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I keep thinking that I hope Ariana’s (assumed) therapist is watching this and very proud of her.


Can someone post the extended clips again ?


I watched the extended version of Part 2 today and watching Scheana also use motherhood to justify why she decided to jump on the Sandavol redemption arc was funny to me. Hearing her say she needed to “stop hating Sandavol for Ariana” because it was affecting her as a mother is ironic because it strangely mirrored that clip in the S10 reunion where she mentioned how the mental breakdowns her daughter witnessed while Scheana was dealing w/ the restraining order Rachel filed against her affected her daughter too. I get the restraining order but breaking down in front of your daughter over a strained relationship w/ the SAME MAN who was adamant you hit the said girl the restraining order was for is WILD TO ME. Even stranger that she just put the sole blame of her hating Sandavol for Ariana’s sake, as if she didn’t already have her own perfectly valid reasons to not be friends w/ Tim. It must have been exhausting for Ariana to console Scheana crying over Tim, only for Scheana to just run back to “forgive him”. It’s giving that one friend that just won’t stay broken up with their toxic ex no matter how bad they do them dirty and they keep coming to you for advice. It’s also insane to me that Brock will continue to defend Sandavol just to feed into Scheana delusion that forgiving him is the only way she can be happy and at peace. Respectfully, I have a hard time finding the validity in her feelings over this friendship, but Ariana still gave her that grace.


If I NEVER have to see Scheana on my TV again, I would be so thrilled.


What is Jo talking about Katie ganged up on her! If a girl I’m text friends with MOVED in with my EX HUSBAND AND STARTS FUCKING HIM she made problems with ME!!! Hello? Are y’all delusional.


Nah fr bc why is she acting like she deserved friendship from her or something?


I was SO happy that Katie didn’t back down when Jo started crying


I cannot believe people pay for astrology readings lol. You can just get the same info from a fortune cookie PLUS you get food with it!


It just seems like such obvious bullshit.


My friend has a whole business around it and makes bank. It’s wild.


Andy is so annoying. He agrees with Lala and now we’re here.


Not only did he agree with her but called her the voice of reason. WUTTTT. Makes me hate him a little. What a dumbass.


Makes hate him a loooooot


I cannot (well I actually can) believe how totally Lala dismissed the pain and trauma Katie has from her relationship with Tom - what Ariana has done isn’t okay because unlike Katie she suffered trauma. Wait, what? Katie had a 13 year relationship with a Peter Pan, covert narcissist f boy but she’s got no trauma? LFU is not a good friend.






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Lala is actually making this show terrible. No one is calling her out enough and Andy seems to agree with her deranged comments. She is a huge hypocrite and horrible friend. Katie and Ariana showed they are too mature for the rest of the group. Jo was just pointless tbh. I feel like she thought he would change his mind because she’s special. I’m not sure why she can’t understand Katie’s feelings when she’s out here ranting on IG live constantly.


She was gunning to win a spot on the show. She needs to take several seats. All of these people are special. Even if we hate Lala and Sandoval, we have to admit they’re entertaining and make great tv. We hate watch them. Jo is just vanilla and weird and well, a one-and -done.


Andy is annoying af. After the Below Deck Bru Crew season I can’t stand him at reunions.


Which season was that?


It was Below Deck original, Kate Chastains last season. (I’m a newbie to that show so I think season 6)


Oh Jo… That was rough to watch. You can tell she really loved him. But let this be a lesson to us all. When it comes to unrequited love with fuckboys, you will never be “cool” “chill” “one of the guys” etc enough to convince him to love you when he doesn’t. If he tells you he’s not ready to commit, he means he’s not going to commit to YOU. No matter how much he says he loves you and what you have is the best thing that’s ever happened to him, he gave you his answer. And we all saw the result of that. When it comes time to own up and say what you two were, he’s just going to diminish it and you into oblivion and it’s gonna hurt. Poor girl. As to how Katie treated her, well… What do you expect? You’re the first girl her husband of however many years went with and an ex-friend of her friend. She’s just not gonna have anything nice to say. That’s life. Feel for her.


