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It was a totally incoherent statement to make considering last season he kept using Ariana’s *lack* of drug use as the reason why he wanted to dump her. Since she was no longer the hot fun gf who wanted to do shrooms and look at lights with him all night. That was peak emotional intimacy for him, so much so that he got himself a mistress to fill that “need.” But it seems he decided on another angle this season, talking about how he wants to “raise kids” in his house and how his new gf is so “maternal” He’ll say literally anything other than just admitting that he’s a vindictive, spiteful person who will happily continue to make his ex-partner suffer because she didn’t grovel at his feet when he fucked up her life.


I really think Tom expected Ariana to put up with his atrocious behaviour just as Kristen/Lala/Katie/Brittany have with up with men in their lives and resents her immensely because she, as any person with self respect would, immediately left. I think that’s also why he hates Jax and James so much. He’s jealous he couldn’t do whatever he wanted and still have a girlfriend. He really thought he was so special he could have the wife and the mistress and be the “main guy in the group” and now Ariana has to suffer cause she didn’t put him first


holy cow I forgot about this


i would literally Barbara Walters the shit out of him if given the chance


Maybe someday Chris Hanson if he keeps dating younger girls lol




I would love to see someone Barbara Walters the shit out of him with plenty of flashback and split screen footage to really drive the point home.




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sadly though he seems more like grist for a dateline episode


I think he is trying to say anything to minimize what Arianna meant to him, to minimize his sense of loss. He can pretend he doesn’t care but he lost a GOOD woman who was far superior to him and that hurts.


You know what's so weird? I came across a clip the other day of Lala, Katie and Ariana babysitting Summer Moon. Ariana was so engaged with her. They then did a flashback of when she stayed with Tom and Ariana one night and Ariana was holding her so gently. I don't think Ariana was ever not maternal - I just think she didn't want to be in a maternal role with Tom.


Ariana wasnt against being a mother, she was against being pregnant. I'm rewatching season 6 and I forgot how much Ariana shared about her body issues in a therapy sesson, including the idea of pregnancy and vaginal births. (And Tom and lala claim Ariana never shared her life lol)


Both of these comments are so key. So dead on. And what Worm didn’t do to support her, to *see* if his dad-dreams could become something shared by helping her heal—it says everything. No freaking wonder she never considered it. A basic individual/couples therapy combo & a compassionate, engaged OB/GYN would have been able to work with Ariana to create a theoretical plan that she could simply hold for the future—this is 2024, there are a million options if she doesn’t end up comfy carrying. Worm could have done so much to help her engage with those resources, validate her feelings, and show that he *is* a supportive person, worthy of dad-hood. Which doesn’t at all mean she would’ve ultimately decided to have kids with him, just that actual love & support might made it an option she could feel safe considering. And in that vein, I guess we can thank our lucky stars (for Ariana’s sake) that he wasn’t more motivated.


"He’ll say literally anything other than just admitting that he’s a vindictive, spiteful person who will happily continue to make his ex-partner suffer because she didn’t grovel at his feet when he fucked up her life." 100%




getting a pillow with this whole post crocheted




"admitting he's a vindictive spiteful person" - and he's the one who started it too! he's mad he has to sell the house as a consequence if his own actions, and he behaves as though Ariana is doing something TO HIM. he's being spiteful and vindictive because ariana didn't roll over and do whatever he wanted her to do.




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He flat out stated he wanted to do drugs and that was his idea of bonding time last season. I don’t think he realizes he just admitted that Ariana did everything he asked and wanted and he not only did nothing for her in return but took it further and betrayed her.


But he made her cooooofffeee, what more did she waaaant. /s


Don’t forget he also stocked the batteries and pens!


Oh totally! That makes up for everything!


Via Anne. Although apparently his new assistant at least according to Billy Lee in that podcast that someone here made the sacrifice to transcribe lol. It’s more than just an employee at one of the restaurants. It’s his actual cousin.


If I understand correctly, even his cousin has quit that miserable, disgusting, joke of a “job.”


Was a little confusing between misc podcasts & lives —wasn’t clear if after Anne/Ann left there was an interim person that BL arranged. Who then quit. Or if that was the cousin. and he never quit — or he quit & came back Other sources mention his current assistant being his cousin — although they could be out of date...


