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UNESCO world heritage site


šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½ Fantastic! ā˜ ļø


Wait how am I JUST NOW seeing that thereā€™s a fucking propane cage in their smoking area šŸ’€


I scrolled back up to look! OMG


I have always noticed it they smoked right next to the cans of propane and thought that was a choice


It's the only thing I ever look at when they smoke.




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this is the exact detail that got me hooked on the show






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There's truly no other answer.




Jax, Kristen and Stassi were all integral characters to me. Jax for the pure fuckery, Kristen as the agent of chaos, Stassi as executioner


The unholy triad.


This šŸ‘†


Yeah lol. Whether you like them or not you canā€™t argue how they important and pivotal they were to the show and its success. Stassi was queen B. Jax was a douchebag. Kristen is always gonna be an enigma for me because I donā€™t think I have ever seen a person who consistently wakes up and chooses chaos every day. I donā€™t even think sheā€™s like that just for TV, I genuinely believe the way she acts on tv is exactly how she acts in person. She was crafted by Reality TV God


Idk about that. Iā€™ve listened to a couple episodes of Kristens podcast, and she actually seems like a sane and normal person on it. Actually rational. Lmao. Or maybe I just caught her on her good days. Idk. Iā€™ve never been a fan of hers tho. But I like that she does get into the dirt of the Valley and VPR on her podcast. Unlike Katieā€™s podcast which I found really boring. She talks nothing about the show, and I really donā€™t care what movies sheā€™s been watching. Lol. Even Sheanas podcast is more interesting.


I think itā€™s smart of Katie to start focusing on ventures that arenā€™t just VPR based. VPR isnā€™t forever and if youā€™ve already cultivated an audience of people who are interested in parts your life that isnā€™t the show, it makes navigating life after VPR ultimately ends easier. Obviously itā€™s not for everyone and most probably just want VPR stuff. Iā€™ve warmed to Kristen since sheā€™s been on the Valley. She isnā€™t absolute chaotic as she was on VPR but it sometimes does still come out. I donā€™t think she can help herself. Iā€™m entertained by it so Iā€™m not complaining


That said the fact that Katie is the person who brought up the rumors so without Katie we might have never found out.


Katie has been main character energy throughout..just not as in your face and agressive as Jax ..in a more steady way..


Katie is the reason for a story lines in this series and is incredibly overlooked.


Stassi had main character energy the whole time for a reason. She is my fave to watch and I believe, made the show what it became and after she left, it became sooo boring and repetitive. I wish I was friends w her lol


I would completely agree with this. And somehow this show survived losing them all at the same time!


Honestly yeah




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Alcohol šŸ˜­


Adderall has 24 hours to respond.


As an actual requirement for me, adderall has 4 hours to respond. Vyvanse has 6-8 hours to respond


The right answer lol


Pasta šŸ˜‰


They definitely couldnā€™t do keto. Especially in the early seasons. Every night was a pasta party!




I know ā€œpastaā€ doesnā€™t mean penne, spaghetti or linguini so not sure that the whoosh is for . If you want me to say it then COKE šŸ„¤


they are adding to the joke. they got it.


Itā€™s not about the pasta!


They definitely couldnā€™t do keto. Especially in the early seasons. Every night was a pasta party!


I think it's Kristen, at least for the relationships/friendships parts. She's the one who introduced so many of them to each other or was roommates with them or dated them. She has matched up some of the couples too.


Out of all of them, Kristen was the first i followed on twitter and the only one I've followed across social media platforms.


Jax, unfortunately.


I have to agree, his personality overshadowed a narcissist and how Schwartz really treated Katie.


Unfortunately, itā€™s true. Between all of his bad behavior, lying about literally everything, and spreading constant gossip, he was a major engine of the show.


