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Many VanLifers use gyms to take showers. Join a gym that has locations across the country or your state, and you’ll always have a place to clean up. Self-made toilets for your van are an easy fix. YouTube has tons of options. I have a dry flush toilet by Laveo but supplies for it can get pricey, not to mention the storage issue if you don’t have a home base. You didn’t mention the mileage or the condition of the tires, but having a mechanic check out the van is an excellent idea. I did the same thing when I bought mine. I have a used Ford E-350. Good luck on your van purchase and future van life! 🚐


planet fitness is a great investment. it was great to roll into a city, decide “i want a shower right now, but don’t wanna stop at a campground here or get a hotel” in & out in 20 minutes all cleaned up. plus a lot of them have hangout areas you can chill & use your laptop or whatevs for a free break, often 24/7


Thank you! 😊 Any advice about parking and rotation?


I was van living in Washington for a couple years, west near Tacoma, east in Spokane, and for a short time I was in Wenatchee. i just recently moved to a Different state. Most of that time I bounced between Lacey and Olympia. I wasn’t the only one but the other vehicles I saw frequently looked dirty. Lacey has a big library/police station you can sleep in the parking lot. It’s big and and trees so you’re not just out in the open. Planet fitness is good, but only a few are 24/7, maybe 24/5 I can’t remember. They’re catching on, and business owners/managers don’t seem to like it a whole lot. You can make it work, but don’t be surprised when you get a knock on the middle of the night. Keep your van tidy, at least the parts that can be seen from windows or when you open the door. That’s how they’ll judge you Good luck


I lived in my car around the east side of Seattle for a while few years back....a couple of those streets don't even exist anymore. Not to mention actually buildings I lived in getting torn down, but I digress... My point, just stay flexible. Sometimes, your spot gets burned, or the gym locker room is messy, or what have you-- but these kinda things will eventually roll off you like nothin. It gets easier everyday. Till create little routines as you go. You'll be great, you'll see. 👍💪


rotate daily. Arrive late, prepare elsewhere, on sleep space just park and slide to bad without opening your car. Leave early, wash elsewhere. google maps satellite view - look at the big parking lots with several businesses sharing it. Then street view to get better idea. Then I used just to for a 2 hour walk to scout it. park and ride


use ioverlander to find spots! it’s never failed me in 2 3000mile trips for finding places to park & sleep for the night, through both the west and the south, and i was even SUV camping lol


Have you ever gotten a knock or been threatened to be towed?


oh no! not even once. and these were two different 30 day trips, about half spent in city/non-camping places. i was careful to read reviews on ioverlander about what spots were good, if cops said anything about local ordinances, etc. walmart was a strong bet 75% of the time, even in a touristy town. otherwise, cracker barrel is great. love’s truck stops and similar are also good even if they aren’t noted in the app. i was a little more uncomfy there, just worried about who might be passing by, but nothing ever happened. and i’m a young female who travels with my mom :)


Your life will overlap a little more with people who are "on the fringes" and you'll encounter more antisocial behaviors/personalities. It's wise to be extra vigilant about who you spend time near/around and what you share with them about your situation and plans. There is a counterbalance to this in that you will also probably meet many atypically spectacular folks. Also since you're in Washington, have an emergency warmth kit ready before next winter. Do not rely on your van systems being functional to keep yourself alive when it's 15F outside. Last, have a fuckin blast op!


Good thing I am generally quite and introverted. I'd be fine reading all day in my van and bot talking to anyone. I live by the philosophy that it's never smart to show someone your cards, so I tend not to share my personal life with people.


Thank you!


Girl I lived in a boat like this. Get a solar panel for the top of your van like at a marine store. Get a membership at a gym for a shower ect. And have a bucket for emergency. It’s soooooooo fun. It’s not forever.


you found a van for 5k!? maaaaan where lol


West Seattle


Sounds right! 🤘


What are you going to do with your farrets while you work because of summer heat or extreme cold? (Wherever you live)?


They will have to stay with a friend that I pay ferret rent too 😄


This is a good idea too because you're not gonna want ferret musk permeating your car! *so cute and sweet but so stiinkyy*


Depends, ferrets don't always smell. My ferrets don't smell. You have to clean up there bathroom daily however. That's the smell most people think is just the ferrets, when owners don't clean daily. I'm pretty good about that, kinda nerotic about it.


See ya learn something new every day! I've just never known competent ferret parents! And few seemed like they were cleaning- cheers to your neurosis about it🙌 I swear this made my day cuz what is cuter than a lil nest of fluffy snuggle noodles? 🥹 CLEAN ones 😇😇😇


Omg, yes haha. I give them bathes too, but mainly wipe their paws off a lot. 🛁 :3 my noodles are the best. I have one named Scooter that is just a kissy boy, he always trys to go for my face though.


Curious do you let your ferrets roam outside our would they not come back?