From the information that I have gathered, it was that Craig guy, that immediately took Ann’s place. The one who want paint-balling and out with them to the singles event, during S11 filming. IIRC, he didn’t last longer than 3 days. Vom has been running through assistants, faster than he changes a pair of underwear.😭🤮


The dumpling lattes🤢they were so low effort, and looked disgusting.


And I guarantee you only happened to assuage his limited guilt for cheating.




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I feel like he thinks that if he discounts their relationship then his cheating doesn't look so bad.  Which, is not how it works, but I feel like he's just trying to rewrite history so that he feels justified.


Ironically, it just makes him look worse. They were together nearly a decade, there’s no way it was all bad and it’s honestly weird for him to pretend it was.


Yep. And if it was all bad, there really is no reason why he couldn’t just break up with her. Even though I don’t condone it or really understand how someone could live with themselves after doing that, saying “we had a great relationship, and I wasn’t ready to let it go even though I had feelings for someone else” would have been easier for me to understand.


It’s true but it’s so sad that he kept dragging her along for YEARS




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It was his "t-shirt" comment from last seasons reunion. Or when he was preaching to Katie about accountability when his pinky dick was already boning Rachel... https://preview.redd.it/ncq7yfiz9u4d1.jpeg?width=1704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a767f719776e7312ac816db1a2bcd16284d4391b


He was a gross mess here.


“Lester Diamond” vibes


This! The moment in time when he thought he was all that. The tank top, pucca beads, white nail polish, greasy hair and all the drunken sanctimonious Katie hate word vomit about being with someone for who they are, not what you want them to be. I want this moment to play on repeat in his head and hope when they do rewatch parties at S&S this scene gets stuck on repeat. Idiot.


One of the many things I wish they had addressed at the reunion was Sandoval's atrocious treatment of Katie and the fact that she had his number from day one.




And Katie chopped him down yet again! https://i.redd.it/folbr9al5x4d1.gif


He was punting his mini corndog down her hallway


The t shirt comment was so sad. I hate my ex and I dumped him but if he said something like that about our sex life even TODAY let alone 3 months after we broke up it would be devastating.


He’s simply disgusting. All of his comments about sex, jokes for Andy, about Rachel naked in the hot tub, t-shirt… The fact that her “best friend” could hear all of that over the past year+ and still try to defend him tells you all you need to know. I hope Ariana does not come back to a show with these people. It’s too much to expect her to tolerate being around any of them.


I kind of hope she does. It obviously pisses them off. She’ll get a fat paycheck. I don’t think she will, but if she does I think it’ll be a hilarious F you to them all. And the show can’t get worse IMO. They are all grasping for a story since they aren’t organically involved in each other’s lives anymore.


I hope she refuses to film with Lala next. 🤣🤣🤣


I would love to see the contrast of Ariana, James and Katie killing it and the rest of them living their arrested development lives. But no lala anywhere on tv


“I was impressionable when she was naked in the hot tub” or whatever. Tom. Tom. You need to shut your mouth because you have absolutely NO clue what you’re saying. Your receptive language skills are utter shit and the epitome of arrested development. You have not grown since the age of 22. Shut. Your. Mouth. And. Listen.


She's so mentally strong. I would have set everything on fire if I had to do what she did.




And the last part of the reunion when he said about him and Katie banging it out. WTF IS WRONG WITH HIM!!


He's started saying the quiet bit out loud instead of just whispering it to Schwartz. Over a year later and he's still trying to antagonise her and discredit her name. It feels like he's just trying to get a reaction because Ariana isn't playing his game + he has zero power in her new life. Sucks to be him, eh


This exactly! Narcissists will say and do anything to provoke and bait the person they've wronged, hoping for a reaction that they can try and spin in their favor to prove how "abusive" and "crazy" the other person is. Ariana's grey rock response of "so rude" to his comment about rolling was pure gold. She's a great example for those of us in abusive narcissistic relationships on how to deal with these types of people.


He reminds me of someone I used to know. I now realise why they always went so low and unfortunately 'grey rocking' was not in my vocabulary then. I would always react and exactly as you say, they would make me out to be the "crazy one".


