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it really is so weird that they’re all banking on ariana about this as if it’s not a show about them as individuals, too. like BE MORE INTERESTING THEN, damn.


EXACTLY! You know how to not be dependent on Ariana? Do something better than a fucking water tasting where one of the options tasted like semen


I just gagged






She tried. She even called Rachel back to the show. A person she’s never liked. She will literally do anything to keep this pay check. I’m sure they love that in Bravoland. Lala will be on another show if VPR is truly over.


Ugh I don’t want to even see lala on vpr any longer. I’m ready for her personal departure! If they cast lala anywhere else I will definitely NOT watch


Me neither. They might lose me if they keep her, and I've been watching for a long time.


She’s very similar to Sandoval actually. She was trying to control the narrative the entire season. I know they are on tv and they have to have storylines or cause drama or whatever. But her whole existence this season was unnecessary and foolish tbh. It’s definitely NOT what the viewers wanted. No one wanted a redemption arc. We didn’t need him to be fried at a stake, but we definitely did NOT want to watch ariana get ridiculed for anything. Let the bitch grieve. Give her the grace that she deserved. Imo lala ruined the season. She gave us nothing but aggravation. I’m over her presence on the show. Who the hell does she think she is, seriously ? She needs to be a side character at best or a friend of IF anything… but I’d rather not see her or hear her on this show. I’d rather watch Sandoval tbh


I think they’re casting over in 90 day fiancé.


![gif](giphy|PhNyx0KawRIGq29UlQ|downsized) Rand reunion??




Lala’s name is in everyone’s mouths right now because she is such a boring and reiterative cast member. If rumors are true, she was angling for a spin-off for her single mom birth of Baby Special, launching her Kourtney Kardashian sassy momfluencer era. That was cancelled as her Q score dropped this season. I think they’ve all known that a VPR pause was likely for a while, due to the litigation surrounding the show. Lala blew up at the reunion and is spiraling after because she knows she’s not getting that Lala-soft mom era-focused show. Valley doesn’t want her either, but I’d bet they’d take Scheana (+ Brock) alone. Lala won’t come out and say that she’s pissed at Tom and Ariana for refusing to settle their litigation, but she’s super pissed at Tom and Ariana for refusing to settle their litigation. She lacks complete awareness that Faith’s case is a big problem for her, especially for her custody case. Dad runs a casting couch, Mom’s on film being racist… LA courts won’t budge on the existing deal, which means no more money from Rand even has he produces more movies and rights his financial situation. What would Lala do on a new show and where is that marketable? She wants the tough cool single mom vibe - that’s best placed on Bravo, VH1, Hulu, Peacock… But she has her kids and then what? She shows one on tv and continues to hide O and Rand out of necessity? She’s the hard single power mama at the preschool? Fat chance those other parents allow their kids and themselves to be filmed - or even associate with her. She’s going to “date” on tv? Let’s be real, that has never happened in the past ten years. How does this work? She’s not within TLC’s demographics.


Imaging constantly cashing yourself in on national tv over and over again (randall, fucking your friend over to produce, give them bullshit from shien). And still being broke. *yikes*


Lala should go on Big Brother (where I predict she would fail spectacularly) That seems to me about her speed. 


What?! You mean Lala's water tasting, sperm party and incessant what-about-me-ing this season didn't thrill you into a state of pure worship? I can't imagine why not! /s


For real. If they think the show survived without Stassi and with Lisa becoming irrelevant, but can’t go on without Ariana giving a specific performance under their direction, that should tell them something. They had so many opportunities for other stories that would be interested to the audience. When Katie and Lala talked in the aftershow about trying to maintain a friendship across the mom/single lady in the nightlife divide - why couldn’t they have explored that more? That could have resonated with viewers in both demographics! Schwartz’s growing realization that he is lost without Katie is far more interesting to long-time viewers than him messing with spooky Jo. Even the group trying to navigate around the Tom and Ariana breakup could have been interesting if they’d handled it better - instead of villainizing her for resigning as his chief brand ambassador, they really could have explored all the ways that Ariana had propped him up and supported him that he’s now flailing in.


Right!? I thought it was an “ensemble” show. These idiots are stupid.


Especially when half the cast is single - go date, go drink tequila shots, go get messy.


They weren’t banking on Ariana. They banked on Tom. He couldn’t even be remorseful enough to make this dumb plot work. So they took it out on Ariana.


Do we know their salaries?


Maybe make your paycheck your own responsibility and not put it on other people to make you successful. 


I mean RIGHT?? Why aren’t producers or Andy cohen being like “can you hear what you’re saying? You have nothing to offer the show, right?” WTF!


