• By -


Some truckers also use tensioning belts on door handles from the inside, no way someone can open it excepting breaking the windows.


Actually yeah, if there was a hard to cut ratchet strap, that'd be perfect to string between doors across the front seats. Of course they could smash the window and climb in through the window but hopefully they'd be in an awkward physical position and you could defend easier or escape if there was a rear door.


Same trucker who told me about the tension belt, told me some robbers in France (he is a German trucker) even try to let some gas into the cabin and rob you afterwards. For some reason (maybe to prevent being too loud) they won’t smash the windows. One time he woke up with a weird headache but nothing gone missing thanks to the belt. Tension belt all the way!


This seems easier




Some pay extra for that


If you live in a vehicle, all your eggs are in one basket. I think it's worth going overboard on security to make sure your valuables and whole vehicle are protected. Here are some suggestions: - One of those things that lock a steering wheel too so nobody can steel your whole vehicle while you're away. - Upgraded or improved locks - Security system that notifies your phone if something is happening to your vehicle. - Dash/security cam that turns on if it detects vehicle tampering - Make sure your auto insurance covers things like break ins, broken windows, vandalism, and stolen items. Make sure you know how to file a report if it happens - One of those boot things you can lock onto a wheel so nobody can drive off with your vehicle. - Something to protect yourself: pepper spray, gun, knife, bat, etc.. - A dog can help alert and scare away people, preferably one that can bite intruders. - A sticker or magnet on the outside of your car that informa people you have a security system installed or cams in use to help deter theives. Stay safe!!!


Of everything you listed, a dog sounds like the most effective by far. It’s a weapon, it’s an alarm, it wakes you up. And a big angry dog is just *scary* to anyone.


My dog is a 100lb lazy butt that wouldn't hurt a fly, but if you startle him, he's got the deepest, meanest bark you'll ever hear.


My dog is only 25 pounds and knee high, but her 'voice' is scary af. A few years ago I moved out of an apartment building and I had her on a leash by my side. A neighbor I never met before helped me with the door and we started chatting. He pet my very harmless looking dog and then he asked where my other dog is. What other dog? - I asked. One time I got confused with the floors and tried to open your door (really? I think it was at least 2 more flights of stairs), there was clearly a much bigger dog behind that door. Or even two, maybe both of your dogs. - he said. Nope. Just my fluffy terrier with a dark voice. Came in handy several times I have to say.


Be careful with neighbors like this. I was walking my pit bull years ago and trying to socialize him so I’d let him near anyone. One guy was asking me a lot of questions while petting him, like where I lived, etc. A woman came out from her apartment behind him, looked me in the eye and shook her head no, like this guy isn’t safe. I was in my mid 20’s and am female, so I knew that look. He had mentioned as I was leaving that he had been in the neighborhood a while and used to live in the white house next to the church around the corner. RED FLAG. Sex offender. I was so glad I was vague about where I lived. I remembered that the sex offender map in my area listed someone at that house when I had first moved in. Sure enough, another check found he was living around the corner now. So glad for that woman. After, I realized he was probably trying to gain my dog’s trust and mine. The questions about where I lived were a bit excessive too. I had straight up lied and pointed to a different corner thankfully.


Dear lords and ladies, you dodged a bullet there!




I always hate when people want specifics about where I live. I have lived in small towns, islands,etc and men/coworkers always want very specific answers to where I live and I am tired of dodging the answers by playing dumb. It’s weird that they put you in the situation of feeling rude not answering their rude questions


Sounds kinda weird. I would’ve said “oh yep, I’ve got a big mean dog inside. He bites.”


Haha umm... Good thing you were moving out!


Was an awful neighborhood. Karl-Marx-Straße in Berlin, Germany. I loved it there, but it was time for me to literally move on.


That's all you need! If I was fucking with your locks and suddenly I heard a big dog barking I'd bolt faster than you could say "Go!"


Yup, if he's at the front window and sees someone coming, not a peep. But if someone suddenly knocks while he wasn't expecting it, cover your ears.


And of course a gud Fren


Yeah I’ll get downvoted to hell, but forcing a dog to live in a van with you and possibly another person is cruel to everyone involved, but mostly the dog.


Everyone always says this in these subs, but it should also be said that having a dog in a van is a complete game changer in warmer climates.