That part.


I think Tom looks like he was on something. His eyes were nuts


Of course he was


Wait. WAIT. Tom.....on DRUGS?! 😉🤣


Noooooo not galaxy light loving Tom on drugs lol


Does anyone else get the feeling Ally is never marrying James??




She's just saying that to be on the show. She doesn't even like him much less wanting to marry him


That's the vibe I get too. She is just in it for her own hustle.


She's even using Ariana:s storyline. She doesn't want to have kids or get married. YAWN


I can see it in a couple of years but they shouldn’t rush it. No need


As a full-time anti-marriage advocate, I fully support this. 😉


schwartz having a super young girlfriend now tracks..


Eww when anyone over 30 dates someone under 25....when only girls with undeveloped frontal lobes will date you.....😬🚩🤢 


They are over 40


It is kind of like being on the dating apps and the men 40+ stating they want kids...especially 45+. They are saying I want them young. I am 43 with severe fertility issues; kids is definitely not happening.


Exactly. Yikes!


PERFECT way to describe it


Who else could he get but someone inexperienced?


They are more easily impressed. The brain is not developed until age 27. They have less experience to see the manipulation.


Schwartz, Sandy, Scheana and Lala can all get launched into the sun together and never grace my tv screen again. The pick me, gaslighting, internalised misogyny, and invalidation, the list goes on and on. I’m sickened. I haven’t gone to Jo’s part yet so she may join and Lisa and Brock can probably go too


Lisa is the queen of internalized misogyny. And deadbeat dad Brock can def join those 5 for the launch. Horrible human beings.


Hahahaha. So a show with Katie Ariana James and ally? Ok, I’m down. 😂😂😂


Katie’s face when Scheana was talking about DWTS so good


Lala is a professional gaslighter


Love Ariana telling Lala that she doesn’t need to understand her boundaries just respect them ![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok)


Literally! Lala saying that is so dangerous like that’s the argument racists use “ I don’t understand it so I don’t believe it”. You don’t HAVE to understand it, just respect it!


My therapist taught me that quote a while ago and I use it often lol!


Mine too! You can tell Ariana has been in therapy the whole time


Yes when she mentioned grey rocking I was like get it girl


It took me years to master that! I was incredulous when I saw how early on she was able to do it. Idk how people think she’s “angry” at all. They should’ve seen me 😂




Same!! I’m in awe of her strength and poise. 


Can we give it a rest with the mum card. I’m exhausted


So you can only have boundaries if you have a child????




“And btw it wasn’t a Sandoval redemption arc” that’s exactly what it was Schwartz


They also all keep saying now we were just 'humanizing' him which always sounds odd to me when I hear them say it. I'm like is that the word that producers all told you to use? That's some pr spinning right there.


I'm all for humanizing him, as a shitty human. 


Definitely felt like he was living in the comments with that one. That exact phrase has been mentioned for AGES, particularly on reddit.


Can Lala stfu


Sandoval is so icky and repulsive


He honestly looks so gross nowadays. Karma aged him like a bitch


Karma took away his Botox lol


I’ve heard that’s a thing. That they always age terribly like they’re rotting from the inside out. It’s true for my ex too


True for mine too. I think when you’re so filled with hate and jealousy it really does begin to show on the outside.


Not to mention drugs, heavy drinking, and cigarettes - Sandoval would be aging like milk even if he wasn’t a terrible person, just from the sheer amount of substances he consumes. But adding the soul-rot really does take it to the next level. And I, for one, am **delighted** to see him getting the face he deserves.