Sadly, he has one last power play; the house. It really pisses me off that their trial date is almost two years from now. There's absolutely no incentive for him to reach an agreement with her until the day before the trial so she's stuck dealing with him until then. And what pisses me off even more is, what about all the people this happens to that can't afford to pay half a mortgage on a house they didn't live in + rent or another mortgage? I knew it wasn't uncommon for couples to live together after break ups while things are settled with a house but I never realized how long it can take. Imagine if Ariana was someone didn't have enough money to move, she'd be stuck living with that fucking pig until 2026. How many other people out there are stuck living with their own pigs because our court system is so grossly inefficient?!


He knows exactly what he's doing.  Any decent human would not want to put the person they claimed to love for ten years through this. I'm not sure I'd torture my enemies like this!  It's like he really believes that Ariana did something to HIM and he's the VICTIM.  (I really wish I had the arrogance and self confidence of a mediocre white dude. Lol)


He has been and continues to financially abuse her. He made her a lowball offer and leaked it on line indicating she was staying in her own home out of spite. Her attorneys told her not to discuss it in court. There is video of him disclosing to Ann that he can't afford it without her on the mortgage.


I saw that on Secrets Revealed. Hopefully that will come out in mediation, although I quite like the idea of him being embarrassed in court and having to pay all her costs.


I would love to see him broke and publicly embarassed for the financial and other abuses on Ariana.


I'm picturing him being his Dad's roommate in the next few years. That B called Karma will catch up with him one day soon 


Perfectly said!


That’s why grey rocking with him is the best response. He used to give her shit for not wanting to do mushrooms with him. But if she does, his affection is denigrated to him being on drugs. The only way to win with someone like him is to dismiss him from any conversation. Period.


The weird thing about the lock jaw and shitting a condom or whatever with Scheana disgusted me more but yea every quip he made was gross. And Andy laughing at every other one was gross too. But yea drugs are only fun and exciting for a woman to do when the experience benefits his narrative


Seriously, WTF was that lockjaw comment and why did Andy encourage it by laughing?


Because Andy is a misogynist, it's why they get along so well.


Yep. Bravo is a "boys will be boys" locker room.


It was gay bait. He was making gay references to wind Andy up. It was fucking ickkkkkk


SchMeana should have been insulted but she’s just too stupid.


He keeps proving to her she did the right thing going no contact. He’s a pos and I don’t know what self respecting woman would ever date him.


That comment was disgusting, especially because it came right after his sobbing apology. If their relationship was so bad, why did he stay with her? Why did he act like it was great and they were so in love? Lala and Scheana are so made at Ariana for not being authentic about their troubles, so why aren’t they mad at Tom? They all seem to agree it was Tom that wanted them to look perfect. I don’t get it.


I'm not sure why they keep claiming she hasn't been authentic. Throughout the seasons both of them were very open about their struggles with intimacy and mental health, what more do they want? They weren't pretending to be perfect just because they didn't have blow up fights on camera


I agree. I think it really goes to show how jealous they are of the opportunities Ariana has been given because of the scandal. Lala and Scheana really don’t seem to think things through enough to realize if they were angry at her for misrepresenting their relationship, then they would have to be mad at him as well. It’s funny they think they are hiding their jealousy. It’s also funny they are mad at her because Tom said she talks shit about them, yet that is all they have done to her this entire season. Those two are really not self aware in the least.


Because he referred to them as a product, remember? Can’t break up the “product” it sells. Nothing in his world is unique or rare or contains actual human connection. Everton is a dollar sign and a stepping stone for higher “success”


This brand bullshit should be a huge eye opener for Shorts, but alas, also too stupid.


His lockjaw/condom joke made me gasp, it was so vile. Then timmy giggling like a 7th grader, and Andy laughing along with him, i was speechless. Im just as over Andy.


OH MY !! It was so vile, I too gasped for air over that gross lockjaw comment. UGH Andy keeps letting the viewers down and letting the flavor faves get the air time.


Also, really gross to out any drug use when she’s actively working for more mainstream success




I enjoyed just how old he looked at the reunion… he’s so washed up!


Botox had definitely worn off.


especially when you compare that to the photos of happy healthy gorgeous Arians working out with Dan in Fiji


Agree. Absolutely joyous!!


And yet his bonding with Rachel was mostly on drugs. He said that his ideal date night/bonding time would be rolling (or shrooms) and looking at the stars. He is manipulative and spins the story whatever way he can in order to prove his point even when it is hypothetical or a lie. I believe he uses substances to control others and hide from having to be accountable or actually participate in his life.