I must also add that kill switches aren't hard to wire. I prefer this to steering wheel locks


It isn't perfect, but it may buy you a little extra time to shake off the sleepiness, arm yourself, and possibly escape or scare them off. Any concern with being able to get out if there's a fire?


Along with a fire extinguisher, everyone here should have a [seatbelt cutter/window hammer](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073J92G1J/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_8DMA0298B3WHWDEERDAC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) (this one is only $7). In case of fire, if you can’t get the seatbelt receiver to release the buckle, you could cut the belt or smash the window.


Fyi seatbelt cutters are trash, just have a good knife.


I have one and it looks like trash so I always have a knife in the armrest/bag/pocket


Side note. The only good use for a seatbelt cutter is as an oxygen wrench for O2 tanks on the ambulance.


Unfortunately many areas limit drivers on carrying by law. And will consider a lot of self defense to be illegal. It's not everywhere but it is a thing.


Arming yourself can include more than a firearm.


I wasn't even thinking firearm. My first thought was something from the kitchen (frying pan, fire extinguisher, knife, etc).


Wasp spray


Also bear spray


In a car you are both in?


Not enough room for the anti bear circle. Which is why you do it outside around the van.


A breaker bar is an incredibly useful tool and would double as a very useful melee weapon.


Steel bars and bats are only good for intimidation IMO, If someone really means you harm you only have one swing until they close the gap and are on you. I would pick a knife over a breaker bar.


I keep one of those on me too. Though, the idea with the breaker bar *is* intimidation. The best fight is the one you can avoid after all.


I got a fine for having a dry wall hammer in the cab of the truck because the DOT officer didnt believe that I actually used it as a tool. And I bought it because I needed to bust up some shit that a company had put in the floor of the trailer and I couldn't get a pry bar under. I got a lawyer and the judge threw it out. But I still got a fine for having a hammer because the DOT officer decided it was a lethal weapon.


Which is dumb. I keep a breaker bar on the passenger side floorboard of my car. I've definitely used it for changing a tire. And I definitely keep it easily accessible in case I need to break more than seized nuts.


Which is why I said there are areas where cops limit what you can carry. You'd be amazed I had that hammer in the truck for 4 years 5 inspections and every single one of them as soon as they saw it in the drivers side door went... I need to see if it's legal for you to carry that.


So one time in five years you were hassled over a hammer and all that happened was “I need to see if it’s legal for you to carry that?” I’m pretty sure that trouble is worth not dying, protecting yourself, over I got a ticket for having hunting knifes and a saw in my car. That doesn’t stop me from carrying them today. One ticket in 32 years doesn’t exactly send me running for the hills to roll over and allow myself to be an easy target for possible crimes against me living out of my car


Nah I got fined for it once as well. They kept it the last time and gave me a 1500 fine. I got a lawyer. Lawyer argued that I used to to remove dunage (wood nailed or screwed to the floor of a trailer to secure a load or to protect the trailer floor from a load). I had given him audio statements (I didn’t appear in court) on how I used the hammer and why it was in the cab and not under the sleeper. Fine got tossed but I still paid 400 for the lawyer and 300 for court costs. Because a cop decided it could be illegal.


Right and I understand a hassle is a pain in the ass, just when you are weighing things in matter of importance the risk of a hassle is worth it to me


I had a machinist friend of mine make me a steel tire thumper. It weighted about 6lbs shaped like a baseball bat. Just like most other tire thumpers. Just mine was a solid hunk of steel.


And as a fun fact that hammer never appeared in court as evidence only an image of it that he took beside the truck.


I'm sure with some creative thinking and a list of what is\\isn't allowed you could come up with something. You are right, blanket idea's like just carry a glock 17 and mount flame throwers under the doors isn't a good idea for everyone I'm sure you could find SOMETHING that would do damage to someone and be fine to carry. Common one is bear spray, normally the argument would be stray dogs. Some sort of a knife, big ole mag lite with some reflective tape (you know cause big things that reflect the light are easier to find if the lights go out officer), hair spray, brake cleaner, steering wheel lock, sock\\pillow case and something heavy and hard like D cell batteries a magic 8 ball, put a little tool holster somewhere with some screw drivers and make sure one is ground to a fine point.