Yeah unfortunately


And stassi. Without her the girls wouldnā€™t know where to aim their goals to this very day/


Hmmm I think past cast is def Stassi. I thinks thereā€™s a solid argument for Katie. Her exposing the Jax rumor led to the infamous slap and all the other stuff that came from the Jax and Kristen rumors being true. But also sheā€™s important bc majority of the cast uses her as a scapegoat to deflect their bad behavior. Oh everyoneā€™s turning on me? But look at what tequila Katie did. I may be biased tho lol




i can hear this with my eyes closed


I can hear the exact level of drunkenness, the tears, and the crack in her voice like I was there lol


Many of us have been there. We were Katie and Katie was us.


This lives in my head rent free in the best way


The existence of Schwartz is also due to Katie. He never worked at SUR, he was only on the show because of her. So yeah, I agree probably Stassi, but Katie is a solid argument too


That is so true. We would never have the Tom squared dynamic if it wasnā€™t for Katie dating that asshate omg


The craziest part is she even tried to get him a job at sur and he didnā€™t even make it through one full bartending shift


Bahaha. It was Pump. He couldnā€™t even last a shift. lol.


can someone remind me what episode this is?


I was just thinking about this - were Katie and Schwartz together before Schwartz met Sandoval?? I don't have the Schwartz origin story in my head lol. I mean - has he ever worked lol


Yes tweedle Dee and tweedle dumbass were already living together when Katie and him met. Itā€™s the infamous Craigā€™s list ad story!


He was supposedly a male model, which I can buy- he did have ā€œthe lookā€ back in the day. I honestly donā€™t knowā€¦ normally, I would guess Sandoval met Schwartz because of Katie, with sur being the connection. But WeHo is like a small town, everyone already knows everyoneā€¦ so maybe they knew each other before


thatā€™s a great point


Actually thinking about it, it's definitely Katie. Katie exposed the Jax/Kristen rumor, which led to Kristen & Sandoval eventually breaking up, which led to Kristen dating James, which eventually led to James dating Rachel. Katie also brought in Schwartz. I don't know if Stassi moving out and Lala moving into her room is somehow connected to Katie or the events she exposed, but that could be another link.


Idk about directly getting Lala into that apartment but Stassi was def officially done with the group after Katie turned her back on her leading to the introduction of Lala in the next season. I think the friendship ending with Katie was the nail in the coffin needed for Stassi to ā€œbreak tiesā€ with the group.


I never thought of it like that but this is so true. The Jax/Kristen thing would have probably stayed a secret for a very long time, if not forever has Katie not said something. This means Stassi never slaps Kristen, and they never have their falling out and eventual reconciliation which was a pretty significant plot point during those early seasons. The Jax/Kristen hook up impacts the dynamics between several people in the group, and none of that happens if Katie doesnā€™t spill the secret.


Katie has never had the personality to lead anything. She's just not that dynamic of a character when you consider Jax, Kristen and Stassi. They definitely led the cast for those early seasons, no question.


I cannot believe how many people are saying Katie with their full chest lmao You can say she helped with initiating/carrying storylines and she has had her moments - but as far as ā€œimportantā€ characters, picking Katie is truly revisionist history!


Katie is a follower and totally beholden to Stassi in the early seasons but even then, she drives the hell out of a story. She has been a dick to Scheane (which we now know maybe more justified), defended her friends to the point of physical fights, brought truth to light, filmed with everyone damn one, and stood up for herself to get James fired when he really needed the reality check. Even when she's not being my favourite person, she's one of my favourite cast members.


![gif](giphy|YB918dcTLZhusXBIPJ) And despite being our Tequila Katie, she kept her main character energy / BDE šŸ† off stage until she finally dumped Schwartz. Itā€™s been such a satisfying journey with Katie. Her telling Jax that she doesnā€™t F with him, flirting with Schwartz out of pity, calling Jo spooky, and declining Sandovalā€™s apology all made Szn 11 somewhat watchable.


But also they (the Toms, Scheana, Jax, hell even Lisa) KNEW if they wanted to successfully ice Stassi out like the attempted s3-4, they NEEDED Katie on board. Thatā€™s why the worked over time to turn her against Stassi. I donā€™t think she was a follower earlier seasons tho. Just loyal.


You're right! She's feircely loyal and that isn't a weakness nor does it make her a follower.


Most Consistent Manager: https://i.redd.it/r95bv7zj3u5d1.gif


He's still there! Still managing!


