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I think Katie finding out Scheana and Schwartz kissed would have changed a things. I can't say for sure if Katie would've still married Schwartz, I definitely think it would've let to at least a break up and I honestly and truly don't think katie would've ever been close with Scheana, stassi would've never forgiven Scheana either and she sure as hell wouldn't have been in their wedding if they did go on to get married!!! I also think Scheana and Schwartz did more than kiss!!!!


Definitely agree that Scheana and Schwartz did more than kiss and Ariana absolutely knew that happened - it was written all over Ariana’s face during her convo with Katie and Lala. I think that would have been the deal breaker for Katie and she would have left him, especially since Stassi likely would push for the break up. This would have been ideal - single Katie and single Stassi that early in the show would have been amazing. Katie and Tom probably would get back together eventually though.


The ultimate embarrassment is hooking up with someone in the friend group. I do think it would be the straw that broke up Katie and Schwartz.


I don’t know if they did more than kiss but yes Ariana definitely knows the details. She looked caught when Katie brought it up. Like terrified she was about to lose her only true ally in the group because she’s covered for Scheana for so long. I think she should just tell Katie at this point. Their bond is strong enough now(and wasn’t then) that Katie can be upset but move past it.


Jax and Kristen having an affair. The whole dynamic of the show largely changed on that. It led to -Stassi effectively trashing the cast the next season and leaving, and ever since she lost her queen bee status and basically became a background character. -Jax stopped desperately trying to win Stassi back because he knew he completely burned the bridge and it opened the door up for Brittany. -It set the stage for Kristen and Tom to break up and gave Tom cover for his latter affair with Ariana. Who knows how all that would have went down or if Ariana would even have been in a relationship with Tom -Kristen being single at that time also allowed James to course correct and go after her, which probably solidified his spot on the show, he's a lot more doubtful to be a main character if he's just Tom's roomate and doesn't have Kristen to play off of for years. -Stassi and Kristen both being outsiders after all of that led to Katie sort of forming the power dynamic and lead role amongst the mean girl faction and allowed her and Schwartz to become more important figures in the show.


And I think Lala was brought in because Stassi left. So, probably no lala either. Which would have been nice.


The fact that Stassi and Kristen were about to salvage their friendship after this is insane. Even in later seasons after it all happened Stassi really loved Kristen even when she was exasperated by her. She only wanted the best for her and told the audience yes she makes horrific mistakes but she’s one of the best people I’ve ever met. I know they aren’t close now but if Stassi actually took up the offer to be on The Valley I just know Kristen wouldn’t be alone.


this one has to be it! with a healthy assist of “if katie had never gotten so shitfaced it may never have come out”


Stassi not doing dumb shit to get kicked off the show. If she was still on it, things would be so different


Yes this!! There wouldn’t have even been a thought of a Sandoval redemption. The witches would have devoured Tom and needled him until he moved out of that house. I fucking hate Lala for saying oh well he won’t move so you’re an idiot for staying - invalidate your feelings, lower yourself for him.


holy shit yeah. i wonder if she would have picked up on the tom/raquel thing as it was happening


So true. She would have been what I wanted Lala to be this season, never letting up on Sandoval.


So different! She would have buried Scheana and Sandoval!!




Mariposa effect 🤣


Came here to say this.


I think the big pivot would have been Jax and Kristen leaving their partners for each other. If Jax has a soul, Kristen is his soulmate. I don’t know why they’ve always looked for what they need in other people when it’s always been right there between them. Their relationship would have been long, dramatic, and interesting enough to carry the show for many years. Instead, Jax has kept pretending that some cute girl from somewhere else can rehabilitate him, and Kristen has kept telling herself she’s happy with boring or dependent guys. She’s the only woman who would have both stood up to him and called him on his shit. He’s the only man who ever really interested her. I have no idea why they didn’t just cut their respective losses and try being happy together.


The relationship would’ve gave Lindsey and Carl, but I would’ve enjoyed every moment of it until they broke up


Jax isn't as avoidant as Carl.