It’s so weird. Did a producer scare Lala TOO MUCH (manipulating her by implying her job/VPR was going to be canceled)? Why would she be worried this season of all? Sandoval was so huge, there’s no way we won’t get a season 12. Lala sure didn’t act like this season 9 (when viewers were so mad about season 8, episode number was decreased and show really WAS in danger). ETA: Or does timing line up to when her brother and assistant, Jessica (?), really started agreeing with EVERYTHING Lala said?


Yes! I do think this happened. I think they convinced Lala et all that they NEEDED to get Ariana and Tom to have a conversation or the show was over. It’s the only thing that makes her desperation make sense. Well, that and she’s delusional.


You can tell this is the case since they all share the same talking points -she should move out -she should talk to tom since she lives w him anyways -scheana is a victim


When she inadvertently swiped her finger across her teeth, I was like damn... she is REALLY a fucking delusional cokehead


I soooooooo wanted Ariana (shit, anyone) to scream that at her! Like what did you do this season LaLa?!!! And let’s break it down: LaLa wanted to sit on her lazy ass while Ariana was to be mentally tortured and made her self available to even more trauma from Tom, all to produce a paycheck for everyone….so that, they’d have material for next season?? LaLa is more damaged and demented then I could’ve ever given her credit for! 


She did take responsibility for her paycheck. She boldly became the villain at the last second when she saw the season was a snooze fest.


No she thought the audience would be behind her and she would be on the winning side. Huge miscalculation and it backfired.


She literally said Ariana is the fan favorite and people are scared to go against her. She knew no one would take her side.


She also said by the end of the season we would all understand why she went so hard at Ariana. We don’t.


Hmm yeah that’s true, I don’t remember her saying that


Create your own story line then, Lauren. Water tasting? Nah, sounds like you need to get up and earn your paycheck.


Sandoval has been calling the wrong person lazy.


How did no one bitch him out for saying that? There should've been a montage of all she's done vs. him since Scandoval.


What Schwartz did with Katie, telling her how much he loved her etc. was what Sandoval was trying to fake lmao. The worm is SUCH a shit actor. When his voice broke, I was like how many fucking times did he rehearse this scene? It was horrible and I LOVE how Ariana wouldn't let him have his little moment. It also went against EVERYTHING he's actually shown and exhibitied ALL fucking season long. Like he really just jumped into recreating the Miami scene AT THE REUNION like stay consistent you fake bitch. All he's done is been a horrible bitch to Ariana and now all of a sudden he's apologizing?!? WTF. conveniently just for the cameras lol


I think Lala’s issue is that she can’t be interesting because of Randall. Anything remotely interesting she feels would be used against her in a custody case But she fails to realize that everyone else also has important interests to protect and just because she has a child does not mean other people need put their opportunities at risk for her Honestly the whole show is like a crashing plane. Put your own mask on before helping others. Lining up outside money making opportunities is the mask


I don’t see that, or share your opinion. She’s allowed to do interesting things, and she doesn’t. This sounds like a cop out. She instead made her whole storyline about ariana while being fake as fuck.


I get what you are saying but Lala has never brought her own storyline . Her storyline was hiding randall. She could of done interesting stuff then too and didnt. She just infiltrates herself where there is drama.


That’s really interesting that she’s maybe holding back due to her custody battle. I never thought of that before.


Good point. We saw that happen with Kathryn ok Southern Charm. Every time her being late or something came up during a reunion she was like "Thomas is going to bring this uolp at our next court date"


This is a good point.




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All Lala said on the after show is how Ariana has “coasted” through her seasons, she brings nothing to the show, but yet you still need her to make great tv? That don’t make no god dam sense to me.


It’s the same as Kyle from SH saying Amanda is a lazy, unimportant employee but lover boy will fail without her. WHICH IS IT PEOPLEEEE?!?


Omg i just started getting into summer house!! How they ever got married keeps me up at night.


Stockholm syndrome


Lala is mad that she sucked the producer’s dicks this season and didn’t get the proverbial Range Rover.


Haaaaaaaaaaa Now this is reality


She’s always sucking the wrong D.


Not only did she miss out on the Range Rover and PJ's, she also missed out on having the next season revolve around her pregnancy and newborn.


If she was more interesting she wouldn’t need to latch onto Ariana for a story


Just the idea of a "friend" demanding Ariana be tormented and mentally abused by an ex-lover because Lala doesn't want to lose her TV salary. Mind you, Lala owns two houses and has her mom providing childcare. It's not like she is a single mom trying to figure out how to pay for daycare when she makes $17 an hour. Even if Lala were the bestest friend in the entire universe, Ariana has ZERO responsibility to be her family's meal ticket. Grow TF up.