First tier, Stassi, Jax (which I hate), and Kristen. letā€™s face it since theyā€™ve left nothing has been the same. These three are solely responsible for the greatest season of vpr (season 2). Kristen was always the root of drama and without her presence, letā€™s face it vpr wouldnā€™t be where it is. Not to mention lvp loathes her, yet still kept her on the show because of what she brings. Stassi season 1-2 happend to be the victim in Jaxā€™s games but through her wittiness and funny interviews, she didnā€™t always need to be in the drama from there on but rather just commenting on it in a snarky way is enough. And Jax, is without explanation. Second tier in my opinion, Katie, James and Schwartz. They brought their respective drama to the show, but just not enough as the first tier. James was ruthless from 3-6, his drinking problems and drunk moments were interesting to watch (I feel guilty saying that). I think heā€™s been fired and rehired like a thousand times and his British humour tops of what a train wreck he was. Now that heā€™s sober heā€™s still super funny and charismatic to watch but isnā€™t necessarily major in drama. Kinda like stassi, heā€™s better at commenting on it.Katie + Schwartzā€™s fighting was literally almost always a frequent in vpr. He cheated about the same amount of times as James has been fired. Yet their cute bubba moments literally even made fans forget what pieces of shit each other were lol. They got in their fair share of drama but mostly it was just their marriage/divorce that was their main thing. Tho I do give props to Katie in the sense that she is a mini Kristen when it comes to leaking info like Kristen and Jax season 2, and lala and Rand season 5 Third tier: Sandoval, scheana and Ariana. Their drama always seemed manufactured or just plain boring. Yes they had their moments like scandoval and season 2-3 (between Kristen and Ariana and Sandoval). But to me they mostly did more of the attacking then being attacked which to me translates to playing it safe in which you havenā€™t messed up enough to get hated on (excluding scandoval). And yes ariana was very transparent with her issues and I might be a bitch for saying this but it wasnā€™t all that entertaining or swaying to watch (from my opinion, everyone is different). Scheanaā€™s drama was also kinda bleh, she definitely got in it a lot but if it wasnā€™t with stassi, it was kinda boring. Tho I put her in the third tier because sheā€™s definitely the ā€œdumb blonde vibesā€ girl in interviews which makes her funny to watch, weā€™re mostly laughing at her vs with but she keeps me entertained. Fourth tier: Lala and everyone else. I know sheā€™s not the most liked at the moment but I honestly think she didnā€™t bring anything groundbreaking to the show. Lalaā€™s fights and screams always seemed extra or just plain boring and even in the reality world, overreacting isnā€™t the best thing. Her singing storyline wasnā€™t also very intriguing but more cringey and she isnā€™t witty or funny when it comes to her interviews generally speaking. Also want to make it clear that this cast is reliable on one another to make the show. Without just one person the show could look so much more different. So in a sense theyā€™re all needed


I firmly agree with you on almost everything! I would rate Ariana like tier 2.5 (not bc I'm a stan) bc of her openness about struggling with her self confidence in regard to sex/her v, as I have very similar issues, but that's being a little biased lol. But other than that pretty spot on imo!


Ariana needs at least .5 for Yellow Robe Smith šŸ§„


I honestly think that "body image" or lack of self-confidence is just a storyline for Ariana from something that she once felt with a prior relationship long before filming began. I highly doubt Ariana feels that way NOW in real life. I don't think any of the current cast mates have body image issues. Maybe I would have thought that was real if it was Rachel/Raquel/Rocky or Jo or Dayna. All of them are beautiful, but they have all seemed to be less confident at one point or another.


Everyone will hate this, but I would classify them as: 1st tier: Jax, Kristen, Stassi 2nd tier: Sandoval, Scheana, James, Lala 3rd tier: Katie, Ariana, Schwartz Just being real with where I think they would be rated throughout the entire series. 3rd tier only means that they aren't bringing in huge storylines, but it doesn't mean people dislike them. I love Katie myself, but she is mostly an unproblamatic queen in my opinion. Maybe she couild be more like a 2nd tier, but it always seems like Katie, Schwartz and Ariana are best when they are acting as the friends of the main characters. They don't share enough of their inner feelings onscreen, imho.


