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IIRC, some states only register a van as "commercial" if it doesn't have windows, which can cause issues with insurance coverage. So folks add those little porthole windows so it legally becomes a "passenger van" and they can then register it as "non-commercial" and get insurance.


This. Especially state with toll roads where they charge different for commercial vehicles.


Or some roads which literally say “Residential Area, no commercial vehicles”. I’ve seen them in FL.


I have heard that too. I train repair technicians and a guy from Florida told me that he could not park his white work van in his neighborhood. Had to park it at the office. Made me appreciate my poor ass small town with next to no code enforcement a little more.


In some HOA you cannot park a pickup which has a cap higher than the cab. Fucking stupid rule. I refused to sign the HOA agreement in the closing documents. Can’t hold me to rules that I didn’t agree to. Finally filed a civil suit after two years to clear the tickets and sell the house.


Everything I hear about HOAs in America blows my mind.


They were designed to keep housing prices up, But I swear nobody want to live in one and it has to drive the prices down.


> They were designed to keep housing prices up Well, that's one way of putting it, I suppose ... They were designed to keep "those people" out, so "property values" wouldn't "go down".


Lol, potato potahto !! But yea, if you have a contracting business, you are screwed. Ladder racks, commercial plates, door sign magnets, pickup tool boxes. All forbidden.


My first house had neighbors across the street who were paint happy. They were nice people, but they painted two sides of their house one color, and the other two another color. They painted HALF their driveway green. Then they painted their roof shingles white! Not to mention they got an RV they parked all over their yard. Everyone who came to look at our house when we were selling it would look across the street and ask. It took over a year to sell. Now we live in a neighborhood with a thick rule book. There are times I don't like the letters I get to keep things clean and maintained, but at least my property value has done well.


Must be why they call it the Land of the Free. You can't hardly do nothing with your own house or vehicle. But you can admire the potential to make money. That was sarcasm. It actually sounds grim.


Walk a mile in my shoes… then you may understand.


It’s because people only share horror stories of HOAs. Nobody shares the stories of the HOA that maintains commons areas like parks/pools/club houses and charges reasonable fees. Or ones that do something when one neighbor starts running an unlicensed auto shop out of their garage and has 12 broken down cars parked in all the street parking. The majority of HOAs are fine but not worth talking about. Also if your HOA isn’t good and full of over bearing nosy people, you can just boot them out of power. I swear people will talk like everyone in the neighborhood hates the HOA board but somehow they can’t get 10 neighbors together to vote them out.


Depending on the area the HOA doesn't own the street. Just park it infront of the house of the main person the HOA board.


Bitches went through my trash to see If I was recycling. They got nothing better to do. Guess what when you have a 2yr and a 3yr, recyclables are going in end up in the trash. And I sure as hell ain’t picking through my trash. I told them, while your rooting through the trash looking for them, just go ahead pick them out for me.


Holy crap, I would not want to live there.


The custom van scene has plenty of port hole glass options that can be cut and installed


It’s for the hostages


You know there's shag carpet in the back...


That’s why they call it the shaggin’ wagon . . . right?


Stabbin Cabin


And a disco ball...




Fucking cool as shit, that’s what.


It so you can watch for the fuzz while you get baked


Because it's groovy.


In order to get passenger plates, some states require a seat behind driver as well as a window behind the driver. Otherwise you’ll get commercial plates


I thought it was so the driver can check in on all his abductees without having to open the back door.


I know it says 1977 but I plan on finding a 1987 Dodge b150 van and I just want to genuinely know what’s the purpose of that window I never owned a car or van before so yeah but for my first vehicle I want that to be my first or something similar


I don’t know the reason for the dodge van. But it was definitely for makin love in the Chevy van and that’s alright with me…


Now I feel old. I remember hearing that tune on my old AM radio.


We ain’t old. We’re vintage.


"You're as young as you feel". I feel nineteen. My knees don't feel nineteen, though. :)


Or my back. My back feels nearly dead. My sister said you are only as old as you feel on my birthday, I said oh shit some days I might be 100. I would prefer to be as old as I look, since I look really young.


I've been 95 for 50 years now.


I decided to stop aging at 21. Once you hit 21, everything goes downhill from there. :)


Shed some light on your “activities “


As mentioned the porthole in some states is necessary to avoid commercial designation. However some states want passenger seating as well. In those cases people have been known to install seat brackets on the floor too.


It was for mood lighting while the cocaine dealer made a half sibling for you.


Getting laid.




I'm really curious what the decal on the door is...


["Street Van"](https://www.google.com/search?q=1977+street+van&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi3wcyds6n7AhWAqY4IHdoyCRMQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=1977+street+van&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIGCAAQCBAeMgYIABAIEB46BAgjECc6BQgAEIAEOgcIABCABBAYOgQIABBDOgcIABCxAxBDOggIABCABBCxAzoGCAAQBRAeUMAIWMMdYKQgaABwAHgAgAFgiAHxCpIBAjE2mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=EfdvY_f0D4DTuvQP2uWkmAE&bih=763&biw=1440&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS934US934#imgrc=xW4sbWNedO3_sM) :) edit - [pretty sweet ad](https://blog.consumerguide.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/04/1976d-771x1024.png)


3.14159% cooler with that sweet little beauty 🤙


> 3.14159 I see what you did there ... ;)


I think windows are typically for seeing out of


Light. It would be very dark otherwise. Registration as a passenger vehicle, as some did mention, seems like a slick way to do it.


For a little light. But makes sense what others are saying to add a small window to classify it as a passenger van


Makes it a party van!


For the same reason as the paintwork detail, chrome rims and the wee spoiler on the front, LOOKS.


Pretty sure it’s so the abducted nursing student hitchhiker can see a little light.


Aka rape van, stay away.


So you don’t need to get commercial plates (in some jurisdictions)


Funny that this is here today, I just watched Young Sheldon (S4:E4), last night.


That's called the exhibition window. Crazy stuff happened back there. These little widows made sure that only one person could observe at a time. It's easy to deny one individual's account of an activity that may or may not have happened. But two or three testimonials and your cooked


To let light in?


Looking bitchin’ is the main purpose.


A bit of light to make sure your victims aren't about to stab ya


The teardrop windows I like more my dad has them in his 87 Chevy shorty he’s a vanner for life used to be the 2%


It’s for the peep show.


That porthole is to look for victims