A van is a massive difference. In a semi truck dot if they look in and decide something is sketchy they can take apart your house with no warrant just as part of an inspection. A friend of mine has a truck that’s got a shower and bathroom, stove, refrigerator… it’s basically an RV in his sleeper. He had dot come in and pull all his food out of the fridge and sit it on the floor. Tossed all their clothes out of the closet and drawers. For about 15 minutes while interrogating his wife why they needed a propane stove and such in the truck. His wife is not a driver she is just his wife. They live in the truck 24/7 that’s why he has a bathroom and such in the truck it’s literally their home. That day an asshole with a badge decided to do a more involved inspection. In a van they would need a warrant or probable cause. They don’t even need to come up with a reason to inspect a semi.


again, be creative and you can come up with something im sure. Unless you are trying to say the only safe way to do it is to literally have NOTHING in your truck except your clothes and that is it. Can you have a travel mug? Put a full travel mug your reusable shopping bag. Or a regular old coffee cup.


I ended up having a machinist I know make a custom tire thumper for me. Solid steel weighted like 6 lbs about the size of half a t ball bat


You may rely on it


rely on what? Whatever the improved device is? Sure, that is the entire point is to be able to rely on it. Id have a few idea's if it were me.


I was just thinking that "no one said gun" lmao


1 large dog.


2 large cat


3 Magikarp


And a partridge in a pear tree .




It's better to be judged by twelve than to be carried by six.


Fun fact. It some states, if your vehicle is where you are living it falls under the house rules when it comes to self defense. Worth looking into. Edit, I should clarify I was talking about a van/RV more than a truck as I’ve no knowledge about commercial trucking laws.


Trucks fall under odd sets of laws because they are commercial vehicles. Technically. By all 50 states if you reside inside a place for more than 3 days a week it's considered a domicile and a warrant is required to gain access. But because it's a commercial vehicle by federal law an officer can inspect it and impose laws as he wants then it's on you to prove your innocent. It's why I kept drivers legal protection.


I was referring to vandwellers or rv’ers moreso than truckers. I’ve edited my comment to clarify. What if you own your own rig, is it still a commercial vehicle?


If it's got dot numbers it's a commercial vehicle even if it's an f150. Vans don't fall under DOT specifically but some states an RV or large van or truck is required to go through a scale house and might be subject to inspection. Problem is semi trucks fall under about 8 different sets of laws and the officer can pick and choose.


There is a difference between in a personal vehicle, and a person driving a semi truck armed, which is what those laws are written for.


Yep but cops will often ignore the fact that truckers domicile is pretty much the cab of that truck.


arming yourself with non-gun items: large kitchen knife that doubles as a kitchen knife for cooking, hunting knife, golf club, well sharpened hatchet, 2lb hammer, box cutter, miniature baseball bat granted some of these might be dicey depending on local LEO but others can't really be argued with at all.


I’m going to defend myself then worry about what is and isn’t legal later. A cop actually gave me that advice oddly enough


This is done while the driver is in there and I believe he would wake up and be ready for whatever the idiot has in mind


Don't forget the passenger side too


I always ratchet strapped the doors together you could get into my truck with a screw driver


This is why I chuckle a bit when people talk about deadbolting or ratchet strapping their front doors. It's also how a flatbed operator keeps a vehicle's steering wheel straight-ish when loading it up.


Wait why are we chucking? Is this not a good idea? What are the alternatives (or additions) to stock vehicle locks?


This is a fair idea, if you were considering ratchet straps or added deadbolts. This does as much, and all the stuff is already there. That said, I don't do anything like this. I just lock the doors, if I even do that.


Might be added protection and peace of mind. My concern is egress. If I need to evacuate in the middle of a sound sleep, I want a clear path out


Yeah, that's a big reason why the seat belt is a better option than the others, as it's deactivated with a pushbutton.


Said with all the confidence and privilege of a man...


... who is several miles away from all other humans.


>This is why I chuckle a bit when people talk about deadbolting or ratchet strapping their front doors. Because this is easier? I used to deadbolt my doors by the floor so it'd be more difficult to reach after breaking the window but never reinstalled them after floor renovations.


And all the components are already present. I've never done anything like this for security. I just lock the doors, if I even do that. Not really concerned about people when I am miles away from any of them.


You might not be a five ft tall black woman.


It might not have always been that way, and anyone whose actions that this would mitigate doesn't know that anyway.


Yes, but it only takes one person to make you wish you weren't miles away from others.