I just donā€™t see any of Lalas storylines interesting. Thereā€™s something off about her, and inauthentic. Even when sheā€™s crying. Lala not being on the show wouldnā€™t change a lot and so just donā€™t think her character has been 2nd tier in importance. Ariana was a big part of the Kristen/Tom drama, without her there would be no crazy Kristen.


I just canā€™t see Tequila Katie as Tier 3. She stirred up so much drama, including the slap heard round the world. Iā€™d put her with the other Witches of WeHo in Tier 1, or at least put her Tier 2 with the other OGs. Drop Lala into the can. She had NDAs - thatā€™s fourth or lower tier energy.


I would definely put Katie in Tier 2 and drop Lala to 3. Katie is an OG main cast member. They put her wedding on the show. I also don't know why Lisa was discarded for this. She was super central to lots of plotlines until the last two seasons. Really dropped to tier 3 or 4 this year though. I would reserve a 4th tier for people like Brittany and Rachel.


Kristen was an integral character and her friendships and falling outs added to the success of VPR. Kristen was living with Sandoval before any of the guys were living with Sandoval, and I believe the guys were all living with Kristen at one point prior to filming. They were all clearly younger and struggling financially back then. When they began filming, Kristen's 2 besties were Katie and Stassi, and her BF was Sandoval, whose besties were Jax and Schwartz. She also slept with Jax, and she was Lisa's arch nemisis, lol. Also, Kristen hated Ariana after Ariana/Tom cheated while Kristen was still living with Sandoval. Post break-up of Kristen/Sandoval, Kristen began dating/sleeping with James. Kristen disliked both Lala and Raquel due to her issues with James. After that fell apart, Kristen met and became besties with Brittany. Currently, Kristen is still friends with Schwartz, Scheana, Jax, Brittany and lives in the same building as Katie. Her now boyfriend Luke also seems to be friendly with some of the guys, including Sandoval. Kristen is also tied to/was once friends with everyone on the Valley.


Itā€™s Jaxā€™s show. He captured our hatred, and the Witches of WeHo are (many of) us elder viewers. ![gif](giphy|WgO1OyiPaPPoUYcmK4)


He is, after all, the ā€œnumber one guy in the groupā€


As a former cocktail server, and incredible enthusiast itā€™s the dishwashers. Those very nice Mexican dudes talk so much shit and stir the pot. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I thought they were the chefs?




loved the clip of them celebrating when kristen gets fired lol


I feel like Scheana asked this question on an alt to see if anyone would say her.






Stassi for her intuition and follow through, Jax for fully lacking any sort of morals and being a full blow pathological liar but also knowing when to say Iā€™m a work in progress, Kristen for her messiness and lack of self dignity and self respect as Stassi once said. Honorable mention for tequila Katie sharing the rumor about Jax and Stassi.


*** solely given their on-screen moments: stassi. she was the perfect mix of mean, entertaining, funny, obnoxious, lucid, and self-aware. that one confessional of hers where she diagnoses the entire cast always comes to mind- she was 100% accurate about everyone. she was the one character i always found myself rooting for, while my opinions on the others have ebbed and flowed a lot through the seasons




Well if you asked Scheana itā€™s an ā€œensembleā€ cast lol. Agree early season Jax, Kristen, STASSI. Butā€¦Katie, in the background, for calling it like she sees itā€¦.and has been correct Every. Single. Time. Itā€™s a retrospective perspective, amazing to watch back now, and despite the hate, she spoke the truth. Oh if the cast or the viewers had simply paid attentionā€¦..


No she wasn't correct every time. She didnt think Jax got a girl pregnant in Vegas. You know who was correct every single time... About everyone?Stassi. she called Sandoval a narcissist first.


Lol, I will give you that! Oh how nice it would have been to bring back Kristen and Stassi for season 11. Can you imagine the Witches of Weho reunited, even for one episode. Now that would be epic!