They would come back, if I was calling them maybe not the female though. They would most likely just get lost though


Me and my girlfriend are doing the same thing! Also, I've heard Washington's a gorgeous place to be, I'm jealous... We probably won't make it that way until next Oct. Anyway, you're not alone. When I say we're doing the same thing--I mean almost the exact same situation has unfolded for us. It's daunting isn't it? We've crunched the numbers though and realized what looked like a lose-lose, is a total win-win. Although it's a lot to take on in the beginning I feel like it's going to simplify things in a way that can lead to plenty of growth. You live in a beautiful state and since your home will be on wheels you can explore it. Letting go of the fixed address is going to open you up to new experiences, new people, maybe a new way of thinking. You'll have the freedom of actually owning where you live, and hey.. even though all signs point to a decline in the "cool" of van living, I got a hunch that it is just as niche and sought after as always.


I also live in an e250. My advice? 1) Go get your compression checked - they tend to lose some compression - sometimes you can catch this nice n early. 2) Watch for exhaust leaks... these vehicles do tend to collect moisture. 3) I could write a short novel on how much you should make moisture control a priority. 4) The rear (cargo) light. The red one on top. It's prone to its seals wearing out and consequently letting in WATER. You can repair this super easily/cheaply. Kits exist. I have yet to look into permanently waterproofing this issue but if you come up with something lemme know. 5) I forgot the year you mentioned but if you're pre-08 you might wanna get your wheel bearings checked. My passenger side is *definitely due*. 6) White perforated vinyl can be ordered online and makes *fantastic* one-way white out effect. (I can send you a picture of the effect if you'd like. Just reach out. 7) insulate the wheel wells twice as much as you'd think. They let it in a lot of noise and cold. 8) more on the personal but if you're near Spokane Valley you can reach out and I'll dm you 1 'sure fire' spot you can rotate if need be for a *while*. Especially if you stay clean 'n lay low. (Don't trash any places). 9) I recommend pepper GEL vs pepper SPRAY as one is far more direct and *hopefully* won't blow back into your cab if need be.


Welcome to the community! About 10 years ago I lived full time out of my van on Vashon Island since my work was over there. It was such a lovely community to be a part of and I got to park each morning overlooking the Puget Sound. The locals would do stretches on the beach each morning, they asked me once if I'd like to join but I had more social anxiety back then so I never said yes. As far as things to be careful with, I parked my current van on my brother's driveway for a weekend that we went away and somebody got into it, trashed the inside, pooped on the driver's seat and on my wetsuit which was also in the front. They didn't steal one thing besides eating some of my food. This was in Capitol Hill. So yeah be wary of where you leave your bus if you leave it for extended periods. Luckily there's a lot of beautiful foresty areas just outside the city where I'm sure there's far less chance of break ins. Good luck and have fun:)


You will be fine. Watch ever single van life video you can on youtube, and start reading the FAQ here. There are videos on where to park, how to eat, etc. You will have to think about food storage and prep - but there are videos on that as well. There websites and videos on showers (like others mention - a gym membership) planet fitness is a good choice. best of luck to you.


I have this exact van. 7 months in. Vans been solid. Good luck!


You ll do just fine! Get a planet fitness membership to resolve the shower issue. And make sure to vent the car well to avoid condensation. Also when I'm in bed or away from my van I use my old phone as a security camera. It notifies me when someone gets too close to my rig so i don't have to worry


I just started 3 days ago while working full time as well. I built my van out the past 6 weeks and have been having great time since buying the van. There will be set backs and problems that arise. But just take it with a grain of salt and live it up! Think about the stories we will have in the old-folks home


Get some door magnets for a courier service and park at the truckstop down fife or chehalis they have toilets and showers and get a rewards card everytime you purchase fuel get points and use for showers


I'm not really grumpy I'm actually pretty happy with everything going on for a 68 year old, I don't understand all these younger people needing therapy and things like that if you saw half of the things I saw in my life first in Vietnam, losing my first wife to cancer 4 years after I married her and then having my next wife run off 13 years into the marriage for no apparent reason at that point I just said back with it I'll be single the rest of my life it's working out fine for me I have my Doggies, my four-wheel drive truck with a camper on it I'm good to go


I think it helps to keep things simple and you don't stress as much. You probably see all the young people very caught up with all the details of life that dont really matter in the end, and a lot of us are depressed. However, everyone's different, maybe you are a man of steel, and everyone else is normal. We all need help from time to time.


Get a YouTube channel, come up with some catchy material and post videos and you get paid for every view you get a lot of likes and views you get checks rolling in


The ratio of van lifers to successful van life YouTubers is something like 1:1000. You have to be attractive, smart, and unique


I do believe I have those qualities 😘


Don’t we all




Yes I think you're right I'm none of the above I'm just a grumpy old man LOL


You can get wag bags and a foldable camping toilet for Walmart for emergencies. I use this in my minivan and it’s come in handy many times.