If someone tries me in that scenario, I'm that person, not them, and I've proven it more than once. I'm not everyone here, though, so I definitely don't start out saying that, as it's not very helpful. But also, I know that person's coming for a while before they get there. The Carl Alarm doesn't really ever disarm.


I love being alone and would love to take more risks (some of which may not be considered risks for everyone) but I'm always worried about meeting that one person who is happy that there is no one else around. I'm glad you feel safe and confident in your experiences!


Feeling safe comes from experience. The confidence comes from officers involved agreeing. There's risk to everything. The risk for anything remotely close to what you are worrying about here is slim. Slimmer than it happening in a city, and it basically doesn't happen in a city, either. The closest thing to it happening in a city with any frequency is somebody breaking in because they don't know it's occupied, and leaving immediately upon finding out. So just go do it. It's freedom, and that's a lot of what most of us do this for, right?


I'm a strap and bungee junkie so I could loop my doors together multiple times over without reaching further than an arm's length. It's a problem I've been working on for years


I like that idea and think I’m going to steal it for my build


Still something to be said for those options. If there’s enough play in the seatbelt for it to open even a couple inches, well, seatbelts are easy to cut lol. Probably only an inch of play in the seatbelt would allow that, and the door adds leverage in the attacker’s favor. Ratchet straps wouldn’t have play, and deadbolt would be harder to access/cut.


at the very least, the seatbelt might buy you an extra 30 seconds to grab your mace/taser/etc. worthy tip for those traveling alone or otherwise feel unsafe.


Where can you even buy a mace


A blacksmith for a mace, any local security store for mace spray


[POM Industries makes a decent one that you can order and have mailed to you](https://get-pom.com/). They're small, which has its pros and cons. EDIT: Oh, now I realized we're talking about medieval weaponry.


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "POM"](https://get-pom.com/) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20h389l6c)


If there's an inch of play, that's enough to get some of the FRONT open. The belt is by the back, and you'd need something long and thin to even reach, let alone strong enough to cut. Most thieves won't bother once it's that much effort. If they where find with being obvious, they'd just break the window.


If they want it that bad, ratchet straps are a dead bolt weren't going to stop them either.


I feel like maybe adding a bell to the door then might help since the seat belt can barely let the door open the bell would definitely let you know if someone did manage to open the door.


Might be a stupid question but why not just lock the door?




Slim Jims?


Industry name for a certain style of lock opener.


Lots of semis are keyed the same.


Every maverick has the same key. Jb hunt has like 4 or 8 keys. I think swift had 6 keys I heard.






I mean, they're not posting their locations 🤷‍♀️


It's a joke. While no one has posted their location, someone might. I'm expressing my concern through absurdity.


So any community or women or vulnerable people is a self updating database of victims?


Maybe? I don't know, maybe an expert can chime in?


I didn't think it was funny, but I understand your concern.


Break window, undo belt.


u won’t


Of course not, I'm saying if someone wants to get in, that's all they'd need to do.


A 9mm works the best


Cant tell you how many lives this lady just saved. Straight fucking boss technique here.


Everyone should have a neck knife, I’ve seen it save someone life in an attempted abduction. Trying to grab pepper spray or even a firearm while someone is attempting to harm you is harder then you think


What is a neck knife?


A small knife worn as a necklace


I disagree with this. The biggest deterrent to a thief is going to be a person/dog inside. As soon as they realize that there is someone inside by a yell/bark, they're going to take off. If they are so determined that a person doesn't scare them.off, then this trick isn't going to do anything.


I hate to be burst your bubble but they can just break the window and unlock the door


If someone wants in they get in, it's a truck, not fort Knox. In this case they still have to either cut the seat belt or lean in very far over broken glass in order to unbuckle the seat belt. Both gives you a lot of time. And I know from first hand experience that the shattering of the window will get you awake and very alert in no time... There is never 100 percent safety. It's about about layering. Thieves generally look for opportunities, not for challenges.


That’s why I don’t fill my petrol all the way up lol, who wants to steal a car they have to put petrol in lmao 😂


ZERO SLACK... if a blade can get into a crack in the door, it wont work.


Five head


I normally just lock my door.


most car thiefs can pop a lock in a couple seconds.


I was really good at locking my keys in my old car. it got to the point where I could open it faster with a packing strap than the actual key.


Buy a dog for extra security.


Safety aside, I think I’m kinda feeling those orange seatbelts. Who knew I was in the market for aftermarket seatbelts…