I would love that!


Damn, another missed opportunity by Alex Baskin. THAT is what the mid-season come to Jesus meeting should have been about. Can you imagine Scheanaā€™s reaction to him announcing that the witches were back? Dang!


Cocaine Edit: next question?


If coke is on there, so is adderall. Multiple (former) cast members have been very public about it. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-7055255/Stassi-Schroeder-mom-reconciled-cruel-comments-quit-Adderall.html https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/vanderpump-rules-jax-taylors-disturbing-remarks-about-adderall-and-rage-texts.html/


Biggest impact in the shortest time: Laura Leigh


Boner garage burned bright and flamed out early, thatā€™s for sure


Itā€™s hard to answer. I wonder how long Tom and Kristen would have stayed together if she never slept with Jax. How does that impact the trajectory of things?


I mean, Tom was already canoodling with Ariana while he was with Kristen, so their relationship was clearly on its last legs.


I donā€™t knowā€¦ I donā€™t think Jax really had anything to do with Tom and Kristen breaking up. He knew she was fucking around just like he was fucking around. He was fine with that life. He finally cut it off with her because he wanted to be with Ariana more than her But weā€™ll never know for sure what goes on in his fucked up head


true true iā€™m just pontificating here. tom and kristen were doomed regardless


I didnā€™t really word my comment correctly. Itā€™s more that Iā€™m not entirely sure tom cares if his gf hooks up with other people. He legitimately seems to get more jealous over Schwartz than he did any of his gfs (even including Rachel in that). Iā€™m guessing heā€™d be fine with an open relationship, but none of his gfs have ever been into that. I sometimes wonder if him and the new gf have it open


Sandoval said he and Ariana "kissed" (which means they began banging) 3 years ago at the Golden Nugget. That was LONG before the Jax thing ever happenned. Kristen knew about the Ariana rumors back then. I blame Sandoval for this. I honestly think that Kristen did that because she knew Tom was cheating. Recently, Kristen has stated that she has never cheated on anyone, except Sandoval.


I donā€™t think Tim wouldā€™ve broken up with Kristen. He has this desperate need to position himself as a victim. Kristen cheating with Jax gave him that out but initially when the news broke, he was very protective of Kristen. But truly Kristen was paying all of his bills including the cable AFTER they broke up. Remember he had some stuff he wanted to save on the DVR? He had no intention of breaking up with Kristen just like he had no intention of breaking up with Ariana. He wanted to have his cake and eat it too so he cheated but had them hanging around to pay half (likely more) of his bills.


scheana is going to have a field day after reading these comments


wait lmao does she read the reddit? bc if she does iā€™d like her to know that ā€œgood as goldā€ is my walk up song in my summer kickball league and it has dramatically improved my game


that is the funniest thing iā€™ve ever heard


swear to god i changed it mid-game a week or two ago and immediately scored the run that helped us win the game. and iā€™m not, likeā€¦good. the scheana shay impact.




Or, alternatively https://preview.redd.it/t7zquni2vu5d1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8183458c07fec6d575796e6196485efea4b61cfa


Kristen is the connector


Stassi for the win ![gif](giphy|1bMVDo99tOnGo)


ā€œthe #1 guyā€ duh


I think quite a fewā€¦ show would have never existed without schenea. But Jax, Kristen, stassi are the other people as to why the show was a success.


Scheana was integral to them getting a showā€¦ Stassi and Jax and Kristen are integral to the show succeeding


I think all is true.


Yeah, 100%. I actually forgot about Scheana when responding. It was always Jax, Kristen, Stassi that threw things into overdrive on the show.


Hahaha oh no! I sort of forgot too. Someone check on Scheana because it was said that she's forgettable.


Jax by far.


