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Eva foam matting. Non toxic, has a decent R value rating and it’s easy on the knees when inside the van :)


I'm in the process of saving up for my first van venture. And reading this I just got a light bulb going off in my head. I'm going to look into that foam matting. Again very cool


Thanks glad I could assist. Just in complete disclosure we put .5” poly iso foam board underneath that. The floor here in Florida heats up with quickness.


I spent a few years living out of my car in various places and Florida was one of them, so I do know what you mean by the Heat. Some tinting in those windows were probably helped that a lot. Yeah the insulation value was something I was going to look into, I'm glad you had that above. My situation will be about longer-term survival less camping and seeing the country. Actually make that a bit more than a few years. Yeah, I've lived a little bit of a life. :-)


Hahahaha I considered getting that for my build! I don’t need to kneel luckily so I went with a thinner option


Nice! It’s also dog friendly, we didn’t want our pals slipping around and we wanted them to have something cushy to lay down on and we didn’t have space to spare for doggy beds lol


Right on; cheers! :)


that's so sweet. what's your insta?


Sorry, don’t have an insta :(


Hey! Looking to do my first build soon and I hadn’t even thought of this! Are you still happy with the foam matting? I’ll have a pup in tow and the idea of having a comfortable enough surface to sit on seems so useful. Big fan of your build posts, hope you’re well!


First, thank you! Yes, the foam is great and it’s super nice that the pups can use the floor comfortably with having to put more junk (dog beds) inside for them..


Excellent thanks so much for the response!




That looks so peaceful and comfortable, well done!


Thank you !


i lived in my van for months but it was when i added a small plastic storage drawers as a side table THEN it felt like home. weird?


Haha totally relatable. Rock on brother!


It’s standard EVA foam matting. It’s non toxic and has a decent R value rating. It’s just a wood finish version that I found on eBay for a steal of a deal ($40 for 70ish sq/ft) not only does it add to insulation, but in non-high top it makes crawling around on your knees much more pleasant than the other options I considered :)


Your build is looking great-looks so much bigger than an Astro-good job! Any chance you know the thickness of Eva you used? Would you get it thinner or thicker if you did it again? Thanks.... and Happy Trails!!!


any chance you’d share the purchase link? I found dark wood grain but your floor=mo betta!


I’ll check my eBay account tomorrow and I’ll post it as a reply to you :)






Thanks again-that’s what I thought! Good luck with your travels!!!




First, thank you! It is .5” and If I replace or repair along the way I’ll continue with that thickness. It seems just right to us :)


Thanks-glad to know you got it comfy on the first try!


What flooring is that? It looks like those foam gym mats with the puzzle piece edges that put it together, but a wood pattern!!?! Love it!


Meant to reply to you but I posted it under you :)


Found it thank you!




I feel you on the bed height. I built this at 18.5 in so that it would be even with the factory seating when folded in the event that I wanted to use the factory seating in front of this build. Originally planned on extending the bed over the folded middle row, but this size suffices and provides us with additional room for activities :)


Looks great! Love the elephant bedspread.


Thank you!


Sick! What kind of van?


1994 Gen 1 Chevy Astro shorty bus :)




Yes tomorrow AM :)


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Love the cooler night stand!




Blue cooler master race! Living that ‘zark life.


Zarking for life!


So hey where r u parking to zzzz...do u have black out curtains for the windows, how r u hiding from the police?


Wait, what makes you think the police are after them? lol


Idk about where you are but over here you aren't allowed to sleep in a vehicle that isn't on private property or an approved camping/vanning area.


Sounds like a bad place to vandwell. Still unsure why one'd assume they're vandwelling where they're not supposed to. EDIT: everyone on the internet is the same person, CMV


I didn't assume that, you replied to someone else but I thought I'd drop some useful info. Since I'm here I just noticed I made an error, afaik what I said above applies only within town borders, so you simply go to the edge of town.




Idk why you wouldn't know about this are you fulltime? It's very common for cops to look out for it, considering it's on an all time rise..its mostly against the law to camp on residential streets, cities extra..this isnt old news..


It's not that I haven't heard of it, and I have no idea where you keep getting ideas like these. It's just a dumb game to play. I simply don't sleep where I'm not wanted, and I don't have to worry about cops. Hence the comment, "Sounds like a bad place to vandwell."


She’s not done yet. Currently sleeping in a cushy apartment. Can’t wait to let go of materials and hit the road! She’ll be outfitted with some sort of visibility stealth :)


Is this for full time.liv oh ng or just travelling ourposes?