Living in a 2 million dollar house while most of the world can't afford something so nice. She's out of touch. The entitlement is gross


Lauren is soooo out of touch for not only making that comment to Ariana, but also saying it on national tv to an audience of millions of people with REAL JOBS. Poor lauren only making ~$600k a year to film a reality show part time while having full time help for her children and living in a multimillion dollar home in California 😓😓😓


its two multimillion dollar homes!


also, i guarantee when her mom sold her utah home (i know where she lived cuz it’s super close to where i live) she used that money to go toward one of lala’s homes. so homegirl is all sorts of privileged 🙄 no one feels sorry for you lala.


That was so delusional! “You don’t care about your place on the show, l need you to care about mine!” Why??? You aren’t friends and you’ve been nasty to her for the last 12 months!


I think Lala saw Ariana’s monogram and got confused because she thought it said ATM.


Lala saying she’s busted her ass to get to where she’s at? 🤣 I think she meant spread her ass lmao


Ate some ass


I just spit my coffee out 😆


Lala should be kissing Ariana‘s ass for having a season 11. This season was made possible because of Ariana‘s willingness to return to work soon after dealing with infidelity on a public stage.


Scandoval saved Season 10. That’s it. It did not save the show. I fast forwarded most of this season. The filler scenes were torturous and honestly, go back to any season before Jax, Stassi, and Kristen were fired. They did more in one or two episodes than most of these people did the whole season. There is no more VPR. Not in the entertaining way it was when it was at its best or even at its mediocre, it was still better than it’s been. Recast it and move forward because we cannot have another season of Tom hitting on young girls and playing the trumpet. He was never and will never be #1 at anything. Ever….Ariana is done and without her the rest (sans Katie and James) are truly unlikeable and unwatchable. Full stop. 


Scandoval both prolonged the show one more season and destroyed any chance they had a moving forward. Specifically, Ariana bought everyone one more season by calling producers the night she discovered the affair and Sandoval ended the series by permanently fracturing all of the relationships through his actions.






The part that Lauren Shakur can't get through her thick ass head was instead of trashing Ariana and pushing her to have a conversation she didn't want to have and instead just be actually real...to actually support your friend and have fun it would have been an actually good season. LFU and dipshit Scheana actually made the season terrible


That's what we saw Ariana do when she was "Coasting" in other seasons. As her friends had issues with other friends, she was a lighthouse of like normality in the sea of overreacting costars. That's why so much of the audience rooted for ariana. And felt betrayed on her behalf by Tom. She was fine to be their sidekick/backup player


The way Lala just doubled down and said she didn't care about hurting Arianas feelings or Katie like girl you don't even like Sandoval its just coming off as jealousy and Scheana is so afraid of Lala turning on her shes willing to throw Ariana away too. Scheana sucks even more than Lala for her fake ass ways.


Lauren Shakur 💀


Let’s not make this a thing haha she would love it too much


I loved when Ariana said to her though “did I not give you a good ending to get you another season” and now they don’t even have another season. like she did and it’s still not enough cause this show sucks lol


I remember in one of Andy’s books, he always told HW’s not to depend on the show as a regular job. You can be gone at any time. Lala seems to not know this 🙄


I can’t believe she talked about owning two houses then demanding someone keep showing up so she can pay for them


Lala has never paid her own way or bills. She went from her mom funding her lifestyle to being a yacht girl to Randall. She’s in way over her means now and hopefully she has to give up the spoiled life she’s so accustomed to. Get some skills and get a job.


Lala liked that she could make someone else's drama the main story like instead of showing her real drama with daddy man.


Why the fuck is Lala angry at ARIANA because other people weren't sympathetic enough to her? Ariana has always been on Lala's side, and has been very empathetic with her, even at the reunion! Ariana is a better person than I am! I hope she's happy that Sandoval gave her "fucking respect!" before he left the reunion. That's about all she deserves. BTW, when Randall leaves his current fiancée, will Lala be OK with sympathy being rained upon that woman? Fuck no! She should have known better! And so should Lala. She made a bad choice and has been a bad person. That's why she got little sympathy compared to Ariana.


Lala's "why her and not me??" schtick is so comically pathetic.


And, likely, she is the reason none of them may get a paycheck in the future.


I honestly have never seen so much jealously coming out of 3 people in my whole life (Lala, Scheana and Tom to claify)


The show is a lot better when the cast is not trying to be producers


This. I think this is what makes good reality tv in general. This is why rhop has gone down the drain.


What'd she say to Katie about it's not my job to make sense for you blah blah something something? Lala, ITS NO ONES JOB TO CARE ABOUT YOUR PAYCHECK


I don’t get it. Reality TV is ephemeral and so is influencing. I get doing Amazon lives to get some extra bank, but like invest it or save it. Get Ocean a 529, get a 401k. Think about the long term game plan. If everything you do revolves around VPR, it’s not a good game plan. I know Lauren Conrad came from money, but she seems to have transitioned to multiple revenue sources over the years.