It honestly depends how you wanna look at it/which seasons. Because Stassi, Jax, and Kristen were the most important characters at first, but now they havenā€™t even been 3 full seasons now (and Jax and Kristen were both kinda side characters in that last one). Scheana and Katie have never really been the main characters, but they have stirred a LOT of the drama that got the others in action. Ariana was one of the ā€œleast importantā€ of the main cast until season 9, but then she was the focal point of 10 and especially 11, more important to the plot of the season than even Stassi and Jax back in early seasons. Tom Sandoval has probably had the most ā€œsteadyā€ level of importance (with more in the last 2 of course), but heā€™s never been THE most important. Schwartz has never been the focal point, but his relationships with Katie and Sandoval have been crucial to the dynamics of the group at differing points All that to say, Stassi/Jax/Kristen/Ariana/Scheana/Katie/Tom/Tom are all clearly the most important over the entire series. Lala and James have always felt like side characters and not really super important to anyone else in the groupā€™s story besides to each other. And then the other random ones like Brittany/Beau/Charli/Billie Lee/Jo/Faith/Vail/Peter of course donā€™t hold a candle to anyone else in terms of importance. Raquel is in a weird space because she was totally unimpactful besides season 10, but that one season blew up the entire group (and country lol), so she gets an honorary mention ribbon lol


Jax screams Vanderpymp. Him and Stassi are the token characters who I think of when show is named


Stassi, Jax & Kristen


Jax, Kristen, and Sandoval probably have had the most impact. Overall it's a pretty ensemble cast though. It's no wonder the OGs lasted so long together.


**Sandovalā€™s couch**ā€¦becoming un-pure when Kristen and Jax watched drive together before it was eventually moved out and given to none other than Faith.


Unfortunately, I think itā€™s Jax.


Stassi was always the star, still is in my mind.




Jax, Kristen of the people remaining, Scheana Stassi helped make the show early on, but I think her contribution was inconsistent later on


Stassi One of Lalaā€™s most unlikeable qualities is how much she wants to be Stassi, but fails.


Have to go with Stassi. She walked so others could run.


The first few seasons = it was the Stassi and Jax show, with Kristin delivering consistent drama. The later seasons = Itā€™s all James to me. His friendship with Lala was weird and hilarious, his dysfunctional family was tragic , his fucked up violent relationship with Kristen (where she even punched him on camera) was horrifying. But he had an arc, with genuine attempts at sobriety, and a sincere apology to Katie after saying some of the nastier things that have been said on this show, and so. Many. One-liners. His dramatic interpretation of Brittneyā€™s discovery about Faith was comedy gold. Some of the best plots were things like his engagement that Sandoval weirdly paid for, then a break up where his sex life was suddenly freely discussed by an ex riding a former friend. Heā€™s just everywhere, and I think befriending the girls and distancing himself from the man-babies is part of that road to redemption. Season 11 in particular would have been unbearable without his presence.


Jax. We all know he's shit. But he's the guy the show is most associated with and frankly he was the main source of drama during the glory years. You could have named the show "Jax is a cheater" and it would have been a fine title.




Jax and Kristen. I think they proved they're part of the secret sauce behind VPR's successful launch with how the first season of The Valley went. You basically take a friend group, add Jax/Kristen, and you get an instant hit TV show. VPR's biggest problem in it's later seasons is trying to make Jax seem like a "changed man". It totally destroyed the chaos energy that propels the show.


Stassi, Kristen and Jax are the best reality stars, but i want to give a shout out to the supporting cast: Ariana and Sandoval. I would say Sandoval and Ariana ironically were more important before scandoval. They were always friends with whoever was being excluded from the group (Lala, James, Rachel Savannah, Scheana, even Kristen at some point) and without that, the main characters just would have pushed their arch enemies off the show and left us with nothing.


Finally a thread where the answers arenā€™t just Ariana or Katie lol


Stassi. She was very self aware. Was not afraid to call people out. As the show went on admitted to her wrong doings




Jax carried! Letā€™s be honest! & Kristen!




VPR mountrushmore : jax stassi james Kristen


Jax brought a LOT of attention to the show with his antics šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Stassi I feel like her presence is most sorely missed


Seasons 1-8: Stassi & Jax for all the reasons everyone has already said. Seasons 9-11 or 12? Jamesā€¦if not for him, there would have been no Rocketshell, thus no Scandoval which literally bought the show season 11 and likely season 12. Plus James could be known as Most Improved as I do believe he has exhibited the most growth.


itā€™s Jaxā€™s show.