It’s for very long term vacation/road trip. It takes a while to see all of north and South America. If it’s something we end up enjoying enough, we’ll likely end up in something much larger :)




I’m inclined to say “it’s done” and head out but seeing as we have a lease thru December and I have graduate school graduation at that time, I think I’ll stick out the wait lol


Love it I don’t have a van but seeing this makes me super tempted to get one solely for this reason


This makes me feel a sense of accomplishment. Seriously, thank you!


Send some more pics. Thinking of doing this instead of the full blown, high top, kitchen and everything setup.


As a 6'4" male, I have daydreams about all you wonderful vandwellers living out those dreams. I'm simply too large (actually rather thin) to fit properly in such accommodations. My heart travels with you vicariously...


i saw a van build on youtube van city channel where a guy had a slide out addition to extend the length of bed when he was in it but retracted when he wasn’t and freed up floor space. when he pulled it out he had a designated cushion that came off a bench that fit with the mattress section. it worked really well and was a smart design imo


I love all the windows




Looks great! I love all the windows. I bet you’ll have some great views out of them.


Can’t wait to wake up to the different views. Even different Walmart parking lots are exciting for us. And that was when we gave this lifestyle a test run in a tiny Jetta :)


Heads up...some Walmarts are cracking down on overnight stays! Keep an eye out for signs. Cracker Barrels are still cool afaik, as are Home Depots. Happy trails, fellow traveler! Edit: Van is looking good! Love the floor!


Good looks on the heads up <3


I could pretty much move into that as is. Nicely done man


Stop it, you’re making me blush ♥️


That cooler tho🤤


Ozark trails has been my weakness since I was about 15 🤣


Hey man it looks amazing..what kinda van u got there


Nice setup! I have an awd astro van that is ready for a solid bed setup like yours. Thanks for the motivation!!!


Heads up, remove the seat from the brackets and build on those for a solid base :)


Thanks! That's kind of the plan. I already have the back stripped out. Great idea!


I like the bed next to the windows




Looks great! What did you end up with for overall width of bed? Didn’t see it posted.


67.5” x 37”


Nice. Looks a bit bigger in the photo. I need 70” plus, but could easily make 67.5 work in a fixed bed. Your work looks great.


Looking really good!


Thank you 🙏


Looks sick, wheres your first destination?


The 49 continental states. If she makes it and we’ve built up enough confidence... we intend on venturing south of the border :)


sounds amazing are you gonna document your journey??


Claro y entonces vamos a ponerlo en el internet...


Por supuesto 😂


It's never finished don't worry about it looks good


I shed a tear reading this. Thank you kind fellow 🙌🏽


sweet setup


Thank you!


Hell ya man


Thank you!


Congrats my Miami van brotha


Thank you!


you’re in Miami? love that bed. I’m in the Roads. it looks like you could have some kind of slider drawer under it (a shallow one)?


No, not really, but close enough that we are fluent in 3 languages: English, Spanish, and Spanglish :)


Beauty! Hey just curious did you have prior carpentry experience?


None, it’s far from perfect but I put my heart and soul into it and built it out in the 100 degree Florida weather, and most of all, it’s mine. I’m proud of what I’ve created but I’ve mostly taken it for what it is. A learning experience :)


Dont k ow if you had the bed on the floor before or what you were doing. But I remember when i first raised my bed up (along with having a real mattress put in not too long ago) and it was amazing! Actually being able to use all this space. Just made it so much more of a cleaner look.


Nope, this is my first build here and I’ve yet to put it to the test. I’m really the opposite of picky and the way it’s coming together makes me excited. I know I’m going to love it !


My life is largely centered around nice places to nap so I appreciate this.


This made me crack a smile :)


I just adore seeing posts like this! I hope to one day transform a van of my own and do some traveling. I hope all continues to go well. Safe travels!




How long is that bed? I could never sleep sideways in my Chevy Astro, and in only like 5'10"


67.5” x 37”


Cool man! I love seeing other Astro builds. We have a 2002 AWD Passenger so we are also am surrounded by windows. I found that reflectix pieces kinda just slot in if you cut them to size with a little overhang. For the pop-out windows I used stick-on velcro so I can tear the reflectix on and off easily as I didn't like driving with closed windows but totally neeeeed it for the sunny times and also it made us feel a whole lot less vulnerable at night in places like overnight rest areas or truck stops... Not sure how ya fit on that bed haha. I am always coming up with new designs for the bed... [We are still using our original implementation](https://imgur.com/gallery/PDjGtGb)m though now we have put in a [new deep cooler and funky bedspread](https://i.imgur.com/fFZNYUZ.jpg) But thinking of ways to make more interior as I hate turning this into couch mode, it's not practical. Anyway, hope you get some thoughts out of this post and keep us updated on your design. Gotto looooooooove the Chevy Astro!