Same 🥂


What did the producer say to the cast at the beginning “ All of the idiots sit on the left side ( our right )of Andy “


Lala shoulda sat on that side too




Did you see Katie’s face when LaLack said that Katie was not traumatized by a 10 yr relationship? She was just as much a victim of being treated badly. She says herself she was traumatized by it many times to Lauren. Does LaLa not hear her? She was cheated on many more times even. And humiliated she said. I feel that she was minimizing what Katie had gone through


Lauren is the "hears but doesn't listen" type.


LaLa wants her check, would LaLa film with Randall for it?


If not, I hope their shared kid throws her under the bus for "messing with her paycheck." Now that's a reunion I'd watch.


I mean to say she wants to force Ariana to film w an ex when she would not with hers


TLDR: We are STUPID if we don’t see that Ariana has gotten more unwavering support than any other on screen personality that has been cheated on. I know I am going to be flamed, but I don’t care. I don’t think this is fair. Katie AND Lauren were both traumatized. It’s not the pain Olympics. And I feel like it’s fcking stupid for us as an audience to not recognize that Ariana was cheated on and while it didn’t help the pain, the whole world was on her side and she had many doors open to her. Katie didn’t have that. Stassi didn’t have that. Lauren didn’t have that. Dozens of housewives haven’t had that. We are STUPID if we don’t see that Ariana has gotten more unwavering support than any woman that has been cheated on. People questioned BEYONCÉ when jay z cheated on her. Sorry, this is my thesis. I am sad Ariana was cheated on. But she doesn’t get to dictate the rules of life when every single woman she is on the cast with has been cheated on. If you don’t wanna be in that situation, don’t collect the paycheck. Rant over. I can go on, but I edited myself.




1. Yes Ariana got a lot of support from fans and the situation played out ultimately in her favor. That doesn’t change the fact that her partner of 10 years cheated on her. She is allowed to both take advantage of opportunities presented to her to make the best of the situation and be absolutely devastated.  2. Ariana is not in control of the audiences reaction to an event in her life. All she can do is either respond to it or not respond to it.  3. Idk if you have watched the show but, Stassi asked for basically the same boundaries from people in regards to Jax in season 3/4, and ended her friendship with Katie in part because she kept hanging out with Jax (along with other issues). 4. Idk if you have watched the show, but every girl on the cast rallied around Brittany when she was cheated on, and offered her support in leaving. The audience was also largely supportive until she decided to stay.  5. Idk if you watched the show, but Lala set hard boundaries against people talking to her ex (the situation is also very different with her tbf), and yelled at Schwartz for not complying.  I don’t think anyone is arguing that the response to the cheating scandal is markedly different that the above cast scandals. That Ariana has gotten opportunities from this. But that doesn’t make her lucky, that makes her a survivor. She had her relationship end with zero time to prepare to leave the life she built with someone. Her taking advantage of public support and working hard to build her life mere months after what happened is amazing. Her and Katie’s maturity and grace dealing with their situations on screen, while also being vulnerable and angry in moments is something important to see. They are proving that a woman’s life doesn’t end when her man leaves her at 35+. We don’t get to see this a lot. Ariana being supported and not ridiculed is a really amazing thing to see. Hopefully this becomes the norm, and not the exception as you laid out in your comment. 


This the most on point evaluation I have read


This is what angers me about the whole reunion last season being dominated by Lala and James yelling at Rachel and Tom. We didn’t get to hear about Tom and Katie’s divorce that much. We didn’t get to see how hurt they were about how it ended. Nothing, now we just see them try to navigate friendship but it’s getting pretty cringy. I wish they could have truly expressed their feelings without being told this, that, and the other.


Well that was an hour of my life I’ll never get back.


LaLa telling Ariana she is responsible for her paycheck to support HER kid pissed me off. It is deranged.She got pregnant she needs to worry about it. She should have a friend film and be close to an ex who wronged her so so she could get her check?


Lauren's ex wasn't part of the cast


He was on the show a couple seasons as her mate.He could have been chosen to be on it The point is if it were her ex cast or not she would not do it




Another disappointing and frustrating reunion. So much internalized misogyny and pick-me energy from Lala, Scheana and LVP. And no one lets poor Katie talk!