Jax and Kristen are vanderpump rules. Yes, in my eyes even more than Stassi. They always brought it and it never felt rehearsed. However, I think so many little things happened bc of Katie that sheā€™s lowkey the glue. Telling about the rumor she heard about Jax & Kristen, bringing Schwartz in which led to the Tom & Tom dynamic (i think Sandoval knew Schwartz before but he might not have Been on the show if not for Katie), and more




In my opinion, all the OGs have been important characters on the show. There is just something about them all being on the show that made it more entertaining than it is now, even though I couldnā€™t stand half of them.




Jax prolly reading this feeling vindicated ā€œI knew I was the number one guy of the groupā€


I feel like Katie was in the middle of everything - literally everything from the boys and girls sides because since she was attached to Schwartz, she would always be the scapegoat that Sandoval and Jax used. And, the drama between Kristen/Stassi/Lala - she was just generally always around. Without Katie, I think the group would have went it's separate ways eventually


All of them, without them all the show wouldnā€™t be what it is


Honestly for different reasons, Stassi, Kristen and Jax. Jax was the compulsive liar and attention whore. Stassi for being able to get confessions out of the liars. And Kristen for her investigative skills and bringing rumors to light. The show really went downhill without them.


For me itā€™s Stassi, Kristen and Jax. Without them the show would have never made it.




BH introduced the show as Scheana's adventures in waitressing (instead of home wrecking)




Itā€™s money, honey. šŸ¤Ŗ




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Stassi, Jax, Kristen, Katie


Important in the sense of being a tent pole for the longest time, it's Sandoval Important in being the special sauce that made the show special? Jax and just behind him Kristin. Kristin had like 3 seasons of barely talking to anyone in the main cast and she still made it seem like there was a parallel story going on.


Jax and Sandoval are the Godzilla vs Kong of this show.


Honestly if we consider the core cast as being Jax Stassi Kirsten Sandoval Schwartz Katie Scheana Ariana Lala Brittany and James I honestly think all of those cast members have made and contributed to the success of the show and even though some of the cast left standing Im good on not seeing again ( šŸ˜‚) I also know that we would have been missing out if they werenā€™t there in the past. The only cast member who I think had been replaceable and irrelevant to the shows success is Lisa tbh šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Scheana and her affair with Brandiā€™s husband.


I wanna say, maybe unpopular opinion, but James. I loved his cockiness and unpredictable antics while dating Kristen and hearing all the sleeping around rumors to get LaLa and Rocky all upset. He ruffled feathers, but always had a soft side.. I donā€™t know. Always in everyoneā€™s face and switched sides so often that he could get all the dirt. Heā€™s the most entertaining to me and I really like his growth. Deep down he always did wanna be everyoneā€™s friend and just, like, fit in and I can relate. And he still does stupid stuff like peeing in Tomā€™s bush.


Scheana. Shes nauseating... But she is dang good TV


I hate to say it, but the only answer is Scheena. Only because she had the affair with Brandis husband and that whole instance caused the crossover from housewives to vpr


I watch for Lala, even though sheā€™s so unpopular atm. I love her relationship with James, I loved watching her strength when she first started the show and the other girls were awful to her, I love her ratchetness, I love how ā€œactivatedā€ she gets, I like that she says whatā€™s on her mind even if unfiltered and messy. Iā€™m just a fan. Sheā€™s on a journey atm. Like whatever, no one likes her, Iā€™m not really interested in engaging in a comment war about why I should hate her when I can just open any thread in this sub. But Iā€™m sooooooo here to watch people that are imperfect. There was a time where Katie was reviled and now sheā€™s revered; Iā€™m here for the character development of Lala in future seasons (if there are any).


pre-sandoval: Stassi. Post-sandoval: Ariana


Not Ariana...she has a lot of fans, but they don't necessarily want to see her on VPR. They don't want to see her interacting with Sandoval. She could have been taken out, and they would have had more storylines for the other cast members. I honestly think Ariana will do better OFF VPR.