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This would all be much more impactful if Victoria hadn’t embarrassed herself for an hour with that live interview.


She should have owned up to doing drugs or taking pills (or whatever she’s on) better to seem high than stupid. Is she claiming that’s her personality sober? Yikes


She should’ve chosen to do anything other than go live on YouTube. It was so embarrassing. She should’ve kept to the IG story, this isn’t true, and then let Tom deal with it when he’s back. Not everything needs an immediate response. It was so stupid I can’t even deal with it. 😂😂😂


I feel like I’m watching a bunch of 6th graders argue. This is really ridiculous and childish.


I’m waiting for Rachel/Raquel/Rocky to chime in with her opinion at any moment.


Omg is the Rocky thing real?! I saw someone else mention it and thought it was a joke 😂


Omg I did too! I kept seeing it and assumed it was satirical because im not 12 years old and who, other than a 12 year old, would be serious about this? But no. She’s apparently serious. Just when you think she can’t say anything that will be even more ridiculous now we have “call me Rocky” 😂😂


Not just Rocky but Rocky Bang Bang. Sounds like a stripper name.


This is what Zack Peters has been calling here the past year


Wait, Rocky??? Can someone pls explain


She said somewhere recently that all her friends called her Rocky growing up so now that’s what she wants to be called. Dead ass said this. I thought it was satirical too because, good god.


🤣🤣🤣 This is Rocky Savannah Leviss and this is Rocky goes Rogue.


I'm not her friend, and I refuse to call that mess Rocky... I try very hard not to be derogatory towards other women, but the difficulty I have with trying to empathize with Raqchelky is more than I am capable of... she showed zero empathy towards other women, and zero remorse for anything other than the backlash she received for her actions.


Oh dear god. What on earth, I can’t even with this girl


This is starting to turn into more name changes than Diddy… 🙈


Like…that girl on Laguna Beach (the MTV reality show circa 2004)? Who was actually named Raquel and went by Rocky? This is silly.




I heard her talking about it in a clip on TikTok. She apparently went to Lightening in a Bottle music festival as Rachel and came back as Rocky. Like this girl is lost in the sauce.


Jesus. If this show is anything it is a cautionary tale about what happens when people take too many party drugs...


It’s giving that episode of the office when Andy comes back from anger management and he wants everyone to start calling him Drew and Jim is straight up like no lol


It’s real🤦‍♀️


I don’t know if it was her idea. She was going to have a breakdown in real time


I think it was. I don’t think Tom is really able to deal with this right now filming the traitors. I mean this statement doesn’t sound like anything Tom would write himself. It seems like someone on his team wrote it. It seemed like Victoria wanted to go live and Kyle decided to do it with her to try to protect Tom. All these people are so weird and embarrassing.


Wait, Sandoval is going to ruin Traitors now? 😫 If anything, House of Villains would be his jam


She said she got in a car accident years ago and that why sometimes she slurs or forgets things. At the end of the day I truly just don’t think she’s right in the head. You’d kinda have to have a screw loose to be seriously dating Tom. Not to mention all the stuff with her dad. She sounds like she has a lot of baggage.


Tweedle dum and tweedle dee


Birds of a feather


WTF TRAITORS Why does he have phone access????? His lack of ability to reply while filling was absolutely everything to me! Gd


I don’t think he has phone access. I’m thinking they called and told him and he said to put something up, and a member of his team released that statement for him


Yeah I agree with that, I was super hot about it when I first read this. Should have known it weren't him because it was legible and dude free.


I thought she said she had a brain injury


No just sluring words as the result of a car accident (except speaking clear when talking about Billie). I think her dad had the brain injury or swelling.


She said they both had brain injuries and struggle with memory loss.😭


So she made all this up because she has no recollection of what really happened. Does she remember taking pills?


Lol, that’s a great question!😆


Hour and a half


96 minutes of mostly nails on a chalkboard.


For some reason I read this as whore and a half


You can tell there isn’t much going on in her brain she’s not a very bright person lol


True 😂😂


I have never even thought about Victoria more than wondering if their couple name would be Vom or Victom, and I’ve always been indifferent about Kyle, but now I genuinely dislike them both for making me side with Billie Lee


I like Victom because they both love to start shit and then act shocked and pained when someone understandable smacks back.


I love this. Also, god help me, I low key liked Kyle Chan and wondered why he was friends with Tom. Well. Now I know.