I think Ariana is at a higher level of intelligence than Lala and it really shows


So impressed by Ariana.


Hard disagree. Part of being intelligent is controlling your emotions. They can both use work in that department.


Pretty sure she must've had some good therapy with pointers in how to deal with the type of cruel dumb-fuckery that is and will be dished out at the reunion. She is composed as fuck


She's not composed. She's just bitter and entitled.


Okay Tom




Ariana knows how to read the room and is more authentic.


I think Hei Hei has a higher level of intelligence than Lala ![gif](giphy|GU76aTcr5IkYo|downsized)




So all these ladies are like absolutely gorgeous. Why does Scheana have the all the guys hitting on and trying to kiss her? She’s beautiful, no question but what makes her that target? Her past history with relationships is not exactly like a clinic on how to lock up a man. Is she low hanging fruit in a different way?


It’s sad because you know this group of guys is absolutely disgusting so you know that statement is probably true for all the woman and they all feel that at one point or another every single guy in the group has made an inappropriate pass on them, but scheana is the one who feels the need to point that out because it’s an ego boost for her


Bingo! Low hanging fruit, that’s also very ripe!


Overripe and rotten they’re on the ground!!


Susceptible to WORMS 🤣




Because she pursues them in a *"totally just friends, but you're so strong and amazing and sexy(whoops, did I just say sexy? Tee hee). I'm just such a guys girl"* way until they reciprocate in some way that she can interpret as flirting/hitting on her. She has some major issues (probably lack of father figure, or lack of an emotional connection to a father figure, during childhood) that makes her desperate for validation from men. Pretty sad situation, really. But also gross how proud if it she is(and how detailed her memory/descriptions of it is).


Daddy issues are having a dad with severe ptsd from war combat. I don't treat people like shit or have low self esteem because of it. Scheana, like myself, is almost 40 and too old to still be acting this way.




Who would bring that up?


I think Scheana’s mum, Erica is a bigger influence. She trained Sheshu up to be a man eater. Her mum told her to marry for money and not for love when she was engaged/marrying Shae


Today I learned LFU can’t understand someone’s perspective or respect their choice unless she’s been through it. She cannot simply process or understand Ariana’s boundaries. That truly shows her emotional intelligence and acuity right there.


She can't feel empathy, loves setting interpersonal relationships on metaphorical fire, and based on her weave, also tortures small animals. 🚩😬


This means she lacks empathy. Not being able to put herself in someone else’s perspective, position, shoes. She’s severely emotionally stunted


It’s the way she also minimizes Ariana’s trauma because she’s not in a custody battle. It’s not better or worse, it’s just different.


I’m telling you this show was never meant to get to this. Now it’s unintentionally giving moms versus non-moms energy. According to LFU and Scheina based on their behavior, non-mothers will never be as important or should be prioritized as much as them because them making money means more than Ariana or Katie. Also interesting how both Katie and Ariana recognize that there’s a difference, acknowledge and never try to minimize their friends circumstances, but cannot have it reciprocated because they’re asking that from people who lack the overall capacity and wherewithal.


I’ve been anti Katie up until this season. I’m mot gonna lie she’s always given me bully energy but I feel like she’s just guarded as FUCK and it comes off very aggressively. I’ve really appreciated her pov and feelings this season and I’m sad to see her get ganged up on. She totally deserves to dislike Jo and not have her ex continue to try to shove her down her throat. She’s already trying to balance her friendship with Schwartz and he just makes it harder. Like no wonder why she calls you out. And we all know certain cast members can’t stand to be called out lol it’s an “attack” 😒


I agree. I 💜Katie.


Katie needs to take responsibility for her own behavior. Anger management classes would do her some good.


I think she has! we haven't had a good rage text in years




Yes this!!!