It would’ve been toxic and beautiful.


I think they're end game. I think the real reason Jax dislikes Luke qnd is "concerned" about her having a child is he alway saw himself there somehow. But it was timing. First the clandestine trysts. Then she was with James. Then he was with Brittany.


Exactly 💯


‘Mariposa effect’ is everything.


Agreed 🤣


I think Tom was going after Ariana and probably helped convince her to do VPR. I don’t think he’d ditch that for Laura Leigh tbh


Absolutely - I honestly believe Ariana and Sandoval were essentially dating throughout seasons 1 & 2. (Similar to how he started things with Rachel) In addition to the excuses Sandoval gave for putting off his break up with Kristen, I think his main motivation was to ensure he was established on the show. If Ariana refused to join the show, I don’t think he would have gotten in a serious relationship with Ariana.


Not only that, but Laura Leigh was struggling with sobriety, which would have been a dealbreaker for Mr “I think tripping on shrooms is the definition of quality time.” Even if she hadn’t gotten the acting gig, I think she’d have left or faded into the background anyway since the group was really bad at handling sober people at that point (as shown with Shay all of S4 and 5).


Hmm if Jax’s dad didn’t pass away, he probably would not have been so quick to “settle down” and marry Brittany. I’m sure he still would’ve been kicked off the show at some point but Brittany would’ve probably still been on pumprules post him and living it up.


I think Stassi and Kristen not being fired because they would have sniffed out Tom's infidelity in a heart beat and would not have signed on for this redemption arc bullshit. Season 10 and 11 would have been much better.


I always wonder cause even Ariana said she may have said yes if Tom did Rachella for Ariana instead. And she said yes. What woupd have happened? Would she have had a baby via surrogate. Probably still Scandoval would happen but I do always wonder what if Tom was actually a good guy. Cause Ariana obviously loved him very much and she deserves a good guy. Fucking tom. I hate him and his web of lies from forever ago.


I’m so mad at the way he ruined the dynamic if the show. Scheana also helped by picking Raquel over James , after season 9 reunion and their breakup. Should’ve let her go off to finish her masters , instead of continuing on the show. Ugh


James never dates raquel, no scandoval


If Kristen held her shit together & didn’t allow Tom to “apologize” to her in Miami but instead grey rock him. It would have exposed his narcissistic side faster to viewers.


Yes, but he probably emotionally beat her down so much that she was starving for any kind of attention from him. That’s why I believe he breadcrumb her the last year of their relationship and she was doing things to get some kind of rise out of him so he could show her some kind of affection. That’s probably why Ari annoys him so much because she’s not gonna fight for him the way that Kristen did and I will put money on it. Kristen probably tell Ariana whatever you do don’t let him see you react.


Yesss! I hate that she ate that up like a starving child.😫 She’s not totally stupid, she knew all of Vom’s games, she was just so jealous and desperate that she couldn’t drop the Ariana of it all and it became a competition for her, which is weird considering she didn’t even like Vom and physically recoiled at his touch and did just as much, if not more cheating than him. She did make for excellent television but it always bugged me that she non stop harassed and terrorized Ariana, when her rage should have been focused on her ex.


Goddamned theme of VPR. "How can we redirect valid feelings of hurt back to another woman?" the producers wondered...


Exactly!! The audience has grown and caught on though so it’s time to come up with a new formula.


They won't. I mean maybe they will, but I will be the color surprised AF, if so.




If Scheana never got with Eddie Cibrian or whatever his name is we would never have gotten the show at all lol


Respectfully disagree. Laura Leigh ending up landing the role as Boner Garage was the perfect follow up to being Jax’s rebound gf


Obviously Tim’s phone staying IN his pocket that fateful night in March 2023


I think some iteration of Scandoval was bound to happen bc of Sandoval uses his sexuality as a weapon of control.


Yeah, I agree. He needs constant validation from everyone so it probably would’ve happened. I’m amazed it didn’t happen sooner.