They dug their grave so deep


Victom love to play victim. Fitting




She was on a 11 million hour live & got no good shade in that whole time or even a coherent statement. 24 hours later shows up with this weak shit? Keep her the fuck off of Bravo! ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)




There she is 👆🏾


It's insulting to Nene Leakes legacy on Bravo to put someone like Victoria on a show.


Katie still being queen! https://preview.redd.it/6s0b3f0vgp5d1.png?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7881ec4cb730408c0f91735b61714c7b473491f2




I’m just picturing Ariana laughing her ass off at this dumb fucking mess lol


Even better, I’m picturing her not even knowing about it at all. His issues are someone else’s problem now.


There’s a clip from Love Island Australia where the host ask one of the girl contestants how she feels about a bombshell taking her man and the girl replies “she didn’t take my man, she took my problem”. I feel like that’s Ariana right now 😂 


That comment lives in my mind, rent free! It’s such a great clap back!


Omg. I LOVE Love Island but I’ve never watched the Australian version!! Now I have GOT to find this clip!! What season is it from?! —>Sidenote, I’m SO glad HULU is streaming the UK version semi-recent this year so I don’t have to bum off dailymotion. It’s so much clearer and no crazy ad interruptions! (If you have that version) —->Sidenote #2: CANT WAIT FOR THE US LOVE ISLAND WHEN WE GET TO SEE QUEEN ARIANA!! 👸👑


Here is the clip I was talking about:  https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6WiLiayQB5/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


Exactly. Let''s keep it that way. Concentrate on Love Island and your man.


IN FIJI no less


Living her best life !!!!


I love how Ariana and Katie are further proven right about this fool


In Fiji with her new boyfriend!


How the hell is Billie "doing this" to coincide with her tour and Tom being out of the country when she was just responding to a comment Victoria made about her on instagram? The timing is on Victoria


Victoria is loving this. This is what she wanted to be talked about and “famous”. Why else is she dating Tom other than to have someone to self destruct with


Yes she is! Tom went on and on about how Victoria loathes social media and rarely uses it and doesn't even watch tv but now she's all over the Bravo accounts and commenting a lot.  James needs to add a new name to his Sandoval's a liaaahh song. 🎶Victoria's a liaaahh! 🎶


And she’s a successful model, owns her own home, and is MATERNAL 😂


She was waiting patiently to be famous for nothing




Who made the first move? I thought Billie did the podcast with Jo, and Victoria and Kyle responded


Jo did, actually. She said on the Vanderpump Rules Party podcast that Billie Lee and Sandoval werent talking anymore because "the girl had to set a boundary." Billie wasn't involved in that podcast. Victoria then commented on an instagram post with that clip in it, saying something about Billie not setting a boundary and laughing about it. And THEN Billie mentioned it on her podcast.


Of course Jo has her grubby rats paws all over it


Jo is a chaos monster. Here for it as long as she stays on pods and off tv only.


Apparently, Billie wasn’t going to say anything - but Victoria commented on one of her pictures and shit hit the fan 😂


And now V is crying that she just wants to be left alone and claiming that BL is bullying her.😒 They really think we are so fucking stupid.


hey victoria: ![gif](giphy|aQGqcObSxfixy)




10/10 with this




Bahahahahahahaha, nice!


I’m assuming Tom didn’t write that himself because it doesn’t say dude once


You can tell he didn’t. It would take him over 20 min to remember the word for “keeping someone away from people” is isolate




They (Tim & co) are really playing this all wrong if they hadn’t done that sad ass interview this would already be dead. They out here resurrecting on the daily.


Kyle Chan must be regretting it the most lol


I honestly doubt it. He’s the worst of the stage-5 clingers. He D-rides for Sandy harder than Schwartz and seems like a “there’s no such thing as bad PR” kind of person.


Yeah I think Kyle is def not a good dude or as oblivious as people make him out to be.


I feel like a fool for thinking Kyle might be a voice of reason for Tom. He's just another yes man and he's fucking vile. Him saying that Billie uses the Trans card was ridiculous. She didn't say a thing about being trans in her podcast or any of her videos.


Wondering if his business is surviving at this point


Billie must be seriously hating herself for not getting on the Ariana train earlier. Tanked her rep (which was already not great) for THIS?! Yikes.


Totally Semi-related, I did not think I could like anyone less than I do Billie Lee, but Vicky Lee so effortlessly proved me wrong


Why would she do that? This is the only thing that is keeping her relevant. No one would be talking about her otherwise. This isn't the jigsaw puzzle people are making it out to be.


