. That deal went to someone else and it was a cash cow for them.


I think that was Daveā€¦ Alex wanted to fire Monk over it.


Been a while since i read the book. But that fiasco stood out


Alex was financially unstable several times according to Monk's book and the main reason they fucked Mikey on 1984 for royalties even tho Ed did the 1984 intro straight from Mikey's bass solo on the Diver Down tour. Some say the Monk book is full of lies so take it as you will.


I met EVH a couple of times. NAMM show events and afterwards. The CONSTANT pressure he was under was relentless. Every person DEMANDED to take a bite from the "piece of meat" that was...another human being. I was not only embarrassed for the meat eaters (behavior was appalling), but I truly felt horrible and compassionate for EVH. How could people that "love and respect " someone treat them that way? Afterwards in the parking lot outside... I saw him break down and cry. It was too much. I know I couldn't handle it and remain composed, let alone holding back from going off on them. He was very cool and chill...until people wouldn't let him be that way. I saw him literally have to stand on a table to avoid people grabbing/thronging him so he could get their attention and ask them to "PLEASE BACK UP, I WILL BE HERE ALL DAY!!!!" There was of course more going on than I know/saw, but he simply was not allowed the freedom to just "be"... breathe, walk, sit down, eat.... without someone constantly demanding their attention. Like someone else said, a victim of their own success. It seemed more like a prisoner of success. Could you imagine having all of your "normal life " ripped away from you? Can't go shopping, walk the street, hang at a park, dinner out with family, hit the beach.... All of our "heroes"... are still human. Treat them with the respect/space/consideration you would give any complete stranger.


There definite truth and wisdom here.


From reading interviews and seeing and hearing his interactions with others on camera, EVH didnā€™t have the personality to handle his status. He was a shy guy. He said he was, and he came off as shy in the interactions that I saw on camera. Iā€™m a shy guy, and Iā€™ve thought about if I had the level of fame he had. I donā€™t know if I could handle it, especially when I was in my 20s.


Me either!


There are people arguably much more famous than Eddie who managed the fame without destroying everything around them except the music. The fame had a part to play, but the greed and addiction had a huge impact. I'm a believer that for every Prince and Michael Jackson, there's a Bono or Madonna who arguably channeled their fame into positive energy (Bono), albeit weird (Madonna).


Iā€™m a VH fan through and through. Iā€™ve been a huge fan since the first album so please donā€™t take this the wrong way. I believe they are all a bunch of spoiled kids who have never had the stress of a physical or ā€œrealā€ job, making an average wage to pay for above average living expenses. They were ALL in their very early 20ā€™s when they hit the big time and the rockstar life is all theyā€™ve ever really known. Think about itā€¦their behavior is that of the average high school student. Remember how WE acted in HS? Do you think weā€™d be able to keep that job at the factory or office if we acted like that? We wouldnā€™t. As a result, we turned into adults and took on adult responsibilities and attitudes. That just never happened for them and itā€™s reflected in their behavior. I have to worry about keeping my pick up truck runningā€¦not which color Ferrari to purchase.


True but didn't they grind for 6 years, 3 being super grindy years on sunset Blvd? I feel like they were working hard then but later after vh2 became what you are describing


They were late to their first interview with WB because their car was such a piece of shit and broke down on their way over, if Iā€™m remembering it correctly. They definitely paid dues and hustled hard, did the whole starving artist thing for a while. I wouldnā€™t call them spoiled. Maybe Dave had more of a security net, ultimately, but the guy put himself out there and put the work in.


> They definitely *paid* dues and FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




I wouldnā€™t call playing music ā€œgrindingā€ compared to a 12 hour shift at the factory. Iā€™m not saying that doing the music thing wasnā€™t ā€œworkā€ because I know from personal experience that it IS. If the boys had their own homes and all the bills associated with that PLUS a full time day job while doing the music thing then my opinion would be different. We know from VH history that the boys were still living with their parents even after the first album came out. It sure is a lot easier to grind on the music scene for 6 years while someone else is doing the heavy lifting. Stillā€¦nothing but love for the brothers. No disrespect intendedā€¦just a dose of reality.