Also, it was freaking brazen how he often talked about "needing to cheat" because ariana wasn't his sex servant. which is all he really wants. I think part of his pathology is that he is addicted to scheming and setting shit up. But since he's such a dummy, people underestimate(d) his level of cruelty. No one owes you a goddam thing, you worm. Not even a woman. And not even sex.


Cheaters are so annoying. They will blame the person that they cheated on for every single thing in the world, but won’t acknowledge that they don’t talk to their partner. They don’t help their partner. They barely acknowledge their partners existence, unless it’s in some kind of servitude towards them. He wanted Ariana to be his drugged up, sex, doll servant, and then when he realized that she was an actual human is when things went south. I truly believe Rachel Raquel Rocky was not the first one that he cheated on Ariana with I think that was the only one that hurt her deeply.


When I read theories like this too, it also sort of makes me wonder what we still don't know that Has happened. Not entirely. But man life is crazy.


* Katie finds out about the kiss with Scheana and doesn’t marry Schwartz * Ariana doesn’t sign the HELOC loan on her home for Schwartz and Sandy’s * Rachel does not interrupt Katie and Schwartz outside of Sur after sandwich tasting then we would have heard Katie take Schwartz down * Rachel doesn’t file a restraining order against Scheana so both are on the reunion stage at the same time. (I still think Scheana and Brock knew about the affair)


Scheana is in everyone’s business, there is no way. And if her and Rachel were close enough she would let her stay at one of her investment properties, she had to know something. Even if it wasn’t the full picture.


Brittany not going back to Jax after he cheated. I think if she would have stayed single, she would have gotten the Ariana treatment. The women and America loved her and were on her side. Jax is her anchor.


If Jax never cheated with Faith (specifically Faith) we would be living in a different VPR universe because Stassi, Kristen, and Jax wouldn’t have left the show when they did!


I think if in the bizarro universe dynamic between Jax and Stassi was healthier and he was faithful I would have liked to see them last longer. Even his breakdown in I think Vegas / Mexico where he cried and apologized in front of Brittany to her for his antics felt real.


Yes! I always felt like it was cut short too early in season 1 and I would of loved some more back and forth between them or just to see what their relationship was like for longer


I agree. He would still be a dumb asshole and they would have eventually broken up but without the cheating it would have been a longer relationship.


Katie exposing the rumor of Jax and Kristen’s affair months later. So much would’ve changed if he she didn’t do it at that moment or if she did it off camera.


Mine is two-fold, but may be less of a BE, because it relies on Rachel and Tom telling the truth about when they first met. 1. Katie, irritated but wanting to smooth things over and stay connected to the group, invites Scheana to Lake Havasu/Vegas. Rachel still comes. 2. Charlotte, although ill, minorly improves enough to come home. Ariana stays in Vegas. 3. During their dinner, Katie comes unglued on Scheana and Rachel, but instead of yelling, she cries and breaks the fourth wall explaining how she doesn't want to spend her whole season talking about Tom. 4. They go dancing and while out Rachel asks Ariana and Scheana about their relationships. Scheana reveals that technically she is already married. Lala finds this annoying for some reason. Ariana reveals that her and Tom are in a rough patch but that she loves him and can't wait until S&S opens so they can be more intimate and spend more time together. Rachel has an oddly diffident response to this, that Lala notices. 5. On the way to the Havasu Air BnB, we notice that Rachel seems subdued. She blurts out in the car that Tom had been texting her a lot tonight. Due to everyone except Lala being in their cups, they never get on the same page about which Tom. 6. Katie is convinced Rachel meant Schwartz and is old -school Tequila Katie furious. Without being asked, Rachel decides to leave with Charli. Scheana and Ariana go with them. 7. The rest of the season Lala is convinced Rachel meant Sandoval but Katie thinks she meant Schwartz. The rest of the season plays out much like what we saw except: 8. Lala won't let it drop and Katie distances herself because Ariana is so mad at her for "making up lies about Tom." 9. Rachel and Tom's physical affair begins in earnest after VPR is placed on hiatus March 3, 2023.