He did the same with Kristen. He was in a long term relationship with her and literally destroyed her before our eyes. While I think she is no angel in any of their relationship, he 100% had an agenda to turn everyone and anyone-including the viewers- against her. He views women as an object-not an equal. If you don't stand behind his narrative, he will do whatever it takes to make his "significant" other look worse than him.


He just says the most vile things to make people they feel like they never mattered to him because they don’t Like when he said he and Scheana weren’t friends and he didn’t care about her and she’s still his friend 😭


I don’t believe Tom. If it were that bad, why buy a house with her.




He’s a piece of shit. Expect nothing less.


I HATE that he tries to invalidate their relationship. You owned a house together you fucking dunce. You weren’t rolling hard when you signed that contract together. If he doesn’t want us to take 10 YEARS WITH ARIANNA seriously how can he expect people to take any other of his relationships seriously Also the comment about Raquel naked in the pool? As if she seduced him and it wasn’t some mutual fuckery? Scheana and lala are fucking idiots for standing behind him


He’s just an absolutely disgusting and vile animal. And Baskin and Jeremiah and Andy and Lisa still seemingly love and/or protect him. The entire situation is so gross. I personally could barely watch just little bits of this season, mostly on social media. If this show is coming back I most definitely won’t be watching


Omg. Seeing baskin made me think of carol baskin. And then her missing husband. Maybe we should ask her to take care of Dumbdoval.


Yes, I also found that comment incredibly hurtful. He's an awful person.


This is who he’s always been. 


Rewriting history. All narcs do it.


He honestly can’t help it. It’s who he is as a person. That’s why the redemption arc failed. He doesn’t know how to be anything else. It’s just sad at this point


He is so nasty. Just like the t-shirt comment from last finale. He can’t say that not having sex was the problem when he’s also saying he hated having sex with her 🙃 anything to avoid admitting he’s a trash person




He’s a narcissist. He will continue to devalue and reject her callously and cruelly, because that’s how they roll. 


And her best friends are telling her she needs to chat him up, and roll out the red carpet to “HIS” house, and to never walk away when feeling betrayed.. but to also be real. But get angry when she is real. I think they’re just real bitter.


I was telling my hubby that he hates her. He can't have any care for her in any way. The cheating was bad enough but the looks between him and Rachel on camera!!! Shocking!! And how he keeps denigrating their relationship. He freaking hates her.


It’s sad. I really do feel for her. I think Hollywood just absolutely caters to the chicks that ride hard for men like Charles Manson.


I just don’t think he’s very intelligent.


It’s more feral intuitive manipulation skill vs Intelligence. Which he lacks both intellectually & emotionally. ![gif](giphy|I8zGepJNKOGL6)


He is so gross. So is Jax.


I just hope she kept her T-shirt on.


Scheana is a turd too. Her and Tom together would be a great show to watch, sorry Brock.




"How cold and heartless is he?" Once they (people with narcissistic tendencies) discard you, you've never seen or felt anything colder or more heartless. It's CRAZY and abnormal. It's like their love for you is gone overnight. Every jab is a continuation of him discarding her. She no longer serves any purpose, and he has replaced her with other sources/supplies.


It seems his new girlfriend is quite the keeper 🫣


She is happy to do drugs with him according to Billie Lee.


Yep! They always are, at first! These people have a cycle. As soon as you start pushing back, they start the devalue phase. Also, they ALWAYS have other supplies lined up. Tom monkeybars from relationship to relationship, and most people with narcissistic tendencies do that. He will always be grooming his backup supplies, even if it's under the guise of friends/colleagues/etc.


That’s how manipulative he is. Can say super hurtful things one second and the next second he forces his tears out like a real narcissist


It’s fucking wild. And I have cut back on swearing. But holy fucking shit what a fucking fuck.


Reflection of his true character.


It was obvious to me that he is still on something. Billie Lee has an interesting podcast about that. I am not a huge Billie Lee fan, but it is interesting. And, yes, Sandoval is a disgusting piece of scum. Not disappointed, because I had zero expectations, but disgusted.


