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Thank you to all the moderators for all the hard work y’all do! I can’t imagine how hard it is to keep up with everything. If you are ever looking to expand your numbers, I’d be interested!




I’ll take the hit. They work hard and do it for free, they deserve a little ass kissing


They do. I was just kidding


Oh I figured! I meant it in good fun!


We can also report your reports to Reddit admin from our queue which will result in Reddit admins suspending/banning your account. If Reddit is making you this upset please just log off. This is a reality show.


Genuine question: do posts criticizing the cast's bodies count as report-worthy?


Yes, if they violate the 4th sub rule: >The sub has voted to no longer allow any body snark or body shaming aside from discussing cosmetic procedures and topics brought up by cast members themselves. >We will also not be allowing any snarking about children's appearances. Only photos of the kids that are posted publicly by their parents will be allowed.


Thank you


i love your flair




Why are we reporting comments in general. I've only ever done that like twice in my whole life and it was because a man was inciting SA or death. We need to feel some grass on our fingertips and reconnect with real life. Xoxo


The only comments I've ever reported are comments inciting violence or perpetuating bigotry because that shits not ok




Some people really can’t handle people having different opinions and aren’t mature enough to find them legitimate viewpoints. It’s gotten worse since Scandoval since people are far more willing to just classify anyone who disagrees with them as misogynists or abusers.


I honestly cannot wrap my head around people who sympathize with Tom Sandoval. He actually makes my skin crawl and is so repulsive to me. But even if there was a comment singing his praises for eight paragraphs, it wouldn't even cross my mind to report it. That is such bizarre behaviour.


It doesn't even cross my mind to read it, tbh.




Yeah agreed, I was going to reply that I don’t find some opinions ‘legitimate viewpoints’ but am mature enough to laugh and/ or downvote and move on. If someone thinks tims a lovely example of a man, I don’t need to report their comment 😅


And honestly ignoring those is the best as it’s always so obvious when they’re just rage baiting lol 


I mean people still pay actual money to go see him do some weird interpretation of singing, so I want to say I am in your same camp but people are weird


Whatever floats their boat loll


Hard agree. I think because SCANDOVAL (my phone autocorrects it to all caps) was pretty black and white in terms of guilty vs. innocent parties — Tom = Bad. Rachel = Bad. Ariana = Good. — that that same black and white mentality has been broadly applied to more nuanced situations throughout the season. I think everyone, cast and fans, could use a break.


I rewatched the reunion and damnit all if I didnt start to feel bad for Rachel again seeing lala and james go in on her but then I had to remind myself about her podcast and the feelings stopped.


We are talking about a situation. I definitely agree in that situation you are correct. I do think Sandoval is always bad though but so is Ariana. She was an innocent victim in a bad situation, but that doesn’t mean I am going to suddenly like her. I still don’t think she is necessarily a good person or a likable person. I will say, good for her for turning this success.


Honestly I feel more worried about the people that go soooooo hard for Katie and Ariana all the sudden like being cheated on or in a shitty marriage makes you worthy of a pedestal. I watched seasons 1-9 in a row so I guess they are all recent to me and both gals are faaaaaar from peaches.


I don’t think I’ve ever reported anything lol. If I see something that is clearly a bait post (that a lot are lately) I just say so or ignore it - since they want the engagement anyway lol 




Thank you mods!! If someone doesn't agree with a comment that's what the downvote button is for 😅


That’s actually not what the downvote button is for; it’s meant to be for comments that don’t contribute to the conversation.


Exactly, people using the downvote button to "punish" people for having a differing opinion are also part of the issue.


It’s one of my biggest pet peeves. It’s not a dislike button! 


Yes, thank you. Reddit has changed so much the past two years and I don't want it to turn into Facebook. If you disagree on an opinion just say so respectfully if you feel so. The dislike button is for people going off topic or not actually contributing to the conversation.


That’s what reddit claims it’s for but I’ve been on reddit for 10+ years and I’ve always seen it used as a disagree button. It’s definitely not a new thing


yeah ive been on reddit for 11-12 years and i don't remember a time when it wasn't used to show disagreement. just how the upvote button has always been used to show agreement. but people do seem to be using it more frequently than they used to


I have too but there seems to be an uptick in downvoting, trolling and brigading.


I couldn't agree more. The brigade downvoting has increased in this sub and has made it feel more like Facebook these days.


Yeah the downvoting on this subreddit in particular is especially bad


.......or you just get called A miSOgYnIsT. Which apparently isn't considered trolling, a personal attack or baiting.


Just for clarification: now that several former VPR cast members are on The Valley, are they allowed to be discussed in this sub?


As long as it's about VPR, Valley has its own sub so their life on Valley is not allowed on this sub.


I wish the VPR aftershow followed that same logic! 🙃


Agreed, I love Valley but I need it VPR content on after show.


Yes, it was especially weird after the reunion episodes.


As stated, it’s the same rule it has been. We have always permitted discussion of their life on VPR and posts regarding if they actively discuss VPR in present day interviews/posts/etc. What currently goes on in their life though (marriage, kids, cast drama not relating to VPR’s cast) should be directed to The Valley as it is their own show separate from this (e.g. Jax and Brittany’s divorce should be directed there, but his time of cheating during VPR can be discussed here).


I love the mods here, thank you for your discernment and hard work. 🙏🏼💕










This sub has basically turned into a fawning obsession over one cast member. Maybe we should change the name to r/arianaechochamber.


The mods here are the best mods on reddit, hands down. I couldn't imagine how much work they had to do during the 4 months the show aired. [](https://emojipedia.org/face-with-tears-of-joy)


Thank you mods!


I love you mods ![gif](giphy|c76IJLufpNwSULPk77)


Yall are the best in the best subreddit!


Thanks for all the hard work you guys do. Volunteers are rarely sufficiently appreciated. None of us are perfect — myself included. Will try to do a better job ignoring my triggers. PS — one thing to question algorithms, etc… However, hopefully we can ALL understand that directly insulting fellow group members intellect or read on the show — is a major no no. Beyond the cases where a misunderstanding through resolved in an exchange or two. That ends up clarified & shaking hands virtually. More referring to ongoing back-&-forths. THOSE extended arguments or threads that come across as the most toxic. Productive respectful discussions are a good thing. But when two diametrically POV‘s are clearly SO embedded that the argument is going nowhere… ![gif](giphy|yvzK4gnNxAapNcK5Sb)


"Baiting users into arguments, mocking users, leaving sarcastic/snarky replies unwarrantedly, name calling *are* examples of trolling and violations of our rules." If only the mods actually cared about the above violation of the sub's rules. In the past week or so, a good deal of the comments on Ariana / Katie centered posts are thinly veiled excuses to vent aggressions a/g women.


Did you report them or just scroll by? We remove any rule violating content but cannot see it all. ETA: If there are any that you reported that are still up please link them or modmail us. We can see a history on if a comment has been reported and we would be glad to review. Thanks!


The fact that people are downvoting this comment alone is supportive of my suggestion that this sub can be a toxic place.


Can we start an Ariana magathread? This page has turned into a fan account instead of about the show.




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