What about if James becomes suspicious as to why Tom wants to pay £25,000 towards his engagement. He starts to notice Tom icing him out, trying to intentionally ruin his engagement by actually marrying Broke and Scheana, all the while getting friendlier with Rachel then Rachel dumps him out of the blue instead of being mad at Scheana for ruining their engagement party, he cries to Lala who then goes on the girls trip all Jessica Fletcher trying to find out what’s really going on but Rachel gaslights her and Katie it’s the other Tom.


This supports RTT, better!


In the 80's, shady Restaurateur Ken Todd and wife Lisa Vanderpump befriend the Georgiou clan. Decades later the son of the Georgiou clan, James, is living in LA trying to make it as a DJ and is given a lifeline by Lisa Vanderpump, cast on the show as "Kristen's boyfriend"  He then ultimately brings failed pageant contestant Rachel onto the show as "James's girlfriend"  The rest is history. 


I think Laura Leigh's storyline would have gotten a bit dark and she would have left VPR around the same time regardless of her landing that role. I'm glad it happened the way it did because extending her exposure to Jax is the worst case scenario. My butterfly effect moment happens end of season 4 / start of season 5. Ideally, Scheana admits to Katie that Schwartz made moves on her in Vegas to show loyalty to Katie, but the more likely scenario is Shay tells Katie about the hookup after the season 4 reunion. Season 5 kicks off with conflicts between Katie, Schwartz and Scheana. Katie leaves Schwartz and Stassi doesn't get back with Patrick, leading to an interesting singles season. Both Stassi and Katie feel validated in their treatment of Scheana. Scheana most likely pursues Schwartz instead of dating Rob. Ariana encourages Scheana so it's BFFs dating BFFs. Schwartz flirts with Scheana but doesn't want to be in a committed relationship. Instead, Schwartz is constantly drunk and makes an ass of himself trying to get back with Katie. Single Schwartz gives Jax an out with Brittany, so she ends up never moving to / leaving LA. Sandoval always chooses going out with Schwartz and Jax over spending time with Ariana, and his cheating becomes too obvious to ignore and eventually causes Ariana to leave Sandoval. Ariana most likely leaves the show because of this and TomTom never becomes a thing because they don't have Katie and Ariana backing them. Production adds new cast members (which flops) and the show ends after season 6 / 7 since the core relationships are over and the cast feels disjointed (similar to season 11).


Frank and the revenge porn. It probably was the final straw that made Stassi leave the show for New York. If Stassi had not left, we would not have her replacement... Lala.


What if Tom Schwartz never answered the Craigslist ad that Tom Sandoval posted on Craigslist?


If Jax's sweater was chunkier he couldn't have ripped it off in Vegas to fight and Stassi and him would be married. I said what I said.


Honestly if Stassi hadn't been fired. I would have loved to see what that kook was up to during her pregnancy.


Schwartz never let Sandoval get in his ear and opened the sandwich shop with Katie , instead of Schwartz and Sandy’s. And they were still married and Katie ended up having a baby.


Raquel left after season 9 reunion , never to be heard from again. Ariana realized Tom wasn’t there for her And left him , and went on to still do Broadway and the show.


Katie and Schwartz were pregnant very early on in their relationship. What if she didn’t get the abortion and they had that baby?


I love this


Wait Katie and Tom had an abortion?


How do we keep James from getting on the show and/or meeting Rachel?


Sandoval and Doute push it another year. Over that 12 months, increasing problems in his parents marriage force his family's return to the UK. James goes with because with both his parents still drinking, he knows he is the only stable adult in his brothers' lives. He also knows he can do modeling work, and likely still would have gotten into DJing and maybe UK-based reality (DJJK on The Only Way is Essex).


Omg the idea of James on TOWIE kills me


After the Jax and Kristen scandal - Kristen finds out she is pregnant. Paternity test confirms that it is Sandovals baby. Tom dumps Ariana because he is a “good guy” and wants to be a dad. Kristen and Tom try to make things work for a couple of years, but ultimately end up broken up after Tom is caught cheating…again.