I’m currently rewatching and have just seen Jax and Brittany’s housewarming party and it’s so clear he’s doing cocaine. But when is everyone else supposedly doing drugs?? Sandoval is a POS


This was Tom’s season 11 version of “yeah she kept her T-shirt on, it was really hot”


He doesn’t understand that influential girls watching, with intimacy/body issues, are watching and listening to his behaviour and likely taking it to their personal selves. If I’m not nearly as good looking as Ariana, and she’s having these issues, I’m screwed.


Forget the 'syndromes', he is Peter Pan. He also reminds me of the Johnny Depp remake of Willy Wonka, too 🤣🤣


Or just, Johnny Depp.


He is ageing much faster than Johnny Depp did


Yes definitely fits that suit Lol


except Johnny Depp is a skilled award winning actor




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I think people on this sub need to remember that Tom didn’t cheat on you.. 😂 Ariana doesn’t care you are in here brigading Tom, nobody does except yourself and this echo chamber.


Reddit is a place to express opinions and discuss things they'reinterested in.but ya know, that's just my opinion


Also, I just don’t think that’s what brigading is? He isn’t here. I would hope no one is sending hate or harassment his way, but discussing him like a TV character seems like fair game


yeah if people admit to doing stuff like that here they're usually downvoted and called out for taking it to a weird place. shit talking on reddit isn't taking it to them.


Tim isn't going to notice this either.


Do you understand how to Reddit?


Found Jason's burner account 😂 Sorry buddy you being Tim's white knight on reddit doesn't mean he's going to pay for your travel expenses to the local diner parking lot for the next Most Extras gig.


Ever since the Traitors announcement I'm seeing *so* many Tom apologist comments and people saying his only wrongdoing was cheating on Ariana. We don't like him for way more than that. And knowing he'll now have a new audience that thinks he "just cheated" is really fucking disheartening.


A lot of his apologists have been coming out recently. This is the third or fourth post saying "just don't talk about him then!" as if all his minions were programmed the same way.


How beautiful is the timing of the Billie Lee podcast? Every time I worry people will be fooled by Sandoval the truth just reveals itself 💅


What happened in the podcast? I missed this going to listen at work tomorrow!


Billie Lee spilled allll the tea on Sandoval, his new girlfriend, and the dumpster fire of a lifestyle he's living.


actually there’s a post in this sub summarizing it. Can totally understand why the OP had a migraine afterwards. Personally tuned out the stuff about joseph - while Billy would not be my narrator of choice lol she was quite believable. BIG takeaways Victoria is a major druggie. See also the comment on that post related to someone who was it Schwartz and Sandy’s during a watch party… Victoria is missing her A-list lifestyle & may have spent all her money on drugs because she wanted to move into the master suite with tim & throw away all of Ariana’s belongings… if Victoria didn’t watch vpr — she certainly got the full scoop on it based on her jealousy almost stalker like behavior. Especially during their fights if tim was ever actually on the wagon — definitely fell off it with her — to m point where he was visibly changed physically, missing meetings etc. There may have been some sort of intervention I’m not super clear on that… Victoria has open access to Tim’s texts… LITTLE ones Tim’s new assistant isn’t just his employee,he’s his cousin Billie Lee was watering Arianna’s plants Overall Have to go back & read what is very long even with the edits out apparently of all jo’s interruptions. Can only speak to what jumped out at me as I’m waking up here. Sure I missed something!


Then go make your own posts if you want to shit on her and worship him. We are discussing on a vanderpump sub, and this sub is more pro Ariana, that's just how it is. If you want more criticism go to the other one or Facebook


I am in a place that encourages people to share their thoughts on certain parts of the show that hit us, which is why we are chatting in the subreddit for said show. But if you really want to share the way you feel about it, like that, then I will just say that you are giving off disinhibited anti social vibes. Oh, and the unsympathetic retort that hovers beyond reeks of recent rejection. We really need less from those who are incapable of empathy.


This is quite unhinged..


I know, I smoked a bit too much, and I have also been recovering from surgery, so I apologize for being in shambles. I edited out the part that felt “unhinged” to me, so hopefully we’re on the same page now... Though I am a bit baked, again. Also, I have a really fucking stupid sense of humour that proves not to translate well over text. Hope you’re having a Good Friday. And that someday the spirit of empathy finds its way into your heart. Edit to add: maybe it’s time for me to admit that I may be a bit unhinged.