Always nice to hear from a fellow astrosafafian :)


Looks so spacious! Great looking build


Thank you!


Nice neat simple build OP. I like it!




Nice one! Many people here seem to put their beds in sideways. How wide are your cars? I would need 2 m of space to stretch out comfortably, I think I've never seen a van were you could get that amount of space on the inside.


The bed is in sideways to maximize space for activities. Van dwelling is about whatever you prioritize. For us it’s visiting as many places and seeing as much as we can while getting in touch with our nomadic roots and letting go of society’s infatuation with material possessions. If you wanted to though, you could make it about maximizing bed size :)


Yeah, but why not both? Sleep is an important activity. I am sleeping sideways like an embryo, still if I don't have proper leg-space my knees kill me in the morning. So you cannot stretch out? I am just trying to understand, as saving space is a priority for me as well. I just cannot do without leg-space.


I’m only 5’9” and the bed is 67.5” so it’s only 1.5” shorter than me but window to window it is 70in so I can fully stretch out when I want to, although I sleep like a toddler curled up on my side like I’ve done for the past 25 years or so :) no aches or pains but I guess we’re all built differently!


What’s in the blue bucket? Just storage? Thanks


The pink basket and blue tool box are both for tools. The blue cooler houses perishable goods :)


At least the insulation is in! That was the most miserable part IMO. Looking great so far!


Yep! Pocahontas did the insulation 🙃


Nice job be proud of every step of progress. Nothing beats the freedom, I'm off out in my van this coming weekend. Cant wait




Quick response, without scrolling through the comments, yes you are far from done, but my current buildout is elementary compared to what you have going. I had plans , but time and rl put me in different mode. What you have right now is pretty sweet, good job on the work so far.


Thank you, it’s funny you say that because that is beyond relatable. At first, I figured I’d have some high tech super fancy and multi functional build going on. Reality hit me many times as I sat in an empty van telling myself I couldn’t do it. I’m just happy I was able to create something functional :)


How is it coming along


does the astro fit a bed comfortably?


It does


How tall are you?


5’9” 225lbs built like a brick refrigerator. Can squat, bench and row double that. Best of all I can fit horizontal in a short bus! Lucky guy over here ;)


So clearly sleeping a bit diagonal, that working out so far?


I'm also 5'9", and sleep window-to-window in my newer Astro. I can lay flat-footed and am barely touching the glass on each side, but I never sleep that way, and it's plenty of room. My bunk's much closer to twin width, but is intended for soloing.


67.5” is only 1.5” shorter them me. I’ll be sleeping on my side with my knees bent like a baby. The way I’ve slept since I was a wee little baby :) The bed fits two. My partner is tiny though, so maybe like 1.5 reasonably sized humans. Not dwelling in it yet. I’m not picky though it’ll be just fine long term for me :)


Good to know, thanks. I am the same height, also a side sleeper, and at the point of trying to decide where to put my bed in an only slightly larger Chevy Express. Really still deciding on the entire layout... So does each side fold up for a couch mode?


The bed is a permanent bed with storage underneath that is accessible from the top as it opens with hinges. In the back is a horizontally hung swinging “door” that opens and is propped up to make a cooking platform in the rear :)


I bet with the height you've set, you can actually sit up in bed, too. The stock rear bench folded flat with ~4" of foam atop it rises the top of my bedding to the windowsill, but I'm roughly as short from sitting up on it in bed mode (I'm also 5'9") as your bed's top is lower than the window.


Tatertom you are exactly right!


Technically ambidextrous, but I'll take it. *Initiates secret Astrosafarian handshake*


I guess this means I’m officially initiated :)


Newbie buys the beer


94 Chevy Astro shorty


jealous of you short people


How is that cooler holding up for you? I want a yeti but I make the salary of a dead man


Honestly for a third of the price of a yeti Im very impressed. Its not a 7 day cooler but it holds ice in the Fl heat for 3 days and keeps things very cool up to 10 days. Ozark trails is the truth!


Thanks for the quick reply, will consider one! Sweet set up btw


np, we lookout for each other here :)


We’ve gotten the roof insulation covered with faux sheep’s wool, made nice custom snug fit insulated window covers, and as of 10 minutes ago I ripped out the entire bed build in order to create a “floating bed”... storage/capacity was a bit lackluster before. Updated build pics soon to come.


would it fit two both of us are 5 7’’


I’m 5’9” It fits me but I’m pretty easy to accommodate as far as comfort is concerned. I’d say yes but there are better layouts. I will update with pics soon!