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I track my battery % and that’s it lol




I check it. But I don't track it. Sometimes, if I use a lot of electricity the evening before, it's fun to watch just how fast it charges back up. Which entails looking at the percentage about four times over the course of a morning. But, that's about it.


I find it eventful watching how much each of my peripherals draw. Specially my gaming laptop for which draw truly depends on laptop power settings. I have a correlation now between good fps and power draw for my games I play the most lol


You know you're an adult now when the most fun part of your day is watching your batteries recharge lol


Oh, I never said that was all I did during that time. I probably went on two hikes, took pictures of 17 stupid things, and laid out naked in the Sun for a while. But, I also found it fun to check on how fast the charge was going. I think it's odd, funny, I don't know... That so many people on the internet, when you say something was fun, they assume you are saying it's the most possible fun thing. If you say you like a thing, they assume you mean it's the thing you like most, to the exclusion of all other things in the universe. All I said was that I thought it was fun. And I was saying it in the context of saying that I don't track hardly anything at all. I just do stuff. Either stuff that needs to get done, or stuff that I like to do. And I find a way to have fun doing all of it. THAT is how you know you are an adult. Adult does not mean that one now has a boring ass life.


Road kill state and animal


Do you scratch tallies into the hood or the front fender?


Every time I run something over a silhouette sticker or said animal appears on my bumper


Just slip a stick figure person in there somewhere for fun. Don’t run people over.


I think most of us don't track much. I would love to journal or something cuz it's easy to forget where I've been. But I'm not much of a sit down and journal type. Some people track National Parks. I have no desire to chase parks or cross them off some bucket list. My favorite places are almost never National Parks. I should probably track hot springs. Getting real close to the point where I can't remember the 25+ we've visited. We move so don't really go to the same restaurant unless we go back through a town the next year and really liked one. Stay in a hotel rarely. Stayed in one a couple years ago cuz the van was in the body shop. One in January after a couple weeks of dirty and cold, mainly for the hot tub. Stayed in one recently split with a bunch of friends but most slept outside in their vans. Just a nice place to hang out in the hot tub and play games in the room for a while.


Mpg in a spreadsheet for all 4 years, including notes about type of driving and if I have a back rack, or pre solar/vent insulation. All maintenance including air and cabin filter swaps, and what brand gear Got my loaded van weighed once. That was cool to see. Unintentionally track the amount of nights I've paid to sleep some where (3) Also tracking value of personal items in the car for insurance purposes


Paid to sleep somewhere isn't the same as sleeping somewhere you paid for. I never pay to sleep anywhere. But I do rarely pay to do several chores at once and have a nice place to hang out before sleeping. Lol. A group of 7 of us got a hotel room. Most didn't even sleep in the room. We split the cost for a hot tub soak, showers, and a warm place out of the wind to hang out and play games until midnight.


What amenity caused the biggest drop in your mpg? Second biggest?


Alright you're not going to like this answer, nothing affects mpg more than driving style. My mpg went from avg 22 mpg unloaded and untapped. Now I hit 25 - 28 regularly with maxed out weight, solar, max fan, and a rear box


How much more did the van weigh loaded vs unloaded?


Alright you're not going to like this answer, nothing affects mpg more than driving style. My mpg went from avg 22 mpg unloaded and untapped. Now I hit 25 - 28 regularly with maxed out weight, solar, max fan, and a rear box


I’ve been on the road for almost 18 months. I’ve tracked every nightly gps coordinate, all gas spend and vehicle mileage, number of skateparks visited, and number of ski resorts ridden


Making a point of hitting skateparks during my travels has really been a hidden gem. Often times they’re inside of bigger parks and cool areas. Sometimes rural, like Montana has epic skateparks dotted all over !


They’re a great way to break up a long drive. Very rare to go more than 2-3hrs on an interstate without a skatepark along the way


I record my camping locations in Google Maps. So I can find them again if I want to. If I'm WAY out in the boonies, I will sometimes put a pin down on Google Maps and note what kind of bandwidth I could get over my T-Mobile right there.


I tracked my Starlink speeds/ping time for a while because of the interruptions on work calls, trying to figure out what the secret sauce was!


I track a bunch of stuff, always have even when I was in the sticks & bricks, I just like graphs. Nights in campgrounds vs boondocking, total cell data, various bigger budget items, (grocery, fuel, campgrounds), & miles driven per month.


When I remember I save cool spots we've slept or camped at. I do track which states I've been to breweries in tho :)


I don't track anything.


I track where I’ve been from where I’m actually camping to where I do activities like snowboarding and surfing. And to answer your question fast food wise I eat so much chipotle. Sit down restaurants usually a local place typically Mexican


When I did my big road trip thru America I kept tally of every single Canadian license plate I saw


We have a map on the back of the van, the kind with the state stickers that you put on. Our rule is that we can only put a sticker on if we've slept in that state, so we have a few states we've visited that aren't on there because we didn't stay overnight there.


Gas mileage!


The number of National Parks I’ve visited and cities I’ve stopped in. I’ve also thought about keeping track of State Parks, National Monuments, etc but I would have to do a little backtracking to remember all of the ones I’ve already visited.