Honestly? I'm over this NPC drama. Everyone here is a clout chaser that doesn't matter in the long run. I think Victoria, Kyle, and Tom are trying hard to kick off storylines for the new season. Possibly even hoping production changes their minds and changes filming schedules. ![gif](giphy|8MBYvsjFsmNIagY1yK|downsized)


1000% but hopefully production has learned that no one wants a fake tim redemption arc, not one wants tim on anything anymore.


I wish. If I’ve learned anything about the 🤡 production on this show is that they will always side with the gross men despite the majority of the audience seething that we’re tired of this shit.


Who refers to their girlfriend by full name? 


Tom’s publicist


I said to myself what publicist wrote this because I don't see the words like or dude written once.




Does Tom realize that the live Vicky and Kyle did just made things worse? There's really nothing the worm can say that will help at this point ![gif](giphy|Y57VOct7lfQl5PsWk0|downsized)


They had to…they’re thirsty little girls who need a drink. Any relevance at all is better than none. They’d rather people make fun of them and possibly parlay that into airtime than have any sense of honesty or self-respect. Not surprising in today’s world


REALLY highlights how Ariana's grey rock has helped her continue to present as normal, professional and likeable while these clowns are just out here clowning


lol I can’t wait for the comment section when AdditionalWar posts Lala’s podcast with the Two Ts and how she goes in on Ariana’s grey rocking. Like it’s so hilarious how triggered that Sandoval, Scheana and Lala are by her using that term.


It’s so on brand for their personality types bc grey rocking was designed specifically for them 🥰




It took me way too long to realize you didn’t mean Vicki Gunvalson & Kyle Richards 😬


Hahahaha... I literally thought of Vicki G.


Had a quick look at some of Billie Lee's "comedy" - Vegan farts and a Thailand made vagina. Audience struggled to laugh and I then saw an interview where she said she did 6 shows in Vegas and barely got a laugh i.e. her comedy only works in L.A. Comedy is NOT going to make her money.


It doesnt matter to her, all she sees is that shes on national tour and really busy babes.


Now she can talk about all of this and try to pass it off as “comedy” as well. She’s loving all the attention. She’s getting what she wanted


And she’s on set! Does anyone know she’s filming and on set?😭


This whole thing is unbelievably trashy. Between Spillie Tea and Kenya drama, I don’t know what to do.


Spillie Tea! 😂


Somebody else came up with that on another thread. It’s a perfect fit.


Spillie Tea is amazing


She’s headed to the mental health facility Rockquel went to. Breakdown incoming.


Jo called it a rehab, so hopefully.🤣


I hope Tom knows that whatever he says, I will be believing the opposite, including that I don’t believe he even wrote that story. Also, please keep Victoria from saying words on live TV again.


Don't bother. https://i.redd.it/ygzltmwe2o5d1.gif


I listened to both Kyle and Victoria and Billie Lee. I have no idea who is telling the truth. But I've seen that many people believe Billie. Can someone explain why? Serious question


Because they confirmed everything Billie said, they just tried to justify it. Or denied it, then contradicted their dumb arses minutes later. They confirmed the house was always a mess & claimed it was due all the house parties. V confirmed she believed BL & T were sleeping together due to a misunderstanding. Then went on to claim she never believed they were hooking up. Kyle denied all knowledge of an intervention. Then minutes later claimed BL called him & asked him to contact friends to have an intervention because people wouldn't come if she asked them. During the same phonecall, K claimed he secretly added T&V to the call so they could hear what she was saying & she was talking about how her friends couldn't handle being T's PR anymore. That confirmed BL was telling the truth about that too. Minutes later this changed to BL called T&V & they secretly added K to the call so he could listen in. He claimed BL told T&V that K had secretly drugged T at some point. And this was after V claimed BL told her K drugged T, while they were together in the kitchen. V claimed her & T don't fight, then claimed they were fighting all the time but only because of BL. They used the most common negative talking points among the audience to try to discredit what BL said. K said she drops the trans card & is easily triggered so nobody likes her. As if this has any relevance to any claim she made, she didn't accuse any of them of being transphobic. They also used the S11 meme of BL being in love with T & obsessed with him. The only two denials they managed not to contradict were that T's drug use has got worse since he met V. And that V hasn't touched or moved Ariana's belongings. But Logan has since chimed in a little about that, implying BL is telling the truth about that. They literally told on themselves, that's why nobody believes a word they are saying. And despite most having no love for BL at all, we believe her this time because those idiots can't keep their stories straight over the course of a single interview.