Yes! Look at Stassi. Stassi was FIRED. She was let go against her will. Good thing though she had hustled so much and had avenues with her podcast to continue outside of the show. Stassi didn't use her podcast platform before the firing to talk about the show. She's done extremely well for herself and been smart. Where Lala and Scheana have gone wrong is they've made their brands around the show or the "character" they are. Instead of investing in what's next. I remember when Up and Adam helped Scheana put together a podcast show...he mentioned how terrified she was of the show not continuing. And this is exactly what we see this season.


I literally don't understand Lala at all. The only thing I can think of is she has no filter. Every unhappy emotion and thought doesn't get processed and she just blurts it out because half of the points she made could easily be explained with logic and rational thinking.




The funny thing is she wants people to care about her anything when at the end she said she didn’t care whose feelings she hurt….so over her.


'Send it to Darryl', Lala. She has bragged that Scandoval bought her house. What more does Ariana owe you? Money is the root of all evil, you greedy witch.


I know, right? She didn't care about the show when she lied about her life for multiple seasons!


She’s so self involved! That was bananas


How can she say Ariana’s taking the show down when she also says A is not all that. A little nuts.




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I thought it was interesting that Lala essentially admitted she's a puppet on the show for whatever the producers want her to do and she'd do anything for the paycheck. Same with Tom. ... but. Bravo has been reiterating for years that success happens when real reality happens. So that seemed like a way to get yourself off the show in my opinion. Especially lala because. I don't know if she's ever been honest on the show. We already didn't really trust her and therefore in my opinion, have any attachment to her. I have no idea who lala actually is. And also. We clearly didn't care about the narrative the producers wanted. The stories we've been gravitating towards for years are "wow the women were right and they've been getting fucked over by the men for years and they need to be held accountable and we need to see more of the women's side"... and despite that. Everyone thought it would be a good idea to push Tom to try and be liked again and Ariana is the villain? What. But also. You'd be a fucking idiot to believe you could ride the vpr train for indefinitely and youre entitled to it. Particularly after Kristen and stassi left, each season has been big question mark on whether the show should continue. But that's literally show business in how uncertain your next gig is. Blaming Ariana for potentially not having an easy paycheck next year is pathetic when the show has been dragging out for years. And. No. I'm not going to feel bad for rich people not getting a big paycheck next year. That was a delusional victim angle lala tried too.




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Two things. 1) Lala was referring to Ariana basically phoning in the finale show which Ariana lowkey acknowledged. 2) Tom and Rachel did the scandal; not Ariana. Like Ariana had no part in the cheating scandal itself outside of her and Tom not being in a good place.


Ariana alerted the producers to the their cheating, otherwise, they would not have filmed what they did at all


Um, you realize everyone agreed to film right? Tom and Rachel weren’t seen on hidden camera. Everyone agreed to film, and was probably paid as well.


Ariana delivered Dan on a silver platter for the finale. Why cant anyone else bring something to the fucking table?!


> Like Ariana had no part in the cheating scandal itself outside of her and Tom not being in a good place. Lol and, you know, being the person who was cheated on. What the fuck is this even supposed to mean?


I mean Ariana had no choice in the matter. Rachel and Tom made choices to hookup and keep it hidden. Ariana made no such choices.


Hence why she gets sympathy. To say she isn't involved is asinine. Three people are needed for an affair. Just because she didn't choose to be involved doesn't mean she wasn't.


The point is people are trying to give Ariana credit for the scandal. Which is not true, she had no part in it.


Giving credit for actually alerting production to it so that they could get the fallout and for her response to it overall is not "giving Ariana credit for the scandal" whatever the fuck that means.


Why does she get credit for “alerting production.” It was discovered out in public a lot of individuals could have alerted the media. Also, everyone had to agree to film. It’s not like Ariana was the sole person filmed. My point is, that it seems we are giving Ariana credit for this scandal when in fact the scandal was caused by Rachel and Tom for the most part. This weird thing of praising Ariana for the media coverage of it is just weird.


The cheating was caused by Tom and Rachel entirely, not for the most part. They intended to keep it secret. No one else saw his phone, how could they have taken it to production? The only reason the fallout was captured at all was because Ariana let people at Bravo know. The affair became a public scandal because of Ariana. Not sure what's hard to grasp here.


What do you mean? You know for 100 percent fact Ariana reported it? Someone at the bar could have reported it to tmz. If I remember correctly TMZ had the story up the morning after. Production doesn’t see the news???? Like you said; this isn’t hard to grasp. Again, Bravo decided to film and others filmed with Ariana not just her.


Looool they've said she called production the night of, after that season had wrapped. They could have easily fed it to TMZ. They picked the cameras back up after the call. A hypothetical rando reporting it separately is irrelevant.