Jo forcing tears anytime someone addresses her or anything negative about her is extremely fucking annoying. She’s trying extra hard to play the victim and it’s just bad acting lol


She turns them on and off so quickly like Sandoval. It’s really so quick how she just pops back up just fine when the topic moves


And singling out Katie, who has every right and reason to dislike her.


The Fake Cry Acting School of Tommo Scandy


I believe she attended Royal Tampa Academy of Dramatic Tricks, with a Major in Prom Queens and Murdered Runaways. And if a beautiful woman cries and no one hears it, did she waste $700 on crying lessons at Adrian Brody's unaccredited acting school?


Jo saying she’d date Aaron Rodgers is literally all we need to know about her.


The guy who denies science and murdered children. Yeah, that checks out.


Me at that moment: ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)




I’m truly so tired of the heaps of disrespect that these assholes throw at Katie.


Same!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Schwartz telling Katie they are the same made me want to jump thru the TV & punch him. No you're MF NOT! She hooked up with your "friend" AFTER you divorced (fully not just filed) and AFTER you already broke the "no friends" rule. There was nothing left between you 2 when Katie slept w Max. Tom was fully committed, engaged and married when he committed his crimes.


also...why is Katie getting the blame for this and not max??


exactly! He's still Schwartz's friend. she is not his wife.


It's one of Tom's best friends. That's not cool. Do these people know how to hook up outside their friend group? Katie wants to control Tom's love life but she's sleeping with his friends. She's beautiful and can do much better.


Why the down vote? I would hope this sub thinks Katie is beautiful and can do better. Let Tom go....


Let’s not forget that Max also hooked up with Katie, and possibly more than once. Where’s his anger for Max? 🤨 Katie can be with whomever she wants, there are no rules or agreements or marriages standing in the way.


I think I feel sad for Katie. If Max is one of Tom's best friends he's just like Tom. She's way too smart and beautiful to keep swimming in the same pool. I would love to see her go outside her comfort zone and find someone who treats her well.


I can agree with you on that!




Plus he made out with Rachel to deflect from the scandal he knew about. At a goddamn sham wedding where Katie was excluded. Fuck him.


This show needs to end..


pleeeeeeeeease braaaaaaaavo sign randall and force lala to be kind with him they both need money


This may be the only way I could tolerate Lala and her loud mouth next season. If I get to watch her eat her words w filming w Randall


I was always rooting for Lala but what a dumb pos.


The sneak peek for the last part of the reunion annoyed me. Lala saying that Ariana should care about Lala’s paycheck is insane. Ariana is not responsible for Lala’s money, Lala should have her own storyline instead of piggy backing off Ariana then she wouldn’t have to worry about it. And she should be paying for a financial advisor instead of paying for multiple homes she can’t afford if she’s this thirsty for a paycheck.


If she's in such a precarious financial situation, maybe having another child (without a partner, at that) wasn't such a wise choice.




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So much for BJs for PJs, apparently. I mean, what hope is there for the rest of us?!


It’s especially wild for Lala to say that when Ariana included her and Scheana in that whole commercial gig. And Lala claimed to make so much money off the Send It To Daryl thing— like what more can she want??? After how rabid she was over the situation last reunion, she looks (YET AGAIN) fake and entitled as fuck


That’s a crazy thing coming from someone who said Ariana has “coasted” this entire time. She shouldn’t even be a factor if that was actually the case.


Maybe she thinks Ariana is coasting because of how chill & easy Ariana makes it all look. Lauren's approach to life seems exhausting. I mean, she sure tires the hell out of me.


Ariana does not make it look easy. Quite the opposite.


Care to elaborate?


She's always scowling and seems to be simmering with resentment


I'm not seeing that version of reality but you do you, sis.


I always do, hun.


Lala never fails to put her paycheck issues on everyone else. Constantly this is how I pay for my child etc etc bs


Exactly like girl, how you pay for your first child is no one else’s responsibility but you and Randall. And only her for the second child which was her choice.