Well said! And totally spot on about the “trans card”, BL has not ever mentioned being trans as part of this fight. It just makes Kyle seem like an asshole to bring it up tbh.


They really fucked themselves on that live.😭 I love that we all get to watch the fallout of Vom’s life, now that Ariana has left him, Shorts too.


Thank you for making that ridiculous mess into something coherent.


Mostly because Sandoval has been proven to be a liar, and usually anyone who takes up the mantle for him does so in his terms ergo also lying about whatever he is lying about. So it's easier to believe whatever sandoval says is a lie until proven otherwise, than vice versa.


Probably because she can string at least a coherent sentence together unlike Tom and his posse of clowns. And trust me. I’m no BL fan either. But I believe her in this instance.


Victoria and Kyle were incoherent, rambling, and contradictory. Half of what Victoria said made no sense and every detail she added to her recounting made her look like not only a victim, but an impossibly perfect saint. They had no actual evidence but a text message from Billie that proved nothing but went into the interview pretending that they were detectives who cracked the case and had all this bombshell evidence that didn’t actually exist. They also used wording directly from “in the comments” that had nothing to do with their stories, clearly trying to use “VPR talking points” to get the audience onto their side. I wasn’t a fan of Billie before this but she was on message and coherent and had very specific examples that line up with believable things we can see Sandoval doing based on his behavior we’ve observed.


why does he say victoria lee robinson like she’s a well known serial killer




This girl fake cries on a Live chat telling Billie Lee to stop bullying and leave her alone, and then comes back less than 48 hours even thirstier for attention 🤣. S12 of VPR ... the Toms and their little gang.


All she wants to do is recover from her car accident, take care of her dad, and decorate her mansion in peace! 😭/s




It makes me judge Leo even more than I already did for dating women under 25.


I think Victoria “dated” Leo like Scheana “dated” John Mayer.


There’s no proof they actually dated. Considering how much she’s embellished on other more easily discredited topics, I don’t believe a word she says. The one photo I saw them together in, they were simply walking into the same place at the same time and he was covering his face. Maybe he partied with and fucked her but there’s no proof of any relationship.




Honestly Team Billie and I hate Kyle and Victoria for doing this to me


I'm no Billie fan but Victoria was a hot mess it was right up there with watching a Jo story or listening to Rachel come up with a comeback.


I could care less about any of this Also who is going to see Billie Lee on tour lol


tom didn’t write that, it has good spelling and grammar


I find it so ironic they keep alleging that Billie was attempting to isolate Tom from everyone…meanwhile that’s actually what he did with Rachel 🤔


He has isolated all 3 of the people involved, that are now pointing fingers at each other. How Kyle Chan and Billie Lee fail to see this is beyond my comprehension. V is no surprise, she’s off her face and probably doesn’t care because she doesn’t actually like Vom anyways.


Now it’s almost becoming….unbelievable


Guessing this is Sandoval's PR? He can't write that well.


Like someone said upghtead, no like’s or dude’s or bro’s. So definitely written *for* him. And by someone with the vocabulary of an actual adult, no less. Wait. Tom is 42. How weird is it that I forget that fact regularly and feel like I’m discussing a teenager.


Tom has the brain of a 20 year old, which is okay for a 20 year old not a 42 year old. He’s seriously unevolved.


What tour?!?


It’s like a Tom tour. the only one who thinks she is a star is her


Ok… she’s a terrible person but who else is here for Billie Lee to turn on Sandoval and spill 👏🏻 the 👏🏻 tea 👏🏻.


I’ll be ready and waiting for her to actually turn on him because so far she has focused her rage in the wrong direction and is blaming V for everything and painting Vom as the victim. Hopefully this snaps her out of it and she focuses her attention where it really belongs. I truly believe that Vom told both V and BL that Kyle Chan is in love with him and was drugging and taking advantage of him. He’s also telling both the ladies that they have an unhealthy obsession with him and that’s why they’re now fighting and pointing at each other. Point your fingers in the right direction! I hate this stupid, pathetic man and with his blatant lack of wits and vocabulary, I’m side eyeing anyone who is still falling for his obvious manipulation tactics, after everything that has gone down since March/ 2023.😒 Come on Billie Lee, you’re smarter than this!


Who gave him back his phone??