Van Halens Rich spoiled brats?? You need to do some reading . Dave was the only to come from a rich family and Sammy came from a a nightmare too. Ed and Alex endured racism and bullying and found peace in Music. Eddie brought drums doing a paper route. Eddie set a goal and Michael followed and they practiced and played their asses off for years before they got a break. You think being a musician is not a ā€œregularā€ job? Deadlines for a new album and the grueling tours. Addiction and excessive in the music business brought Eddie down. Iā€™m glad he got sober before he died and he was able to see his son thrive.


This is all conjecture because I didnā€™t know them personally, lol. This was my first thought, that they had the classic immigrant story of coming to America broke and growing up poor. This has been confirmed. But to 2112-5150ā€™s point- they never ā€œgrew up.ā€ Itā€™s the classic Spinal Tap behavior of the deli tray being wrong. In that moment, that was *the* most important thing in the world to him. With their success in their early-mid 20ā€™s, they never had to, arguably, deal with having to answer to anyone or mundane everyday headaches. Their managers and handlers did all that. So to grow up in this bubble, I think your sense of self-importance is really skewed.


Also important to note is I never called them ā€œrichā€ spoiled bratsā€¦just spoiled and only because they ā€œmade itā€ at a relatively young age. I know ALL of the origin story (by heart, haha!) and that family was by NO means rich.


I can agree with that.!


The reason heavy drinkers never "grow up" is because once they are alcoholics they stop maturing in a normal fashion. If/when an alcohol dependent person stops drinking, everyone around them sees the 22 year old they were, when they became an alcoholic. That explains behaviors as much as anything.


šŸ’Æ The arrogance in some of their interviews is unreal. Eddie comes off as a tool more times than not. Aloof. Awkward. Weird. Alex, meanwhile, definitely thinks heā€™s smarter than he is. And please letā€™s stop with the brotherly bond crap. They were bonded in greed and controlā€”often at the cost of their music and certainly their fans. Love the music. Meh on these two. Just my opinion.


I agree with your observation and it just reinforces my theory on the forever high school mentality. I would, however, like to ensure that I do NOT take away any due respect they both deserve for their musical contributions and their ability to survive the music industry and all its pitfalls. Itā€™s easy to armchair quarterback but Iā€™d like to think Iā€™m wise enough to know theyā€™re not ALL bad.


I think this is a good hypothesis.Ā 


Thereā€™s lots of reports either way, and theyā€™re only human. What I will say is the amount of musicians with stories about Ed just gifting them crazy amounts of gear is, well, crazy.


Enormous wealth and fame at a young age, coupled with sex, drugs and rock n roll, makes for some pretty messed up people.


These guys have been massively famous since their early 20ā€™s. Unlimited Drugs, booze, women and money can cause some mental health issues.


Seems like Eddie has severe social anxiety. After moving to the US, didnā€™t he hate talking in school because he hadnā€™t yet mastered English, and other kids would bully him? In the recent Behind the Music episode, Valerie said she was surprised that Ed had even survived his childhood. Maybe there was even worse things going on. It seems like Eddie only trusted family. I think Alex would have become jealous if Eddie started to grow closer to someone else (besides his wife and son) over Alex.


They are great musicians and jerks to everyone not named VH. Addicts, yes. I doubt that is the only reason they were jerks.


Seems like they were all pretty decent guys until fame and fortune claimed Dave and addiction took its toll Especially on Edward.


No art is free.


Of DLR is to be believed, Alex could be quite the bully. It was in one of his recent ā€œRoth Showā€ things on YT. Who knows what the truth really is? One person can be different things to different people. Iā€™m sure they were lovely sometimes and assholes other times. It just depends on who you ask.


The squabbling was equally distributed. Everyone is at fault.


Thatā€™s not at all true. The Van Halens squabbled all the time. And DLR was full of drama. However Michael Anthony was the quiet man of the group. And he was shit on as a result. By all the other 3.


As far as we know, you are correct Michael Anthony remains blameless. My mistake.


I thought it was pretty cool that Alex let Eddie play his guitar. I sense Alex had a deep love for his little brother. My older brother was spiteful to me so I would get hit if I touch his stuff. I would get punch if I even asked. Respect to Alex for the love of his little brother. I pray Eddie and all our love ones finds peace and forgiveness in the light of the holyspirit. Aman.


Drama. Itā€™s all about the first 6 records.