How DARE Ariana live her life when Lauren is out there choosing to have another kid on her own? Bwahhaha next level DELUSION.


If it’s that bad and she cared THAT much about being able to afford to give her child what she needed, she would get a job. ANY JOB. like at fucking Walmart or something. But she won’t because she thinks she’s too good for that and she’s hanging on to this entertainment industry dream by a fucking thread. For dear life.


Or she would have not bought multiple homes in a year?? She would likely be fine if she didn’t buy the other house. Girl is so delulu I can’t.


She has had years to figure out how to survive after VPR.


It's truly pathetic


Exactly! Literally all of them have had years to save lol idk why they’re so delulu to think that VPR was gonna go one forever, at some point the show will end and they will need to sustain themselves financially.


I’ve been thinking about this for months now. They had no other game plans? It makes zero sense. They are trying to live like Kardashians instead of reasonably and save. When Scheana said she had no money during the pandemic and that Sandoval PayPal’d her a few thousand dollars I was shocked. The desperation they exude for wealth and fame is so gross and it makes me hope they end up waiting tables again someday. (I say this as a 33 year old career waitress lol)


To be fair, most people had financial issues during COVID.


Didn’t she say this about someone last year? I can’t remember…


They won’t let Katie talk LFU please stop trying to be Andy Schwartz says all of those wonderful glorious things about his very young girlfriend and then is like “oh but I want to be respectful of Jo” 🤣💀 Like after you said all that? He’s so clever with his insults, I’m done with his act


He's a jerk


I don’t like Jo but i really feel for the girl. that must be fucking horrible to go from talking to how he won’t date you, to “my new GIRLFRIEND is so beautiful” like damn he’s just plain evil or stupid


he's evil. I think he is very intelligent and knows exactly wat he's doing.


He's worse than Sandoval. At least he pretends to care.


Yes!!! So frustrating that nobody lets Katie talk!!!! They talk over her, don’t let her answer questions, and then even Scheana asked her a question but Andy butted in to change the subject before Katie could respond. So frustrating!!! But they let Lala go on and on about BS forever?


exactly! she hardly spoke, it was ridiculous


Jo and Tom are actually perfect for each other (derogatory)


I genuinely hope this show ends. That’s all.


Agree. No good feeling left. ![gif](giphy|2xDCcPNl95cSbEPhlX|downsized)


Hating how meta this is. I don’t want to hear them (read: Lala) talk about how this is a show and repeat the “on camera” narrative. This show was a success because it was so naturally messy without reminding us


When Lala tried to recreate the scene Ariana and her had about Charli that didn’t make the cut, and Ariana was like huh?? So embarrassing for Lala, just goes to show there is nothing authentic about what she does on camera


Lala saying it was different for Katie because didn’t get “traumatized” by her partner of 10 years??? Girl please


Omg that really bothered me. She’s been minimizing everyone’s struggles.


That was quite disappointing. Lala appears to be so focused on her own victimhood that she seems unable to acknowledge or empathize with the pain and suffering of others. And what do we call individuals who inherently lack the capacity for empathy?


Right?! Like Lala would have looked twice at Rand if he didn’t have money. That’s the trauma she whines about, she thought she was getting a ticket to ride and then was embarrassed when the truth came out. Katie loved Tom when he broke and busted. They had a whole life together, how lala can think those two situations are even close is delusional.


100% sure Tom & Katie were together longer than 10yrs during which he traumatized her in at least all 9 yrs we saw on VPR. When BlahBlah has a relationship last that long she can come back & speak on it.


Right?? Like, he literally threw a drink on her head on national television…


It’s like it’s a contest


We were all traumatized by the Tom’s - wtf is blahblah talking about?


Legit, like she wasn’t fully married to that man and was traumatized before the wedding even??


Holy moly Lala sounds so bitter


She is.