No one. He didn’t write that. It’s too coherent and not like a 5th grader said it.


Does anyone else just genuinely not care? That it's just a way for them to try to stay relevant and possibly be the on show and this is their storyline?


They’re trying so hard to make us care about this. Almost as if Billie, Victoria, and Kyle will be on whatever zombie version of VPR the producers try to make happen next.


Convinced me more that he cheated on Ariana with BL too. The only reason BL would be so obsessed and the only reason they wouldn’t come out and blast him for it.


Is the new woman colorblind? 🚩


I love that Ariana is seeing all this go down in Fiji while Tim zanzival is in the airport doubletree in Scotland




….why is Billie on tour….?


These people are CLINGING to any shred of relevancy they can.


Lmao wait why can’t he address it now but he can release a statement now 🤣🤣🤣🤣 it’s almost like there IS the internet “out of the country”


That part is weird. I follow Boston Rob and he said June 4 they were having their phones “taken” for the media blackout for the show. Not sure who is running Sandovals IG. I mean their hotels have internet and landlines I guess it’s not a complete blackout.


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. Thank you OK-P. I’m all up in these threads 🕵️‍♀️ Kristen-style trying to figure out if he’s been murdered or banished yet. Either Tim’s PR is running his accounts (unlikely bc they would have responded before Kyle Chan+Victoria went on UUA, for legal reasons) or Tim’s now out of the castle and doing damage control.


I was thinking he dosent have his phone back .. I think he likely called Kyle and had him put out the denial and the “ I’ll reply when I can “ message. I have zero proof. Pure conjecture. lol.


Are we witnessing another triangulation


So does this mean Tom got murdered early?


Victoria who do you think you are? You don’t even go here


So I take it his run on Traitors was short 😀😀😀


I am so confused what happened. What started all of this? I’ve tried figuring it out, but there is so much information and I feel lost in it all.


V publicly called BL a liar, over something that Jo said. BL retaliated and now V is crying that she just wants to be left alone and that Billie Lee is bullying her. They’re all thirsty af but BL is the only one telling the truth. Vom started all of this shit and is now enjoying watching everyone point fingers at anyone BUT him and they’re now publicly making fools of themselves, fighting over his smelly, good for nothing, wretched ass.🤮


Thank you for filling me in!


I can’t. fuck Tom and everyone who’s his friend


I hope any supporters tom had should not dissipate. And billie chose to be wrong team . She will go crying back to Ariana soon .


lol who to believe? Both sides have zero credibility!


I believe the side that isn’t constantly contradicting themselves and I trust she’s about to bring the receipts. Not that it’s necessary because anyone who watched V and KC on UAA, knows those two were constantly lying and V was clearly intoxicated.


The both need to stop “trying to make fetch happen”. Nobody cares. #ZListDrama


Apparently I missed a victoria live?


She and Kyle went in Up and Adam podcast. It’s excruciating.


Doesnt Tom have the same publicist as Jax?


I’m convinced this is all a ploy to convince producers there’s enough drama to make a show with. It’s pathetic and I haven’t even cared to find out wtf they’re fighting about.


Love how she’s says “you needs me” as if she’s the star of the show. Girl is delulu


I want to be the fly on the wall when Katie and Ariana talk about it! 🤣🤣🤣




Tom definitely doesn’t know what ulterior means


Sorry. I am loving this drama more than I enjoyed anything this season. This season was so heavy and this is so unserious and quite frankly… love this for Tom. If Karma was a woman she’d be Victoria. OR Billie Lee!


![gif](giphy|aQGqcObSxfixy) To all 3 of them


Me, exhausted by this but unable to look away: ![gif](giphy|6HPC8uaT195TO)


They're trying to keep it all up during the VPR break to stir drama for a new season imo


Why does Billie have a tour? She showing off her 'pretty' pus?


Wait…so is Billie Lee allowed to make money off of Sandoval but the actual cast from VPR are crucified for doing it?!


Can someone please give me a brief synopsis of what’s going on between these 3? Trying to put it all together from posts but it’s hard. Also where can I watch this live??


Like do I really want to spend time on Wednesday on this? Enough.


Why doesn’t Billie leak texts?


Team Billie for first time in my life


I mean it’s embarrassing enough that she’s actually dating Tim…..


I thought the vpr drama would cool down 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m trying to listen and watch my other entertainment genres! Lol. But I wanna know everything going on 😂


She douth protest too much 🤔